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Antonio Machado hoy (1939-1989)

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A los cincuenta años de la muerte de Antonio Machado nos ha parecido útil hacer un balance de los numerosos estudios que suscitó su obra, pero sobre todo considerar ésta en su totalidad, con los problemas que plantea su índole plural y fragmentaria, su estructura y su constante evolución. La obra de Antonio Machado puede aparecernos como una obra poética engastada en una obra filosófica que se incluye a su vez en una labor periodística, aunque sabemos que casi todos los escritores españoles publicaron su obra en la prensa. Al crear personajes apócrifos, no se trataba sólo para Machado de pensar y de verse pensar, ni de refugiarse detrás de unas máscaras cómodas. Los cuadernos que escribió al día sin ningún proyecto orgánico muestran también que concebía su obra -a través de la forma literaria que llegó a escoger, casi abandonando a principios de los años veinte, y hasta la guerra, el verso por la prosa- como una materia en perpetua elaboración. Esta concepción de la literatura es, en aquella época, totalmente nueva. No distingue entre esencias diferentes. Ahí se origina la extraordinaria riqueza del pensamiento de Machado pero también cierta dificultad metodológica para dar cuenta de esta obra, resultado de una escritura difusa que superpone varios lenguajes y los une en un trabajo sin fin, que quizá nos permita ver en la prosa machadiana -y, por ejemplo, en la elaboración de una teoría poética práctica- la coronación de la obra lírica. De aquí, no obstante, el indudable fracaso de todo acercamiento temático ajeno o indiferente a la reestructuración continua de los puntos de vista y de lo dicho, a la irremediable tensión o contradicción entre teoría y práctica, que conducen al escritor no sólo de la poesía a la prosa, sino también del solipsismo al elogio del diálogo y a la reflexión crítica, y de éstos al compromiso político y a la militancia por la cultura. ¿Machado, hoy? poco importan las máscaras del poeta o que no haya conseguido imponer su forma. Los caminos…

Everyone loses : the Ukraine crisis and the ruinous contest for post-Soviet Eurasia
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781138633087 Year: 2017 Publisher: London The International Institute for Strategic Studies

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Disorder erupted in Ukraine in 2014, involving the overthrow of a sitting government, the Russian annexation of the Crimean peninsula, and a violent insurrection, supported by Moscow, in the east of the country. This book argues that the crisis has yielded a ruinous outcome, in which all the parties are worse off and international security has deteriorated. This negative-sum scenario resulted from years of zero-sum behaviour on the part of Russia and the West in post-Soviet Eurasia, which the authors rigorously analyse. The rivalry was manageable in the early period after the Cold War, only to become entrenched and bitter a decade later. The upshot has been systematic losses for Russia, the West and the countries caught in between. All the governments involved must recognise that long-standing policies aimed at achieving one-sided advantage have reached a dead end, the authors argue, and commit to finding mutually acceptable alternatives through patient negotiation.


Crimée --- BPB1703 --- 852 Internationale conflicten --- 884.1 Oost-Europa --- Russie --- Ukraine --- Guerre civile --- civil war --- občanská válka --- wojna domowa --- burgeroorlog --- εμφύλιος πόλεμος --- državljanska vojna --- гражданска война --- cogadh cathartha --- kodusõda --- Bürgerkrieg --- sisällissota --- borgerkrig --- грађански рат --- pilietinis karas --- guerra civile --- pilsoņu karš --- občianska vojna --- граѓанска војна --- inbördeskrig --- gwerra ċivili --- guerra civil --- polgárháború --- război civil --- luftë civile --- građanski rat --- vzpoura --- востание --- felkelés --- insurecție --- sukilimas --- insurrection --- povstání --- kapina --- sacelšanās --- lázadás --- guerra interna --- kryengritje --- ustanak --- pobuna --- povstanie --- resistenza --- ülestõus --- Ukraina --- Ukrajna --- l-Ukraina --- Украйна --- die Ukraine --- Ucrânia --- An Úcráin --- Украина --- Ucraina --- Ουκρανία --- Украјина --- Ukrajina --- Ucrania --- Oekraïne --- Republiek Oekraïne --- República da Ucrânia --- Република Украина --- Δημοκρατία της Ουκρανίας --- Rusland --- Ryssland --- Rusko --- An Rúis --- Русија --- ir-Russja --- Rusija --- Venäjä --- Ρωσία --- Rusia --- Oroszország --- die Russische Föderation --- Venemaa --- Русия --- Krievija --- Rússia --- Rosja --- Russia --- Russische Föderation --- Venäjän federaatio --- Federata Ruse --- Ruská federace --- Fédération de Russie --- Federacja Rosyjska --- Ruská federácia --- Krievijas Federācija --- Venemaa Föderatsioon --- Russische Federatie --- Russian Federation --- il-Federazzjoni Russa --- Ruska federacija --- Den Russiske Føderation --- Federația Rusă --- Federação Russa --- Federazione russa --- RSFSR --- Ryska federationen --- Orosz Föderáció --- Руска Федерација --- Rußland --- Руска федерация --- Rusijos Federacija --- Federación de Rusia --- Russland --- Krimea --- Polemology --- Eurasia

The future is history : how totalitarianism reclaimed Russia
ISBN: 0698406206 9780698406209 159463453X 9781594634536 1783784008 1783784091 Year: 2017 Publisher: New York (N.Y.) : Riverhead books,

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Putin's bestselling biographer reveals how, in the space of a generation, Russia surrendered to a more virulent and invincible new strain of autocracy. Hailed for her "fearless indictment of the most powerful man in Russia" ( The Wall Street Journal ), award-winning journalist Masha Gessen is unparalleled in her understanding of the events and forces that have wracked her native country in recent times. In The Future Is History, she follows the lives of four people born at what promised to be the dawn of democracy. Each came of age with unprecedented expectations, some as the children and grandchildren of the very architects of the new Russia, each with newfound aspirations of their own?as entrepreneurs, activists, thinkers, and writers, sexual and social beings. Gessen charts their paths not only against the machinations of the regime that would crush them all, but also against the war it waged on understanding itself, ensuring the unobstructed reemergence of the old Soviet order in the form of today's terrifying and seemingly unstoppable mafia state. Powerful and urgent, The Future Is History is a cautionary tale for our time and for all time.


Political systems --- Russia --- History. --- Nonfiction. --- Politics. --- BPB1801 --- Russie --- Histoire contemporaine --- tegenwoordige tijd --- età contemporanea --- gegenwärtige Epoche --- современа епоха --- историја на новата ера --- nutidshistoria --- historie současnosti --- nykyaika --- σύγχρονη εποχή --- nutidshistorie --- современа ера --- Gegenwartsgeschichte --- σύγχρονα χρόνια --- nutid --- nieuwste geschiedenis --- epoka bashkëkohore --- jelenkor --- Idade Contemporânea --- актуелна историја --- âge contemporain --- contemporary era --- suvremena era --- Edad Contemporánea --- nüüdisaeg --- současná historie --- samtid --- époque contemporaine --- šiuolaikinė era --- stair chomhaimseartha --- contemporary history --- suvremena povijest --- historia contemporánea --- samtidshistoria --- sodobna zgodovina --- Geschichte der Gegenwart --- istorie contemporană --- storia contemporanea --- hedendaagse geschiedenis --- soudobá historie --- nykyhistoria --- súčasné dejiny --- lähiajalugu --- šiuolaikinė istorija --- História Contemporânea --- samtidshistorie --- legújabb kori történelem --- σύγχρονη ιστορία --- histori bashkëkohore --- storja kontemporanja --- съвременна история --- jauno laiku vēsture --- historia współczesna --- современа историја --- савремена историја --- Russische Föderation --- Venäjän federaatio --- Federata Ruse --- Ruská federace --- Fédération de Russie --- Federacja Rosyjska --- Ruská federácia --- Krievijas Federācija --- Venemaa Föderatsioon --- Russische Federatie --- Russian Federation --- il-Federazzjoni Russa --- Ruska federacija --- Den Russiske Føderation --- Federația Rusă --- Federação Russa --- Federazione russa --- RSFSR --- Ryska federationen --- Orosz Föderáció --- Руска Федерација --- Rußland --- Руска федерация --- Rusijos Federacija --- Federación de Rusia --- Russland --- Rusland --- Ryssland --- Rusko --- An Rúis --- Русија --- ir-Russja --- Rusija --- Venäjä --- Ρωσία --- Rusia --- Oroszország --- die Russische Föderation --- Venemaa --- Русия --- Krievija --- Rússia --- Rosja --- Russia (Federation) --- Moscow (Russia) --- Moskva (Russia) --- Москвa (Russia) --- Moscou (Russia) --- Moskau (Russia) --- Moscú (Russia) --- Moskova (Russia) --- Moscha (Russia) --- Moszkva (Russia) --- Moskav (Russia) --- Moskwa (Russia) --- Moscow (R.S.F.S.R.) --- Mosike (Russia) --- Mo-ssu-kʻo (Russia) --- 莫斯科 (Russia) --- Pravitelʹstvo Moskvy (Russia) --- Правительство Москвы (Russia) --- Maskva (Russia) --- Mosḳṿe (Russia) --- Mosca (Russia) --- Moscova (Russia) --- Māsko (Russia) --- Moscow --- Масква (Russia) --- Μόσχα (Russia) --- Moscfa (Russia) --- Mūskū (Russia) --- موسکو (Russia) --- Politics and government --- History --- Intellectual life.

