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Affiche ta pub! : publicitaire, métier excitant
ISBN: 2763734308 Year: 2017 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Presses de l'Université Laval,

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Affiche ta pub ! rassemble l’expérience et les réflexions de Claude Cossette, ce gourou de la publicité. L’ouvrage comprend 10 courts chapitres, rédigés dans le style vif et concret qui a fait le succès des livres précédents du communicateur. L’auteur y expose ses vues exigeantes du métier de publicitaire et révèle les clés qui lui ont permis de bâtir sa réputation et de faire du nom « Cossette » un synonyme de l’excellence en communication. L’essayiste s’adresse plus spécifiquement aux jeunes lectrices et lecteurs que la communication persuasive fascine, en particulier à celles et ceux qui rêvent de rejoindre la cohorte des influenceurs sociaux. Il leur confie les clés qui leur permettront de réaliser leur rêve de créatif, de stratège, de cadre ou d’entrepreneur. À ceux qui hésitent à s’engager dans ce métier, il leur dit de mille façons : « Fonce ! La passion, le travail et le temps te transformeront en authentique professionnel de la communication. »

Linguaggi del consumo : segni, luoghi, pratiche, identità
ISBN: 9788825501308 8825501307 Year: 2017 Publisher: Canterano (RM): Aracne,

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Come si è sviluppata la semiotica del consumo? Quali testi analizza e con quali strumenti? Infine, qual è il valore aggiunto della semiotica rispetto alle altre discipline che si sono tradizionalmente occupate dello studio del consumo? Per rispondere a simili interrogativi, il libro si propone di ricostruire i principali nodi teorici che ruotano intorno a questo campo di studi, per poi esplorare in maniera specifica la prospettiva di indagine semiotica: dalle prime indagini sulla pubblicità, al dialogo con il mondo del marketing e della sociologia, fino alle più recenti indagini etnosemiotiche e agli studi sui nuovi media. Al contempo prova a delineare nuove possibili direzioni di ricerca, alla luce dei continui cambiamenti del contesto socioculturale in cui si muove il consumatore. L’idea è che la semiotica possa fornire, usando le parole di Jean Marie Floch, quell’incremento di intellegibilità, pertinenza, differenziazione necessario per dare senso alle pratiche di consumo e alle rappresentazioni che emergono dai testi che popolano il nostro immaginario quotidiano.

Storytelling : Geschichten für das Marketing und die PR-Arbeit entwickeln
ISBN: 380065413X Year: 2017 Publisher: München, [Germany] : Verlag Franz Vahlen,

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Neuromarketing im Versicherungsverkauf. Der Einfluss limbischer Kundentypen auf den Abschluss von Versicherungen.
ISBN: 3961460434 9783961460434 3961465436 9783961465439 Year: 2017 Publisher: Hamburg Diplomica Verlag

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KLM Airlines : from crisis to social media success
Year: 2017 Publisher: London : Henry Stewart Talks,

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Contents: The case study examines how KLM Airlines learned from its experience during the 2010 Iceland ash cloud, and moved from using social media only to make marketing announcements, to using it for customer service, communication and sales, with a customer centric focus.

Danger : la fragmentation des marques face au multimédia
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782367781280 Year: 2017 Publisher: Bluffy (Haute-Savoie) : Kawa,

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Avec l'apparition des nouveaux médias numériques, les marques ont vu leurs supports de communication se multiplier. La gestion en est devenue plus complexe. L'auteure livre son analyse et des outils pour garder la cohérence de sa marque. Avec de nombreux témoignages d'experts. ©Electre 2017 " Danger : la fragmentation des marques face au multimédia " décrit un phénomène très actuel. Avec l'apparition des nouveaux médias numériques, les marques ont de plus en plus de plateformes d'expression. Cette multiplication des médias rend plus complexe la gestion des marques. Garder la cohérence de la marque (contenu, concurrence des messages, adaptation des messages à chaque média...) devient donc essentiel à sa survie. En outre, dans cette période de transition, la marque s'avère un puissant levier d'acceptation du changement dans les entreprises. Ce livre vous apporte des outils et des témoignages d'experts comme Mercedes Erra (Présidente exécutive, Havas Worlwide), Anne Claire Long (Directrice Communication, Michel et Augustin), Muriel Barnéoud (Présidente, Docapost), Julien Scaglione (Directeur des médias sociaux, Buzzman), etc... qui vous permettront de développer, pérenniser votre marque et garder sa cohérence. Ce livre est une véritable boîte à idées et outils qui vous donnera envie d'éviter le danger !

