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The Oxford handbook of Roman Britain
ISBN: 9780199697731 0199697736 019176793X 0191002534 Year: 2016 Publisher: Oxford: Oxford university press,

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This handbook is currently in development, with individual articles publishing online in advance of print publication. At this time, we cannot add information about unpublished articles in this handbook, however the table of contents will continue to grow as additional articles pass through the review process and are added to the site. Please note that the online publication date for this handbook is the date that the first article in the title was published online. Roman Britain is a critical area of research within the provinces of the Roman empire. Within the last 15-20 years, the study of Roman Britain has been transformed through an enormous amount of new and interesting work which is not reflected in the main stream literature.

Der sogenannte "Antiquus Austriacus" und weitere auctores antiquissimi : Zur ältesten Überlieferung römerzeitlicher Inschriften im österreichischen Raum
Year: 2016 Publisher: Holzhausen

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Alongside analysing the oldest records of Roman inscriptions of Austria, this work particularly emphasizes the antiquarian-epigraphic collecting activity which can be noted in the area of Austria as a consequence of the spreading humanistic attitude. It focuses on the question, whether Augustinus Prygl Tyfernus is actually to be identified as the so-called "Antiquus Austriacus" as has been pleaded repeatedly. The examination of a number of relevant known and hitherto extensively unknown copies shows that the "Antiquus-Austriacus-Collection" is not a homogeneous compilation by a single "auctor antiquissimus" but rather an anthology derived from different copies of varying quality, collected by Johannes Fuchsmagen. Neben den ältesten Abschriften norischer Inschriften richtet sich der Blick vor allem auf die antiquarisch-epigraphische Sammeltätigkeit, die mit der Verbreitung humanistischen Gedankengutes auch im österreichischen Raum einsetzt. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt der Frage, ob der sogenannte "Antiquus Austriacus" tatsächlich mit Augustinus Prygl Tyfernus zu identifizieren ist, wofür bisher mehrfach plädiert worden ist. Durch die detaillierte Untersuchung und Gegenüberstellung bereits bekannter Sammlungen sowie bisher kaum beachteter Handschriften zeigt sich schliesslich, dass es sich bei der "Antiquus-Austriacus-Sammlung" nicht um eine homogene Zusammenstellung eines einzigen "auctor antiquissimus" handelt, sondern um ein Produkt aus unterschiedlichen Abschriften, hinter dem sich die Sammeltätigkeit von Johannes Fuchsmagen verbirgt.

Der sogenannte "Antiquus Austriacus" und weitere auctores antiquissimi : Zur ältesten Überlieferung römerzeitlicher Inschriften im österreichischen Raum
Year: 2016 Publisher: Holzhausen

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Alongside analysing the oldest records of Roman inscriptions of Austria, this work particularly emphasizes the antiquarian-epigraphic collecting activity which can be noted in the area of Austria as a consequence of the spreading humanistic attitude. It focuses on the question, whether Augustinus Prygl Tyfernus is actually to be identified as the so-called "Antiquus Austriacus" as has been pleaded repeatedly. The examination of a number of relevant known and hitherto extensively unknown copies shows that the "Antiquus-Austriacus-Collection" is not a homogeneous compilation by a single "auctor antiquissimus" but rather an anthology derived from different copies of varying quality, collected by Johannes Fuchsmagen. Neben den ältesten Abschriften norischer Inschriften richtet sich der Blick vor allem auf die antiquarisch-epigraphische Sammeltätigkeit, die mit der Verbreitung humanistischen Gedankengutes auch im österreichischen Raum einsetzt. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt der Frage, ob der sogenannte "Antiquus Austriacus" tatsächlich mit Augustinus Prygl Tyfernus zu identifizieren ist, wofür bisher mehrfach plädiert worden ist. Durch die detaillierte Untersuchung und Gegenüberstellung bereits bekannter Sammlungen sowie bisher kaum beachteter Handschriften zeigt sich schliesslich, dass es sich bei der "Antiquus-Austriacus-Sammlung" nicht um eine homogene Zusammenstellung eines einzigen "auctor antiquissimus" handelt, sondern um ein Produkt aus unterschiedlichen Abschriften, hinter dem sich die Sammeltätigkeit von Johannes Fuchsmagen verbirgt.

Der sogenannte "Antiquus Austriacus" und weitere auctores antiquissimi : Zur ältesten Überlieferung römerzeitlicher Inschriften im österreichischen Raum
Year: 2016 Publisher: Holzhausen

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Alongside analysing the oldest records of Roman inscriptions of Austria, this work particularly emphasizes the antiquarian-epigraphic collecting activity which can be noted in the area of Austria as a consequence of the spreading humanistic attitude. It focuses on the question, whether Augustinus Prygl Tyfernus is actually to be identified as the so-called "Antiquus Austriacus" as has been pleaded repeatedly. The examination of a number of relevant known and hitherto extensively unknown copies shows that the "Antiquus-Austriacus-Collection" is not a homogeneous compilation by a single "auctor antiquissimus" but rather an anthology derived from different copies of varying quality, collected by Johannes Fuchsmagen. Neben den ältesten Abschriften norischer Inschriften richtet sich der Blick vor allem auf die antiquarisch-epigraphische Sammeltätigkeit, die mit der Verbreitung humanistischen Gedankengutes auch im österreichischen Raum einsetzt. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt der Frage, ob der sogenannte "Antiquus Austriacus" tatsächlich mit Augustinus Prygl Tyfernus zu identifizieren ist, wofür bisher mehrfach plädiert worden ist. Durch die detaillierte Untersuchung und Gegenüberstellung bereits bekannter Sammlungen sowie bisher kaum beachteter Handschriften zeigt sich schliesslich, dass es sich bei der "Antiquus-Austriacus-Sammlung" nicht um eine homogene Zusammenstellung eines einzigen "auctor antiquissimus" handelt, sondern um ein Produkt aus unterschiedlichen Abschriften, hinter dem sich die Sammeltätigkeit von Johannes Fuchsmagen verbirgt.

