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Vol verwondering kijkt de man met de meest Nederlandse naam denkbaar om zich heen en stelt vast: we zijn een raar volkje. Volgens de scherpe observator Jan Postma schuilt er een fascinerende schoonheid in het alledaagse leven en nemen we het te vaak voor lief. En dat is zonde. Met verve schrijft Postma in 'Vroege werken' over dooie muizen, snorkelen in een massagraf en over zijn broodrooster. Over waarom hij zich bij het Stedelijk Museum opgaf als levend kunstwerk (en hoe hij daar met de dood werd bedreigd). Over narcisme en naïviteit, over Kim Holland bij een kerncentrale. De keuze aan onderwerpen is ogenschijnlijk willekeurig, maar Jan Postma verbindt ze met zijn originele blik die van het alledaagse iets groots en meeslepends maakt. Ga met hem mee op avontuur en verwonder en bewonder met hem mee. Jan Postma (1985) is een man van tegenstrijdigheden: gewaardeerd redacteur van 'De Groene Amsterdammer', maar ook, als J. Postma, door 'GeenStijl' uitgeroepen tot een van de 'heersende Twittermannen van Nederland'. Sinds vijf jaar schrijft hij voor elk nummer van 'Das Magazin'. Binnenkort is hij een van de belangrijkste essayisten van Nederland. Op dit moment is hij in elk geval al een van de leukste essayisten van Nederland. Hij woont in Rotterdam.
Dutch literature --- kunst --- kunsttheorie --- fotografie --- fotografietheorie --- literatuur --- eenentwintigste eeuw --- filosofie --- cultuurfilosofie --- 130.2
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Obeservaties en momentopnamen door de joods-Duitse filosoof (1892-1940) over onder meer plaatsen die hij bezocht, eten, schrijven, boeken die hij las, succes, dromen en karaktertrekken.
1 --- 1 Filosofie. Psychologie --- Filosofie. Psychologie --- 1 Philosophy. Psychology --- Philosophy. Psychology --- German literature --- cultuurfilosofie --- Essays. --- filosofie --- 130.2
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In Oog in oog met Gaia stelt de Franse filosoof en wetenschapsantropoloog Bruno Latour dat de natuur niet langer de stabiele achtergrond vormt van ons doen en laten. We zijn toegetreden tot het tijdvak van het antropoceen. In dat tijdvak dringen de ecologische gevolgen van het menselijk handelen zich hardhandig op de voorgrond. We meenden dat er vrede heerste, maar we zijn in oorlog.De ecologische mutatie die zich voltrekt, betitelt Latour als het Nieuwe Klimaatregime. De oude natuur wijkt voor een wezen in beweging, waarin menselijke activiteit en natuurlijke wereld talloze onverwachte verbindingen aangaan: Gaia. Latour neemt de controversiële Gaia-hypothese van James Lovelock als uitgangspunt, en zet daarnaast rechtsfilosofie en kunst in om de politieke, religieuze en wetenschappelijke dimensies van het verouderde natuurbegrip te ontwarren. Zo legt hij in dit ongemeen rijke en verrassende boek de basis voor een hoogst noodzakelijke politisering van de ecologie – voor onze terugkeer op Aarde.
Gaiahypothese --- Philosophy of nature --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- milieuvraagstukken --- filosofie --- 504 --- 1 --- ecologie --- klimaatveranderingen --- wetenschapsfilosofie --- biologie --- sociologie --- antropoceen --- 130.2 --- Natuurfilosofie --- Milieubescherming. Milieutechnologie --- klimaatverandering --- 500 Milieu
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What happened to the public intellectuals that used to challenge and inform us? Who is the Sartre or De Beauvoir of the internet age? General Intellects argues we no longer have such singular figures, but there are, instead, general intellects whose writing could, if read collectively, explain our times. Covering topics such as culture, politics, work, technology, and the Anthropocene, each chapter is a concise account of an individual thinker, providing useful context and connections to the work of the others. McKenzie Wark's distinctive readings are appreciations, but are nonetheless critical of how neoliberal universities militate against cooperative intellectual work that endeavors to understand and also change the world. --
Intellectuals --- Philosophy --- eenentwintigste eeuw --- filosofie --- cultuurfilosofie --- 130.2 --- neoliberalisme --- marxisme --- socialisme --- kapitalisme --- politiek --- kunst en politiek --- activisme --- Mental philosophy --- Humanities --- Intelligentsia --- Persons --- Social classes --- Specialists --- History
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"Byung-Chul Han, a star of German philosophy, continues his passionate critique of neoliberalism, trenchantly describing a regime of technological domination that, in contrast to Foucault's biopower, has discovered the productive force of the psyche. In the course of discussing all the facets of neoliberal psychopolitics fueling our contemporary crisis of freedom, Han elaborates an analytical framework that provides an original theory of Big Data and a lucid phenomenology of emotion. But this provocative essay proposes counter models too, presenting a wealth of ideas and surprising alternatives at every turn."--Publisher's description.
Neoliberalism --- Information technology --- big data --- activisme --- transparantie --- cultuurfilosofie --- filosofie --- psychologie --- politiek --- neoliberalisme --- 130.2 --- sociologie --- Neo-liberalism --- Liberalism --- Social aspects --- Neoliberalism. --- Politics and Government. --- Social aspects.
