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Extreme cities : the peril and promise of urban life in the age of climate change
ISBN: 9781784780364 9781784780388 9781784780371 Year: 2017 Publisher: London Verso

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"How will climate change affect our lives? Where will its impacts be most deeply felt? Are we doing enough to protect ourselves from the coming chaos? In Extreme Cities, Ashley Dawson argues that cities are ground zero for climate change, contributing the lion's share of carbon to the atmosphere, while also lying on the frontlines of rising sea levels. Today, the majority of the world's megacities are located in coastal zones, yet few of them are adequately prepared for the floods that will increasingly menace their shores. Instead, most continue to develop luxury waterfront condos for the elite and industrial facilities for corporations. These not only intensify carbon emissions, but also place coastal residents at greater risk when water levels rise. In Extreme Cities, Dawson offers an alarming portrait of the future of our cities, describing the efforts of Staten Island, New York, and Shishmaref, Alaska residents to relocate; Holland's models for defending against the seas; and the development of New York City before and after Hurricane Sandy. Our best hope lies not with fortified sea walls, he argues. Rather, it lies with urban movements already fighting to remake our cities in a more just and equitable way. As much a harrowing study as a call to arms Extreme Cities is a necessary read for anyone concerned with the threat of global warming, and of the cities of the world."

Inleiding tot de milieueconomie
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789463441957 Year: 2017 Publisher: Leuven : Acco,

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Milieueconomie houdt zich bezig met de vervuilingsproblematiek of, meer algemeen, met voor het milieu hinderlijke activiteiten in de economie. Dit kan gaan om roken in publieke plaatsen of het lawaai van een motorfiets, maar ook om meer globale vraagstukken zoals de vervuiling van de zee of de opwarming van de atmosfeer. De nieuwe editie van dit handboek richt zich tot een publiek met een tweevoudige interesse: aan de ene kant het meewerken aan de beleidsvorming rond milieuproblemen en aan de andere kant het managementaspect, waarbij wordt nagegaan hoe bedrijven het best omgaan met het opgelegde milieubeleid. Het biedt meer oefeningen en brengt nieuwe topics aan bod zoals duurzame ontwikkeling en circulaire economie. De auteurs werken in 'Inleiding tot de milieueconomie' met drie eenvoudige economische modellen: het vraag-en-aanbod model met perfecte concurrentie, het model voor de keuze van de milieukwaliteit en het discounted cashflow. De modellen en de meest gebruikte milieubeleidsinstrumenten, in deze editie uitgebreid met o.a. onzekerheid en marktmacht, worden geïllustreerd met behulp van concrete toepassingen op, onder meer, het klimaatbeleid, het herbebossingsbeleid en de afvalwaterproblematiek.

Greener Marketing : a Responsible Approach to Business
ISBN: 1874719004 1874719144 1907643206 1351283529 1351283081 1351283073 1351283510 9781907643576 1907643575 9781874719007 9781351283076 9781351283519 9781351283083 9781351283526 9781907643200 9781351283052 1351283057 9781351283069 1351283065 1351283502 Year: 2017 Publisher: London : Taylor and Francis,

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"An examination of the progress of environmental marketing on a global scale. It considers how sustainability issues are increasingly becoming critical factors in how corporations meet the ever-growing demands and expectations of customers. The purpose of the book is to provide practitioners with best-practice examples and actionable recommendations on how to implement green marketing activities. It provides information and ideas for those involved in marketing on how to incorporate green considerations into the marketing mix, as well as providing perspectives on marketing for environmental managers. To achieve a comprehensive viewpoint, the book is split into three sections. The first sets out the strategic issues and rationale for green marketing, the second addresses tactical issues in more detail, and the third provides detailed, international case studies. Topics addressed by the contributors include the growing debate around products versus services, environmental product development and eco-innovation, green marketing alliances, environmental communications, green consumers, eco-tourism and the problems associated with green marketing in developing countries."--Provided by publisher.

Milieurecht in kort bestek
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789400007437 9400007434 Year: 2017 Volume: 10 Publisher: Antwerpen Intersentia

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Dit boek geeft op een beknopte en gestructureerde wijze een overzicht van het milieurecht. In een eerste deel wordt het milieurecht kort in zijn beleidsmatige context gesitueerd, waarbij o.m. aandacht uitgaat naar de instrumenten van het milieu beleid. Vervolgens wordt het milieurecht op internationaal en Europees niveau behandeld. Het volgende en meest uitgebreide deel gaat in op het Vlaamse niveau. Er wordt stilgestaan bij de organisatie van het milieubeleid, de rechtsbronnen, de rechts bescherming, alsook de besluitvorming in het milieubeleid. Nadien wordt een overzicht geboden van het materieel milieurecht in het Vlaamse Gewest. Topics als de milieuvergunning, MER, water, afval, bodem, natuurbehoud, aansprakelijkheid en handhaving komen daarbij uitgebreid aan bod.

Agricultural law : current issues from a global perspective
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3319647555 3319647563 9783319647555 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham Springer

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This book focuses on the social and environmental issues being addressed by agricultural law within the current globalised system. What is agricultural law? Agricultural regulations concern and affect essential human needs and values that must be dealt with by pursuing a comprehensive and coordinated global approach. By tracking the developments in this context, this book explores the new challenges that agricultural law needs to address  in order to frame emerging dilemmas. International governance of natural resources and their role in addressing food insecurity is the object of the first Part of the volume, which deals with sustainable agriculture and agro-ecosystem services in connection with the food security issue. The second Part focuses on the regulation of food as the main product of agricultural activity, and explores the answers that the law can provide in order to accommodate consumers’ interests and concerns (inter alia, novel foods, animal welfare, direct sales and e-commerce). The third Part examines the social, environmental and legal consequences of a renewed interest in agricultural investments. Further, it analyses the evolution and the interplay between different legal systems with regard to land tenure, environmental concerns and investments in agriculture.

