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In this book ninety recent exegetical notes are brought together in seven parts: Matthew, Mark, Luke, Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, and other New Testament writings, canonically ordered. These articles are mostly brief notes. In them I usually react to a recent publication. I avoid an expanded discussion with the existing literature. My aim is to investigate the logic of a biblical passage. I am in search of meaning and try to follow, as closely as possible, the reasoning of the original author. In order to better focus on the text itself I often cite the particular Greek text and its translation.
225 <08> --- #GBIB: jesuitica --- C1 --- Nieuw Testament --- 225 <08> Bible: Nouveau Testament--Verzamelwerken. Reeksen --- 225 <08> Bijbel: Nieuw Testament--Verzamelwerken. Reeksen --- Bible: Nouveau Testament--Verzamelwerken. Reeksen --- Bijbel: Nieuw Testament--Verzamelwerken. Reeksen --- Kerken en religie
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Most of these thirty-one essays by Richard Bauckham, a well-known New Testament scholar, were first published between 1979 and 2015 in journals and multi-authored volumes. Two are previously unpublished and one has not been published in English before. They range widely over early Christianity and early Christian literature in both the New Testament period and the early patristic period, reflecting the author's conviction that the historical study of early Christianity should not isolate the New Testament literature from other early Christian sources, such as the apostolic fathers and the Christian apocryphal literature. Some of the essays develop further the themes of the author's books on aspects of the Gospels, such as the intended audiences of the Gospels, the way in which Gospel traditions were transmitted, the role of the eyewitnesses in the origins of the Gospels, the importance of Papias's evidence about Gospel traditions, and the relationship between canonical and Gnostic Gospels. Some of the essays relate to important persons, such as Peter, Barnabas, Paul and James. These include a full investigation of the evidence for the martyrdom of Peter and an attempt to locate the estate of Publius where Paul stayed on Malta. There are studies of the Sabbath and the Lord's Day in both the New Testament and patristic periods. There are studies that survey most of the main categories of apocryphal Christian literature, including apocryphal Gospels and Acts, and with a special focus on the non-canonical apocalypses, such as the Apocalypse of Peter and the Latin Vision of Ezra.
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Some Second Temple Judaism and New Testament texts describe or presuppose heavenly and earthly communities interconnected in prayer and liturgy. The motif has been discussed especially in view of the Dead Sea discoveries. But it is also of interest to general discussion on the character of liturgy, as well as the ecumenical debate with Orthodox churches in whose form of worship angels play a particularly significant role. In the field of systematic theology, the issue was Roman Catholic theologian and historian Erik Peterson's central focus and subject of debate with Karl Barth. This volume presents the multidisciplinary contributions of a symposium held in Zürich on the interrelation of earthly worship and the heavenly host.
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The present volume contains the proceedings of an international colloquium that dealt with heavily fragmented texts and hypothetical sources, and the “shadowy” characters and movements they feature. These two aspects are combined and studied to ascertain how they have been handled in the history of research, to find out what they reveal about the community or the group expressing itself through (or hiding behind) them, and to establish the role these documents and figures or groups should be given in reconstructing an overall picture of developments in the theology and religious life of early Christianity. As can be imagined, such documents and sources have sometimes been taken as an open invitation to come up with all sorts of highly creative exegesis, adventurous reconstructions of texts and movements, and quite daring suggestions about identifying particular groups or presumed literary influences between documents. The essays contribute to the writing of a critical history of researching these types of documents and movements.
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Over the last few decades, our knowledge of how the human mind and brain works increased dramatically. The field of cognitive science enables us to understand religious traditions, rituals, and visionary experiences in novel ways. This has implications for the study of the New Testament and early Christianity. How people in the ancient Mediterranean world remembered sayings and stories, what they experienced when participating in rituals, how they thought about magic and miracle, and how they felt and reasoned about moral questions--all of that can be now better understood with the help of insights from cognitive science. Istvan Czachesz argues that the field of New Testament Studies witnesses the beginning of a cognitive turn. He surveys relevant developments in the Cognitive Science of Religion and explores the field of cognitive and behavioral sciences in search of opportunities of gaining new insights about biblical materials. Czachesz presents some methodological tools and initial steps, together with a large number of examples of applying the cognitive approach to the New Testament and related ancient literature.
