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Small countries : structures and sensibilities
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780812248937 Year: 2017 Publisher: Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press,

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What is a small country? Is a country small because of the size of its territory or its population? Can smallness be relative, based on the subjective perception of a country's inhabitants or in comparison with one's neighbors? How does smallness, however it is defined, shape a country and its relations with other countries? Answers to these questions, among others, can be found in Small Countries, the first and only anthropological study of smallness as a defining variable. In terms of population size, some two thirds of the countries of the world can now be considered small countries, and they can be found in all world regions except North America and East Asia. They exhibit great diversity with regard to culture, history, and institutional arrangements, so there can be no model of any "typical" small country. Yet the essays collected by Ulf Hannerz and Andre Gingrich identify a range of family resemblances in such areas as internal connectivity and sensibilities of identity. Contributors describe a number of similar problems with which small countries must cope, on domestic levels as well as in their transnational and global encounters. For some small countries, challenges such as media organization and branding have a negative impact on real or perceived vulnerability, while for others, the same challenges facilitate success stories. Comparative case studies cover a diverse set of regions, including the Caribbean, Middle East, Africa, and Europe, and employ diverse anthropological approaches. Tacit assumptions about scale, identities, and networks in everyday social life are best revealed through close, interpretive effort. At times a sense of shared belonging comes to the fore with particular events, such as a national crisis or an unexpected success in international sports, offering scope for situational analyses. In showing how small countries confront globalization, Small Countries reveals how the sense of scale intensifies when the world as a whole shrinks

La place des pays émergents en droit international : perspectives pluridisciplinaires

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Quelle réalité recouvre l'émergence en droit international ? Dans quelle mesure ce phénomène contribue-t-il à l'évolution du discours sur le droit international, voire même à l'évolution des règles de droit international ? Alors qu'elle est devenue un thème récurrent de l'étude des relations internationales et des sciences économiques, l'émergence suscite de nombreuses interrogations en droit international auxquelles le présent ouvrage essaie d'apporter quelques réponses. Les contributeurs cherchent ainsi à mieux saisir la place et le positionnement des pays émergents dans les principaux domaines de la discipline (droits de l'homme, droit de l'environnement, droit international économique). Outre la délimitation des contours de la notion d'émergence, il s'agit de s'interroger sur le regard que portent les États relevant de cette catégorie sur les normes juridiques internationales, notamment au travers des positions qu'ils adoptent au sein des institutions internationales. D'autre part, il s'agit d'évaluer comment les autres États réagissent aux positions adoptées par les pays émergents et, plus largement, de déterminer dans quelle mesure les règles de droit international permettent à ces États d'émerger. Ce faisant, les analyses pluridisciplinaires proposées offrent un éclairage nouveau sur la réalité et sur les effets de la catégorie " pays émergents " dans l'ordre international contemporain.

Revue internationale des études du développement
ISSN: 25543415 12938882 00407356 25543555 ISBN: 9791035100018 Year: 2017 Volume: 229 Publisher: Paris Publications de la Sorbonne

