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Hermeneutics of the Film World : A Ricœurian Method for Film Interpretation
ISBN: 9783319654003 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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This book identifies a new methodological strategy for the interpretation of film philosophizing. Many recent works in film philosophy, adopting the approach identified with the term film as philosophy, have considered film as capable of doing philosophy.  Focused on the basic relationship between film and filmgoer, the proposed method is founded on the concept of the film world. Combining Merleau-Ponty’s and Ricœur’s philosophies, and reconsidering Goodman’s theory of worldmaking, the film world becomes the hermeneutic horizon from which film philosophical thought can emerge. The book shows how Ricœurian methodology has the potential to provide a valuable resource for film studies by inviting scholars to consider film interpretation in terms of film world hermeneutics. .

Critical Theory and the Thought of Andrew Feenberg
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ISBN: 9783319578972 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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This volume explores Andrew Feenberg’s work in critical theory. Feenberg is considered one of the key ‘second generation’ critical theorists, with a keen interest in philosophy of technology. He has made a vital contribution to critical theory in ways that remain of interest given the pressing technological issues of our time. The authors of this book highlight not only the ways that Feenberg has begun to make good on what is often characterized as “the broken promise of critical theory” to address issues of technology, but also the continued importance of critical theory more generally, and of Feenberg’s contributions to understanding this tradition.

The Palgrave international handbook of action research
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781137405234 9781137441089 Year: 2017 Publisher: New York, N.Y. Palgrave Macmillan

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The Palgrave International Handbook of Action Research offers a vivid portrait of both theoretical perspectives and practical action research activity and related benefits around the globe, while attending to the cultural, political, social, historical and ecological contexts that localize, shape and characterize action research. Consisting of teachers, youth workers, counselors, nurses, community developers, artists, ecologists, farmers, settlement-dwellers, students, professors and intellectual-activists on every continent and at every edge of the globe, the movement sustained and inspired by this community was born of the efforts of intellectual-activists in the mid-twentieth century specifically: Orlando Fals Borda, Paulo Freire, Myles Horton, Kurt Lewin. Cross-national issues of networking, as well as the challenges, tensions, and issues associated with the transformative power of action research are explored from multiple perspectives providing unique contributions to our understanding of what it means to do action research and to be an action researcher. This handbook sets a global action research agenda and map for readers to consider as they embark on new projects.

Cadenzas : Philosophical Notes for Postmodernism
ISBN: 9783319528120 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This book examines the concepts behind a philosophical project on postmodernism: the social and cultural condition of our time, the age of the achieved capitalism. It proposes an original theory of postmodern humanism based on the absence of form and describes the development of philosophical thought as a musical “cadenza” that produces meaning in the empty space between the past of the modern and the future of the postmodern. The book focuses on three main postmodernist themes: the denial of identity and the assertion of the differences, the shattered subject, and the absence of teleology in history and politics. .

Baudrillard and the Culture Industry : Returning to the First Generation of the Frankfurt School
ISBN: 9783319698748 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This book argues for the importance of the theory of the culture industry in today's world. It begins by considering the neglect of the culture industry in the second and third generation of the Frankfurt School, presenting historical background information and criticisms on the theories of Habermas and Honneth. In our age, the culture industry is something quite different from what Adorno and Horkheimer described or could even imagine in the twentieth century. Today, the masses can not only access the media but can also respond to the messages they receive. A key question that arises, then, is why the masses, even after gaining access to their own media, still adhere to the values of the capitalist system? Why haven't they achieved a class consciousness? This work seeks to answer those questions. Drawing on Jean Baudrillard's work, it reveals the semiotic aspects of the culture industry and describes the industry in the age of simulation and hyperreality. The book argues that the culture industry has now entered the micro level of our everyday life through shopping centers, the image of profusion and more. Further, it explores new aspects of the culture industry, such as a passion for participating in the media, the consumed vertigo of catastrophe, and masking the absence of a profound reality. As such, the book will particularly appeal to graduates and researchers in sociology and sociological theory, and all those with an interest in the Frankfurt School and the works of Jean Baudrillard.