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"Le Nouveau Testament a été traduit du grec en syriaque dès le IIe siècle puis à de multiples reprises. La tradition syriaque, qui a notamment transmis l'un des plus anciens témoins du texte, offre un intérêt majeur pour l'étude de l'histoire du texte grec du Nouveau Testament et de ses principales recensions (texte occidental, texte alexandrin et texte byzantin). La tradition syriaque a transmis le Nouveau Testament sous des formes variées. Tatien, au deuxième siècle, a réuni les quatre Évangiles en une seule narration continue : le Diatessaron, utilisé comme texte standard jusqu'au Ve siècle. En parallèle, au moins deux formes dites "vieilles syriaques" ont circulé : la Sinaïtique et la Curetonienne (des vestiges d'une possible troisième forme viennent d'être découverts). Quels sont les rapports chronologiques et littéraires entre ces versions et le Diatessaron? La Peshitta est le texte reçu par toutes les Églises syriaques.^ De quand date-t-elle? Quels sont les principes qui ont conduit à sa réalisation? Pourquoi a-t-elle été l'objet de révisions ultérieures, en particulier par Philoxène de Mabboug et Thomas de Ḥarqel? La question du canon, à savoir un ensemble de livres considérés comme normatifs, est donc centrale. Sur ce point la tradition syriaque occupe une position assez originale : les petites Épîtres catholiques et l'Apocalypse ne sont pas unanimement reconnues comme faisant autorité. Pourquoi ce rejet et pourquoi ces livres ont-ils fini par être reçus par certaines Églises syriaques? Le texte biblique n'est jamais transmis de manière brute. Dans les manuscrits, il peut être divisé en péricopes, être accompagné de notes ("massore") ou d'illustrations. Tout cela forme le paratexte. Quelles sont les caractéristiques propres des différentes écoles syriaques? La tradition indirecte doit aussi être prise en compte. Le texte biblique a été utilisé dans la liturgie.^ Où en est l'étude des lectionnaires? Les pères de l'Église syriaque ont cité le texte du Nouveau Testament : ces citations concordent-elles avec les formes textuelles transmises en tradition directe Qu'en est-il enfin des éditions modernes? Peut-on identifier les manuscrits qui ont servi à la réalisation de la première édition imprimée en 1555? Quels en furent les commanditaires et les objectifs? Comment caractériser les éditions qui ont suivi, en particulier aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles? Quelles sont les richesses et les déficiences des éditions actuelles? C'est à toutes ces questions que le volume veut répondre."--
Syrisch. --- Bibel. --- Bible. --- Peschitta. --- Criticism, Textual. --- 225.05 =923 --- 225.05 =923 Nieuw Testament: oude vertalingen, belangrijk voor de tekstgeschiedenis--(algemeen)--Syrisch --- Nieuw Testament: oude vertalingen, belangrijk voor de tekstgeschiedenis--(algemeen)--Syrisch
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Greek language, Biblical --- 225.03*3 --- 225 <03> --- 225 <03> Bible: Nouveau Testament--Naslagwerken. Referentiewerken --- 225 <03> Bijbel: Nieuw Testament--Naslagwerken. Referentiewerken --- Bible: Nouveau Testament--Naslagwerken. Referentiewerken --- Bijbel: Nieuw Testament--Naslagwerken. Referentiewerken --- 225.03*3 Nieuw Testament: bijbels-filologische woordenboeken: Grieks --- Nieuw Testament: bijbels-filologische woordenboeken: Grieks --- Biblical Greek --- New Testament Greek --- Lexicography --- Bible. --- Ba-yon Tipan --- Bagong Tipan --- Jaji ma Hungi --- Kainē Diathēkē --- New Testament --- Nouveau Testament --- Novo Testamento --- Novum Testamentum --- Novyĭ Zavet --- Novyĭ Zavi︠e︡t Gospoda nashego Īisusa Khrista --- Novyĭ Zavit --- Nuevo Testamento --- Nuovo Testamento --- Nye Testamente --- Perjanjian Baru --- Dhamma sacʻ kyamʻʺ --- Injīl --- Language, style.
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In The Sense of Quoting , Odell-Scott argues that the neutral continuous script of ancient manuscripts of the Greek New Testament composed with no punctuation and no spacing provided readers discretionary authority to determine and assess the status of phrases as they articulate a cohesive and coherent reading of the script. The variety of reading renditions each differently scored with punctuation supported the production of quotations. These cultivated and harvested quotes while useful for authorizing sectarian discourse, rarely convey the sense of the phrase in the continuous script. Augustine’s work on punctuating the scriptures in service to the production of plainer quotable passages in support of the rule of faith is addressed. Odell-Scott’s textual analysis of a plainer quotable passage at verse 7:1b concerning male celibacy supports his thesis that plainer passages are the product of interpretative scoring of the script in service to discursive endeavours. To quote is often to misquote.
225.015 --- 225.015 Nieuw Testament: Formgeschichte; Traditionsgeschichte; Redaktionsgeschichte --- 225.015 Nieuw Testament: literaire kritiek; authenticiteit; bronnenstudie --- Nieuw Testament: Formgeschichte; Traditionsgeschichte; Redaktionsgeschichte --- Nieuw Testament: literaire kritiek; authenticiteit; bronnenstudie --- Intertextuality in the Bible. --- Greek language, Biblical. --- Biblical Greek --- New Testament Greek --- Bible. --- Ba-yon Tipan --- Bagong Tipan --- Jaji ma Hungi --- Kainē Diathēkē --- New Testament --- Nouveau Testament --- Novo Testamento --- Novum Testamentum --- Novyĭ Zavet --- Novyĭ Zavi︠e︡t Gospoda nashego Īisusa Khrista --- Novyĭ Zavit --- Nuevo Testamento --- Nuovo Testamento --- Nye Testamente --- Perjanjian Baru --- Dhamma sacʻ kyamʻʺ --- Injīl --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Kainē Diathēk --- Novyĭ Zavi͡et Gospoda nashego Īisusa Khrista
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