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Wheat flour
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ISBN: 0128123664 189112790X 9781891127908 Year: 2017 Publisher: St. Paul, Minnesota

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Achieving sustainable cultivation of wheat
ISSN: 20596936 ISBN: 9781786760166 9781786760203 1786760169 1786760207 1786760223 9781786760234 1786760231 9781351114288 135111428X 9781786760227 9781351114790 1351114794 Year: 2017 Volume: 05-06 Publisher: Cambridge: Burleigh Dodds science,

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Volume 1 reviews advances in breeding techniques as well as their application to produce drought-resistant and other improved varieties. It also discusses wheat nutritional quality. Finally it reviews developments such as disease-resistant varieties and other techniques to combat pests and diseases. Volume 2 discusses ways of improving cultivation from variety selection to post-harvest storage. It reviews trends in integrated crop management, sustainable intensification and organic cultivation before concluding by looking at ways of supporting smallholders in the developing world.

Wheat improvement, management and utilization
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9535131524 9535131516 9535148281 Year: 2017 Publisher: IntechOpen

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The Wheat Improvement, Management, and Utilization book covers some of the most recent research areas that touch on enhancement of wheat productivity. It is obvious that wheat is one of the major staple crops grown globally. This crop has widely been researched on considering that, for instance, it is afflicted by various abiotic and biotic stresses that limit its growth and productivity. Today?s goal of wheat improvement consistently is to develop varieties that are high yielding with good processing and technological qualities, well adapted and tolerant to prevailing biotic and abiotic stresses. Therefore, this is a valuable reference book on wheat improvement, agronomy, and end-use qualities, particularly for those who work in research organizations and higher academic institutions. Moreover, it provides an invaluable resource for readers interested in a quick review of trending topics in wheat.

Recent Advances in Flowering Time Control
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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The onset of flowering is an important step during the lifetime of a flowering plant. During the past two decades, there has been enormous progress in our understanding of how internal and external (environmental) cues control the transition to reproductive growth in plants. Many flowering time regulators have been identified from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Most of them are assembled in regulatory pathways, which converge to central integrators which trigger the transition of the vegetative into an inflorescence meristem. For crop cultivation, the time of flowering is of upmost importance, because it determines yield. Phenotypic variation for this trait is largely controlled by genes, which were often modified during domestication or crop improvement. Understanding the genetic basis of flowering time regulation offers new opportunities for selection in plant breeding and for genome editing and genetic modification of crop species.

Recent Advances in Flowering Time Control
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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The onset of flowering is an important step during the lifetime of a flowering plant. During the past two decades, there has been enormous progress in our understanding of how internal and external (environmental) cues control the transition to reproductive growth in plants. Many flowering time regulators have been identified from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Most of them are assembled in regulatory pathways, which converge to central integrators which trigger the transition of the vegetative into an inflorescence meristem. For crop cultivation, the time of flowering is of upmost importance, because it determines yield. Phenotypic variation for this trait is largely controlled by genes, which were often modified during domestication or crop improvement. Understanding the genetic basis of flowering time regulation offers new opportunities for selection in plant breeding and for genome editing and genetic modification of crop species.

Recent Advances in Flowering Time Control
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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The onset of flowering is an important step during the lifetime of a flowering plant. During the past two decades, there has been enormous progress in our understanding of how internal and external (environmental) cues control the transition to reproductive growth in plants. Many flowering time regulators have been identified from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Most of them are assembled in regulatory pathways, which converge to central integrators which trigger the transition of the vegetative into an inflorescence meristem. For crop cultivation, the time of flowering is of upmost importance, because it determines yield. Phenotypic variation for this trait is largely controlled by genes, which were often modified during domestication or crop improvement. Understanding the genetic basis of flowering time regulation offers new opportunities for selection in plant breeding and for genome editing and genetic modification of crop species.