Cargill : the importance of transparency in environmental policy
Year: 2017 Publisher: London : Henry Stewart Talks,

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This case study explores Cargill's defence of its palm oil plantation policies. Following accusations of greenwashing and a blatant lack of meaningful sustainability efforts, Cargill aggressively refuted all allegations. Nevertheless negative publicity continued. The case study outlines the importance of transparency and the need for social web activity and effective communication in programmes to improve corporate reputation.

Branding as communication
ISBN: 9781433128042 9781433128035 1433128047 1433128039 Year: 2017 Publisher: New York : Peter Lang,

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Once only a sign, technologies have helped to transform brands into symbols that we constantly encounter in our natural and mediated environments. Moreover, the branding of culture marks a commercialization of society. Almost everywhere we look, a brand name or logo appears. 0By combining a scholarly approach with case studies and examples, this text bridges the worlds of communication and business by providing a single vocabulary in which to discuss branding. It brings these ideas together into a coherent framework to enable discussions on the topic to occur in a variety of disciplines. A number of perspectives are also provided, including brands as signs and symbols, brand personality, history, communication, cognitive factors, loyalty, personal branding, community, and social issues. 0Providing a comprehensive overview of the branding process? from the creation of brands to analysis of their messages - readers will begin to understand the communicative impact of branding.

The work of communication : relational perspectives on working and organizing in contemporary capitalism
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 131568070X 1317397983 135133350X 1138930156 0367243067 Year: 2017 Publisher: Taylor & Francis

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"The Work of Communication: Relational Perspectives on Working and Organizing in Contemporary Capitalism revolves around a two-part question: "What have work and organization become under contemporary capitalism and how should organization studies approach them?" Changes in the texture of capitalism, heralded by social and organizational theorists alike, increasingly focus attention on communication as both vital to the conduct of work and as imperative to organizational performance. Yet most accounts of communication in organization studies fail to understand an alternate sense of the "work of communication" in the constitution of organizations, work practices, and economies. This book responds to that lack by portraying communicative practices as opposed to individuals, interests, technologies, structures, organizations, or institutions as the focal units of analysis in studies of the social and organizational problems occasioned by contemporary capitalism. Rather than suggesting that there exists a canonically "correct" route communicative analyses must follow, The Work of Communication: Relational Perspectives on Working and Organizing in Contemporary Capitalism explores the value of transcending longstanding divides between symbolic and material factors in studies of working and organizing. The recognition of dramatic shifts in technological, economic, and political forces, along with deep interconnections among the myriad of factors shaping working and organizing, sows doubts about whether organization studies is up to the vital task of addressing the social problems capitalism now creates. Kuhn, Ashcraft, and Cooren argue that novel insights into those social problems are possible if we tell different stories about working and organizing. To aid authors of those stories, they develop a set of conceptual resources that they capture under the mantle of communicative relationality. These resources allow analysts to profit from burgeoning interest in notions such as sociomateriality, posthumanism, performativity, and affect. It goes on to illustrate the benefits that investigations of work and organization can realize from communicative relationality by presenting case studies that analyze (a) the becoming of an idea, from its inception to solidification, (b) the emergence of what is taken to be the "the product" in high-tech startup entrepreneurship, and (c) the branding of work (in this case, academic writing and commercial aviation) through affective economies. Taken together, the book portrays "the work of communication" as simultaneously about how work in the "new economy" revolves around communicative practice and about how communication serves as a mode of explanation with the potential to cultivate novel stories about working and organizing. Aimed at academics, researchers, and policy makers, this book';s goal is to make tangible the contributions of communication for thinking about contemporary social and organizational problems."--Provided by publisher.

Commercial communication in the digital age : information or disinformation?
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783110416794 3110416794 9783110416831 3110416832 3110416506 Year: 2017 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter Saur,

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In today's digital age, online and mobile advertising are of growing importance, with advertising no longer bound to the traditional media industry. Although the advertising industry still has broader access to the different measures and channels, users and consumers today have more possibilities to publish, get informed or communicate - to "co-create" -, and to reach a bigger audience. There is a good chance thus that users and consumers are better informed about the objectives and persuasive tricks of the advertising industry than ever before. At the same time, advertisers can inform about products and services without the limitations of time and place faced by traditional mass media. But will there really be a time when advertisers and consumers have equal power, or does tracking users online and offline lead to a situation where advertisers have more information about the consumers than ever before? The volume discusses these questions and related issues.

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