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Historische Personen und Ereignisse in der deutschsprachigen Literatur 1945-2000 : eine Bibliographie
ISBN: 9783777217154 Year: 2017 Volume: 23 Publisher: Stuttgart Anton Hiersemann KG

The Bible and the printed image in early modern England : Little Gidding and the pursuit of scriptural harmony
ISBN: 9781472460462 1472460464 9781138353299 Year: 2017 Publisher: London and New York Routledge

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The first book-length study of the fifteen surviving Little Gidding bible concordances, this book examines the visual culture of print in seventeenth-century England through the lens of one extraordinary family and their hand-made biblical manuscripts. The volumes were created by the women of the Ferrar-Collet family of Little Gidding, who selected works from the family's collection of Catholic religious prints, and then cut and pasted prints and print fragments, along with verses excised from the bible, and composed them in artful arrangements on the page in the manner of collage. Gaudio shows that by cutting, recombining, and pasting multi-scaled print fragments, the Ferrar-Collet family put into practice a remarkably flexible pictorial language. The Little Gidding concordances provide an occasion to explore how the manipulation of print could be a means of thinking through some of the most pressing religious and political questions of the pre-civil war period: the coherence of printed scripture, the nature of sovereignty, the relevance of the Mosaic law, and the protestant reform of images. By foregrounding the Ferrar-Collets' engagement with the print fragment, this book extends the scope of early modern print history beyond the printmaker's studio and expands our understanding of the ways an early modern Protestant community could productively engage with the religious image. Contrary to the long-held view that the English Reformation led to a decline in the importance of the religious image, this study demonstrates the ongoing vitality of religious prints in early modern England as instruments for thinking.

Le prime edizioni greche a Roma (1510-1526)
ISBN: 9782503570297 2503570291 Year: 2017 Volume: 20 2 Publisher: Turnhout : Brepols,

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"Rispetto ad altri centri, la produzione a stampa in greco a Roma inizia piuttosto tardi, nel secondo decennio del XVI secolo, e ai suoi esordi non è una produzione numericamente ampia. La prima opera conosciuta è l’Operetta bellissima da imparare la lingua greca composta da Paolo Enea, stampata nel 1510 da Stefano Guillery ed Ercole Nani. Fino al 1526 si contano, oltre all’Operetta bellissima, altre diciotto pubblicazioni in greco. Di queste, eccezion fatta per una ristampa degli Erotemata di Manuele Crisolora del 1522, oggi ritenuta di incerta attribuzione, e di un’edizione della Consolatio ad Apollonium di Plutarco, senza data e senza colophon, ma molto probabilmente proveniente dalla stessa stamperia, si tratta delle sedici edizioni seguenti: sette edizioni a cura del cretese Zaccaria Calliergi (Pindaro, scoli a Teocrito, Horae in laudem beatae Virginis, Tommaso Magistro, Frinico, Octoechos e il Dizionario di Guarino Favorino); cinque edizioni certe del Ginnasio Greco di Leone X (tre, le edizioni degli scoli a Omero, di Porfirio e degli scoli a Sofocle, a cura di Giano Lascari, e due, il Geras spanion [‘Dono raro’] e gli Apoftegmi, a cura di Arsenio [Aristobulo] Apostoli), alle quali si deve aggiungere un’edizione priva di data e note tipografiche di tre orazioni di Isocrate; due a cura di Angelo Barbato (progymnasmata di Elio Teone e progymnasmata di Libanio); infine – l’ultima della serie – un’edizione dell’ottobre 1526 di diverse opere di carattere liturgico, a cura del cretese Demetrio Duca. È ormai comunemente rifiutata l’attribuzione alla stamperia del Ginnasio greco, che pubblica dal 1517 al 1519, di un’edizione senza data contenente la Tabula Cebetis più altri tre opuscoli di altri autori, che va invece ascritta alla stamperia fiorentina di Lorenzo Alopa e datata al 1495 ca. Il presente volume è dedicato allo studio delle diciannove edizioni stampate a Roma dal 1510 al 1526, in larga parte editiones principes, e del l’edizione fiorentina della Tabula Cebetis. Di queste edizioni vengono pubblicate tutte le pièces liminari in esse presenti, accompagnate da una traduzione italiana, e vengono forniti volta per volta una dettagliata presentazione dell’edizione e un esame filologico inteso ad appurare le fonti manoscritte utilizzate."--

Dutch and Flemish newspapers of the seventeenth century, 1618-1700
ISBN: 9789004317314 9004317317 9789004341890 9789004341906 9789004341913 9004341897 9004341900 9004341919 Year: 2017 Volume: 58/1-2 43 Publisher: Leiden : Brill,