Fanverhalten im Sport : Phänomene, Herausforderungen und Perspektiven
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 3658159006 Year: 2017 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer VS,

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Der Sammelband umfasst vielfältige, aktuelle Erkenntnisse zum Fanverhalten im Sport, u.a. zur Kommerzialisierung im Fußball, der Fan-Kommunikation 3.0, den Einflussfaktoren der Fanarbeit in Vereinen und komplexen Netzwerken, dem Misstrauen gegenüber der Polizei sowie rechtlichen Aspekten des Fanverhalten. Mit diesen Themen setzten sich Wissenschaftler und Praktiker verschiedener Fachrichtungen beim 2. Udo-Steinberg-Symposium am 16. und 17. November 2015 an der Hochschule Mittweida auseinander. Der Inhalt Der Fußball und die Fans: Fanarbeit in komplexen Netzwerken Beeinflussende Faktoren des Fanverhaltens in der praktischen Vereinsarbeit Gefahren durch Fans Kritik an RasenBallsport Leipzig – Marketing contra Tradition Fan-Kommunikation 3.0 Die Zielgruppen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, Dozierende und Studierende der Sportwissenschaften, Soziologie, Psychologie, Kommunikations- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Fanbeauftragte, Vertreterinnen und Vertreter von Fanprojekten, Sportverbänden und -vereinen sowie der Polizeigewerkschaft Die Herausgeber Prof. André Schneider ist Inhaber der Professur Corporate Sustainability Management, insb. Sportmanagement an der Hochschule Mittweida Dr. Julia Köhler ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Frank Schumann ist Akademischer Assistent an der Fakultät Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen der Hochschule Mittweida.

Scientific Management reloaded? : Zur Subjektivierung von Erwerbsarbeit durch postfordistisches Management
ISBN: 365816784X Year: 2017 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer VS,

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Michael Bretschneider-Hagemes beleuchtet diverse Phänomene der Subjektivierung von Arbeit und klärt den unterstellten Gegenstand eines Scientific Management reloaded. Seine Analyse des Kategoriensystems der kapitalistischen Moderne sorgt für deren fundierte Bewertung. So gerahmt können diese als Restaurationsleistungen eines ökonomischen Krisentaumels aufgedeckt werden. Die Wendung der Krise auf das Subjekt wird in der Figur der „Entfremdung zweiter Ordnung“ entwickelt. Der Inhalt Subjektivierung von Arbeit: zwischen Vermarktlichung, indirekter Steuerung und Burn-out Kritik und Reflexion des Kategoriensystems der kapitalistischen Moderne: dialektisch-krisendynamische Genese eines sozioökonomischen Bedingungszusammenhangs Reformulierung der Subjektivierung von Arbeit: Entmystifizierung des Post-Fordismus/Taylorismus und Wendung des Krisentaumels auf das Subjekt Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende aus den Bereichen Soziologie, Psychologie, VWL, BWL und Pädagogik Praktiker aus den Bereichen Management, HR, Beratung, Betriebspsychologie, Arbeitsschutz, Gesundheitsmanagement, Betriebsrat und Gewerkschaft Der Autor Michael Bretschneider-Hagemes ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Arbeitsschutz. Er leitet das Projekt der Erforschung IT-gestützter Arbeit, setzte sich für die metaanalytische Klärung psychischer Belastungen ein und berät Ministerien und Verbände bzgl. postmoderner und digitalisierter Arbeitssysteme. Als freier Autor publiziert er in gesellschaftskritischen Formaten.

Methodological Approaches
Authors: ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer,

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This volume presents the innovative methodologies, tools and techniques, as well as the challenges and ethical complexities of doing geographies of young people. Geographers of young people have reflected upon participation, power and how to approach young people, generating a vibrant and exciting methodological terrain, which this volume showcases. Understanding young people’s lives has challenged researchers to be creative in their research approaches. Facilitating research with, and alongside, young people and acknowledging, and endeavouring to address, adult-child power imbalances has prompted innovation, experimentation and adaptation which has applicability to all social scientists and geographers. The volume provides critical insights into underlying epistemological and ethical debates, along with practical methods and techniques that investigate young people’s geographies globally, across both majority and minority worlds. Many of the chapters consider how to facilitate participation and empowerment through the research process, and geographies of young people have a long tradition of co-production and participation in research. The collection is structured into three sections with a focus on: methodological approaches and ethics; methods, tools and techniques; co-production, participation and power.  In the first section, key epistemological and methodological approaches are considered, such as critical realism, and critical pedagogy, with discussion of their implications for research design and analysis.  In the second section, chapters explore the potential and challenges of a variety of innovative participatory tools: mobile technologies, geospatial methods, creative visual methods, participatory video.  In the third section, chapters reflect on endeavours to promote more empowering, co-productive research including rights-based research, young people as researchers, and community engagement with young people. The collection highlights the specific methodological and ethical issues raised by relatively neglected techniques, such as archival research, autoethnography, qualitative longitudinal research and mobile interviewing.  It addresses how barriers to participation with groups who are often more silenced and marginalised can be addressed, such as when conducting research with migrant and asylum seeking children in the minority world and with street youth and disabled young people in the majority world.  The volume explores issues of data analysis, interpretation and dissemination, such as interpreting visual ethnography and the process of participatory dissemination. .

