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Cet ouvrage propose aux étudiants des premières années d'études supérieures une méthode progressive et efficace pour comprendre et appliquer les concepts fondamentaux de l'électronique : jonction PN, diodes à semi-conducteurs, composants électroniques, amplificateurs, filtrage, circuits logiques…À la suite des rappels de cours présentés sous forme de fiches, chaque chapitre propose des exercices de difficulté croissante pour s'évaluer : QCM, questions Vrai/Faux et exercices de synthèse. Les corrigés détaillés mettent en évidence la méthodologie.
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"Launched in January 2018, 'Nature Electronics' is an online-only monthly journal publishing the best research from all areas of electronics, incorporating the work of scientists, engineers and researchers in industry. 'Nature Electronics' publishes both fundamental and applied research across all areas of electronics, from the study of novel phenomena and devices, to the design, construction and wider application of electronic circuits. It also covers commercial and industrial aspects of electronics research. The journal focuses on the development of technology and on understanding the impact such developments could have on society. 'Nature Electronics' incorporates the research of scientists, engineers and industry, and provides comment, review and analysis of the key issues shaping the field and the key technologies reshaping society. Topics covered in the journal include: Spintronics ; 2D and carbon electronics ; flexible electronics ; organic electronics ; bioelectronics ; optoelectronics ; NEMS/MEMS ; neuromorphic systems ; analogue circuits ; data converters ; digital circuits ; VLSI ; memory ; signal processing ; sensors ; displays ; RF electronics ; wireless systems ; power electronics ; electronics for metrology and scientific instruments."--
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L'ère du numérique et de l'internet est aussi celle d'une nouvelle fiscalité, la "fiscalité 2.0". Cette branche du droit fiscal s'articule autour de quatre axes : - la fiscalité de l'économie collaborative et du financement participatif (crowdfunding) ; - la fiscalité des monnaies virtuelles ; - les spécificités fiscales des entreprises du secteur du numérique : start-up, financement, modalités d'imposition et localisation ; - la TVA et l'économie du numérique. "Fiscalité 2.0" est le seul ouvrage consacré à ces problématiques et, pour cette raison, la référence dans le domaine de la fiscalité du numérique et de l'internet. Sa lecture permet aux professionnels du droit ou du chiffre, aux entrepreneurs, aux étudiants, et, plus généralement, à tous les utilisateurs d'internet de prendre conscience que les nouvelles technologies sont indissociables de considérations d'ordre fiscal qu'ils doivent connaître et maîtriser.
Commerce électronique --- Financement participatif --- Monnaie électronique --- Impôts
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Bitcoin, ether, blockchain... mais aussi contrat intelligent ou minage : le monde des cryptomonnaies bouscule la société d'aujourd'hui. Que sont au juste ces nouvelles monnaies et pourquoi y en a-t-il autant ? Comment fonctionnent-elles et lesquelles choisir ? Comment pouvez-vous profiter de leur essor ? Quel impact vont-elles avoir sur votre patrimoine ? À quoi ressembleront les paiements de demain ? Qu'est-ce que la blockchain et que va-t-elle apporter à l'économie ? Clair et complet, enrichi d'un lexique et de nombreux exemples, ce guide pratique répond à toutes vos questions. Dans cet ouvrage de référence, l'auteur, spécialiste passionné, vous emmène au coeur de ce que sera l'économie des années 2020.
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Ce travail de fin d'études consiste à mener une analyse du réseau de transmission haute tension belge dans le but de savoir s'il est nécessaire d'installer et d'activer la fonction Power swing des protections de distance. Pour cela, nous devrons effectuer une étude d'oscillations électromécaniques dues d'une part, à l'ajout des charges dans le réseau, des court-circuit sur les lignes de transmission et d'autre part, par le comportement des équipements de production tels que machines synchrones, ... Ainsi, les conclusions de cette étude guideront la décision à prendre.
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Since their discovery in 1895, X-rays have been used in many imaging methods. Computed Tomography (CT) stands out by being non-invasive 3D imaging method while classical X-rays imaging methods including CT return 2D images. This master thesis aims to define the different steps of CT imaging, to develop the knowledge of the internship host company and to analyse the quantitative aspect of the CT reconstructions obtained with a custom-made CT-system (CT-Box). It also introduces a first industrial application that aims to evaluate the oil and water proportion inside a porous rock. The thesis has been divided into 3 parts. The first part is dedicated to the study CT basics. The second characterises the CT-system such as its geometry and its acquisition system. The third part develops applications dedicated to analyse the accuracy, reliability and time repeatability of the reconstructions obtained with the CT-Box. In the last part, the feasibility of the industrial application is studied by an experimental simulation of the process. The original results presented in this work are multiple: a quantitative study of tomographic reconstruction of objects scanned with the CT-Box and a solid understanding of the CT application. The possibility to discriminate water and oil in a porous media was demonstrated up to a certain level of precision. At the end of this work, computed tomography now offers a wide range of possibilities for the company and a promising business sector to develop new innovative X-rays imaging solutions.
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Master thesis linked to an internship by CE+T company, concerning the study and improvement of existing technology/circuits in their power converters. The goal is to improve the existing circuits either by reducing the size or the cost, or by increasing the efficiency. The actual circuit corresponds to a single phase converter including three half-bridges.
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Sleep-disordered breathing is a family of pathologies that are caused by a total or partial collapse of the upper airways. They are characterized by abnormal respiratory patterns and insufficient ventilation during sleep. Those patterns can be detected based on the mandibular movements measured by a distance sensor, the Jawac. Nowadays, positive airway pressure therapy is considered as the most effective one by providing a pneumatic splint and preventing the collapse. This thesis aims at developing a CPAP pressure control algorithm and implementing it on a microcontroller. Clinical tests are then carried to assess the effectiveness of the algorithm. Improvements of the algorithm are then made after the analysis of the results of the tests. The decisions of the control algorithm are based the Jawac signal only. The three criteria to which the algorithm responds are a large opening of the patient's mouth, respiratory effort characterized by oscillations at breathing frequency and salient jaw movements related to arousals. One test has shown that these rules are pertinent and that the system has good performances (i.e. no apnea remains). However, the major constraint was that the algorithm performs well only on sleeping patients. Therefore, a detection of the sleep and wake states, also based on the Jawac signal, is added to the control algorithm to ensure that the algorithm runs only when the patient is asleep. Another limitation of the system is its insufficient inertia. Hence, solutions to avoid increasing or decreasing pressure too fast are suggested. For the increasing part, a precedence is set to the opening rule. For the decreasing, several strategies are considered: using a dynamic lower bound on pressure to prevent from decreasing at specific moments, stretching the delay before decreasing pressure to slow down the process, and adding rules to keep the pressure constant on the top of the increasing and decreasing ones. All these solutions have been simulated and make sense from a physiological point of view. The analysis of the Jawac signal in the frequency domain, using the wavelet transform, allows to detect regular oscillations and salient jaw movements. The results are similar as with the temporal analysis of the signal. Therefore, this approach is not interesting since it requires more computation power. A non-linear model of sleep apnea, where the pharynx is modelled as a collapsible tube, is also studied in order to better understand its dynamics. The main results are that sleep apnea can be classified in two categories: gradual and catastrophic (sudden) collapse and that apneas correspond to a fixed points of the model.
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