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Merz Telescopes : A global heritage worth preserving
ISBN: 3319414860 3319414852 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book comprises a fascinating collection of contributions on the Merz telescopes in Italy that collectively offer the first survey on historical large refracting telescopes in the country, drawing on original documents and photographs. It opens with a general introduction on the importance of Merz telescopes in the history of astronomy and analyses of the local and international contexts in which the telescopes were made. After examination of an example of the interaction between the maker and the astronomer in the construction and maintenance of these refractors, the history of the Merz telescopes at the main Italian observatories in the nineteenth century is described in detail. Expert testimony is also provided on how these telescopes were successfully used until the second half of the twentieth century for research purposes, thus proving their excellent optical qualities.

The English Countryside : Representations, Identities, Mutations
ISBN: 3319532731 3319532723 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This collection of essays examines representations of the English countryside and its mutations, and what they reveal about a nation’s, communities’ or individuals’ search for identity – and fear of losing it. Based on a pluridisciplinary approach and a variety of media, this book challenges the view that the English countryside is an apolitical space characterised by permanence and lack of conflict. It analyses how the pastoral motif is actually subverted to explore liminal spaces and temporalities. The authors deconstruct the “rural idyll” myth to show how it plays a distinctive and yet ambiguous part in defining Englishness/Britishness. A must read for both scholars and students interested in British rural and cultural history, media and literature.

Going Beyond : Perceptions of Sustainability in Heritage Studies No. 2
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3319571656 3319571648 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This volume looks at sustainable protection and sustainable use of cultural and natural heritage, particularly in view of the current challenges of the 21st century. For more than 40 years the World Heritage Convention has regulated the protection of the cultural and natural heritage of humankind, particularly in that heritage shall be protected if it is threatened by modern development. The international community has also adopted sustainability and sustainable development, as objectives to facilitate the protection of cultural and natural heritage. Sustainable heritage protection and use must therefore be preserved in the face of the global challenges it faces and must be perceived in terms of societal, political and corresponding economic paradigms.

Cultural Heritage and Peripheral Spaces in Singapore
ISBN: 9811047472 9811047464 Year: 2017 Publisher: Singapore : Springer Singapore : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book documents through first-hand experience and academic research the historical, cultural and economic interactions affecting land use in Singapore. Offering a unique study of nostalgia in Singaporean heritage, it discusses the subjective nostalgic meanings and interpretations that users of peripheral, heritage and green spaces in Singapore create and maintain, through a combination of informal observations and interactions combined with research into local history and heritage. It addresses the subjective meaning-making processes of individuals within the larger theoretical frameworks that structure understandings of changing land use and economical changes which impact on contemporary cityscapes, centered around peripheral and de-privileged areas of Singapore’s economic development.

Sea Ports and Sea Power : African Maritime Cultural Landscapes
ISBN: 3319469843 3319469851 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This volume represents a more Africanist approach to the framework of maritime landscapes and challenges of adapting international heritage policy such as the UNESCO convention. While the concept of a maritime landscape is very broad, a more focused thematic strategy draws together a number of case studies in South Africa, Namibia, Tanzania, and Nigeria with a common thread. Specifically, the contributors address the sub-theme of sea ports and sea power as part of understanding the African maritime landscape. Sea ports and surrounds are dynamic centers of maritime culture supporting a rich diversity of cultural groups and economic activities. Strategic locations along the African coastline have associations with indigenous maritime communities and trade centers, colonial power struggles and skirmishes, establishment of naval bases and operations, and World War I and II engagements.

Collision or Collaboration : Archaeology Encounters Economic Development
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3319445154 3319445146 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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Archaeology has an often contentious relationship with the consequences of economic development. Tourism, urban development and natural resource exploitation have generated adverse impact on the archaeological record, indigenous cultures and local communities worldwide. Over the decades, international conventions, national laws and corporate ventures have sought to address the problems, but too often they have fallen short and immense challenges remain. Looking ahead, the contributions to this volume constitute a global conversation on the most salient issue facing archaeology as it interacts with economic development: Is collision with development still the best course? Or, is a more effective strategy to pursue collaborative relationships with the forces of economic and social change? .

