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The birdcage of the muses : patronage of the arts and sciences at the Ptolemaic Imperial Court, 305-222 BCE
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789042933507 904293350X Year: 2017 Publisher: Leuven Paris Bristol, CT Peeters

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Die Ptolemäer : im Reich der Kleopatra
ISBN: 9783170216570 3170216570 Year: 2017 Publisher: Stuttgart: Kohlhammer,

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Nach dem Zerfall des Reiches Alexanders des Großen übernahmen in den Diadochenkämpfen die Ptolemäer ganz Ägypten, das sie als Pharaonen bis zur Eingliederung in das römische Weltreich regierten. Unter ihrer 300-jährigen Herrschaft etablierte sich Ägypten zum wichtigsten, einflussreichsten und wirtschaftlich prosperierendsten Diadochenreich - die letzte Herrscherin, Kleopatra, fasziniert bis heute. Das Buch nimmt den Leser mit auf eine Reise durch die Geschichte Ägyptens in der hellenistischen Zeit und vermittelt die Grundlagen der antiken multikulturellen Welt am Ufer des Nils. Entlang der Reihe der Pharaonen wird der Leser in die Politikgeschichte Ägyptens eingeführt, gewinnt aber auch Einblicke in die Alltags-, Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Religionsgeschichte.

Land and taxes in Ptolemaic Egypt
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781107159105 1107159105 9781316671245 9781316612057 1316612058 1108239552 1316671240 Year: 2017 Volume: *134 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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This book provides the first edition with an extensive introduction and full commentary of a unique land survey written on papyrus in Greek which derives from that area of southern (Upper) Egypt known as the Apollonopolite (or Edfu) nome and is now preserved in Copenhagen. Dating from the late second century BC, this survey provides a new picture of both landholding and taxation in the area which differs significantly from that currently accepted. The introduction sets this new evidence in its contemporary context, drawing particular attention to what it reveals about the nature of the relations of the Ptolemaic royal administration with local grandees, Egyptian temples and the army. No student of Hellenistic Egypt can afford to ignore this text, which importantly extends our knowledge of Upper Egypt under the Ptolemaic kings and involves some modification to the prevailing picture of landholding in Hellenistic Egypt.

Egyptian Hoards. 1, The Ptolemies
Authors: --- ---
ISSN: 02593823 ISBN: 9782724706895 2724706897 Year: 2017 Volume: 168 Publisher: Le Caire: Institut français d'archéologie orientale,

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The first volume of Egyptian Hoards offers a complete list of 278 hoards containing Ptolemaic coins in gold, silver, or bronze, found in Egypt and in the sphere of influence of the Lagid kings. Forty-nine of these hoards are documented here for the first time. The volume consists predominantly of articles presenting and analyzing the new hoards, enlarged hoards, and older hoards restudied in light of recent numismatic scholarship. For the most part the articles are generously illustrated: the plates feature more than 3500 coins in color. Following in the tradition of the Inventory of Greek Coin Hoards (IGCH) and the ten volumes of Coin Hoards (CH), Egyptian Hoards I collects and analyzes the coin hoards which constitute a major contribution to the study of the monetarization of Egypt and the circulation of coinage in the country, with very important implications for our understanding of the economy of the region. e premier volume d’Egyptian Hoards offre la liste complète des 278 trésors (dont 49 inédits) composés de monnaies ptolémaïques en or, en argent et en bronze, trouvés en Égypte et dans les zones d’influence des rois lagides. Outre cette liste, l'ouvrage se compose essentiellement d’articles présentant des trésors inédits, augmentés ou réédités, pour la plupart largement illustrés (les planches proposent plus de 3 500 monnaies en couleur). Issu de l’héritage livré par l’Inventory of Greek Coin Hoards (IGCH) et les dix volumes des Coin Hoards (CH), le rassemblement et l’étude de ces trésors monétaires constituent un apport majeur à l’étude de la monétarisation de l’Égypte, à la circulation des monnaies dans le pays ainsi que, plus largement, à l’économie de la région.

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