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The parent track
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1771122641 1771122633 9781771122634 9781771122412 1771122412 9781771122641 Year: 2017 Publisher: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

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The Parent Track provides an in-depth understanding of parenting in academia, from diverse perspectives-gender, age, race/ethnicity, marital status, sexual orientation-and at different phases of a parent's academic career. This collection not only arrives at a comprehensive understanding of parenthood and academia; it reveals the shifting ideologies surrounding the challenges of negotiating work and family balance in this context.  Earlier research on parenting has documented the ways in which women and men experience, and subsequently negotiate, their roles as parents in the context of the workplace and the home. Particular attention has been paid to the negotiation of familial and childcare responsibilities, the division of labour, the availability of family-friendly policies, social constructions of motherhood and fatherhood, power relations, and gender roles and inequality. Studies on the experience of parenthood within the context of academia, however, have lacked diversity and failed to provide qualitative accounts from scholars of all genders at varying points in their academic careers who have, or are planning to have, children. This book addresses that gap.

Arbeidstijd en vrije tijd in het arbeidsrecht: een juridisch onderzoek naar work-life balance
ISBN: 9789048631193 Year: 2017 Volume: 16 Publisher: Brugge die Keure

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Belgian working time law has come into existence against the background of a social context that differs significantly from today's reality. Working time law originated at the beginning of the 20th century. It was coordinated and laid down in the '60 and '70. Since then, many social evolutions took place that challenge working time law. Only few adaptions, however, have been made over the years. Together and partly as a consequence of this, an increasing demand for work-life balance (WLB) has come to the fore. This demand comes both from the trade unions, employees and employers and is reflected in the political discourse at national and European level. The traditional working time law, however, does not really take this demand into account.This research investigated whether the Belgian working time law can be adapted to contribute to the realisation of WLB and, if so, which recommendations can be made. The central research question was: “Can working time law contribute to a WLB-strategy”. A WLB-strategy is a set of measures intended to enable the individual to realise WLB. The research assumption was that a WLB-strategy is needed. The research hypothesis was that working time law can fit in and contribute to a WLB-strategy without giving up on its own goals and functions. It concerns a legal research. It has a strong doctrinal dimension, but also uses an interdisciplinary perspective, legal history, legal theory and (functional) comparative law.Belgian working time law was evaluated on the basis of a set of criteria deducted from WLB-literature. This research showed for example that Belgian working time law focuses very much on limiting working time hours, but does less to contribute to other WLB-criteria such as predictability. The employee also has rather little to say on when to work.Afterwards, recommendations were formulated for which inspirations was sought in the Netherlands, France, UK, Spain, Sweden and Denmark. The recommendations were based on the WLB-criteria, but were tested on their consistency with working time law's own functions and goals. These functions and goals were formulated by analysing what the historical goals and functions of working time law were, confronted with what modern authors say modern goals and functions of working time law should be. On this basis, seven recommendations were formulated. Belgian working time law should:- Include a general right to request to increase or decrease working time or request a new working schedule, after which the employer can deny the request on objective grounds;- Introduce a general emergency leave;- Introduce the concept of fair scheduling;- Take into account the intensity of work;- Take into account the porosity of rest periods;- Not try to stop the general trend to work time independently, but introduce new ways to fulfill the demarcation function of working time law; and- Take into account personal circumstances to protect the free choice of the employee to work or not to work.


