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How to Create and Analyze a Heart Failure Registry with Emphasis on Anemia and Quality of Life
ISBN: 9789176855522 Year: 2017 Publisher: Linkopings Universitet

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The book provides a comprehensive guide on creating and analyzing a Heart Failure Registry, with a specific focus on anemia and quality of life. Authored by Åsa Jonsson, it details the development and utilization of the Swedish Heart Failure Registry (SwedeHF) to enhance the management of heart failure patients. Key topics include the prevalence and impact of anemia in heart failure patients, the effectiveness of different analytical models, and the use of EQ-5D to measure health-related quality of life. The book is primarily intended for medical professionals and researchers in the field of cardiology.

Hemoglobin data in DHS surveys : intrinsic variation and measurement error

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The accurate estimation of anemia is important for tracking and targeting public health interventions. The primary source of anemia data in low and middle-income countries is The Demographic and Health Surveys Program, in which hemoglobin concentration is assessed with a portable hemoglobinometer. This methodological report examines measurement error of hemoglobin assessment and the intrinsic variation in hemoglobin concentrations among children (age 6-59 months), nonpregnant women of reproductive age (age 15-49), and men (age 15 and above). A total of 80 surveys in The Demographic and Health Surveys Program conducted between 2000 and 2017 were selected, which results in a total of 1,247,942 hemoglobin observations included in this report (children n=405,731, women n=607,101, men n=235,110). Data quality was assessed by examining bias in the sub-sampling strategy, data completeness, and digit preference. Dispersion of the hemoglobin concentrations was also explored but it was difficult to determine whether the patterns observed are the result of measurement error or intrinsic variations. There was little bias found in the situations where hemoglobin measurements were only taken on a subsample of the population, although in a few surveys there was a slight bias by head of household education level, wealth, and urban/rural residence. There were very few values outside of the plausible ranges (mean percent ranged from 0.1 to 0.2% depending on the subpopulation) and only a small percent of data was missing (mean percent ranged from 4.5 to 15%). Digit preference was found to occur for the digits 0 (11.6% of surveys) and 2 (10.5%), and for the combination of digits 6, 7, 8, and 9 (22.1%). Standard deviations were outside the range of 1.1 to 1.5 in many surveys for children (46.3% with excluded implausible values versus 58.8% with included implausible values), women (70.8% with excluded implausible values vs. 81.5% with included implausible values), and men (96.3% with excluded implausible values vs. 96.3% with included implausible values). Data was not normally distributed in many of the surveys, especially among adults. Hemoglobin concentrations were higher in urban regions and wealthy populations, and in these groups there was less data dispersion, skewness, and kurtosis. In conclusion, our findings indicate that the overall quality of data is high on some measures, although there are exceptions, especially wide standard deviations. Disentangling measurement error from intrinsic variation is difficult. Future research is needed to establish standard parameters that assess measurement error in the assessment of hemoglobin and other biomarkers.


Health surveys --- Hemoglobin --- Anemia

Journal d'un vampire en pyjama : suivi de Carnet de board
ISBN: 9782253132080 225313208X Year: 2017 Publisher: Paris: Librairie générale française,

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Ce livre est le vaisseau spécial que j'ai dû me confectionner pour survivre à ma propre guerre des étoiles. Panne sèche de moelle osseuse. Bug biologique, risque de crash imminent. Quand la réalité dépasse la (science-) fiction, cela donne des rencontres fantastiques, des déceptions intersidérales et des révélations éblouissantes. Une histoire d'amour aussi. Ce journal est un duel de western avec moi-même où je n'ai rien eu à inventer. Si ce n'est le moyen de plonger en apnée dans les profondeurs de mon cœur. M.M. Carnet de board : Ce texte est un récit de voyage aux airs de rêve d'enfant et une victoire sur la maladie. Skateboard ! Moteur ! Islande !

Sickle Cell Disease Research, Surveillance, Prevention, and Treatment Act of 2017 : report (to accompany H.R. 2410) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office).
Year: 2017 Publisher: [Washington, D.C.] : [U.S. Government Publishing Office],

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Hemoglobin data in DHS surveys : intrinsic variation and measurement error
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2017 Publisher: Rockville, Maryland : ICF,

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ISBN: 8893197790 Year: 2017 Publisher: Bethesda, Md. Macro Edizioni

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Étude des perceptions des parents des drépanocytaires sur la maladie de leurs enfants : cas des immigrés d'origine congolaise vivant à Bruxelles : protocole de recherche
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Bruxelles: UCL. Faculté de santé publique,

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Soar : A Memoir.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1572848111 Year: 2017 Publisher: Chicago : Agate Publishing, Incorporated,

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"Soar is the memoir of African American journalist Gail Campbell Woolley, who was diagnosed with sickle cell anemia at age seven. Despite having a diagnosis that predicted she would die by age 35, Gail lived to 58 and had a successful career and fulfilling personal life."--

Examining legislation to improve public health : hearing before the Subcommittee on Health of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session, September 8, 2016.
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office,

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Un cadre d'investissement pour la nutrition : Atteindre fes cibles mondiales en matiere de retard de croissance, d'anemie, d'allaitement maternel et d'emaciation
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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L'ouvrage Un cadre d'investissement pour la nutrition: atteindre les cibles mondiales en matiere deretard de croissance, d'anemie, d'allaitement maternel et d'emaciation estime les couts et lesimpacts des differents scenarios de financement qui permettraient l'atteinte des cibles mondiales denutrition adoptees par l' Assemblee mondiale de la sante en matiere de retard de croissance, danemiechez la femme, d'allaitement matemel exclusif et de mise a I'echelle du traitement de I'emaciationsevere chez le jeune enfant. 11 faudra, pour atteindre ces quatre cibles, proceder a des financementsmondiaux de 70 milliards de dollars sur lOans, ceci dans des interventions specifiques a la nutritiona fort impact. Ces investissements auraient toutefois des retornbees substantielles : 65 millions de casde retard de croissance et 265 millions de cas danemie chez la femme auraient ete evites en 2025comparati vement a I' annee de reference 2015. En outre, sur 10 ans, au moins 91 millions d' enfantssupplementaires auraient ete traites pour emaciation severe et 105 millions de nourrissonsadditionnels auraient ete beneficiaires d'un allaitement matemel exclusif au cours de leurs premierssix mois de vie. L'atteintede l'ensemble de ces cibles permettrait d'eviter au moins 3,7 millions demortalites infantiles. Chaque dollar investi dans ce paquet d'interventions genererait des rendementseconorniques de4 a 35 dollars, ce qui fait du financement de la nutrition precoce l'une desinterventions de developpement les plus rentables. Certaines des cibles - particulierement celles quisont axees sur la reduction du retard de croissance chez l'enfant et de I'anemie chez la femmeparaissentambitieuses et demanderont des efforts concertes de financement, de mise a l' echelle etd' engagement continu; toutefois, l' experience tiree de plusieurs pays indique que leur atteinte restepossible. Les investissements au cours des 1000 premiers jours decisifs de la petite enfance sontinalienables, transportables et porteurs de retombees tout au long de la vie - non seulement pour lesenfants directement concernes, mais aussi pour nous tous - sous forme de societes plus robustes,qui agissent comme moteur des economies a venir.

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