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Je brein de baas : over de rol van bewust denken
ISBN: 9789045026978 Year: 2017 Publisher: Amsterdam Atlas Contact

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In Je brein de baas neemt neuropsycholoog André Aleman het op voor het bewuste denken. Onderzoek heeft eerder aangetoond dat juist onbewuste processen in ons brein een grote invloed kunnen hebben op ons gedrag. Daardoor zijn veel wetenschappers de rol van bewust denken gaan bagatelliseren: het heeft volgens hen slechts een gering effect op ons doen en laten. Dat betekent dat er van een vrije wil ook geen sprake kan zijn. In dit boek horen we een heel ander geluid: Aleman laat aan de hand van de nieuwste inzichten uit de hersenwetenschap zien dat het menselijk bewustzijn wel degelijk ons gedrag stuurt. Wat je doet en wie je bent, heeft veel te maken met wat je denkt en wilt. Sterker nog, we kunnen bewust ons eigen denken en doen beïnvloeden om onze doelen te bereiken. Hoewel onbewuste processen zeker een rol spelen, laat Aleman zien dat bewust denken die onbewuste processen in goede banen kan leiden. Mindfulness en spiritualiteit kunnen daarbij behulpzaam zijn. Het feit dat ons brein ?bezield? is, maakt ons uniek.


Denken --- Hersenen --- Bewustzijn --- Neuropsychology

A New Logical Foundation for Psychology
ISBN: 9783319677835 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This SpringerBrief provides an interdisciplinary synthesis based on psychology, logic, mathematics, cognitive science, and the history of science. It presents psychology as a science that suffers from a reduced understanding of the most fundamental logic in our practical-bodily encounters with the world, including with our fellow human beings. The Brief offers a new “dual” logic that is based on the duality between identification and description of objects, including persons. The Brief ties in modern mathematics as a tool that can be used to catch this duality in a precise manner.  Featured topics in this Brief include:  The emergence of Mechanism. The duality in animal and human subject-object relations. Psychology’s compatibility with natural sciences. Four cornerstones of modern mathematics. The Extensional Method.  A New Logical Foundation for Psychology will be of interest to psychologist, philosophers, and mathematicians concerned with basic theoretical and methodological problems. .

Theory-Driven Approaches to Cognitive Enhancement
ISBN: 9783319575056 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This book provides a comprehensive overview of cognitive enhancement, the use of different substances and actions (e.g., meditation, video game, smart drugs, food supplements, nutrition, brain stimulation, neurofeedback, physical exercise, music, or cognitive training) to enhance human perception, attention, memory, cognitive control, and action in healthy individuals. Chapters contain research on enhancing procedures and activities that will help to further develop enhancement based on individual needs and interests. Chapters also discuss the underlying mechanism of how these means influence and change behaviors and moods. In addition, the book also provides “real-life” examples in which the several means of cognitive enhancement has been successfully applied.  It concludes with a call to develop more specific, mechanistic theories to guide cognitive enhancing programs as well as the editor’s own tailored-approach proposal for enhancing cognition for individuals.  Featured topics include:  The effect of caffeine on cognitive abilities.  Aerobic exercise and its short-term and long-term effects on cognition.  The effect, if any, of Ritalin and Modafinil on promoting cognitive enhancement.  Temperature variations and its influences on behavior.  The effect of food supplements across the life-span.  Theory-Driven Approaches to Cognitive Enhancement is a must-have resource for psychologists, physicians, sport and exercise scientists, medical scientists, and teachers. “This book provides a state-of-the-art overview of different aspects of cognitive enhancement. The chapters are very focused, well-structured, in-depth, and rounded up by excellent illustrations. I can highly recommend the book to readers interested in the matter.” Dr. Julia Karbach, Goethe-University  “Overall, I think it is a highly original book on a timely topic, with a fresh approach and rich in practical and societal implications. The book is written in a very clear way and it is a pleasure to read.”  Dr. Anna M. Borghi, Sapienza University of Rome.

Prospective Memory : Remembering to Remember, Remembering to Forget
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783319689906 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This Brief offers a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the current developments in the field of prospective memory, or memory for delayed intentions. It explores several key areas in prospective memory research, including computational modeling, neuroscience and prospective memory, output monitoring, and implementation intentions. It seeks to increase understanding of prospective memory as well as offer the latest and most compelling findings in the field.   Prospective memory, or the act of remembering to carry out a previously formed intention, requires the processes of encoding, storage, and delayed retrieval of intended actions. Chapters in this Brief discuss the implementation and execution of intended actions, as well as the conditions in which they can fail. In addition, chapters also include reviews of the current state of the neuroscience of prospective memory as well as developments in statistical modeling. Laboratory research in the field of prospective memory began in the late 1980s and since then, the number of studies has increased exponentially. This Brief provides timely and relevant information in a field that is ever expanding and growing.  This Brief is an informative resource for researchers and undergraduate and graduate students in the field of psychology, cognitive psychology, and neuroscience.

Catching Up With Aristotle : A Journey in Quest of General Psychology
ISBN: 9783319510880 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This Brief presents the argument for the need to re-establish the theoretical focus of general psychology in contemporary psychological research. It begins with a detailed account of the current “crisis” of psychology and our modern disconnect from general psychology. Chapters present the works of Aristotle and A.N. Leontiev, using their ideas to outline a long wanted general psychology. The general psychology delineates the four corner posts of the domain of psychology: Sentience, Intentionality, Mind, and Human Consciousness, and explains why they are all necessary but not the same. Besides a historical discussion, which aims to demonstrate how Marxism got it right, and then not, this Brief presents a new radical theory of human evolution, which credits the Adam-and-Eve story with a vital link hitherto missed by Marxism, Darwinism, and paleoanthropology. In addition, it argues why a new understanding is important in the Anthropocene Age. Catching Up with Aristotle will be of interest to psychologists, undergraduate and graduate students, and researchers. .