Spatialisation d'un modèle de culture à l'échelle wallonne : Potentiel et limites
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Les modèles de culture sont de plus en plus utilisés à travers le monde comme appui à l’agriculture et comme outils d’aide à la décision. Dans ce cadre, le modèle de culture SALUS, développé au Michigan par Bruno Basso, a été calibré, validé et spatialisé à l’échelle de la Wallonie. L’objectif principal de cette étude est de déterminer le potentiel du modèle de culture ainsi que ses limites sous les conditions rencontrées dans nos régions.&#13;Pour cela, des bases de données météorologiques (PAMESEB) et pédologiques (CNSW) ont été préparées. Ensuite, le modèle a été calibré selon les observations réalisées au sein d’un champ de la faculté agronomique de Gembloux pour 7 managements azotés et 6 saisons culturales. Au niveau de la spatialisation, deux dates de semis et trois managements azotés différents ont été testés pour 21 saisons. &#13;La calibration a montré que le modèle était peu adapté à nos régions pour l’ensemble des sorties du modèle, excepté pour la simulation de la biomasse. Les résultats des simulations sur la biomasse totale, les rendements en grains et les gains unitaires ont également montré que ces sorties étaient principalement influencées par les variables climatiques. Il a donc été conclu qu’en l’état, le modèle est difficilement utilisable de manière efficiente en Wallonie. Crop models are more and more used throughout the world as support for agriculture and as tools for decision makings. In this context, SALUS crop model, developed at Michigan by Bruno Basso, was calibrated, validated and spatialized at the scale of the Wallonia. The main purpose of this study is to determine the potential and the limits of the crop model under meteorological conditions in our regions. &#13;For that, meteorological (Pameseb) and pedological (CNSW) data bases were prepared. Then, the model was calibrated according to the observations realised within a field of the agronomic faculty of Gembloux for 7 nitrogen management and 6 cultural seasons. For the spatialization, two planting dates and three nitrogen management were tested for 21 seasons. &#13;The calibration shown that the model is few adapted for our regions for all outputs of the model, except for the biomass. Results of the simulation of the biomass, the yields and the units gains are also shown that the outputs are mainly influenced by the meteorological conditions. It has therefor been concluded that, as it stands, the model is difficult to use efficiently in Wallonia.

Raisonner sur les blés : essais sur les Lumières économiques
ISBN: 9782213671161 Year: 2017 Publisher: Paris : Fayard,

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Laisser-faire contre interventionnisme, c’est sur ce thème qui met aux prises aujourd’hui nos hommes politiques, nos intellectuels et nos économistes que se sont affrontés les plus grands esprits du XVIIIe siècle, Diderot, Galiani, Turgot, Necker, parmi d’autres.Alors que la science économique vient de naître, les « économistes », comme s’appellent eux-mêmes les physiocrates, deviennent un groupe influent auprès de Louis XV et vont transformer le monde, notamment grâce à l’idée nouvelle de liberté. Mais les premières tentatives de l’appliquer politiquement, par des réformes radicales dans le domaine de l’approvisionnement, débouchent sur de très graves crises sociales, économiques, politiques et culturelles.De nombreux critiques pointent la dangerosité d’un désengagement drastique de l’État et mettent en relief le caractère ambigu d’une liberté sectaire incapable de porter une émancipation socialement juste. Du grand débat sur les blés que font naître ces affrontements brutaux, tant sur les marchés et les chemins que dans les livres et les salons, émergent deux visions du monde qui continuent de nous diviser aujourd’hui.Steven Kaplan nous plonge dans les écrits et les correspondances des protagonistes pour répondre à cette question fondamentale : comment concilier marché et régulation, liberté et égalité ? Ce faisant, il offre une vision renouvelée du XVIIIe siècle français et une manière originale de pratiquer une histoire des idées.

Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Light of Trade Policy : A Study on Pakistan
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Agriculture forms the backbone of Pakistan's economy. Despite the fact that the share of agriculture in the GDP has declined over the years, the sector continues to play an important role in the socio-economic structure of the country. About 60 percent of the population lives in rural areas of Pakistan, the majority of which is dependent on agricultural activities for their livelihood. Yield growth for most crops and livestock products in Pakistan has stagnated and become more variable in recent years. Furthermore, sizable gaps persist between achievable and realized productivity in most crops, and diversification and a move to higher value-added agricultural commodities has been limited, predominantly in the crops sector.