Heritage in Action : Making the Past in the Present
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3319428705 3319428683 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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In this textbook we see heritage in action in indigenous and vernacular communities, in urban development and regeneration schemes, in expressions of community, in acts of nostalgia and memorialization and counteracts of forgetting, in museums and other spaces of representation, in tourism, in the offices of those making public policy, and in the politics of identity and claims toward cultural property. Whether renowned or local, tangible or intangible, the entire heritage enterprise, at whatever scale, is by now inextricably embedded in “value”. The global context requires a sanguine approach to heritage in which the so-called critical stance is not just theorized in a rarefied sphere of scholarly lexical gymnastics, but practically engaged and seen to be doing things in the world.

Handbook of East and Southeast Asian Archaeology
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1493965212 1493965190 Year: 2017 Publisher: New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer,

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The Handbook of East and Southeast Asian Archaeology focuses on the material culture and lifeways of the peoples of prehistoric and early historic East and Southeast Asia; their origins, behavior and identities as well as their biological, linguistic and cultural differences and commonalities. Emphasis is placed upon the interpretation of material culture to illuminate and explain social processes and relationships as well as behavior, technology, patterns and mechanisms of long-term change and chronology, in addition to the intellectual history of archaeology as a discipline in this diverse region.  The Handbook augments archaeologically-focused chapters contributed by regional scholars by providing histories of research and intellectual traditions, and by maintaining a broadly comparative perspective. Archaeologically-derived data are emphasized with text-based documentary information, provided to complement interpretations of material culture. The Handbook is not restricted to art historical or purely descriptive perspectives; its geographical coverage includes the modern nation-states of China, Mongolia, Far Eastern Russia, North and South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and East Timor.

Legacies of Space and Intangible Heritage : Archaeology, Ethnohistory, and the Politics of Cultural Continuity in the Americas
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781607325727 1607325721 9781607325710 1607325713 9781607326595 1607326590 1607327007 1607327201 9781607327202 9781607327004 Year: 2017 Publisher: Boulder : University Press of Colorado,

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"An interdisciplinary exploration of the intersections between the study and management of physical sites and reproduction of intangible cultural legacies. Nine case studies that explore different ways place is mediated by social, political, and ecological processes with historical roots that effect the politics of heritage management"--Provided by publisher.

La gestió del patrimoni literari : conceptualització i anàlisi comparativa dels models català i anglès
ISBN: 8484246426 8484246418 Year: 2017 Publisher: Publicacions Universitat Rovira i Virgili

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El patrimoni literari pot esdevenir una «eina» on sentir-nos identificats com a societat, al mateix temps que pot convertir-se en un element diferenciador amb capacitat de posicionar-se i esdevenir agent socioeconòmic. Perquè això succeeixi cal que abandoni la seva posició perifèrica i se’n professionalitzi la gestió. Precisament l’objectiu d’aquesta publicació és evidenciar la importància de la gestió del patrimoni literari perquè es (re)conegui com a propi al si d’una societat i sobrevisqui al pas del temps reconeixent-li i reivindicant-ne la importància en termes identitaris, de cohesió social i econòmics, com a motor de desenvolupament. Per aconseguir-ho es comença investigant sobre el concepte de patrimoni literari, entès com a (poli)sistema, per després conceptualitzar-ne la gestió. Seguidament, es fa una aproximació, amb voluntat comparativa, a l’estat de la qüestió de la gestió a Catalunya i a Anglaterra, per acabar creant un model de valoració de la gestió del patrimoni literari. Finalment, s’exposen les conclusions pertinents amb la voluntat de posicionar el patrimoni literari en la centralitat del sistema cultural català.

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