Poutine de A à Z
ISBN: 9782234081208 Year: 2017 Publisher: Paris Stock

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La tension internationale, la crise ukrainienne, le retour à une nouvelle guerre froide, la crise syrienne et, dernièrement, l’élection de Donald Trump, ont porté la personnalité de Poutine au pinacle. Depuis son arrivée au pouvoir suprême, en 2000, son aura n’a cessé de croître.Par-delà les appréciations, ce livre propose de déchiffrer ce phénomène par le biais de multiples clefs et analyses : la psychologie de Poutine, sa carrière de leader politique, mais aussi la géographie et l’histoire de son pays. Poutine devient ainsi un refl et de la Russie, avec sa force et ses faiblesses, ses fantasmes et ses hantises. Mais c’est aussi un livre de révélations sur un personnage hors normes, sur son entourage, son système, sa vie personnelle et ses méthodes.Bousculant les idées reçues et l’esprit politiquement correct, Poutine de A à Z dessine le portait inattendu de l’homme fort de la Russie.


BPB9999 --- BPB1705 --- Poutine, Vladimir --- Russie --- Politique internationale --- Poetin, Vladimir --- Rusland --- Internationale politiek --- Chef d'État --- Staatshoofd --- PUTIN, VLADIMIR VLADIMIROVICH, 1952 --- BIOGRAPHY --- RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT --- jefe de Estado --- head of State --- hlava štátu --- valsts vadītājs --- riigipea --- valtionpäämies --- vodja države --- hlava státu --- głowa państwa --- statschef --- državni poglavar --- αρχηγός κράτους --- Capo di Stato --- staatshoofd --- шеф државе --- kreu i Shtetit --- valstybės vadovas --- kap ta' Stat --- Staatschef --- államfő --- șef de stat --- chefe de Estado --- държавен глава --- шеф на држава --- tasavallan presidentti --- drottning --- prezident republiky --- emír --- predsjednik republike --- šejk --- kníže --- államelnök --- király --- spolkový prezident --- president i republikës --- kuningas --- Presidente da República --- König --- koning --- mbret --- karalius --- šef države --- köztársasági elnök --- king --- vabariigi president --- presidente de la República --- Pontefice --- prezident --- Staatsoberhaupt --- panovník --- koningin --- rege --- Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας --- поглавар --- ρυθμιστής του πολιτεύματος --- kráľ --- Staatspräsident --- federální prezident --- претседател на република --- císař --- president of the republic --- претседател на држава --- монарх --- kung --- republikas prezidents --- président de la République --- konge --- karalis --- re --- president van de republiek --- rey --- vládce --- ανώτατος άρχων --- roi --- capitano reggente --- præsident --- predsjednik države --- rei --- βασιλιάς --- valsts prezidents --- претседател --- Bundespräsident --- respublikos prezidentas --- presidente della Repubblica --- velkovévoda --- král --- dronning --- president --- international affairs --- medzinárodná politika --- rahvusvaheline poliitika --- internationale politiek --- politikë ndërkombëtare --- международна политика --- política internacional --- međunarodni poslovi --- internationell politik --- mednarodna politika --- међународна политика --- affarijiet internazzjonali --- international politik --- διεθνής πολιτική --- nemzetközi ügyek --- меѓународна политика --- kansainvälinen politiikka --- internationale Politik --- politică internațională --- starptautiski jautājumi --- mezinárodní politika --- polityka międzynarodowa --- tarptautinė politika --- politica internazionale --- medzinárodné záležitosti --- international politics --- starptautiskā politika --- asuntos internacionales --- világpolitika --- assuntos internacionais --- mezinárodní záležitosti --- affaires internationales --- internationale Angelegenheiten --- internationale zaken --- politici internaționale --- nemzetközi politika --- affari internazionali --- internacionální záležitosti --- internacionální politika --- tarptautiniai reikalai --- διεθνή θέματα --- Weltpolitik --- Ryssland --- Rusko --- An Rúis --- Русија --- ir-Russja --- Rusija --- Venäjä --- Ρωσία --- Rusia --- Oroszország --- die Russische Föderation --- Venemaa --- Русия --- Krievija --- Rússia --- Rosja --- Russia --- Russische Föderation --- Venäjän federaatio --- Federata Ruse --- Ruská federace --- Fédération de Russie --- Federacja Rosyjska --- Ruská federácia --- Krievijas Federācija --- Venemaa Föderatsioon --- Russische Federatie --- Russian Federation --- il-Federazzjoni Russa --- Ruska federacija --- Den Russiske Føderation --- Federația Rusă --- Federação Russa --- Federazione russa --- RSFSR --- Ryska federationen --- Orosz Föderáció --- Руска Федерација --- Rußland --- Руска федерация --- Rusijos Federacija --- Federación de Rusia --- Russland --- gnóthaí idirnáisiúnta --- ceann stáit --- Chef d'État

Het einde van Europa : Dictators, demagogen en de komst van duistere tijden
ISBN: 9789000351954 9789000351961 Year: 2017 Publisher: Utrecht Spectrum

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Is dit de toekomst van Europa ? Europa in 2026: President Poetin houdt een militaire parade ter ere van de annexatie van Estland; militair ingrijpen door de NAVO wordt geblokkeerd door Duitsland, waar de SPD een regering vormt met de Groenen en de Communisten na de historische nederlaag van de CDU; de Franse president Marine Le Pen was al uit het samenwerkingsverband gestapt in 2021; nadat Groot-Brittannië zich terugtrok uit de EU, volgden andere eurosceptische regeringen in Europa haar voorbeeld. Europa is niet meer. James Kirchick geeft in Het einde van Europa zijn toekomstvisie voor Europa, aan de hand van de negen grote problemen die op dit moment op het continent spelen, zoals politiek populisme, Russische druk, openlijke confrontatie met de islamitische gemeenschap, anti-Europese krachten. Kirchick geeft aan welke uitdagingen serieuze bedreigingen vormen voor de Europese Droom en wat de rol van Rusland is in het geheel.Bron :