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Winner of the 2019 Menno Hertzberger Encouragement Prize for Book History and Bibliography In Dutch and Flemish Newspapers of the Seventeenth Century Arthur der Weduwen presents the first comprehensive account of the early newspaper in the Low Countries. Composed of two volumes, this survey provides detailed introductions and bibliographical descriptions of 49 newspapers, surviving in over 16,000 issues in 84 archives and libraries. This work presents a crucial overview of the first fledgling century of newspaper publishing and reading in one of the most advanced political cultures of early modern Europe. Seventy years after Folke Dahl’s Dutch Corantos first documented early Dutch newspapers, Der Weduwen offers a brand-new approach to the bibliography of the early modern periodical press. This includes, amongst others, a description of places of correspondence listed in each surviving newspaper. The bibliography is accompanied by an extensive introduction of the Dutch and Flemish press in the seventeenth century. What emerges is a picture of a highly competitive and dynamic market for news, in which innovative publishers constantly adapt to the changing tastes of customers and pressures from authorities at home and abroad.


Book history --- anno 1600-1699 --- Netherlands --- Flanders --- newspapers --- 094:054 --- 094 "16" --- 094 <492> --- 094 <493> --- 094 <492> Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora--Nederland --- Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora--Nederland --- 094 "16" Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora--17e eeuw. Periode 1600-1699 --- Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora--17e eeuw. Periode 1600-1699 --- 094:054 Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Nieuwsbladen --- Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Nieuwsbladen --- Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora--België --- Dutch newspapers --- Newspaper publishing --- Flemish newspapers --- History --- 094 <493> Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora--België --- Newspapers --- Newspaper presses --- History. --- Presse --- --Histoire --- --XVIIe s., --- Pays-Bas --- --Belgique --- --Journaux néerlandais --- --Journaux flamands --- --bibliographie --- --répertoire --- --History --- Belgium --- 17th century --- Publishing of newspapers --- Journalism --- Publishers and publishing --- Belgian newspapers --- Publishing --- Dutch newspapers - Bibliography --- Newspaper publishing - Netherlands - History - 17th century --- Flemish newspapers - Belgium - Bibliography --- Newspaper publishing - Belgium - History - 17th century --- Histoire --- XVIIe s., 1601-1700 --- Journaux néerlandais --- Journaux flamands --- Belgique

Strasbourg, ville de l'imprimerie : l'édition princeps aux XVe et XVIe siècles (textes et images) : tradition et innovations
ISBN: 9782503570471 250357047X Year: 2017 Volume: 44 Publisher: Turnhout : Brepols,

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À la fin du XVe siècle et au XVIe, Strasbourg et ses environs, marqués par Gutenberg, l’humanisme et la tradition rhénane, jouent un rôle de premier ordre dans le monde nouveau de l’imprimerie. L’édition princeps y est florissante. Mais pourquoi et comment entreprend-on de publier de telles éditions? Quelle est la nature de celles produites dans la région de Strasbourg ou conservées dans ses fonds patrimoniaux? Des chercheurs de différentes disciplines et des représentants de bibliothèques et du monde de l’édition humaniste en France et en Europe interrogent ici la notion même d’édition princeps et esquissent la carte du réseau éditorial de la région de Strasbourg et son rayonnement géographique à cette époque. Ce volume s’articule autour de trois axes : le premier inscrit l’édition princeps dans la perspective historique du passage du manuscrit à l’imprimé et ébauche un état des lieux des incunables et éditions princeps du XVIe siècle actuellement conservés à Strasbourg. Ce colloque a été l’occasion d’entreprendre l’inventaire de richesses parfois insoupçonnées. Le second axe se penche sur les éditions innovantes du début du XVIe siècle. Le troisième questionne les choix éditoriaux et leurs modalités à la Renaissance, les relations auteur-éditeur-imprimeur-public et les difficultés d’ordre politique ou religieux auxquelles s’est trouvée confrontée l’édition humaniste à l’heure de la Réforme.

Imprimerie et pouvoir : politique, livre, langue à Toulouse de 1475 à 1617
ISSN: 14225581 ISBN: 9782600257862 9782600057868 9782600157865 9782600357869 2600057862 Year: 2017 Volume: 145 Publisher: Genève : Droz,

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Second Parlement et seconde Bourse de France, Toulouse est après Lyon et Paris la troisième ville où se développe l'imprimerie. Celle-ci fait le jeu de structures anciennes et puissantes en plein renouvellement - Capitoulat, Etats de Languedoc, très nombreux pouvoirs religieux séculiers et réguliers, Université prestigieuse dans les sciences juridiques et accompagne la vitalité du commerce des biens et des idées.0L'Imprimerie et le pouvoir toulousain analyse les rapports entretenus entre politique, livre et langue de 1475, apparition du premier ouvrage imprimé, à 1617, année de l'édition du Ramelet Mondin de Pèire Godolin, qui par sa langue (l'occitan) et sa typologie (la poésie) clôt avec nostalgie et splendeur ce long XVIe siècle. Cette première monographie d'ampleur consacrée à l'imprimerie d'ancien régime à Toulouse permet de découvrir toute la complexité de la capitale occitane à la Renaissance.

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