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The work 'Intorno a Boccaccio/Boccaccio e dintorni 2016' is the outcome of the international seminar held in Certaldo on September 16, 2017, promoted by the ENGB National Association (Ente Nazionale Giovanni Boccaccio) and now in its third edition. The seminar, which is now held on an annual basis, has the main purpose of giving visibility to young scholars, allowing them to present new and ongoing researches. Alongside philological and critical contributions related to Decameron and its Fortleben, this work is characterized by the attention it pays to other works by Boccaccio (Filostrato, Rime, De mulieribus claris, Epistole, Trattatello), examined under the aspect of textual tradition, rhetorical figures and lexicon.
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The work 'Intorno a Boccaccio/Boccaccio e dintorni 2016' is the outcome of the international seminar held in Certaldo on September 16, 2017, promoted by the ENGB National Association (Ente Nazionale Giovanni Boccaccio) and now in its third edition. The seminar, which is now held on an annual basis, has the main purpose of giving visibility to young scholars, allowing them to present new and ongoing researches. Alongside philological and critical contributions related to Decameron and its Fortleben, this work is characterized by the attention it pays to other works by Boccaccio (Filostrato, Rime, De mulieribus claris, Epistole, Trattatello), examined under the aspect of textual tradition, rhetorical figures and lexicon.
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The work 'Intorno a Boccaccio/Boccaccio e dintorni 2016' is the outcome of the international seminar held in Certaldo on September 16, 2017, promoted by the ENGB National Association (Ente Nazionale Giovanni Boccaccio) and now in its third edition. The seminar, which is now held on an annual basis, has the main purpose of giving visibility to young scholars, allowing them to present new and ongoing researches. Alongside philological and critical contributions related to Decameron and its Fortleben, this work is characterized by the attention it pays to other works by Boccaccio (Filostrato, Rime, De mulieribus claris, Epistole, Trattatello), examined under the aspect of textual tradition, rhetorical figures and lexicon.
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The work 'Intorno a Boccaccio/Boccaccio e dintorni 2016' is the outcome of the international seminar held in Certaldo on September 16, 2017, promoted by the ENGB National Association (Ente Nazionale Giovanni Boccaccio) and now in its third edition. The seminar, which is now held on an annual basis, has the main purpose of giving visibility to young scholars, allowing them to present new and ongoing researches. Alongside philological and critical contributions related to Decameron and its Fortleben, this work is characterized by the attention it pays to other works by Boccaccio (Filostrato, Rime, De mulieribus claris, Epistole, Trattatello), examined under the aspect of textual tradition, rhetorical figures and lexicon.
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"Distribuiti in sette capitoli si effettuano altrettanti affondi nei contenuti, negli schemi e nelle forme dell’arte narrativa di Boccaccio. Dagli esercizi epistolari contenuti nello Zibaldone Laurenziano e dagli esordi letterari (Filocolo, Filostrato), fino al capolavoro (Decameron), attraverso passaggi di capitale importanza diegetica (Elegia di Madonna Fiammetta), un inesausto proposito sperimentale porta la scrittura di Boccaccio a rinnovarsi continuamente, fino a straordinari esiti di un racconto che si inoltra nella psiche individuale e nelle dinamiche delle relazioni sociali"--
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Le texte de la version française du Teseida, Le livre de Thezeo, est conservé dans quatre manuscrits et un fragment. Le présent travail présente la première édition critique de la traduction française du livre du jeune Boccace. Le jeune Boccace a tenté, en composant son très étrange poème Teseida delle nozze d'Emilia, de rivaliser avec les épopées antiques de Virgile ou de Stace, tant par le thème choisi (l'affrontement de héros mythiques des légendes grecques dans un monde fréquenté par les dieux) que par le volume du texte, cherchant à calquer l'Enéide pour ainsi dire au vers près, et avec de nombreux et importants emprunts à la Thébaïde de Stace. Le Livre de Thezeo, traduction française du Teseida, est en très grande partie inédit. Il est connu surtout par les splendides enluminures du manuscrit 2617 de Vienne (W1), souvent décrites et reproduites, et la beauté du décor justifie les nombreuses études auxquelles il a donné lieu. Mais si certaines recherches mettent en parallèle -- au moins sommairement -- l'étude du texte et celle des illustrations, l'approche textuelle est demeurée très superficielle. Le présent travail fournit la première édition critique du Livre de Thezeo et présente une étude complète de sa tradition textuelle et du travail du traducteur français.
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Etymologie. --- Dictionnaires. --- Étymologie. --- Boccaccio, Giovanni
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Authors, Italian --- Ecrivains italiens --- Boccaccio, Giovanni,
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Dieses Handbuch untersucht Boccaccios «De mulieribus claris» umfassend und kann so zeigen, dass sich das Werk über 106 besondere Frauen als «präfeministisch» erweist. Die unterstellte Misogynie Boccaccios ist einer Unkenntnis des lateinischen Originals oder eklektizistischem Umgang mit bloßen Fragmenten geschuldet. Umfassende Analysen von Übersetzungen und Forschungen erhellen jenen Irrtum: Boccaccio hatte, anders als Petrarca, ein bipolares Verständnis vom Menschen und setzte das Weltbild Plutarchs als gemeinsames Agieren von Männern und Frauen humanistisch fort. Vergleichende Blicke auf Christine de Pizans «Cité des Dames» zeigen, dass ein nur von und für Frauen vertretener Feminismus kein ausgewogenes Begreifen der Welt ermöglicht. Das Handbuch schließt mit einer kommentierten Bibliographie zu Werk, Autor und angrenzenden Themenkreisen.
Language and languages --- Study and teaching. --- Boccaccio, Giovanni,
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