International relations. Foreign policy --- Europe --- Europa ; toekomst --- BPB1706 --- Union européenne --- Politique internationale --- États-Unis --- Russie --- europese unie --- toekomstperspectieven --- politiek --- rusland --- brexit --- internationale betrekkingen (na 1945) --- Europa (EU, 1993- ) --- Duitsland --- Rusland 2 --- Oost-Europa --- Frankrijk --- Hongarije --- Griekenland --- Europese unie --- Internationale politiek --- Verenigde Staten --- Rusland --- perspectives d'avenir --- politique --- russie --- Europa --- Toekomstvisies --- Islam --- Politiek --- Actualiteit --- Maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen --- Ryssland --- Rusko --- An Rúis --- Русија --- ir-Russja --- Rusija --- Venäjä --- Ρωσία --- Rusia --- Oroszország --- die Russische Föderation --- Venemaa --- Русия --- Krievija --- Rússia --- Rosja --- Russia --- Russische Föderation --- Venäjän federaatio --- Federata Ruse --- Ruská federace --- Fédération de Russie --- Federacja Rosyjska --- Ruská federácia --- Krievijas Federācija --- Venemaa Föderatsioon --- Russische Federatie --- Russian Federation --- il-Federazzjoni Russa --- Ruska federacija --- Den Russiske Føderation --- Federația Rusă --- Federação Russa --- Federazione russa --- RSFSR --- Ryska federationen --- Orosz Föderáció --- Руска Федерација --- Rußland --- Руска федерация --- Rusijos Federacija --- Federación de Rusia --- Russland --- die Vereinigte Staaten --- Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá --- Združene države --- United States --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες --- l-Istati Uniti --- Ameerika Ühendriigid --- Stati Uniti --- Shtetet e Bashkuara --- Estados Unidos --- Stany Zjednoczone --- Spojené státy --- Egyesült Államok --- Statele Unite --- Amerikas Savienotās Valstis --- Förenta staterna --- Сједињене Америчке Државе --- Jungtinės Valstijos --- Yhdysvallat --- Съединени щати --- Sjedinjene Američke Države --- Spojené štáty --- Соединети Американски Држави --- Amerikas Forenede Stater --- САД --- VS --- USA --- EE.UU. --- JAV --- Amerikas förenta stater --- l-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika --- los Estados Unidos de América --- ΗΠΑ --- Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës --- SAD --- Verenigde Staten van Amerika --- Соединетите Држави --- Amerikai Egyesült Államok --- Stati Uniti d'America --- Statele Unite ale Americii --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής --- SHBA --- United States of America --- Ühendriigid --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής --- EUA --- ASV --- États-Unis d'Amérique --- Združene države Amerike --- Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki --- САЩ --- Съединени американски щати --- SUA --- Yhdysvallat, USA --- Spojené státy americké --- U.S.A. --- Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos --- Sjedinjene Države --- Estados Unidos da América --- De Forenede Stater --- Spojené státy severoamerické --- Amerikan yhdysvallat --- Spojené štáty americké --- die Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika --- US --- international affairs --- medzinárodná politika --- rahvusvaheline poliitika --- internationale politiek --- politikë ndërkombëtare --- международна политика --- política internacional --- međunarodni poslovi --- internationell politik --- mednarodna politika --- међународна политика --- affarijiet internazzjonali --- international politik --- διεθνής πολιτική --- nemzetközi ügyek --- меѓународна политика --- kansainvälinen politiikka --- internationale Politik --- politică internațională --- starptautiski jautājumi --- mezinárodní politika --- polityka międzynarodowa --- tarptautinė politika --- politica internazionale --- medzinárodné záležitosti --- international politics --- starptautiskā politika --- asuntos internacionales --- világpolitika --- assuntos internacionais --- mezinárodní záležitosti --- affaires internationales --- internationale Angelegenheiten --- internationale zaken --- politici internaționale --- nemzetközi politika --- affari internazionali --- internacionální záležitosti --- internacionální politika --- tarptautiniai reikalai --- διεθνή θέματα --- Weltpolitik --- Europese Unie --- Europska unija --- União Europeia --- Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση --- Európska únia --- Európai Unió --- Europäische Union --- Europos Sąjunga --- Evropská unie --- Европска унија --- Unjoni Ewropea --- Европейски съюз --- Europeiska unionen --- European Union --- Euroopan unioni --- Eiropas Savienība --- Unión Europea --- Evropska unija --- Unia Europejska --- Unione europea --- Uniunea Europeană --- Den Europæiske Union --- Европска Унија --- Euroopa Liit --- an tAontas Eorpach --- Bashkimi Europian --- Sąjungos institucija --- Sąjungos teisė --- právo Únie --- νόμος της Ένωσης --- Savienības tiesības --- wet van de Unie --- legge dell'Unione --- Europæisk Union --- unionslagstiftning --- atto dell'Unione --- AE --- loi de l'Union --- EU --- e drejta e Bashkimit --- ЕУ --- lege a Uniunii Europene --- Union law --- Toekomstvisie --- Maatschappelijke ontwikkeling --- Crisis --- Cultuur --- Maatschappij --- Seksualiteit --- Theater --- Wetenschap --- Architectuur --- Film --- Godsdienst --- Media --- Kleuter --- Technologie --- Kind --- Geschiedenis --- Voorlichting --- Na Stáit Aontaithe --- gnóthaí idirnáisiúnta --- Union européenne --- États-Unis

Higher Education in the High North : Academic Exchanges between Norway and Russia
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3319568310 3319568329 9783319568324 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book focuses on how the Northern futures are transformed through regional cooperation in the Barents eduscape: a study of the social, cultural and political aspects of higher education and the exchanges of learning and people in the Euro-Arctic Barents region, especially between Norway and Russia. Cultural exchange through higher education involving actors such as students and institutions is an integral part both of the Bologna process and of the policies currently changing higher education. It is also a process of social and cultural change of which we have limited knowledge. Cultural exchange is learned, implemented and performed by the actors who are involved, from the highest political level to the grassroots and the students themselves. Available knowledge of these macro- and micro-processes of cultural exchange is largely fragmented and distinctly framed in national and/or disciplinary (i.e. pedagogical) contexts. In order to understand the transformative potentials of higher education and cultural exchange, this book focuses on the social, cultural and political aspects of the transformations of the futures in the North. This book shows that educational cooperation between Norway and Russia is possible, but also that the existing practices are extremely vulnerable to changes seen through micro theoretical perspectives. By developing new theories which bind major theories, international political decisions, methodological procedures and contextual descriptions together, this book is a first step in the direction of institutionalizing educational cooperation between the various and different academic societies, cultures and political systems.