Non-dualiteit in de praktijk : gesprekken op de grens van het denken
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789056703738 Year: 2017 Publisher: Waarbeke Asoka

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Elk woord is dualistisch. Non-dualiteit in woorden vangen is onmogelijk. Toch brengen de diepgravende dialogen van zenmeester Rients Ritskes en filosoof Arthur Nieuwendijk de persoonlijke ervaring van non-dualiteit heel dichtbij. Aan de hand van telkens nieuwe beschrijvingen wordt het principe van non-dualiteit vanuit vanuit verschillende invalshoeken belicht, waardoor de lezer er vooral gevoelsmatig in kan doordringen.Non-dualiteit verwijst naar de essentie van ons bestaan. Hoewel die er altijd is, manifesteert zij zich zelden direct. Het is zoals in de trein: je reist met hoge snelheid, maar merkt dat pas als de trein plotseling remt. Dit boek is de neerslag van 'remmende bewegingen', die ons kunnen helpen de snel veranderende essentie van het leven op het spoor te komen.De weg naar het ervaren van non-dualiteit wordt aangeduid met tegenstrijdigheden, paradoxen, koans en andere diepzinnige wegwijzers; maar deze brengen ons nergens anders dan waar we al zijn. Het zijn even zovele uitnodigingen om de essentiële beweging van het leven in het nu te ervaren. Op deze uitnodiging ingaan, vraagt moed. Immers, zodra de grens van non-dualiteit in zicht komt, deinst het denken angstig terug. Wie tijdens het denken het denken weet te doorzien en zijn evenwicht op dit smalle koord kan bewaren, zal over de grens heen het non-duale ervaren.Dit boek is geen filosofisch traktaat. Het is een uitnodiging deel te nemen aan de inspirerende dialoog tussen de duale denker en de non-duale zenmeester: gesprekken op de grens van het denken...!

De rivier van het bewustzijn
ISBN: 9789023454977 Year: 2017 Publisher: Amsterdam De Bezige Bij

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Self-Concept Clarity : Perspectives on Assessment, Research, and Applications
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783319715476 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This welcome resource traces the evolution of self-concept clarity and brings together diverse strands of research on this important and still-developing construct. Locating self-concept clarity within current models of personality, identity, and the self, expert contributors define the construct and its critical roles in both individual and collective identity and functioning. The book examines commonly-used measures for assessing clarity, particularly in relation to the more widely understood concept of self-esteem, with recommendations for best practices in assessment. In addition, a wealth of current data highlights the links between self-concept clarity and major areas of mental wellness and dysfunction, from adaptation and leadership to body image issues and schizophrenia. Along the way, it outlines important future directions in research on self-concept clarity. Included in the coverage: · Situating self-concept clarity in the landscape of personality. · Development of self-concept clarity across the lifespan. · Self-concept clarity and romantic relationships. · Who am I and why does it matter? Linking personal identity and self-concept clarity. · Consequences of self-concept clarity for well-being and motivation. · Self-concept clarity and psychopathology. Self-Concept Clarity fills varied theoretical, empirical, and practical needs across mental health fields, and will enhance the work of academics, psychologists interested in the construct as an area of research, and clinicians working with clients struggling with developing and improving their self-concept clarity. .

The Stigma of Mental Illness - End of the Story?
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783319278391 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This book makes a highly innovative contribution to overcoming the stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness – still the heaviest burden both for those afflicted and those caring for them. The scene is set by the presentation of different fundamental perspectives on the problem of stigma and discrimination by researchers, consumers, families, and human rights experts. Current knowledge and practice used in reducing stigma are then described, with information on the programmes adopted across the world and their utility, feasibility, and effectiveness. The core of the volume comprises descriptions of new approaches and innovative programmes specifically designed to overcome stigma and discrimination. In the closing part of the book, the editors – all respected experts in the field – summarize some of the most important evidence- and experience-based recommendations for future action to successfully rewrite the long and burdensome ‘story’ of mental illness stigma and discrimination.

Evaluating the Experiential Quality of Musical Instruments : A Psychometric Approach
ISBN: 9783658184209 Year: 2017 Publisher: Wiesbaden Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden :Imprint: Springer

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Gian-Marco Schmid investigates how musicians perceive the experiential quality of musical instruments using a bottom-up psychometric questionnaire development process and finds that there are three main factors on which musicians base their evaluation of musical instruments: (1) experienced freedom & possibilities, (2) perceived control & comfort and (3) perceived stability, sound quality & aesthetics. This structure is similar to research regarding the conceptualization of violin quality. It is therefore suggested that musicians who use different instruments tend to have an analogical concept of instrument quality. Contents Evaluation in the Domain of New Interfaces for Musical Expression Interviews with Musicians and Item Generation Refinement and Reduction of the Item Pool Target Groups Lecturers, students and practitioners in the field of Human-Computer Interaction, Music & HCI, Cognitive Psychology, Music Psychology and Musicology The Author Gian-Marco Schmid focuses his research on the interdisciplinary intersection between Music and Human-Computer Interaction. His main research interests reach from Psychometrics to Psychophysics.

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