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Sex discrimination --- Sex discrimination --- Gender mainstreaming --- Equality --- Government policy --- European Union countries --- Social policy.
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Gender mainstreaming --- Incorporación de la perspectiva de género --- Equality --- Igualdad --- Analysis, Gender-based --- GBA (Gender-based analysis) --- Gender-based analysis --- Gender mainstreaming in biodiversity conservation --- Mainstreaming, Gender --- Social sciences --- Sex discrimination --- Methodology
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Das Projekt ChanceMINT.NRW ermöglicht Einblicke in die berufliche Praxis, bereitet auf den beruflichen Einstieg vor und motiviert, selbstbewusst den Studienverlauf zu gestalten. Gemeinsam mit Partner*innen aus der Wirtschaft besuchen engagierte Studentinnen Großbaustellen, Kläranlagen, Planungsbüros und sprechen mit Expert*innen aus den Partnerunternehmen über Hürden, Erfolge und berufliche Herausforderungen. The ChanceMINT.NRW project provides insights into professional practice, prepares students for their career entry and motivates them to shape the course of their studies with self-confidence. Together with partners from industry, committed female students visit major construction sites, sewage treatment plants and planning offices and talk to experts from partner companies about hurdles, successes and professional challenges.
Gender mainstreaming. --- Analysis, Gender-based --- GBA (Gender-based analysis) --- Gender-based analysis --- Gender mainstreaming in biodiversity conservation --- Mainstreaming, Gender --- Social sciences --- Sex discrimination --- Methodology --- Women in engineering --- Women in computer science --- Computer science --- Engineering --- actors in the promotion of women --- Akteur*innen der Frauenförderung --- gender mainstreaming and diversity management --- Gender Mainstreaming und Diversity- Management --- Hochschulen mit MINT-Akteursgruppen --- Lehr- und Studienqualitätsentwickler*innen --- teaching and study quality developers --- Universities with MINT actor groups --- Lehr- und Studienqualitätsentwickler*innen --- Akteur*innen der Frauenförderung
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Geschlechtergerecht schreiben wie macht man das? Veile Institutionen und Firmen mussen gendern, aber es entstehen sperrige Texte, die niemanden ansprechen. Wir zeignen Ihnen, welche Fragen Sie vor dem Schreiben klaren mussen, welche sprachlichen Mittel es fur das Gendern gibt und wie Sie den Text geschlechtergerecht un gut lesbar formulieren. Mit einem Exkurs zur Geschichte und Funktion des Gernderns.
Orthography --- Stilistics --- German language --- Linguistique --- Allemand (langue) --- Identité sexuelle --- Féminisme. --- Genre (linguistique) --- Féminisme. --- Schreiben. --- Gleichberechtigung. --- Sprachstil. --- Feministische Linguistik. --- Gender Mainstreaming.
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Gender Equality on a Grand Tour. Politics and Institutions – the Nordic Council, Sweden, Lithuania and Russia explores the politics around the establishment, development and transformation of gender equality institutions in the Nordic countries (on the example of Sweden), in the former communist countries east of the Baltic Sea region (the example of Lithuania) and in the northwestern part of Russia. The authors analyze the interplay between the internationalization and Europeanization of gender equality on the one hand and national and local contexts on the other. Gender Equality on a Grand Tour also is the first study to explore the role of one of the leading transnational actors in the region - the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministers - in gender equality institutionalization in the Baltic Sea region.
Sex discrimination --- Equality --- Equaltiy --- Discrimination, Sexual --- Gender discrimination --- Sexual discrimination --- Discrimination --- Sexism --- Gender mainstreaming --- Egalitarianism --- Inequality --- Social equality --- Social inequality --- Political science --- Sociology --- Democracy --- Liberty
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Sustainable living --- Vida sustentable --- Gender mainstreaming --- Incorporación de la perspectiva de género --- Women social reformers. --- Mujeres reformadoras sociales. --- Social aspects. --- Aspectos sociales. --- Social reformers --- Analysis, Gender-based --- GBA (Gender-based analysis) --- Gender-based analysis --- Gender mainstreaming in biodiversity conservation --- Mainstreaming, Gender --- Social sciences --- Sex discrimination --- Ecological living --- Green living --- Living, Sustainable --- Alternative lifestyles --- Environmentalism --- Green movement --- Methodology
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"Depuis la quatrième Conférence mondiale sur les femmes à Beijing, on observe une forte augmentation du nombre de personnes expertes en genre. Celles-ci circulent, tout comme les pratiques, les idées, les théories et les textes féministes qui voyagent sont interprétés, resignifiés. Des inégalités existent dans les processus d'élaboration, la circulation et la traduction des savoirs. Le champ social constitué par les expertes en genre est ainsi traversé par des rapports de pouvoir. La notion de colonialité du pouvoir et des savoirs permet d'interroger l'hégémonie et l'autorité universelle des discours et des savoirs occidentaux. Les contributions des études féministes pour revisiter le développement sont soulignées dans cet ouvrage. Ces apports, énoncés depuis diverses perspectives, s'inscrivent dans des espaces de contestation de l'ordre mondial, sont nourris de la prise de conscience des multiples rapports de domination et de l'émergence de nouveaux mouvements sociaux. Ils participent d'un processus de décolonisation de la pensée féministe. Avec la collection "Genre et développement. Rencontres", nous poursuivons le dialogue de savoirs sur les questions féministes et de genre, la construction d'alliances et de ponts entre chercheur-es, organisations féministes et de recherche, ONG, organisations de coopération, expertes, aux Nords et aux Suds. Les textes, écrits par des chercheur-es ou personnes actives dans ces initiatives sont publiés dans leur langue originale."--Page 4 of cover. Les contributions tentent une épistémologie des études sur le genre notamment en s'appuyant sur les recherches qui ont pour sujet le rôle de la femme dans le développement. Electre 2017.