Education. --- International education. --- Comparative education. --- Educational policy. --- ducation and state. --- Educational sociology. --- Higher education. --- Education and sociology. --- Sociology, Educational. --- Higher Education. --- International and Comparative Education. --- Sociology of Education. --- Educational Policy and Politics. --- Education, Higher --- Russia --- Foreign relations. --- College students --- Higher education --- Education --- Postsecondary education --- Universities and colleges --- Education, Higher. --- higher education --- case study --- Norway --- Rusland --- Ryssland --- Rusko --- An Rúis --- Русија --- ir-Russja --- Rusija --- Venäjä --- Ρωσία --- Rusia --- Oroszország --- die Russische Föderation --- Venemaa --- Russie --- Русия --- Krievija --- Rússia --- Rosja --- Russische Föderation --- Venäjän federaatio --- Federata Ruse --- Ruská federace --- Fédération de Russie --- Federacja Rosyjska --- Ruská federácia --- Krievijas Federācija --- Venemaa Föderatsioon --- Russische Federatie --- Russian Federation --- il-Federazzjoni Russa --- Ruska federacija --- Den Russiske Føderation --- Federația Rusă --- Federação Russa --- Federazione russa --- RSFSR --- Ryska federationen --- Orosz Föderáció --- Руска Федерација --- Rußland --- Руска федерация --- Rusijos Federacija --- Federación de Rusia --- Russland --- Норвешка --- Norja --- Norvégia --- in-Norveġja --- Норвегия --- Noorwegen --- Norvège --- Norwegia --- Norwegen --- Nórsko --- Norvegija --- Norvegjia --- Norvēģija --- Norvegia --- Νορβηγία --- Noruega --- Norra --- An Iorua --- Norge --- Norveška --- Norsko --- Кралство Норвегия --- Royaume de Norvège --- Norjan kuningaskunta --- Królestwo Norwegii --- Reino de Noruega --- Norra Kuningriik --- ir-Renju tan-Norveġja --- Kraljevina Norveška --- Norvég Királyság --- Kongeriget Norge --- Regno di Norvegia --- Nórske kráľovstvo --- Mbretëria e Norvegjisë --- Kingdom of Norway --- Кралство Норвешка --- Norvegijos Karalystė --- Краљевина Норвешка --- Norské království --- Koninkrijk Noorwegen --- das Königreich Norwegen --- Reino da Noruega --- Regatul Norvegiei --- Konungariket Norge --- Norvēģijas Karaliste --- Βασίλειο της Νορβηγίας --- esettanulmány --- rast studimor --- περιπτωσιολογική μελέτη --- prípadová štúdia --- casestudy --- fallstudie --- cás-staidéar --- atvejo tyrimas --- studiu de caz --- анализа случаја --- estudo de casos --- gadījumu izpēte --- студија на случај --- Fallstudie --- estudio de casos --- juhtumiuuring --- tapaustutkimus --- étude de cas --- případová studie --- studia przypadków --- изучаване на процеса --- analiza slučaja --- študija primera --- studio di fattispecie --- studju tal-każijiet --- estudio de caso práctico --- estudio de casos típicos --- gadījumu studijas --- case-study --- análisis de casos típicos --- problemos nagrinėjimas --- анализа на случај --- детално проучување на случај --- análisis de ejemplos concretos --- studija slučaja --- estudio de casos concretos --- estudio de ejemplos prácticos --- proučavanje slučaja --- детално следење на случај --- accademia --- вишо образование --- instituto de ensino superior --- τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση --- insegnamento post-secondario --- institute of technology --- akademie --- grand ekol --- Hochschulinstitut --- istituto d'insegnamento superiore --- ανώτατο εκπαιδευτικό ίδρυμα --- Hochschule --- kõrgkool --- universitetsundervisning --- ανώτατη παιδεία --- vyšší vzdělání --- école supérieure --- arsim tretësor --- gran escuela --- enseñanza postsecundaria --- Elitehochschule („grande école) --- højere undervisning --- tertiary education --- vyšší odborná škola --- shkollë e lartë --- instelling voor hoger onderwijs --- instituto politécnico --- hogere vakschool --- ανώτατη σχολή --- technologijos institutas --- tertiair onderwijs --- universitetsuddannelse --- insegnamento di ciclo superiore --- Akademie --- tehniskā augstskola --- școală superioară --- scuola superiore --- akademi (læreanstalt) --- kolegija --- escola superior --- escuela técnica superior --- nástavba --- Technische Hochschule --- institut pro technologie --- escuela superior --- ινστιτούτο τεχνικής εκπαίδευσης --- hogeschool --- ανώτατη σχολή (grande école) --- treťostupňové vzdelávanie --- терцијарно образование --- învățământ terțiar --- enseignement postsecondaire --- institut de technologie --- universitetsinstitut --- instituto de tecnologia --- akadémiai képzés --- postgymnasial utbildning --- højere læreanstalt --- vysoké školství --- vysoká škola --- technologický inštitút --- πολυτεχνείο --- tehnikakõrgkool --- teknologisk institut --- enseignement tertiaire --- trečiojo lygmens mokymas --- kolmannen asteen koulutus --- institut d'enseignement supérieur --- ensino pós-secundário --- escuela politécnica --- академско образование --- факултетско образование --- ΤΕΙ --- felsőfokú oktatási intézmény --- Gesamthochschule --- postsekundární vzdělání --- akadémia --- ανώτερη εκπαίδευση --- akademische Ausbildung --- ΑΕΙ --- instituto de enseñanza superior --- ΚΑΤΕΕ --- instelling voor technisch onderwijs --- institut tehnic superior --- grande école --- kolmanda taseme haridus --- academisch onderwijs --- Tertiärbereich --- teknillinen korkeakoulu --- универзитетско образование --- Hochschulwesen --- Τεχνικό Επαγγελματικό Ίδρυμα --- escola politécnica --- vyšší školství --- istituto tecnologico --- insegnamento di grado superiore --- παιδαγωγική ακαδημία --- academie --- institut i teknologjisë --- terciární vzdělání --- tercijarno obrazovanje --- Fachhochschule --- enseñanza superior --- visokošolsko izobraževanje --- visokoškolsko obrazovanje --- vyššie vzdelávanie --- insegnamento superiore --- ανώτατη εκπαίδευση --- enseignement supérieur --- Hochschulausbildung --- aukštasis mokslas --- hoger onderwijs --- edukazzjoni għolja --- högre utbildning --- højere uddannelse --- високо образование --- augstākā izglītība --- ensino superior --- felsőoktatás --- висше образование --- korkeakouluopetus --- arsimi i lartë --- szkolnictwo wyższe --- високо образовање --- vysokoškolské vzdělání --- kõrgharidus --- învățământ superior --- International education . --- Education and state. --- Global education --- Intellectual cooperation --- Internationalism --- Education and sociology --- Social problems in education --- Society and education --- Sociology, Educational --- Sociology --- Education, Comparative --- Education policy --- Educational policy --- State and education --- Social policy --- Endowment of research --- Aims and objectives --- History --- Government policy

Russia, the European Union and NATO : is a "new normal" possible?
ISBN: 9783847412052 3847412051 9783847421771 3847421778 Year: 2017 Publisher: Leverkusen Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Russia, the European Union, and NATO still share some important common interests that need to be given greater attention. A return to strategic partnership is not conceivable without resolving the Ukraine conflict, but prudent management of the antagonism in order to keep open the prospect of a peaceful new normal is crucial. At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that the persistent volatility of the international environment could further complicate this already difficult process.