Movement, Mobilities, and Journeys
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer,

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This volume brings together a range of contributions exploring the diverse ways in which children and young people experience movements, im/mobilities and journeys at different geographical scales and in different socio-spatial contexts. It provides a snapshot of recent work within the geographies of children and young people which has engaged with emerging conceptualisations of mobility and immobility, and builds on existing scholarship on migration, movement and settlement. Topics covered include children’s and young people’s experiences of phenomena such as transnational migration, everyday mobility, social im/mobilities, homelessness, settlement, navigations of belonging, educational mobility, medical travel, citizenship, trafficking, labour migration, borders and boundaries. The collection is notable for the wide range of geographical contexts represented, including global South and North, and in the variety of types of movements examined – from local to global mobilities, everyday to life-changing journeys, and incorporating movements bound up in different ways with processes of socio-spatial inclusion and exclusion. A number of core themes are highlighted in the volume. All of the contributions are attentive to children’s and young people’s subjectivities, agency and perspectives in the context of an adult-dominated world. Together, they highlight: firstly, the complexities of children’s mobilities and the need to move beyond over-simplified and often dichotomized understandings of children’s mobilities and migrations; secondly, the importance of recognising the diversity of geographical scales in children and young people’s movements, and in particular, of the ways in which small-scale movements intersect with global mobilities and migrations in children’s and young people’s lives; thirdly, the interdependent and relational nature of children’s and young people’s mobilities and migrations; and finally, the importance of social, material, political and family contexts in understanding how children and young people experience mobility, immobility and migration. The volume highlights the centrality of mobility and movement to understanding contemporary society and in particular to understandings of the geographical worlds of children and young people. It highlights the richness of current research in the area, pointing to fruitful directions for future theoretical, conceptual and methodological agendas and provides a valuable platform from which to further enhance geographical understandings of the children’s and young people’s movements, im/mobilities and journeys.

Laboring and Learning
Authors: ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer,

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This volume incorporates ground-breaking new academic perspectives on the contributions that children and young people make to societies around the world, with a particular focus on learning and work. The chapters in the volume offer conceptual and empirical insights into how young people learn to labour, and the complex social, spatial, temporal, institutional and relational processes that informs their engagements in daily, generational and social reproduction. The editors have intentionally avoided using the terms ‘education’ and ‘employment’ in the title, as this volume is an attempt to capture the multitude of ways, spaces and contexts (not just ‘formal’) in which learning takes place and work is carried out. Here, learning indicates education in the broadest possible sense, to incorporate not just formal schooling and the acquisition of institutionally recognised academic knowledge and credentials, but also informal learning (including socialization and the on-the-job acquisition of skills that takes place almost imperceptibly, over time). In addition to the theoretical perspectives this volume brings on young people’s education and work, other prominent conceptual themes present throughout the work are mobilities, transitions and gender. Following four initial chapters that engage with conceptual issues, the remainder of the volume is divided into two sections, entitled ‘spaces of labouring and learning’ and ‘livelihoods, transitions and social reproduction’. Within these sections, a broad spectrum of empirical chapters demonstrates how young people live, learn and labour in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. These include, among others, geographies of education; interface between migration, learning and livelihoods; cultural politics of human capital formation; schooling and work; citizenship education; families and parenting; socialization and informal education; education-induced migration; processes and practices of inclusion and exclusion in educational institutions; part-time work; domestic work; care work; informal livelihoods; entrepreneurship; social transitions; and a wide range of social, economic, cultural, political (structural) forces that intersect and dissect these topics. As the reader will become aware, there is no such thing as a standard educational or work trajectory, a ‘normal’ transition or a straight forward relationship between work, education and social reproduction. Indeed, one of the aims of the volume is deliberately to showcase the diversity that young people’s lives hold in this regard.

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