Facing Gaia : eight lectures on the new climatic regime
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780745684338 0745684335 9780745684345 0745684343 9780745684376 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cambridge Polity

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"The emergence of modern sciences in the seventeenth century profoundly renewed our understanding of Nature. For the last three centuries new ideas of Nature have been continuously developed by theology, politics, economics, and science, especially the sciences of the material world. The situation is even more unstable today, now that we have entered an ecological mutation of unprecedented scale. Some call it the Anthropocene, but it is best described as a new climatic regime. And a new regime it certainly is, since the many unexpected connections between human activity and the natural world oblige every one of us to reopen the earlier notions of Nature and redistribute what had been packed inside. So the question now arises: what will replace the old ways of looking at Nature? This book explores a potential candidate proposed by James Lovelock when he chose the name "Gaia" for the fragile, complex system through which living phenomena modify the Earth. The fact that he was immediately misunderstood proves simply that his readers have tried to fit this new notion into an older frame, transforming Gaia into a single organism, a kind of giant thermostat, some sort of New Age goddess, or even divine Providence. In this series of lectures on "natural religion", Bruno Latour argues that the complex and ambiguous figure of Gaia offers, on the contrary, an ideal way to disentangle the ethical, political, theological, and scientific aspects of the now obsolete notion of Nature. He lays the groundwork for a future collaboration among scientists, theologians, activists, and artists as they, and we, begin to adjust to the new climatic regime"--

Lucht, water en bodem : over milieuproblemen en hun oplossing
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789401405553 Year: 2017 Publisher: Leuven LannooCampus

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Hoe is het gesteld met de kwaliteit van onze lucht, ons water en onze bodem? Lucht, water en bodem beschrijft de milieukwaliteit in Vlaanderen en de daarmee verbonden problemen, zoals fijn stof, zure regen, waterverontreiniging, maar net zo goed de aantasting van de ozonlaag en de opwarming van de aarde. De oorzaken en de gevolgen voor mens en natuur worden op een rijtje gezet, samen met een overzicht van de technologieën om de problemen op te lossen én te voorkomen. Compleet met een bondig overzicht van de relevante milieuwetgeving en aangevuld met praktijkvoorbeelden over de relatie tussen milieu enerzijds en industrie en technologie anderzijds. Lucht, water en bodem is geschreven voor ingenieurs, technici, bedrijfsleiders die met milieuproblemen te maken krijgen, milieucoördinatoren en andere geïnteresseerden. Eerdere edities van dit boek werden aan de faculteit ingenieurswetenschappen van de KU Leuven meermaals bekroond met het gouden krijtje voor de 'beste zelfgeschreven cursus'.

A review of SBA's 504/CDC Loan Program : hearing before the Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access of the Committee on Small Business, United States House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, first session, hearing held June 29, 2017.
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office,

A review of SBA's 504/CDC Loan Program : hearing before the Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access of the Committee on Small Business, United States House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, first session, hearing held June 29, 2017.
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office,

Design + Environment : a Global Guide to Designing Greener Goods
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 1874719438 1907643249 1351282204 0367107503 1351282190 9781907643248 9781874719434 9781351282208 1351282182 Year: 2017 Publisher: London : Taylor and Francis,

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"There is a huge scarcity of good, practical resources for designers and students interested in minimizing the environmental impacts of products. Design + Environment has been specifically written to address this paucity. The book first provides background information to help the reader understand how and why design for environment (DfE) has become so critical to design, with reference to some of the most influential writers, designers and companies in the field. Next, Design + Environment provides a step-by-step approach on how to approach DfE: to design a product that meets requirements for quality, cost, manufacturability and consumer appeal, while at the same time minimising environmental impacts. The first step in the process is to undertake an assessment of environmental impacts, using life-cycle assessment (LCA) or one of the many simpler tools available to help the designer. From then on, DfE becomes an integral part of the normal design process, including the development of concepts, design of prototypes, final design and development of marketing strategies. Environmental assessment tools and strategies to reduce environmental impacts, such as the selection of appropriate materials, are then discussed. Next, some of the links between environmental problems, such as global warming, ozone depletion, water and air pollution and the everyday products we consume are considered. In order to design products with minimal environmental impact, we need to have a basic understanding of these impacts and the interactions between them. The four subsequent chapters provide more detailed strategies and case studies for particular product groups: packaging, textiles, furniture, and electrical and electronic products. Guidelines are provided for each of the critical stages of a product's life, from the selection of raw materials through to strategies for recovery and recycling. Finally, Design + Environment takes a look at some of the emerging trends in DfE that are offering us the opportunity to make a more significant reduction in environmental impacts. Both the development of more sustainable materials and technologies and the growing interest in leasing rather than selling products are examined. Design + Environment is organized as a workbook rather than an academic text. It should be read once, and then used as a key reference source. This clear and informative book will prove to be invaluable to practising designers, to course directors and their students in need of a core teaching and reference text and to all those interested in learning about the tools and trends influencing green product design. The authors have all been involved in an innovative demonstration programme called "EcoReDesign", which was developed by the Centre for Design at RMIT University with funding from the Australian government. The Centre successfully collaborated with Australian companies to improve the environmental performance of their products by following DfE principles."--Provided by publisher.

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