North Atlantic Treaty Organization. --- North Atlantic treaty organisation --- North Atlantic Treaty Organization --- NAVO --- OTAN --- Russia (Federation) --- European Union countries --- EU countries --- Euroland --- Europe --- Russian Federation --- Rossiyskaya Federatsiya --- Rossiya (Federation) --- Rossii︠a︡ (Federation) --- Российская Федерация --- Rossiĭskai︠a︡ Federat︠s︡ii︠a︡ --- Російська Федерація --- Rosiĭsʹka Federat︠s︡ii︠a︡ --- Federazione della Russia --- Russische Föderation --- RF --- Federation of Russia --- Urysye Federat︠s︡ie --- Правительство России --- Pravitelʹstvo Rossii --- Правительство Российской Федерации --- Pravitelʹstvo Rossiĭskoĭ Federat︠s︡ii --- Правительство РФ --- Pravitelʹstvo RF --- Rosja (Federation) --- O-lo-ssu (Federation) --- Roshia Renpō --- Federazione russa --- OKhU --- Orosyn Kholboony Uls --- Russian S.F.S.R. --- Foreign relations --- Russia --- NATO --- international security --- Germany --- Германија --- Германия --- Duitsland --- Tyskland --- Deutschland --- Γερμανία --- Nemčija --- Njemačka --- Germania --- Allemagne --- An Ghearmáin --- Nemecko --- Niemcy --- Saksa --- Vokietija --- Németország --- il-Ġermanja --- Vācija --- Saksamaa --- Alemanha --- Alemania --- Německo --- Gjermania --- Немачка --- spolkové Německo --- Сојузна Република Германија --- Federal Republic of Germany --- West-Duitsland --- Allemagne RF --- Vācijas Federatīvā Republika --- Alemanha do Oeste --- Bondsrepubliek Duitsland --- RFA --- Germania ovest --- NSR --- Germania federale --- RFT --- Alemanha Ocidental --- Västtyskland --- ir-Repubblika Federali tal-Ġermanja --- Repubblica federale di Germania --- RFN --- BR Deutschland --- Vakarų Vokietija --- Germania occidentale --- Németországi Szövetségi Köztársaság --- Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland --- SRN --- Saksamaa Liitvabariik --- západní Německo --- Repubblica federale tedesca --- Alemania Federal --- Ομοσπονδιακή Δημοκρατία της Γερμανίας --- Alemania Occidental --- Förbundsrepubliken Tyskland --- Alemanha RF --- ФРГ --- Republika Federalna Niemiec --- Савезна Република Немачка --- Gjermania Perëndimore --- Saksan liittotasavalta --- German Federal Republic --- Savezna Republika Njemačka --- Vokietijos Federacinė Respublika --- СРН --- PCG --- ΟΔΓ --- SLV --- Alemanha Federal --- Западна Немачка --- Länsi-Saksa --- Spolková republika Nemecko --- FRG --- Duitse Bondsrepubliek --- NSZK --- Westdeutschland --- República Federal de Alemania --- Nemecká spolková republika --- Allemagne de l'Ouest --- Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine --- Lääne-Saksamaa --- die Bundesrepublik Deutschland --- Δυτική Γερμανία --- Alemania RF --- Allemagne fédérale --- Γερμανία ΟΔ --- Německá spolková republika --- VFR --- RFGJ --- República Federal da Alemanha --- západné Nemecko --- West Germany --- Vesttyskland --- Republica Federală Germania --- Федерална република Германия --- Zvezna republika Nemčija --- Západní Berlín --- BRD --- République fédérale d'Allemagne --- Ομοσπονδιακή Γερμανία --- Spolková republika Německo --- Republika Federale e Gjermanisë --- Eiropa --- Ευρώπη --- Ewropa --- Europa --- Euroopa --- Eurooppa --- Европа --- Európa --- hEorpa --- Evropa --- țări europene --- Europese landen --- země Evropy --- Euroopa riigid --- evropské státy --- países europeus --- evropské země --- европски земји --- European countries --- europæiske lande --- ευρωπαϊκές χώρες --- país europeo --- Euroopan maat --- paesi europei --- nazioni europee --- európske krajiny --- país de Europa --- európai országok --- Europos šalys --- pays européens --- státy Evropy --- Europese staten --- vende europiane --- europäische Länder --- europeiska länder --- διεθνής ασφάλεια --- internationale Sicherheit --- international sikkerhed --- tarptautinis saugumas --- kansainvälinen turvallisuus --- меѓународна безбедност --- medzinárodná bezpečnosť --- siguri ndërkombëtare --- rahvusvaheline julgeolek --- internationell säkerhet --- segurança internacional --- международна сигурност --- starptautiskā drošība --- seguridad internacional --- sicurezza internazionale --- mednarodna varnost --- sécurité internationale --- bezpieczeństwo międzynarodowe --- međunarodna sigurnost --- mezinárodní bezpečnost --- међународна безбедност --- internationale veiligheid --- nemzetközi biztonság --- securitate internațională --- sigurtà internazzjonali --- equilibrio internacional --- internationell jämvikt --- međunarodna ravnoteža --- světová rovnováha --- διεθνής ισορροπία --- ekuilibër ndërkombëtar --- medzinárodná rovnováha --- tarptautinė pusiausvyra --- меѓународна рамнотежа --- internationaal evenwicht --- equilíbrio internacional --- drošības intereses --- starptautiskais līdzsvars --- internationales Gleichgewicht --- nemzetközi egyensúly --- international balance --- Διάσκεψη του Ελσίνκι --- equilibrio internazionale --- rahvusvaheline tasakaal --- echilibru internațional --- équilibre international --- mezinárodní rovnováha --- Nato --- НАТО --- ECAT --- Severnoatlantsko zavezništvo --- Атлантска алијанса --- Atlanti Szövetség --- Atlantin yhteisö --- Atlantická aliance --- Šiaurės Atlanto sutarties organizacija --- Atlantische Allianz --- Οργανισμός Βορειοατλαντικού Συμφώνου --- Sjevernoatlantski savez --- Ατλαντική Κοινότητα --- Alliance atlantique --- Atlantisch Verbond --- Atlantin liitto --- Северноатлантска алијанса --- Eagraíocht Chonradh an Atlantaigh Thuaidh --- Alianza Atlántica --- Atlantpagten --- Atlantpakten --- Atlantické spoločenstvo --- organizația tratatului nord-atlantic --- Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique Nord --- Patto atlantico --- Nordatlantikvertragsorganisation --- Pohjois-Atlantin liitto --- Atlandi Liit --- Organizace Severoatlantického paktu --- Atlantic Alliance --- Atlantpaktsorganisationen --- Ziemeļatlantijas Alianse --- Nordatlantiska försvarsorganisationen --- Aliança Atlântica --- Organizzazione del trattato dell'Atlantico del Nord --- Noord-Atlantische Verdragsorganisatie --- Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte --- Западна алијанса --- Nordatlantikpakt --- Severoatlantická aliance --- Ziemeļatlantijas līguma organizācija --- Komuniteti Atlantik --- Communauté atlantique --- Atlantická aliancia --- Den Nordatlantiske Traktats Organisation --- Atlanto bendrija --- Организация на Северноатлантическия договор --- Ατλαντική Συμμαχία --- az Észak-atlanti Szerződés Szervezete --- Põhja-Atlandi Lepingu Organisatsioon --- Organizata e Marrëveshjes të Atlantikut të Veriut --- Atlantische Gemeenschap --- Comunidade Atlântica --- Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte --- Organizzazzjoni tat-Trattat tal-Atlantiku tat-Tramuntana --- Atlantische Gemeinschaft --- Atlanto sąjunga --- North Atlantic Treaty Organisation --- Organizacja Traktatu Północnoatlantyckiego --- Βορειοατλαντικό Σύμφωνο --- Alleanza atlantica --- alianța atlantică --- Atlantické společenství --- Североатлантски сојуз --- Severoatlantický pakt --- Atlanto aljansas --- Atlantic Community --- Aleanca Atlantike --- Organizacija Sjevernoatlantskog ugovora --- Organizácia Severoatlantickej zmluvy --- Rusland --- Ryssland --- Rusko --- An Rúis --- Русија --- ir-Russja --- Rusija --- Venäjä --- Ρωσία --- Rusia --- Oroszország --- die Russische Föderation --- Venemaa --- Russie --- Русия --- Krievija --- Rússia --- Rosja --- Russische Föderation --- Venäjän federaatio --- Federata Ruse --- Ruská federace --- Fédération de Russie --- Federacja Rosyjska --- Ruská federácia --- Krievijas Federācija --- Venemaa Föderatsioon --- Russische Federatie --- il-Federazzjoni Russa --- Ruska federacija --- Den Russiske Føderation --- Federația Rusă --- Federação Russa --- RSFSR --- Ryska federationen --- Orosz Föderáció --- Руска Федерација --- Rußland --- Руска федерация --- Rusijos Federacija --- Federación de Rusia --- Russland --- Eluosi (Federation) --- 俄罗斯 (Federation) --- An Eoraip --- European Security --- RF (Russian Federation) --- Россия (Federation)

The EU Global Strategy : implications for Russia
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9785981630972 Year: 2017 Publisher: Brussels Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations

