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L’allocation universelle est un concept qui est apparu il y a bien des années. L’idée parait simple : un revenu versé à tout membre d’une communauté, de manière individuelle et sans que les ressources existantes de la personne conditionnent ce transfert d’argent. De plus, une contrepartie (comme par exemple être volontaire pour trouver du travail) n’est pas requise. Depuis quelques mois, l’allocation universelle fait beaucoup parler d’elle : référendum en Suisse, projet phare d’un candidat à la présidence de la République française, projet pilote en Finlande, etc. C’est dans ce cadre que nous nous sommes intéressés au revenu garanti universel afin de déterminer les lignes de sa potentielle implémentation en Belgique. Ce travail se concentre plus particulièrement sur les aspects juridiques et budgétaires. Du point de vue juridique, il est important d’analyser l’impact qu’aurait un revenu inconditionnel sur la protection sociale qui est un élément important dans la vie des citoyens belges. De plus, la Constitution belge impose la prudence par rapport aux droits sociaux acquis. Enfin, le paysage institutionnel belge, avec son morcellement de compétences dans les mains des différentes entités, poserait sans aucun doute question lors de l’introduction d’un changement majeur tel que l’allocation universelle. Du point de vue budgétaire, il est important d’évaluer si un tel programme est finançable, en prenant en considération les dépenses actuelles. Pour ce faire, nous posons trois hypothèses d’allocation universelle et nous les comparons aux dépenses actuelles et aux économies qui pourraient être réalisées dans ce système. Pour terminer, nous tirons des conclusions quant à la potentielle faisabilité de l’implémentation d’un revenu garanti universel en Belgique.
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The objective of this research is twofold. First, to estimate total factor productivity growth across 13 European countries and different economic sectors over the 1995-2014 period. The use of stochastic frontiers allows for the decomposition of productivity growth into technical efficiency change, technical progress and scale efficiency change. Then, to test the relationship between productivity growth and a set of explanatory variables.
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Cross-country labour mobility is among the most discussed subjects of our time. Numerous empirical studies and theoretical models have assessed the effect of regular labour migration on natives. During the 'European Refugee Crisis' in 2015, also irregular immigration came into focus. That year, high numbers of unauthorised people entered into the Schengen Area by slipping through the European external borders. Many of them now dwell and work in the shadows. This is why established knowledge about the related economic dynamics is poor. Even though unauthorised border crossing is considered an illegal act, efficiency considerations lead many stakeholders to propose amnesty programs for those people. Including labour unions are lobbying for these 'regularisations'. The present paper 1) reviews literature on unauthorised immigration and collective bargaining, 2) uses an existing OLG framework to simulate amnesty in 17 European countries, 3) provides some predictions for the outcomes of regularisation programs under the existence of labour unions. We find a reversed ranking of amnesty-winners if persistent underemployment is accounted for by using exogenous empirical employment rates. La mobilité transfrontalière de la main-d'{oe}uvre est l'un des sujets les plus débattu de notre époque. De nombreuses études empiriques et de modèles théoriques ont évalué l'impact de la migration régulière des travailleurs sur les populations locales. Lors de la "crise européenne des réfugiés" en 2015 s’est ajouté la question de l’immigration irrégulière. Cette année-là, un grand nombre de personnes sont entrées sans autorisation dans l'espace Schengen en franchissant les frontières européennes extérieures. Beaucoup d'entre eux habitent et travaillent dans l'ombre, c'est pourquoi on dispose encore peu de connaissances bien établies sur l’impact de leur travail sur la dynamique économique. Bien que le passage frontalier clandestin est considéré comme illégal, des considérations de productivité conduisent plusieurs parties prenantes à proposer des programmes "d'amnistie" à ces personnes, notamment des mouvements de syndicat qui font pression pour de telles "régularisations". Le présent document 1) examine la littérature sur l'immigration clandestine et la négociation collective, 2) utilise un cadre OLG pour simuler l’impact des programmes d’amnistie dans 17 pays européens, 3) fournit des prédictions sur les résultats des programmes de régularisation en vertu de l'existence de syndicats. Nous trouvons un classement inversé des bénéficiaires de l'amnistie si une pénurie d'emploi persistente est inclue par l'utilisation des taux de chômage empiriques.
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The models in this paper aim at checking if there is a link between early retirement and cognitive ageing with the 5th wave of SHARE survey. The early retirement variable will be the difference between the age at retirement and the corresponding OECD average effective retirement age. Next to that, after setting a conceptual framework around cognitive ageing and review articles working with retirement and cognitive performance, the model will use explanatory variables such as the educational level, the practice of extraprofessional activities and the fact of not working in order to compare various types of individuals at a certain period (2013). It will turn out that all those variables will significantly impact the cognitive test result. More specifically, being a woman, being more educated, working later than the average and practicing extraprofessional activities impact positively the result of the memory test. At the same time, not working and being older influence negatively the result at the memory test. However, this paper did not take into account the type of job exerted and the double causality between retirement and cognitive performance.
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This master thesis explores the different measures of poverty and develops an alternative deprivation index which accounts for the material and financial dimensions of poverty. Indeed, the inclusion of the latter allows to increase the relation and the consistency between deprivation and other dimensions of poverty. This way, a single and well-specified measure of deprivation can be used instead of several simpler measures of poverty for which a combination scheme is needed. Second, using the proposed deprivation index, an identification of the individuals who have a higher risk of being deprived is performed through logit regressions. In this regard, some policy recommendations are formed for groups of people presenting the highest risk.
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Most of today’s Western societies will likely face problems considering work and retirement. While life expectancy increased steadily, the fertility rate mostly declined, resulting in a substantial demographic change in some countries. The so called “Lisbon Strategy” of the European Commission targets an employment rate of 50% for individuals that are between 55-64 years of age in order to overcome these challenges on the labor markets. A necessary condition seems to be that older workers are in a good health so that they are actually able to keep working up to a high age. The question is if work itself might shape health and retirement decisions. The paper in hand will look at the relationship of working conditions and health, then, the extent to which both of these variables play a role in the decision to retire. Furthermore, there will be light shed on activity after retirement, considering how retired people engage socially, in their community. These relationships will be analyzed using ordinal probit models with several specifications, such as one including a lag of the respective dependent variable. The analysis will be kept broad using several different theories and based on these also a wide range of variables will be analyzed. Adverse working conditions, as described by the Effort-Reward Imbalance Theory, the Job Demands-Control-Support Theory and the Job Demands-Resource Theory are found to deteriorate health outcomes, life quality as well as social activeness and bring forward the decision to retire or at least the wish to do so. The retirement variables are both influenced by health and work independently. Apart from these theories, several single indicators play a large role, such as whether a job allows the learning of new skills. Therefore, the improvement of working conditions should be one part of a strategy to solve the problems related to demographic change, which should not be forgotten by decision makers. Better working conditions that keep older people motivated to work seem to be a necessary to mitigate the adverse effects of demographic change.
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The aim of my thesis is to analyse if the background of the minister of education influences the performance of the sector. Using an unique panel data set, I try to estimate if certain experiences in an education minister’s life has an effect on the performance of the sector. To do this, I use several econometrical models, descriptive statistics, related literature to my research question and theories linked to the topic. With help from all this information, I explain that certain experiences in an education minister’s life can improve the sector they govern.
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