Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences
Andreae, S. J. Fockema
Andriotis, N. P.
Badia-Margarit, A. M.
Baudot, Marcel
Bauer, Wolfgang
et al.
Blok, D. P.
Boeglin, Yves Edouard
Broëns, Maurice
Burnand, Yves
Cabej, Eqrem
Caferoölu, A.
Collinge, N. E.
Dalcher, Peter
Debrie, René
Deroy, Louis
Donat, Ion
Ejder, B.
Eröz, Mehmet
Falc'hun, F.
Felice, Emidio De
Findikoôlu, Z. F.
Fischer, Rudolf
Golaski, Janusz
Griera, A.
Guiter, Henri
Gysseling, M.
Hall, Richard N.
Hamp, Eric P.
Hovda, P.
International Congress of Onomastic Sciences ‹8, 1963, Amsterdam›
Iordan, J.
Jensen, Knud B.
Kostallari, Androkli
Kuhn, Hans
Kurtkan, Amiran
Lafon, René
Laso, A. Moralejo
Laur, Wolfgang
Le Berre, A.
Lopez, F.
Lutterer, Ivan
Morlet, M. T.
Moutsos, D. G.
Naumann, Horst
Nicolaisen, W. F. H.
Nienaber, P. J.
Nissilä, Viljo
Pauls, John P.
Pavlovic, Mil
Pellegrini, G. B.
Penzl, Herbert
Pohl, Jacques
Possoz, E.
Reyniers, F.
Richards, Melville
Roblin, M.
Roca, Pedro Catalá Y
Rospond, S.
Rudnyckyj, J. B.
Sala, Marius
Schall, Hermann
Schmidt, Johanna
Schmittlein, R.
Schützeichel, Rudolf
Smith, Elsdon C.
Stan, Aurelia
Stan, Ioan
Stieber, Zdzislaw
Stolte, B. H.
Thomopoulos, Jean A.
Thors, Carl-Eric
Togan, Z. V.
Tummers, P. L. M.
Unver, Suheyl
Vayacacos, Dikéos Y.
Villiers, Anna De
Wesche, Heinrich
Yund, Kerim
Zinsli, P.
Zyla, W. T.
Çehsuvaroôlu, B. N.
Ölberg, Hermann M.
ISBN: 9783111349046 9783110995152
Year: 2018
Publisher: Berlin ;; Boston De Gruyter Mouton

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