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BPB1711. --- Politique de défense commune --- Politique étrangère et de sécurité commune --- Russie --- Union européenne --- Gemeenschappelijk defensiebeleid --- Gemeenschappelijk veiligheids- en defensiebeleid --- Rusland --- Europese unie --- BPB1711 --- Europese Unie --- Europska unija --- União Europeia --- Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση --- Európska únia --- Európai Unió --- Europäische Union --- Europos Sąjunga --- Evropská unie --- Европска унија --- Unjoni Ewropea --- Европейски съюз --- Europeiska unionen --- European Union --- Euroopan unioni --- Eiropas Savienība --- Unión Europea --- Evropska unija --- Unia Europejska --- Unione europea --- Uniunea Europeană --- Den Europæiske Union --- Европска Унија --- Euroopa Liit --- an tAontas Eorpach --- Bashkimi Europian --- Sąjungos institucija --- Sąjungos teisė --- právo Únie --- νόμος της Ένωσης --- Savienības tiesības --- wet van de Unie --- legge dell'Unione --- Europæisk Union --- unionslagstiftning --- atto dell'Unione --- AE --- loi de l'Union --- EU --- e drejta e Bashkimit --- ЕУ --- lege a Uniunii Europene --- Union law --- Ryssland --- Rusko --- An Rúis --- Русија --- ir-Russja --- Rusija --- Venäjä --- Ρωσία --- Rusia --- Oroszország --- die Russische Föderation --- Venemaa --- Русия --- Krievija --- Rússia --- Rosja --- Russia --- Russische Föderation --- Venäjän federaatio --- Federata Ruse --- Ruská federace --- Fédération de Russie --- Federacja Rosyjska --- Ruská federácia --- Krievijas Federācija --- Venemaa Föderatsioon --- Russische Federatie --- Russian Federation --- il-Federazzjoni Russa --- Ruska federacija --- Den Russiske Føderation --- Federația Rusă --- Federação Russa --- Federazione russa --- RSFSR --- Ryska federationen --- Orosz Föderáció --- Руска Федерација --- Rußland --- Руска федерация --- Rusijos Federacija --- Federación de Rusia --- Russland --- Заједничка спољна и безбедносна политика --- Politika Estera u ta' Sigurtà Komuni --- BUSP --- common foreign and security policy --- wspólna polityka zagraniczna i bezpieczeństwa --- заедничка надворешна и безбедносна политика --- spoločná zahraničná a bezpečnostná politika --- politica estera e di sicurezza comune --- fælles udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitik --- política exterior y de seguridad común --- společná zahraniční a bezpečnostní politika --- közös kül- és biztonságpolitika --- kopējā ārpolitika un drošības politika --- zajednička vanjska i sigurnosna politika --- Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik --- Comhbheartas Eachtrach agus Slándála --- κοινή εξωτερική πολιτική και πολιτική ασφάλειας --- politika e jashtme dhe e sigurimit të përbashkët --- politică externă și de securitate comună --- skupna zunanja in varnostna politika --- gemensam utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik --- gemeenschappelijk buitenlands en veiligheidsbeleid --- Política Externa e de Segurança Comum --- ühine välis- ja julgeolekupoliitika --- Обща външна политика и политика на сигурност --- yhteinen ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikka --- politique étrangère européenne --- common security policy --- politica estera comune --- ЗСБП --- spoločná zahraničná politika --- gemensam säkerhetspolitik --- GBVB --- FUSP --- ОВППС --- SZVP --- gemeenschappelijk buitenlands beleid --- politica estera europea --- fælles udenrigspolitik --- ΚΕΠΠΑ --- Euroopan yhteinen ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikka --- bendroji saugumo politika --- bendra užsienio ir saugumo politika --- bendroji užsienio politika --- ühine julgeolekupoliitika --- kopējā drošības politika --- GASP --- politique étrangère commune --- κοινή εξωτερική πολιτική --- Política Externa Comum --- Gusp --- заедничка надворешна и безбедносна политика на ЕУ --- fælles sikkerhedspolitik --- europæisk udenrigspolitik --- κοινή πολιτική ασφάλειας --- bendroji užsienio ir saugumo politika --- CBES --- európska zahraničná politika --- Eiropas ārpolitika --- ühine välispoliitika --- ευρωπαϊκή εξωτερική πολιτική --- yhteinen ulkopolitiikka --- WPZiB --- společná bezpečnostní politika --- common foreign policy --- evropská zahraniční politika --- spoločná bezpečnostná politika --- política exterior común --- ZVSP --- politika e jashtme europiane --- ЗНБП --- společná zahraniční politika --- europeisk utrikespolitik --- politica di sicurezza comune --- Europees buitenlands beleid --- közös külpolitika --- yhteinen turvallisuuspolitiikka --- política exterior europea --- gemensam utrikespolitik --- politika e jashtme e përbashkët --- PESC --- KKBP --- politika e sigurimit të përbashkët --- ÜVJP --- YUTP --- Euroopan ulkopolitiikka --- Política de Segurança Comum --- KĀDP --- European foreign policy --- európai külpolitika --- SZBP --- Euroopa välispoliitika --- politique de sécurité commune --- kopējā ārpolitika --- PJSP --- Política Externa Europeia --- PESK --- ЦФСП --- közös biztonságpolitika --- Europos užsienio politika --- CFSP --- política de seguridad común --- fælles sikkerheds- og forsvarspolitik --- politica de securitate și apărare comună --- kopējā drošības un aizsardzības politika --- gemeinsame Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik --- zajednička sigurnosna i obrambena politika --- közös biztonság- és védelempolitika --- Обща политика за сигурност и отбрана --- společná bezpečnostní a obranná politika --- common security and defence policy --- skupna varnostna in obrambna politika --- gemeenschappelijk veiligheids- en defensiebeleid --- ühine julgeoleku- ja kaitsepoliitika --- europeisk säkerhets- och försvarspolitik --- politika e përbashkët e sigurimit dhe e mbrojtjes --- κοινή πολιτική aσφάλειας και άμυνας --- bendra saugumo ir gynybos politika --- politica di sicurezza e di difesa comune --- yhteinen turvallisuus- ja puolustuspolitiikka --- spoločná bezpečnostná a obranná politika --- Европска безбедносна и одбранбена политика --- politika ta' sigurtà u ta' difiża komuni --- wspólna polityka bezpieczeństwa i obrony --- política común de seguridad y defensa --- política comum de segurança e defesa --- Comhbheartas Slándála agus Cosanta --- Европска безбедносна и одбрамбена политика --- política común de defensa --- společná obranná politika --- политика на заедничка одбрана --- Euroopan turvallisuus- ja puolustuspolitiikka --- política europea de seguridad y defensa --- zajednička europska obrambena politika --- заедничка одбранбена политика --- ЕСДП --- EBOP --- mbrojtje e përbashkët --- Европейска политика за сигурност и отбрана --- Europees veiligheids- en defensiebeleid --- política europea común de seguridad y defensa --- közös védelem --- közös védelempolitika --- ETPP --- ESVP --- SVOP --- ühiskaitse --- evropská bezpečnostní a obranná politika --- yhteinen puolustuspolitiikka --- politika Ewropea ta' sigurtà u difiża --- KEBVP --- Κοινή Ευρωπαϊκή Πολιτική Ασφάλειας και Αμυνας --- politique commune de sécurité et de défense --- обща отбрана --- politique européenne de sécurité et de défense --- politika spoločnej obrany --- PECSD --- fælles europæisk sikkerheds- og forsvarspolitik --- közös európai biztonság- és védelempolitika --- politică de apărare comună --- PSDC --- défense commune --- politika Ewropea ta' sigurtà u ta' difiża --- európai biztonság- és védelempolitika --- PSMP --- Politika Europiane për Sigurimin dhe Mbrojtjen --- PMPE --- zajednička obrambena politika --- Заедничка европска безбедносна и одбранбена политика --- EJKP --- yhteinen puolustus --- ΚΕΠΑΑ --- ЗБОП --- Politika për Mbrojtjen dhe Sigurimin e Përbashkët Europian --- KDAP --- bendra Europos saugumo ir gynybos politika --- gemensam försvarspolitik --- Politika e Sigurimit dhe Mbrojtjes së Përbashkët --- GSVP --- politica di difesa comune --- ΕΠΑΑ --- ESDP --- GEVDB --- defesa comum --- ESFP --- kopēja aizsardzības politika --- Eiropas drošības un aizsardzības politika --- gemeinsame Verteidigung --- Beartas Eorpach Slándála agus Cosanta --- spoločná obrana --- BEGP --- EVDB --- Заједничка одбрана --- SBOP --- Europos saugumo ir gynybos politika --- společná obrana --- Common European Security and Defence Policy --- κοινή αμυντική πολιτική --- difiża komuni --- európai biztonsági és védelmi politika --- fælles forsvarspolitik --- ΚΠΑΑ --- EPBiO --- GSFP --- európska bezpečnostná a obranná politika --- skupna obramba --- Европска политика безбедности и одбране --- politica europeană de securitate și apărare --- CDP --- ευρωπαϊκή πολιτική ασφάλειας και άμυνας --- ÜJKP --- EYTPP --- PSDK --- EVOP --- defensa común --- CESDP --- Заједничка безбедносна и одбрамбена политика --- Política Europeia comum de segurança e defesa --- FSFP --- společná evropská obranná politika --- заедничка одбрана --- ESGP --- Europäische Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik --- common defence --- bendra gynybos politika --- wspólna obrona --- gemensamt försvar --- obrambena politika zajednice --- common defence policy --- GVDB --- BSGP --- PESD --- wspólna polityka obronna --- ЕБОП --- Eiropas kopēja aizsardzības politika --- PMP --- ühine kaitsepoliitika --- κοινή άμυνα --- politica europea di sicurezza e di difesa --- Ευρωπαϊκή Πολιτική Ασφάλειας και Αμυνας --- PCSD --- bendra Europos gynybos politika --- gemeenschappelijk Europees veiligheids- en defensiebeleid --- CEDP --- SOP --- EDAP --- politika për mbrojtjen e përbashkët --- política de defesa comum --- gemensam europeisk säkerhets- och försvarspolitik --- European Security and Defence Policy --- közös védelmi politika --- Обща отбранителна политика --- gemensam säkerhets- och försvarspolitik --- bendra gynyba --- FESFP --- Заедничка безбедносна и одбранбена политика --- fælles forsvar --- PSAC --- PMSPE --- ОПСО --- politika komuni ta' difiża --- KVP --- ЕПСО --- Europska sigurnosna i obrambena politika --- europejska polityka bezpieczeństwa i obrony --- europæisk sikkerheds- og forsvarspolitik --- SEVOP --- KBVP --- skupna evropska varnostna in obrambna politika --- CBSC --- Euroopan yhteinen turvallisuus- ja puolustuspolitiikka --- Common European Defence Policy --- politique de défense commune --- EU's sikkerheds- og forsvarspolitik --- difesa comune --- PESM --- Заедничка европска одбранбена политика --- CSDP --- PESA --- Euroopa julgeoleku- ja kaitsepoliitika --- política europeia de segurança e defesa --- WPBiO --- evropska varnostna in obrambna politika --- Politika për Mbrojtjen e Përbashkët Europiane --- ESOP --- E-books --- comhbheartas eachtrach agus slándála --- comhbheartas slándála agus cosanta --- Union européenne --- Politique de défense commune --- Politique étrangère et de sécurité commune