Sociaal recht. Arbeidsrecht --- België --- arbeidsrecht --- sociale zekerheid --- Droit du travail Arbeidsrecht --- Temps (gestion) Tijdscontrole --- droit du travail --- sécurité sociale --- Droit du travail --- Travail et vie personnelle --- Horaires de travail --- Loisir --- Droit --- Hours of labor --- Work-life balance --- Conciliation travail-vie personnelle --- Law and legislation --- Droit. --- E-books --- Durée du travail --- Durée légale du travail --- Équilibre vie professionnelle-vie privée --- 351.83 --- 331.81 --- 379.8 --- 131 Arbeidsrecht --- equilíbrio entre vida profissional e pessoal --- bilanċ bejn il-ħajja privata u x-xogħol --- equilibrio tra vita professionale e vita privata --- echilibru dintre viața profesională și cea privată --- ekuilibri midis punës dhe jetës --- usklajevanje poklicnega in zasebnega življenja --- równowaga między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym --- zosúladenie pracovného a súkromného života --- equilibrio entre vida privada y vida laboral --- balans tussen werk en privé --- darbo ir asmeninio gyvenimo pusiausvyra --- рамнотежа работа-приватен живот --- sladění pracovního a soukromého života --- töö- ja eraelu tasakaal --- work-life balance --- ravnoteža privatnog i poslovnog života --- a munka és a magánélet közötti egyensúly --- darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvars --- cothromaíocht oibre is saoil --- Familie-Beruf --- balance mellem arbejdsliv og privatliv --- ισορροπία μεταξύ επαγγελματικής και προσωπικής ζωής --- balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv --- työ- ja yksityiselämän tasapaino --- равновесие между професионалния и личния живот --- Vereinbarkeit von Arbeits-, Privat- und Familienleben --- darba un privātās dzīves apvienošana --- rovnováha mezi pracovním a soukromým životem --- ekuilibri midis punës dhe jetës private --- conciliazione della vita professionale con la vita privata --- darbo ir šeiminio gyvenimo derinimas --- bilanċ bejn ix-xogħol u l-ħajja privata --- Vereinbarkeit von Arbeit und Privatleben --- bilanċ bejn il-ħajja u x-xogħol --- bilanċ ħajja/xogħol --- équilibre vie privée-travail --- reconciliation of personal and working life --- darbo ir asmeninio gyvenimo derinimas --- równowaga między pracą a życiem prywatnym --- balans tussen werk en gezin --- uskladitev delovnega in družinskega življenja --- a munka és a magánélet összeegyeztethetősége --- συνδυασμός επαγγελματικής και ιδιωτικής ζωής --- darba un ģimenes dzīves līdzsvars --- evenwicht tussen werk en privéleven --- evenwicht tussen werk en privé --- työ- ja perhe-elämän tasapaino --- töö- ja eraelu ühildamine --- a munka és a családi élet közötti egyensúly --- darba un ģimenes dzīves saskaņošana --- WLB --- darba un privātās dzīves saskaņošana --- godzenie pracy z życiem prywatnym --- zladenie súkromného a pracovného života --- munka–magánélet egyensúly --- ravnotežje med poklicnim in zasebnim življenjem --- work-family balance --- conciliación entre la vida laboral y la vida familiar --- balans tussen werk en privéleven --- Vereinbarkeit von Berufs- und Privatleben --- conciliación entre la vida profesional y la vida familiar --- darbo ir šeiminio gyvenimo pusiausvyra --- työn ja perhe-elämän yhdistäminen --- rovnováha medzi prácou a rodinou --- połączenie życia zawodowego z osobistym --- työ- ja yksityiselämän yhteensovittaminen --- forening af arbejdsliv og familieliv --- équilibre travail-vie personnelle --- rikonċiljazzjoni bejn ix-xogħol u l-ħajja privata --- bilanċ bejn il-familja u x-xogħol --- a munka és a családi élet összeegyeztetése --- godzenie pracy z życiem rodzinnym --- conciliação da vida profissional e pessoal --- съчетаване на професионалния и семейния живот --- vendosja e ekuilibrit mes punë dhe jetës private --- conciliação da vida profissional e privada --- work-life integration --- ekuilibri midis punës dhe familjes --- εξισορρόπηση του ιδιωτικού και του εργασιακού βίου --- equilibrio entre la vida profesional y la vida familiar --- balance between work and private life --- työ- ja yksityiselämän yhdistäminen --- rikonċiljazzjoni bejn ix-xogħol u l-familja --- balancing work and private life --- tasakaal töö- ja eraelu vahel --- equilíbrio entre vida profissional e privada --- vendosja e ekuilibrit mes jetës private dhe asaj profesionale --- rovnováha mezi prací a rodinou --- conciliación entre la vida laboral y la vida privada --- рамнотежа меѓу работата и приватниот живот --- a munka és a magánélet összeegyeztetése --- darba un personiskās dzīves saskaņošana --- équilibre travail-vie privée --- työ- ja perhe-elämän yhteensovittaminen --- equilíbrio entre trabalho e família --- equilíbrio trabalho/vida pessoal --- concilierea vieții profesionale cu viața privată --- ισορροπία μεταξύ εργασίας και προσωπικής ζωής --- afstemming tussen werk en privé --- uravnoteženost poklicnega in družinskega življenja --- godzenie życia prywatnego z zawodowym --- équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée --- rovnováha medzi pracovným a súkromným životom --- ravnotežje med delom in zasebnim življenjem --- integrimi punë-jetë --- zladenie pracovného a rodinného života --- ekuilibri punë/jetë --- conciliation vie de famille-travail --- integração da vida profissional e familiar --- równowaga między pracą a życiem rodzinnym --- balancing work and family life --- conciliação da vida profissional e familiar --- équilibre travail-famille --- vendosja e ekuilibrit mes punë dhe jetës familjare --- conciliation travail-famille --- Vereinbarkeit von Arbeit, Familie und Freizeit --- afstemming van werk en privé --- darbo ir asmeninio gyvenimo suderinimas --- uskladitev dela in zasebnega življenja --- balans mellan yrkesliv och privatliv --- usklađenost poslovnog i privatnog života --- Vereinbarkeit von Arbeits- und Privatleben --- equilibrio entre la vida laboral y la vida privada --- rovnováha medzi prácou a súkromím --- združevanje dela in prostega časa --- усогласување на професионалниот и приватниот живот --- työ- ja perhe-elämän yhdistäminen --- sladění pracovního a rodinného života --- equilibrio entre la vida profesional y la vida privada --- integrazzjoni tal-ħajja privata u x-xogħol --- balance mellem arbejdsliv og familieliv --- Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Privatleben --- forening af arbejdsliv og privatliv --- συνδυασμός επαγγελματικού και οικογενειακού βίου --- EPJ --- Freizeit --- timp liber --- dokolica --- fritid --- prosti čas --- доколица --- szabadidő --- volný čas --- αναψυχή --- divertiment --- свободно време --- vrije tijd --- leisure --- laisvalaikis --- vapaa-aika --- rekreacja --- рекреација --- vaba aeg --- ocio --- tempos livres --- kohë e lirë --- tempo libero --- brīvais laiks --- voľný čas --- szabadidős tevékenység --- laisvalaikio politika --- svago --- política del ocio --- volnočasové aktivity --- vapaa-aikaa korostava yhteiskunta --- слободно време --- atpūtas sabiedrība --- temps libre --- shoqatë e argëtimit --- vrijetijdssamenleving --- leisure society --- rekreace --- politica del tempo libero --- politika voľného času --- tiempo libre --- brīvā laika politika --- ledig tid --- κοινωνία αναψυχής --- leisure policy --- πολιτική αναψυχής --- jõudeaeg --- vrijetijdsbeleid --- sociedade do lazer --- lazer --- vapaa-aikaa koskevat toimet --- fritidspolitik --- free time --- società del tempo libero --- vaba aja tegevused --- szabadidő eltöltése --- vrijetijdsbesteding --- politique des loisirs --- politika volného času --- volno --- destindere --- slobodno vrijeme --- fritidssamfund --- pramogų visuomenė --- politica timpului liber --- sociedad del ocio --- recreo --- szabadidős politika --- voľno --- política dos tempos livres --- Freizeitpolitik --- politika e argëtimit --- société de loisirs --- koha e ligjshme e punës --- įstatymo nustatytas darbo laikas --- likumā noteiktais darbalaiks --- jogszabályban meghatározott munkaidő --- propisano radno vrijeme --- wettige arbeidsduur --- legal working time --- lagstadgad arbetstid --- законом прописано радно време --- законно работно време --- seadusega kehtestatud tööaeg --- zákonný pracovný čas --- zákonná pracovní doba --- zakonsko določen delovni čas --- lovbestemt arbejdstid --- timp de lucru legal --- законски пропишано работно време --- duração legal do trabalho --- gesetzliche Arbeitszeit --- sallittu työaika --- ustawowy czas pracy --- jornada legal --- νόμιμη διάρκεια της εργασίας --- ħinijiet tax-xogħol legali --- durata legale del lavoro --- εβδομάδα των χ ωρών --- x timmars arbetsvecka --- x órás munkahét --- semaine de x heures --- fyrtiotimmarsvecka --- settimana di x ore --- x valandų darbo savaitė --- непочитување на работното време --- придржување до работното време --- tuntimäärä viikossa --- x-urige werkweek --- пречекорено работно време --- săptămână de lucru de x ore --- x-hodinový pracovní týden --- arbejdsugens længde --- töötundide arv nädalas --- x hodinový pracovný týždeň --- утврдување на работното време --- x - stundu darba nedēļa --- дозволено работно време --- x-hour week --- X-Stunden-Woche --- semana de x horas --- x-orë pune në javë --- jornada de trabajo --- duração do trabalho --- työaika --- timp de lucru --- радно време --- kohë e të punuarit --- darbo laikas --- czas pracy --- arbetstid --- arbejdstidens længde --- darba laiks --- munkaidő --- tööaeg --- pracovní doba --- radno vrijeme --- working time --- работно време --- durata del lavoro --- διάρκεια της εργασίας --- ħin tax-xogħol --- delovni čas --- uaireanta oibre --- arbeidsduur --- pracovný čas --- Arbeitszeit --- išdirbtas laikas --- ristrutturazione del tempo di lavoro --- flesssibilità della durata di lavoro --- time worked --- fond pracovní doby --- tempo de trabalho --- arbeidstijd --- продолжено работно време --- jornada laboral --- χρόνος εργασίας --- nostrādātais laiks --- евиденција на работно време --- koha e shpenzuar në punë --- полно работно време --- tehdyt työtunnit --- temps de travail --- odpracovaný čas --- töötatud aeg --- tempo di lavoro --- arbeidswetgeving - arbeidsrecht - sociaal recht (zie ook 331.16) --- arbeidstijd - werktijd - arbeidsduur --- vakantie - vrije tijd - vrijetijdsbesteding - vrije tijd buiten de arbeid - vakantiegenoegens - vakantiespreiding (zie ook 331.811.5) --- fóillíocht --- am oibre dlíthiúil --- am oibre --- Équilibre vie professionnelle-vie privée --- Durée du travail --- Durée légale du travail

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