Contribution à la mise au point d'un protocole de production d'haploïdes doublés par androgenèse chez le blé tendre (Triticum aestivum L.)
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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La production de plantes haploïdes doublées (HD) permet aux sélectionneurs végétaux d’obtenir des lignées complètement homozygotes en une seule génération. Le laboratoire de culture in vitro de l’Institut de Genech est spécialisé dans la production de plantes HD chez plusieurs espèces. Chez le blé tendre (Triticum aestivum L.), ce laboratoire utilise en routine le croisement intergénérique avec le maïs pour produire des HD. Toutefois l’entreprise souhaiterait se pencher vers une méthode utilisant l’androgenèse : la culture d’anthères. En effet, cette technique permettrait de ne plus devoir gérer une culture de maïs et un doublement chromosomique spontané est possible via cette méthode. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de cette étude est d’explorer différentes pistes afin de mettre en place un protocole de culture d’anthères de blé tendre. Quatre expérimentations ont été effectuées sur des plantes mères de serre. Une première expérience a comparé deux types de prétraitement : un choc à 4°C pendant deux semaines appliqué sur l’épi et un choc à 1.0M mannitol pendant quatre jours à 20°C sur les anthères. Les deux méthodes ont obtenu une réponse androgénique similaire. Ensuite, les trois autres expérimentations ciblaient la composition du milieu d’induction. Une comparaison entre un milieu semi-liquide, W14mf, et un milieu solide, C17 a tout d’abord été réalisée. Le milieu W14mf a produit en moyenne une plus grande quantité de structures embryonnaires (SE) et de plantes vertes (PV ; 37,32 SE/100 anthères (A) et 7,64 PV/100A) par rapport au milieu C17 (8,72 SE/100A et 2,24 PV/100A). De plus, l’utilisation du milieu W14mf pré-conditionné avec cinq ovaires a permis de tripler la production en SE alors que, de façon étonnante, aucune progression du nombre de PV n’a été notée. Enfin, un ajout de 25mg/L d’arabinogalactane non purifiée dans le milieu W14mf n’a pas eu d’impact sur la réponse androgénique des microspores. L’albinisme a constitué un obstacle majeur pour certaines expérimentations. Dans certains cas, plus de 95% des plantes régénérées étaient albinos. Le génotype des plantes mères est le principal facteur expliquant ce phénomène. Mais de nombreux facteurs externes, tels que les conditions physiologiques des plantes mères, ont également un impact sur l’albinisme. Dès lors, une expérimentation à petite échelle a été effectuée pour comparer la réponse androgénique d’anthères provenant de plantes mères du champ et mis en culture sans prétraitement avec celle d’anthères provenant de plante mères de serre et mis en culture après un prétraitement des épis durant 2 semaines à 4°C. Les plantes mères de champs ont produit significativement plus de PV (10,64 PV/100A) par rapport aux plantes mères de serre (4,22 PV/100A). En conclusion, l’ensemble de ces expériences nous a permis d’affirmer que l’avenir de la culture d’anthères pour la production d’HD est prometteur au sein du laboratoire de l’Institut de Genech. Néanmoins, il sera nécessaire de trouver des solutions pour restreindre au maximum les deux principales limites de la culture d’anthères : l’albinisme et la dépendance au génotype des plantes mères. The production of doubled haploid (DH) plants enables plant breeders to obtain completely homozygous lines in a single generation. The in vitro culture laboratory of Genech Institute is specialized in the production of DH plants on several species. In common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), this laboratory routinely uses the intergeneric cross with maize to produce DH. However, the company would like to look into a method which uses androgenesis: the anther culture. Indeed, this technique would eliminate the need to manage a maize culture and a spontaneous chromosomal doubling is possible via this method. In this context, the aim of this study was to explore different clues in order to implement an anther culture protocol on common wheat. Four experimentations have been carried out on mother plants coming from the greenhouse. A first experiment compared two types of pretreatment: a 4°C shock applied during two weeks on spike and a 1.0M mannitol shock during four days at 20°C on anthers. The two methods displayed a similar androgenic response. Then, the three other experimentations were focused on the composition of the induction medium. A comparison between a semi-liquid medium, W14mf, and a solid medium, C17, was firstly done. The W14mf medium produced in average more embryo-like structures (ELS) and green plants (GP; 37.32 ELS/100 anthers (A) and 7.64 GP/100A) than C17 medium (8.72 ELS/100A and 2.24 GP/100A). Moreover, the use of pre-conditioned W14mf medium with five ovaries helped to triple the production of ELS, whereas surprisingly, no increase in the number of GP was recorded. Lastly, an addition of 25 mg/L of non-purified arabinogalactan in the W14mf medium didn’t have an impact on the androgenic response of microspores. The albinism formed a major obstacle for some experiments. In some cases, more than 95% of the regenerated plants were albinos. The main factor explaining this phenomenon is the genotype of mother plants. But a lot of external factors, such as the physiological conditions of mother plants, have also an impact on albinism. Therefore, a small-scale experiment was undertaken to compare the androgenic response of anthers of mother plants originating from the field and in which no stress pretreatment was done, with mother plants coming from the greenhouse and in which a 4°C pretreatment was done on spikes during two weeks. The mother plants of the field produced significantly more GP (10.64 GP/100A) than mother plants of the greenhouse (4.22 PV/100). To conclude, this set of experimentations allowed us to reveal that the future of anther culture to generate DH seems promising within the laboratory of Genech Institute. Nevertheless, it will be necessary to find solutions to limit as much as possible the two main constraints of anther culture: the albinism and the dependence on mother plants genotype.

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