The Politics of Power : EU-Russia Energy Relations in the 21st Century
ISBN: 3319331256 3319331264 9783319331256 9783319331263 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book sheds new light on the complex EU-Russia relationship, by providing a comprehensive account of the EU-Russia Energy dialogue. The author examines why Moscow and Brussels have failed to cooperate in this crucial area of interdependence. By invoking constructivism and Mikhail Bakhtin’s concept of dialogue, and drawing on dozens of interviews with Russian and European officials, Talseth argues that the Energy Dialogue was unsuccessful because its interlocutors failed to come up with a common narrative for cooperation. Evidence suggests that the collapse of the Energy Dialogue was not pre-determined and initially there was a great deal of optimism and goodwill. Ultimately, the outcome of the Energy Dialogue was shaped by the unfolding time-space of Russo-European relations. An invaluable reference for students and researchers interested in Russo-European politics, Russo-European energy politics, and energy politics in general. This book will also be of interest to International Relations-scholars focusing on theory and methodology, particularly constructivist research. .


Energy policy --- European Union countries --- Russia (Federation) --- Foreign economic relations --- Environmental policy. --- Europe-Politics and government. --- European Union. --- Russia-Politics and government. --- Energy security. --- Environmental Policy. --- European Politics. --- European Union Politics. --- Russian and Post-Soviet Politics. --- Energy Policy, Economics and Management. --- Energy Security. --- EU environmental policy --- EU energy policy --- foreign policy --- EU Member State --- Russia --- Energy dependence --- Energy independence --- Energy insecurity --- Security, Energy --- Environment and state --- Environmental control --- Environmental management --- Environmental protection --- Environmental quality --- State and environment --- Environmental auditing --- Rusland --- Ryssland --- Rusko --- An Rúis --- Русија --- ir-Russja --- Rusija --- Venäjä --- Ρωσία --- Rusia --- Oroszország --- die Russische Föderation --- Venemaa --- Russie --- Русия --- Krievija --- Rússia --- Rosja --- Russische Föderation --- Venäjän federaatio --- Federata Ruse --- Ruská federace --- Fédération de Russie --- Federacja Rosyjska --- Ruská federácia --- Krievijas Federācija --- Venemaa Föderatsioon --- Russische Federatie --- Russian Federation --- il-Federazzjoni Russa --- Ruska federacija --- Den Russiske Føderation --- Federația Rusă --- Federação Russa --- Federazione russa --- RSFSR --- Ryska federationen --- Orosz Föderáció --- Руска Федерација --- Rußland --- Руска федерация --- Rusijos Federacija --- Federación de Rusia --- Russland --- členský stát EU --- države članice EU-a --- țări ale UE --- Stat Membru tal-UE --- Shtetet Anëtare të BE-së --- EU-tagállam --- państwo członkowskie UE --- État membre UE --- Stato membro UE --- EU-medlemsstat --- štáty EÚ --- Mitgliedstaat der EU --- država članica EU --- земља ЕУ --- Estado-Membro UE --- κράτος μέλος ΕΕ --- ES dalībvalsts --- medlemsstat i EU --- ELi riigid --- EU:n jäsenvaltio --- държави от Европейския съюз --- ES valstybė narė --- EU-lidstaat --- Estado miembro UE --- земји членки на ЕУ --- krajiny EÚ --- EG-land --- EK valsts --- země ES --- Mitgliedsland der Europäischen Union --- paese dell'Unione europea --- pays CE --- κράτος μέλος της ΕΕ --- země Evropské unie --- krajiny Európskej únie --- Mitgliedsland der Europäischen Gemeinschaften --- EG-Land --- χώρα ΕΕ --- países CE --- kraje UE --- Euroopan unionin maat --- земји членки на Европската Заедница --- ELi liikmesriik --- država EU --- pays de l'Union européenne --- země Evropských společenství --- EU-Staat --- EK-tagország --- земји од ЕУ --- vend i KE-së --- land i Det Europæiske Fællesskab --- χώρα ΕΚ --- Estado miembro de la UE --- EÜ riik --- paese CE --- EU country --- país UE --- Europos Bendrijos šalis --- ES šalis --- European Community country --- земји од ЕЗ --- ES valsts --- Estado-Membro da União Europeia --- štáty Európskej únie --- ELi riik --- państwo UE --- EG-medlemsstat --- EC country --- Euroopa Liidu riik --- European Union country --- Mitgliedstaat der Europäischen Union --- paese della Comunità europea --- pays UE --- vend i Bashkimit Europian --- země EU --- EU-maat --- EU-ország --- EU-tagország --- land i Europeiska gemenskapen --- zemlje članice EU-a --- país de la UE --- países da União Europeia --- vend i BE-së --- vend i Komunitetit Europian --- land i Europeiska unionen --- EU-stat --- stat membru al Comunității Europene --- EF-land --- stat membru al Uniunii Europene --- EG-stat --- países de la Unión Europea --- az Európai Unió tagállama --- landen van de Europese Gemeenschappen --- krajiny Európskych spoločenstiev --- Europos Sąjungos šalis --- EU:n jäsenmaat --- Euroopa Ühenduse riik --- Eiropas Savienības valsts --- EU-land --- Stato membro dell'UE --- lidstaten van de Europese Unie --- paese UE --- landen van de EG --- EU-Land --- pays de la Communauté européenne --- țări membre ale Comunității Europene --- países de la Comunidad Europea --- EK-tagállam --- land i Den Europæiske Union --- Eiropas Kopienas valstis --- az Európai Közösségek tagállama --- EB šalis --- ārpolitika --- vanjska politika --- política exterior --- utrikespolitik --- politica estera --- polityka zagraniczna --- εξωτερική πολιτική --- política externa --- Außenpolitik --- politikë e jashtme --- ulkopolitiikka --- външна политика --- buitenlands beleid --- zunanja politika --- zahraniční politika --- välispoliitika --- politika estera --- užsienio politika --- zahraničná politika --- politică externă --- külpolitika --- надворешна политика --- udenrigspolitik --- politique extérieure --- спољна политика --- buitenlandse zaken --- forbindelse udadtil --- vanjski odnosi --- relações externas --- foreign relations --- externa relationer --- välissuhted --- relation extérieure --- надворешни односи --- marrëdhënie të jashtme --- affari esteri --- ulkosuhteet --- auswärtige Beziehungen --- užsienio reikalai --- zahraniční styky --- vztahy se zahraničím --- buitenlandse politiek --- külkapcsolatok --- auswärtige Angelegenheiten --- negócios estrangeiros --- zahraničné vzťahy --- εξωτερικές σχέσεις --- affaires étrangères --- külügyek --- vztahy s třetí zemí --- надворешни работи --- utrikes ärenden --- relații externe --- relazioni esterne --- relaciones exteriores --- politique étrangère --- punë të jashtme --- attiecības ar ārvalstīm --- ārlietas --- zahraniční vztahy --- užsienio ryšiai --- välisasjad --- buitenlandse betrekkingen --- εξωτερικές υποθέσεις --- asuntos exteriores --- mezinárodní věci --- vzťahy so zahraničím --- ekstern politik --- vanjski poslovi --- foreign affairs --- udenrigsanliggender --- rapporti con l'estero --- ulkoasiat --- política do ambiente da UE --- EU:n ympäristöpolitiikka --- okoljska politika EU --- politique de l'environnement de l'UE --- EU-Umweltpolitik --- politikë e BE-së për mjedisin --- politica ambientale dell'UE --- politica UE în domeniul mediului --- politika okoliša EU-a --- environmentálna politika EÚ --- ELi keskkonnapoliitika --- ES aplinkos politika --- политика за животна средина на ЕУ --- политика Заједнице