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Guide du secteur social et médico-social
ISBN: 2100762575 Year: 2017 Publisher: Paris (5 Rue Laromiguière 75005) : Dunod,

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Destiné à l'ensemble des professionnels du secteur, ce guide propose une synthèse des principaux dispositifs et concepts clés de l'aide et de l'action sociale. Plus de 100 entrées fournissent les points de repère essentiels pour la connaissance des terminologies. Chacun des termes traités comporte : • une définition précise ; • une explication détaillée retraçant l'historique ; • les principales références administratives et juridiques ; • une bibliographie. Cette 10e édition intègre les multiples changements liés aux réformes des diplômes d'État des métiers du social, aux lois d'adaptation de la société au vieillissement, du 28 décembre 2015, de modernisation de notre système de santé, du 26 janvier 2016, de protection de l'enfant, du 14 mars 2016.


Public welfare.

Social welfare for a global era. : International perspectives on policy and practice.
ISBN: 9781412918022 Year: 2017 Publisher: Thousand Oaks, California SAGE Publications, Inc.

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Written by internationally renowned author and scholar James Midgley, Social Welfare for a Global Era provides a comprehensive framework for examining social welfare from a global perspective. Drawing on a large body of literature and his own extensive knowledge of the field, Dr. Midgley offers students, scholars, and practitioners an up-to-date account of the complex ways social well-being is enhanced in the global era, including the major welfare institutions that provide a cultural context for social welfare policy and practice.

Fiscal and Welfare Impacts of Electricity Subsidies in Central America
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1464811059 Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Central American countries spend approximately one percent of their aggregate gross domestic product subsidizing residential electricity consumption. This amount is comparable with what these countries spend on education and social assistance. The pressure that electricity subsidies exert on government budgets is particularly high when international energy prices rise. Electricity subsidies also provide perverse incentives for the overconsumption of electricity as households do not pay the true cost of their consumption, which in turn reduces incentives to increase energy efficiency. This book answers key questions regarding residential electricity subsidies in Central America. In particular: How do the subsidy mechanisms function in each country? What are their fiscal costs? Are these subsidies good value for the money? How efficient are subsidies in reaching households in need, and what drives this efficiency? What are the reform options? The main message of this book is that there is considerable scope for improving the efficiency of electricity subsidies in Central America by better targeting them to low-income households. The book shows that electricity subsidies help reduce the burden of electricity costs on the lowest-income groups. However, the existing electricity subsidy schemes are very inefficient at targeting resources to low-income households, with the majority of government spending going to higher-income households. Indeed, most countries in the region have the opportunity to significantly reduce the fiscal costs of electricity subsidies without imposing significant costs on households, particularly poor households. Given the limited fiscal space in the region and the major needs of the countries in terms of social services and physical infrastructure, this study seeks to provide Central American policymakers with the analytical foundations necessary to assess the costs and benefits of their electricity subsidy mechanisms, and design effective reform strategies that reflect their unique circumstances and policy priorities.

The 1.5 Billion People Question : Food, Vouchers, or Cash Transfers?
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 1464810885 Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Most of the people in low and middle-income countries covered by social protection receive assistance in the form of in-kind food. The origin of such support is rooted in countries' historical pursuit of three interconnected objectives, namely attaining self-sufficiency in food, managing domestic food prices, and providing income support to the poor. This volume sheds light on the complex, bumpy and non-linear process of how some flagship food-based social protection programs have evolved over time, and how they currently work. In particular, it lays out the broad trends in reforms, including a growing move from in-kind modalities to cash transfers, from universality to targeting, and from agriculture to social protection. Case studies from Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Sri Lanka, and United States document the specific experiences of managing the process of reform and implementation, including enhancing our understanding of the opportunities and challenges with different social protection transfer modalities.

A safety net that works : improving federal programs for low-income Americans

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This is an edited volume reviewing the major means-tested social programs in the United States. Each author addresses a major program or area, reviewing each area's successes and recommending how to address shortcomings through policy change. In general, our means-tested programs do many things well, but some adjustments to each could make the system much more effective. This book provides policymakers with a broad overview of the issues at hand in each program and how to address them.

Lessons learned from welfare reforms in other countries : hearing before the Subcommittee on Human Resources of the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, first session, November 17, 2015.
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office,

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Institutions sociales et médico-sociales
ISBN: 2100766686 Year: 2017 Publisher: Paris (5 Rue Laromiguière 75005) : Dunod,

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Depuis la loi du 2 janvier 2002, le flot des réformes n'a pas cessé, au point de modifier sensiblement la construction du dispositif et de susciter une évolution des rôles des acteurs comme des décideurs.Cet ouvrage fait le point sur les évolutions législatives et réglementaires et analyse les cohérences, comme les incohérences, de la nouvelle architecture juridique incluant désormais la loi « ASV » de 1995 et la loi « Santé » de 1996.Il retrace à travers son histoire et sa géographie, l'originalité du secteur social et médico-social en en soulignant la force, la diversité et le dynamisme, mais aussiles faiblesses : les fragmentations, cloisonnements et autres obstacles à la continuité des accompagnements et des parcours, les distorsions des politiques conduites dans la perte d'autonomie, ainsi qu'une décentralisation mal pensée, préjudiciable à la cohérence des actions déployées sur le terrain.L'auteur ouvre des perspectives, en traçant six voies d'amélioration sur les deux principaux versants de la qualité : la nature des interventions directement servies aux usagers et la structuration et l'organisation des dispositifs de l'offre sociale et médico-sociale.

Welfare, work and poverty : social assistance in China
ISBN: 9780190218133 9780190218140 Year: 2017 Publisher: New York Oxford University Press

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Lessons learned from welfare reforms in other countries : hearing before the Subcommittee on Human Resources of the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, first session, November 17, 2015.
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office,

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L'État providence face aux opinions publiques
ISBN: 2706126639 2706126647 Year: 2017 Publisher: FONTAINE (15, rue Abbé Vincent, 38600) : Presses universitaires de Grenoble,

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Un vaste panorama des opinions sur l'État providence dans 50 pays, des années 1980 à aujourd'hui. Pourquoi les Européens sont-ils aussi nombreux à soutenir un État providence fort ? Quels sont les pays où cet attachement est le plus prononcé ? Comment les attentes ont-elles évolué depuis les années 1980 ? Dans un contexte d'austérité et de remise en question des politiques sociales, l'ouvrage fait le point sur les résultats de plusieurs enquêtes menées dans près de 50 pays du monde. Il dresse un panorama complet des opinions sur l'État providence et explique leurs variations dans le temps et dans l'espace. Pour les étudiants, il passe en revue la littérature internationale et analyse comment les citoyens forment leurs préférences, en insistant sur les apports et les limites des sondages. Pour les enseignants chercheurs, il aborde également la question clef des dynamiques d'opinion : comment rendre compte des mouvements de l'opinion ? Quels sont les groupes qui les portent ? Les acteurs du monde politique y trouveront de nombreuses informations sur la légitimité de l'État providence et de ses domaines d'intervention, mais aussi sur les attentes des Français en matière de fraude sociale ou de non-recours aux aides publiques.

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