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Dystopia: A Natural History is the first monograph devoted to the concept of dystopia. Taking the term to encompass both a literary tradition of satirical works, mostly on totalitarianism, as well as real despotisms and societies in a state of disastrous collapse, this volume redefines the central concepts and the chronology of the genre and offers a paradigm-shifting understanding of the subject. Part One assesses the theory and prehistory of 'dystopia'. By contrast to utopia, conceived as promoting an ideal of friendship defined as 'enhanced sociability', dystopia is defined by estrangement, fear, and the proliferation of 'enemy' categories. A 'natural history' of dystopia thus concentrates upon the centrality of the passion or emotion of fear and hatred in modern despotisms. The work of Le Bon, Freud, and others is used to show how dystopian groups use such emotions. Utopia and dystopia are portrayed not as opposites, but as extremes on a spectrum of sociability, defined by a heightened form of group identity. The prehistory of the process whereby 'enemies' are demonised is explored from early conceptions of monstrosity through Christian conceptions of the devil and witchcraft, and the persecution of heresy. Part Two surveys the major dystopian moments in twentieth century despotisms, focussing in particular upon Nazi Germany, Stalinism, the Chinese Cultural Revolution, and Cambodia under Pol Pot. The concentration here is upon the political religion hypothesis as a key explanation for the chief excesses of communism in particular. Part Three examines literary dystopias. It commences well before the usual starting-point in the secondary literature, in anti-Jacobin writings of the 1790s. Two chapters address the main twentieth-century texts usually studied as representative of the genre, Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. The remainder of the section examines the evolution of the genre in the second half of the twentieth century down to the present.
Dystopias --- Dystopias in literature --- Totalitarianism --- Dystopies --- Dystopies dans la littérature --- Totalitarisme --- History --- Histoire --- filosofie --- cultuurfilosofie --- cultuurgeschiedenis --- Orwell George --- Huxley Aldous --- stalinisme --- nazisme --- communisme --- 130.2 --- despotisme --- totalitarisme --- politiek --- literatuur --- utopie --- dystopie --- Dystopies dans la littérature
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cultuurfilosofie --- twintigste eeuw --- eenentwintigste eeuw --- Brussel --- 130.2 --- 71.01 --- 82.07 --- Steden ; kunst ; cultuur ; literatuur ; Brussel --- Steden en Cultuur ; literatuur over steden --- Literaire auteurs --- Filosofie ; Cultuurfilosofie --- Dutch literature --- Brussels
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We are currently seeing dramatic changes in the ways we imagine and experience time. Permanent debt, unending violent conflict, climate change, economic instability, and widening social inequalities have led to suggestions that we are now living in the time of the 'end times'. In the shadow of a foreshortened future, the present is increasingly experienced as a form of 'non-stop inertia', resulting in experiences of time as both frenetic but also stuck - revving up, as Ivor Southwood puts it, to go nowhere. So, where do we go and how when all options seem to have run their course and time is no longer moving forward? Enduring Time proposes some alternative relations of time which provide hopeful alternatives to the dominating models of oppression, limitation and exploitation. A strikingly original philosophy of time which also provides students and scholars with a rigorous and detailed survey of contemporary theories of time, Enduring Time is an indispensable read for those attempting to live meaningfully in the current age.
Philosophy of nature --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Philosophy. --- SCIENCE / Time. --- Time --- Time. --- tijdelijkheid --- 7.01 --- 130.2 --- cultuurfilosofie --- politiek --- economie --- filosofie --- kunsttheorie --- tijd --- Hours (Time) --- Philosophy --- Geodetic astronomy --- Nautical astronomy --- Horology
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"Offers key historical and interpretative texts on the development and role of "the screen" in communications and the social sphere"--
mediatheorie --- mediakunde --- schermen --- smartphones --- iPhone --- televisie --- 77.01 --- 791.41 --- 7.01 --- 130.2 --- cultuurfilosofie --- media --- filmtheorie --- fotografietheorie --- kunsttheorie --- film --- fotografie --- kunst --- Mass media and history. --- Mass media --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Media Studies. --- Technological innovations --- Social aspects. --- Mass media and history --- Social aspects --- Mass media - Technological innovations - Social aspects
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We are living in a time of inflationary media. While technological change has periodically altered and advanced the ways humans process and transmit knowledge, for the last 100 years the media with which we produce, transmit, and record ideas have multiplied in kind, speed, and power. Saturation in media is provoking a crisis in how we perceive and understand reality. Media become inflationary when the scope of their representation of the world outgrows the confines of their culture's prior grasp of reality. We call the resulting concept of reality that emerges the culture's medialogy. Medialogies offers a highly innovative approach to the contemporary construction of reality in cultural, political, and economic domains. Castillo and Egginton, both luminary scholars, combine a very accessible style with profound theoretical analysis, relying not only on works of philosophy and political theory but also on novels, Hollywood films, and mass media phenomena. The book invites us to reconsider the way reality is constructed, and how truth, sovereignty, agency, and authority are understood from the everyday, philosophical, and political points of view. A powerful analysis of actuality, with its roots in early modernity, this work is crucial to understanding reality in the information age. - Provided by publisher.
Authenticity (Philosophy) in mass media. --- Reality in mass media. --- Mass media --- Perception (Philosophy) --- Social aspects. --- Technological innovations. --- Philosophy --- #SBIB:309H022 --- #SBIB:309H520 --- Massacommunicatie --- Audiovisuele communicatie: algemene werken --- media --- massamedia --- filosofie --- cultuurfilosofie --- nieuwe media --- 130.2 --- Authenticity (Philosophy) in mass media --- Reality in mass media --- Social aspects --- Technological innovations
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