у области заштите животне средине --- πολιτική περιβάλλοντος της ΕΕ --- polityka ochrony środowiska UE --- политика на ЕС в областта на околната среда на ЕС --- politika tal-ambjent tal-UE --- política de medio ambiente de la UE --- EU:s miljöpolitik --- uniós környezetvédelmi politika --- EU-milieubeleid --- politika životního prostředí EU --- EU's miljøpolitik --- ES vides politika --- Екологична политика на Общността --- Eiropas Savienības vides politika --- communautair milieubeleid --- politika ES na ochranu životního prostředí --- política comunitaria de medio ambiente --- политика на Европейския съюз в областта на околната среда --- политика за животна средина на Европската Унија --- közösségi környezetvédelmi politika --- Europos Sąjungos aplinkos politika --- ühenduse keskkonnapoliitika --- ekologická politika Společenství --- Fællesskabets miljøpolitik --- EU environment policy --- environmentálna politika Európskej únie --- política comunitária do ambiente --- politika tal-ambjent tal-Unjoni Ewropea --- Bendrijos aplinkos politika --- Euroopan unionin ympäristöpolitiikka --- politică comunitară privind mediul înconjurător --- Community environmental policy --- politika Zajednice o gospodarenju okolišem --- πολιτική περιβάλλοντος της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης --- okoljska politika Skupnosti --- politica comunitaria dell'ambiente --- ekologická politika Evropské unie --- política do ambiente da União Europeia --- politika okoliša Europske unije --- polityka ochrony środowiska Unii Europejskiej --- политика в областта на околната среда (ЕС) --- politica ambientale dell'Unione europea --- milieubeleid van de Europese Unie --- ekologická politika EU --- az EU környezetvédelmi politikája --- politikë mjedisore e Bashkimit Europian --- Umweltpolitik der Europäischen Union --- política de medio ambiente de la Unión Europea --- politikë mjedisore e BE-së --- κοινοτική περιβαλλοντική πολιτική --- yhteisön ympäristöpolitiikka --- gemenskapens miljöpolitik --- EG-Umweltpolitik --- politika životního prostředí Evropské unie --- politika Europske unije o gospodarenju okolišem --- politica Uniunii Europene în domeniul mediului --- politika EÚ v oblasti životného prostredia --- az Európai Unió környezetvédelmi politikája --- unionin ympäristöpolitiikka --- Kopienas vides politika --- okoljska politika Evropske unije --- European Union environmental policy --- European Union environment policy --- politique communautaire de l'environnement --- politika Európskej únie v oblasti životného prostredia --- politika životného prostredia Spoločenstva --- polityka ochrony środowiska WE --- politique de l'environnement de l'Union européenne --- Euroopa Liidu keskkonnapoliitika --- política energética de la Unión --- polityka energetyczna UE --- energetická politika EÚ --- beartas fuinnimh AE --- politique énergétique de l'UE --- politica energetica dell'UE --- energetska politika EU --- energetická politika EU --- política energética da UE --- politica energetică a UE --- EU:n energiapolitiikka --- Енергетска политика на ЕУ --- енергийна политика на ЕС --- uniós energiapolitika --- EU's energipolitik --- EU:s energipolitik --- ELi energiapoliitika --- energetska politika EU-a --- EU-Energiepolitik --- ενεργειακή πολιτική της ΕΕ --- ES enerģētikas politika --- EU-energiebeleid --- politika tal-enerġija tal-UE --- ES energetikos politika --- energetikos sąjunga --- política energética de la Unión Europea --- Energiestrategie der Europäischen Union --- európai energiabiztonsági stratégia --- az Unió energiaügyi stratégiája --- стратегия на Европейския съюз за енергетиката --- Ενεργειακή Ένωση --- unijna polityka energetyczna --- енергийна политика на Европейския съюз --- Den Europæiske Unions energipolitik --- politica energetica dell'Unione europea --- politique énergétique de l'Union européenne --- energetická stratégia Európskej únie --- politika tal-enerġija tal-Unjoni Ewropea --- união da energia --- energetická únia --- la Unión de la energía --- strategia energetica dell'UE --- Energie-unie --- Euroopa Liidu energiastrateegia --- az Unió energiastratégiája --- az Európai Unió energiapolitikája --- estrategia energética de la Unión --- strategia energetică a Uniunii Europene --- Euroopan unionin energiastrategia --- EU:s energistrategi --- energetická stratégia EÚ --- strategia energetică a UE --- stratégie énergétique de l’Union européenne --- ELi energiastrateegia --- ενεργειακή στρατηγική της ΕΕ --- energiaunioni --- Unione dell'energia --- energiaunió --- Eiropas Savienības enerģētikas stratēģija --- union de l'énergie --- energetska strategija Europske unije --- ES energostratēģija --- uniunea energetică --- európai energiapolitika --- Den Europæiske Unions energistrategi --- polityka energetyczna Unii Europejskiej --- стратегия на ЕС за енергетиката --- strategia energetyczna Unii Europejskiej --- Energieunion --- ES enerģētikas stratēģija --- unia energetyczna --- Energiepolitik der Europäischen Union --- ενεργειακή στρατηγική της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης --- energetická strategie Evropské unie --- energetická politika Evropské unie --- strateġija tal-enerġija tal-Unjoni Ewropea --- energiestrategie van de Europese Unie --- union européenne de l'énergie --- energiunion --- energetická strategie EU --- ES energopolitika --- strategia energetica dell'Unione europea --- estratégia energética da UE --- Europos Sąjungos energetikos politika --- Euroopan unionin energiapolitiikka --- Europos Sąjungos energetikos strategija --- Eiropas Savienības enerģētikas politika --- estrategia energética de la Unión Europea --- European Union energy strategy --- aontas fuinnimh --- az EU energiapolitikája --- energetická unie --- European Union energy policy --- política energética da União Europeia --- EU-energiestrategie --- energetska strategija EU-a --- EU's energistrategi --- Energiestrategie der EU --- az EU energiaügyi stratégiája --- energy union --- Euroopa Liidu energiapoliitika --- unijna strategia energetyczna --- ES energetikos strategija --- energiebeleid van de Europese Unie --- energetska strategija Evropske unije --- política energética de la UE --- energetska unija --- uniós energiabiztonsági stratégia --- EU:n energiastrategia --- estratégia energética da União Europeia --- unjoni tal-enerġija --- Enerģētikas savienība --- energetska politika Evropske unije --- politica energetică a Uniunii Europene --- energetická politika Európskej únie --- EU energy strategy --- stratégie énergétique de l’UE --- energialiit --- energetska strategija EU --- ενεργειακή πολιτική της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης --- енергиен съюз --- energetska politika Europske unije --- strategi för en energiunion --- strateġija tal-enerġija tal-UE --- Government policy --- Europe—Politics and government. --- Russia—Politics and government. --- Energy policy. --- Energy and state. --- Energy and state --- Power resources --- State and energy --- Industrial policy --- Energy conservation --- Energy policy - European Union countries --- Energy policy - Russia (Federation) --- European Union countries - Foreign economic relations - Russia (Federation) --- Russia (Federation) - Foreign economic relations - European Union countries

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