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The continental margin of West Africa formed as result of the south-to-north rifting of Gondwana and the progressive separation of the South American and African continents. This margin has enjoyed a rich and varied exploration history and, in the 70 years or so since the first significant exploration began in the onshore area, the margin has emerged as a significant hydrocarbon-producing region. The amalgamation of hydrocarbon exploration approaches and imaginative ideas, leveraged with modern technologies, is yielding significant scientific and economic successes. The main objective of this Special Publication is to provide an overview of the advances in our understanding of the crustal structure, tectonic evolution and Mesozoic to Cenozoic stratigraphy of the West Africa margin both onshore and offshore, with a particular focus on the petroleum geology. The papers contained in this Special Publication represent a selection from the 37 abstracts presented at the original conference in March 2014, which covered the entirety of the margin from South Africa to Morocco as well as stratigraphy from the crystalline basement to the most recent strata.
Petroleum --- Geology --- Geology. --- Africa, West. --- West Africa.
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International relations. Foreign policy --- Economic geography --- West Africa
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Rogue Empires takes a new look at the origins and consequences of a key moment in European History: the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885. Drawing on archival research conducted in ten countries and three languages, the book argues that the flood of rogue empires in Africa came about due to a short-lived European obsession with events happening far away, in Southeast Asia. European investors there had recently promoted an idea of buying empires through "private" purchases of sovereignty: full control over a place's resources and people, with neither monitoring by third parties, nor any accountability to a nation, nor, in most cases, the awareness of affected indigenous peoples. Once this idea made its way back around the world to European capitals, it inspired a number of important figures, notably German chancellor Otto von Bismarck and British Prime Minister William Gladstone, to support a string of copycat ventures in Sub-Saharan Africa.--
Bismarck, Otto, --- Gladstone, W. E. --- Berlin West Africa Conference --- Africa --- Europe --- Colonization --- History. --- Colonies --- Administration
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In the 1880s Europeans grabbed vast swaths of the African continent, using documents, not guns, as their weapon of choice. Steven Press follows a paper trail of questionable contracts to discover the confidence men who exploited a loophole in international law to assert sovereignty over lands, and whose actions touched off the Scramble for Africa.
Bismarck, Otto, --- Gladstone, W. E. --- Berlin West Africa Conference --- Africa --- Europe --- Colonization --- History. --- Colonies --- Administration
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Regionalism --- Africa, West --- Foreign relations. --- Politics and government --- Africa, Western --- West Africa --- Western Africa --- Human geography --- Nationalism --- Interregionalism
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pr. titel: Collins field guide butterflies of Britain and Europe
Insects. Springtails --- Fauna. Zoological determination guides --- North Africa --- West Africa --- Europe --- vlinders (lt) --- Vlinders --- Natuurgidsen --- Vlinder --- Natuurgids (boek)
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In der bisherigen Forschung zur westafrikanischen Wirtschaftsgeschichte nahm die Agrargeschichte eine untergeordnete Rolle ein, trotz der überragenden Bedeutung der Landwirtschaft für die Menschen in historischer Zeit. Ihr ist die vorliegende Publikation gewidmet. Gestützt auf umfangreiche schriftliche und archäologische Quellen untersucht sie Anbau- und Viehhaltungssysteme in der Zeitspanne von ca. 1000 bis 1900 in der westafrikanischen Savannenregion. Dabei konzentriert sie sich auf die verbreiteten Agrarpraktiken und ihre Ergebnisse.Es wird untersucht, welche Güter erzeugt wurden und welche Verwendung sie fanden. War die Landwirtschaft rein auf die Selbstversorgung ausgerichtet oder gab es, lange vor dem Einfluss europäischer Kaufleute, bereits innerafrikanische Handelsbeziehungen? Welche Entwicklungspfade schlugen die Agrarsysteme ein, oder müssen sie als statisch betrachtet werden? Trotz starker externer Einflüsse, etwa im Rahmen des Sklavenhandels, wird die Rolle der internen Akteure, der Ackerbauern, Viehhalter und Fischer, besonders hervorgehoben. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich das Bild eines vielgestaltigen Wirtschaftslebens, das sich immer wieder an geänderte äußere Bedingungen anpasste. Bis zum Einsetzen der Kolonialherrschaft wies es viele der Charakteristika auf, die auch von anderen vorindustriellen Gesellschaftsformationen bekannt sind.
History of civilization --- anno 1100-1199 --- anno 1200-1799 --- anno 1800-1899 --- anno 1000-1099 --- West Africa --- History of Africa --- Agriculture --- Economic aspects --- Africa, West --- Economic conditions. --- History.
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"Bambara, wolof, peul, arabe ... Quand les explorateurs français s'aventurent pour la première fois à l'intérieur des terres de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, ils se trouvent confrontés à plusieurs centaines de langues différentes. Comment se faire comprendre quand il s'agit de trouver des vivres, de réquisitionner des hommes, de se faire indiquer des itinéraires praticables? Au cours du XIXe siècle, ta communication devient un enjeu crucial de la conquête et une condition indispensable pour établir durablement la présence de la République dans ces territoires. De l'apprentissage par les explorateurs de la langue mandingue à l'imposition du français comme outil de domination politique et culturelle, en passant par l'utilisation de l'arabe écrit au sein de l'administration coloniale, c'est un panorama inédit des interactions entre les différents protagonistes de cette rencontre que nous offre cet ouvrage : à travers les pratiques de communication entre Africains et Européens, un aspect méconnu et pourtant crucial de la colonisation."--Page 4 of cover.
Languages in contact --- Communication --- Areal linguistics --- History --- Africa, West --- France --- Africa, Western --- West Africa --- Western Africa --- Languages --- Social aspects. --- Colonization. --- Colonies --- Communication, Primitive --- Mass communication --- Sociology
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A comprehensive account of the Elder Dempster Company's activities in West Africa
Steamboat lines --- History. --- Elder Dempster Lines Ltd. --- Great Britain --- Africa, West --- Commerce --- Steamship lines --- Ocean travel --- Shipping --- Africa, Western --- West Africa --- Western Africa
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A collection of playscripts and texts that give an English-reading audience access to key plays as well as less well-known and previously untranslated works - a superb resource for scholars and theatre practitioners.
African drama (English) --- English drama --- African literature (English) --- African authors --- African Languages. --- African Regions. --- African Theatre 16: Six Plays from East & West Africa. --- African Theatre. --- African playscripts. --- Cultural Expression. --- Cultural context. --- Diversity. --- East Africa. --- English-Reading Audience. --- Expert essays. --- Jane Plastow. --- Martin Banham. --- Multitude of languages. --- Ngugi wa Thiong'o. --- Play Scripts. --- Playwrights. --- Richness. --- Scholars. --- Theatre Practitioners. --- Theatre practitioners. --- West Africa. --- Wole Soyinka.
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