Women in development --- Feminism --- Gender mainstreaming --- Gender identity --- Political aspects --- Analysis, Gender-based --- GBA (Gender-based analysis) --- Gender-based analysis --- Gender mainstreaming in biodiversity conservation --- Mainstreaming, Gender --- Social sciences --- Sex discrimination --- Emancipation of women --- Feminist movement --- Women --- Women's lib --- Women's liberation --- Women's liberation movement --- Women's movement --- Social movements --- Anti-feminism --- Methodology --- Emancipation --- Women in development - Congresses --- Feminism - Developing countries - Congresses --- Feminism - Congresses --- Feminism - Political aspects - Congresses --- Gender mainstreaming - Congresses --- Gender identity - Congresses --- sciences sociales --- mouvements alternatifs --- histoire du genre --- société civile --- genre --- féminisme --- relations hommes-femmes
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Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. The extent of violence against women is currently hidden. How should violence be measured? How should research and new ways of thinking about violence improve its measurement? Could improved measurement change policy? The book is a guide to how the measurement of violence can be best achieved. It shows how to make femicide, rape, domestic violence, and FGM visible in official statistics. It offers practical guidance on definitions, indicators and coordination mechanisms. It reflects on theoretical debates on ‘what is gender’, ‘what is violence’, and ‘the concept of coercive control’. and introduces the concept of ‘gender saturated context’. Analysing the socially constructed nature of statistics and the links between knowledge and power, it sets new standards and guidelines to influence the measurement of violence in the coming decades.
Violence --- Gender mainstreaming --- Family violence --- Violent behavior --- Social psychology --- Domestic violence --- Household violence --- Interparental violence --- Intrafamily violence --- Analysis, Gender-based --- GBA (Gender-based analysis) --- Gender-based analysis --- Gender mainstreaming in biodiversity conservation --- Mainstreaming, Gender --- Social sciences --- Sex discrimination --- Research --- Methodology. --- Methodology --- UmU kursbok --- Social problems --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Criminology. Victimology --- measuring violence --- unodc --- gender based violence --- un women --- gender equality --- Council of Europe --- European Union --- Female genital mutilation --- Femicide --- United Nations --- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
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The tropics surround the Equator limited in latitude by the Tropic of Cancer in the northern hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn in the southern hemisphere. The tropics include all the regions on Earth where the Sun reaches a point directly overhead at least once during the solar year. The subtropics are geographic and climate zones located between the tropic circle of latitude and the 38th parallel in each hemisphere. The tropics and subtropics are home to about 75% of the global human population. Cultural, economic, and political circumstances vary enormously across this vast geography of some 170 countries and territories. The regions not only harbor the world's poorest countries but their human populations are growing disproportionally faster than in temperate zones. Some countries are developing rapidly - Brazil, China, India, and Mexico being obvious examples, while others still remain in the poverty trap.This region contains an astonishing proportion of global biodiversity; some 90% of plant and animal species by some measures. Its contribution to human well-being is astounding. It was the birthplace for our species; and it hosts a myriad of plant and animal species which products feed us, keep us healthy, and supply us with a variety of material goods. The tropics and subtropics are also a natural laboratory where some of humanity's most important scientific discoveries have been made. Such biodiversity has enormous implications for research priorities, capacity building, and policy to address the challenges of conserving this region.Tropical Conservation: Perspectives on Local and Global Priorities drew the majority of its contributors from this growing pool of scientists and practitioners working in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. It introduces important conservation concepts and illustrates their application as the authors directly capture real world experiences in their home countries in preventing biodiversity loss and sustaining ecological health. Today, no part of the world can be viewed in isolation, and we further codify and integrate a range of approaches for addressing global threats to nature and environmental sustainability, including climate change and emerging diseases. Five sections structure the major themes.
Biodiversity conservation --- Biodiversity --- Biological diversity conservation --- Conservation of biodiversity --- Diversity conservation, Biological --- Gender mainstreaming in biodiversity conservation --- Maintenance of biological diversity --- Preservation of biological diversity --- Conservation of natural resources --- Ecosystem management --- Conservation --- 502.6 --- 502.6 Protection of inanimate nature, landscape --- Protection of inanimate nature, landscape --- Diversité biologique --- Conservation des ressources --- Biodiversité --- Conservation des ressources. --- Biodiversité
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This edited collection examines the significance of Sandra L. Bem's research for current debates on gender and gender roles in the social sciences, with contributions that question how the institution of gender has been, and remains, deeply contested.
Sex role. --- Sex discrimination. --- Bem, Sandra L. --- Discrimination, Sexual --- Gender discrimination --- Sexual discrimination --- Discrimination --- Sexism --- Gender mainstreaming --- Gender role --- Sex (Psychology) --- Sex differences (Psychology) --- Social role --- Gender expression --- Gender roles --- Gendered role --- Gendered roles --- Role, Gender --- Role, Gendered --- Role, Sex --- Roles, Gender --- Roles, Gendered --- Roles, Sex --- Sex roles
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