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Politics --- Economics --- Iran --- Revue périodique --- Aide au développement --- 05 --- #TS:WBIB --- Géopolitique --- 339.96 --- Current periodicals --- FR / France - Frankrijk --- 339.96 Ontwikkelingshulp. Ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Ontwikkelingsproblematiek --- Ontwikkelingshulp. Ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Ontwikkelingsproblematiek --- Tijdschrift --- Ontwikkelingshulp --- periodieken - tijdschriften --- Geopolitiek --- Periodicals --- Third World: economic development problems --- Economic history. --- History, Economic --- Developing countries --- Developing countries. --- Underdeveloped areas --- Economic conditions --- Emerging nations --- Fourth World --- Global South --- LDC's --- Least developed countries --- Less developed countries --- Newly industrialized countries --- Newly industrializing countries --- NICs --- Third World --- Underdeveloped countries --- Pays en développement --- Periodicals. --- Social conditions --- Conditions économiques --- Périodiques --- Conditions sociales --- CAIRN-E EJECONO EJETUDE EJSOCIA EPUB-ALPHA-R EPUB-PER-FT --- Derde Wereld: economische ontwikkelingsproblematiek --- Closed periodicals --- Developing countries: economic development problems --- ayuda al desarrollo --- arenguabi --- помоћ за развој --- pomoć u razvoju --- Entwicklungshilfe --- fejlesztési segély --- помощ за развитие --- cabhair um fhorbairt --- utvecklingsbistånd --- udviklingsbistand --- ontwikkelingshulp --- palīdzība attīstības jomā --- αναπτυξιακή βοήθεια --- fonduri pentru dezvoltare --- kehitysapu --- rozvojová pomoc --- razvojna pomoč --- parama vystymuisi --- għajnuna għall-iżvilupp --- ndihma për zhvillim --- помош за развој --- pomoc rozwojowa --- ajuda ao desenvolvimento --- aiuto allo sviluppo --- development aid --- assistenza allo sviluppo --- fonduri pentru țările în curs de dezvoltare --- gezamenlijke ontwikkeling --- plėtros pagalba --- ndihmë për vendet në zhvillim --- pomoc třetím zemím --- aiuto ai paesi in via di sviluppo --- aiuto ai PVS --- bashkëzhvillim --- steun aan ontwikkelingslanden --- desarrollo mutuo --- aide aux PVD --- gemeinsame Entwicklung --- pomoć zemljama u razvoju --- asistencia al desarrollo --- desarrollo conjunto --- közös fejlődés --- pomoc rozvojovým krajinám --- ajuda aos PVD --- cooperação para o desenvolvimento --- fejlődő országoknak nyújtott segély --- aid to developing countries --- ühine areng --- από κοινού ανάπτυξη --- kehitysmaille tarkoitettu tuki --- κοινή ανάπτυξη --- støtte til udviklingslande --- asistență pentru dezvoltare --- помош за поттикнување и поддршка на развојот --- cooperación al desarrollo --- kopēja attīstība --- u-hjälp --- arengumaadele antav abi --- gemensam utveckling --- codesarrollo --- ulandshjælp --- codéveloppement --- bendrai vykdoma plėtra --- bistand til udviklingslande --- βοήθεια στις αναπτυσσόμενες χώρες --- fælles udvikling --- co-development --- palīdzība attīstībai --- palīdzība attīstības valstīm --- pagalba besivystančioms šalims --- αναπτυξιακή συνεργασία --- pomoc rozvojovým zemím --- yhteiskehitys --- bistånd till utvecklingsländer --- perioodiline väljaanne --- periodická publikácia --- сериски публикации --- tidskrift --- периодично издание --- periodinis leidinys --- periodikum --- rivista periodica --- kausijulkaisu --- serial publication --- periodische Veröffentlichung --- publicații periodice --- περιοδική επιθεώρηση --- publicação periódica --- publicación seriada --- periodična publikacija --- periodika --- folyóirat --- publikim periodik --- periodisks izdevums --- wydawnictwo periodyczne --- tidsskrift --- периодично издање --- tijdschrift --- pubblikazzjoni perjodika --- periodicum --- periodiek --- revue périodique --- publicación periódica --- επιθεώρηση --- издание во продолженија --- периодична објава --- periodical publication --- serijska publikacija --- botim periodik --- сериско издание --- seriāls izdevums --- périodique --- periodico --- publikim në seri --- rivista mensile --- serijinis leidinys --- mensile --- pubblicazione periodica --- publicații seriale --- периодично списание --- periodisk tidskrift --- měsíčník --- perioodikaväljaanne --- revista --- series --- časopis --- periódico --- publicación en serie --- serie --- periodice --- periodical --- týdeník --- nepravé periodikum --- jadaväljaanne --- občasník --- Periodikum --- aikakauslehti --- serials --- периодична публикација --- фељтон --- περιοδικό --- sraitheachán --- Aide au développement --- Revue périodique

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