"Because I am Greek". Polyonymy as an expression of ethnicity in Ptolemaic Egypt
ISBN: 9789042932722 9042932724 Year: 2016 Volume: 55 Publisher: Leuven Peeters

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Double names have a long history in Egypt. They are already attested on Old Kingdom funerary monuments, where concern about eternal life required a correct identification of the deceased. When Greek and Egyptian cultures came into contact under the Ptolemies, bilingual polyonymy (i.e. the combination of an Egyptian and a Greek name) became more popular. During this period, Greek ethnicity was valued as a symbol of power and social status, and was used to create borders between the rulers and the ruled. At the same time, however, it was a flexible concept and this made it a useful tool for crossing the very same boundaries it constructed. As ethnicity became a crucial aspect of one's identity, it is not surprising that bilingual polyonymy was well attested among those that formed a bridge between the ruling class and the Egyptian population : particularly military, administrative and priestly officials. Since they moved between largely separated ethnic contexts, combining names of different linguistic origins was a way to negotiate their ethnic identities. Rather than serving as a reliable source for ethnic origin, names can therefore be interpreted as an expression of the ethnic identity of an individual in a certain space or context.

Die verkohlten Papyri aus Bubastos (P. Bub. III 6). Tafelband
ISBN: 3531099256 3531099450 9783506786180 9783506786173 9783531099255 9783531099453 3506786180 3506786172 365778618X 3657786171 9783657786183 9783657786176 Year: 2016 Volume: 15 Publisher: Paderborn ; München ; Wien ; Zürich Schöning

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Die Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste ist eine Vereinigung der führenden Forscherinnen und Forscher des Landes. Sie wurde 1970 als Nachfolgeeinrichtung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen gegründet. Die Akademie ist in drei wissenschaftliche Klassen für Geisteswissenschaften, für Naturwissenschaften und Medizin sowie für Ingenieur- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften und in eine Klasse der Künste gegliedert. Mit Publikationen zu den wissenschaftlichen Vorträgen in den Klassensitzungen, zu öffentlichen Veranstaltungen und Symposien will die Akademie die Fach- und allgemeine Öffentlichkeit über die Arbeiten der Akademie und ihrer Forschungsstellen informieren.

Mathematics in Ancient Egypt : A Contextual History
ISBN: 1400874300 9781400874309 9780691117133 0691117136 Year: 2016 Publisher: Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press,

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Mathematics in Ancient Egypt traces the development of Egyptian mathematics, from the end of the fourth millennium BC-and the earliest hints of writing and number notation-to the end of the pharaonic period in Greco-Roman times. Drawing from mathematical texts, architectural drawings, administrative documents, and other sources, Annette Imhausen surveys three thousand years of Egyptian history to present an integrated picture of theoretical mathematics in relation to the daily practices of Egyptian life and social structures.Imhausen shows that from the earliest beginnings, pharaonic civilization used numerical techniques to efficiently control and use their material resources and labor. Even during the Old Kingdom, a variety of metrological systems had already been devised. By the Middle Kingdom, procedures had been established to teach mathematical techniques to scribes in order to make them proficient administrators for their king. Imhausen looks at counterparts to the notation of zero, suggests an explanation for the evolution of unit fractions, and analyzes concepts of arithmetic techniques. She draws connections and comparisons to Mesopotamian mathematics, examines which individuals in Egyptian society held mathematical knowledge, and considers which scribes were trained in mathematical ideas and why.Of interest to historians of mathematics, mathematicians, Egyptologists, and all those curious about Egyptian culture, Mathematics in Ancient Egypt sheds new light on a civilization's unique mathematical evolution.

Le marché du crédit dans le monde romain (Egypte er Campanie)
ISBN: 9782728311835 2728311838 2728311846 Year: 2016 Volume: 374 Publisher: Rome: École française de Rome,

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Dans le monde romain, le crédit est partout : riches et pauvres, hommes et femmes, urbains et ruraux, tous prêtent et empruntent les uns aux autres. En effet, si les banques privées existent et sont nombreuses et actives à l’époque romaine, les particuliers ne s’adressent pas à elles pour emprunter de l’argent. Ce livre tente d’expliquer comment débiteurs et créanciers se sont rencontrés et pourquoi ils ont décidé de faire affaire. Autrement dit, il retrace l’histoire de l’organisation et du fonctionnement du marché du crédit romain, principalement à partir des papyrus d’Égypte, de 30 avant J.-C. à 275 après J.-C., et à partir des tablettes de Campanie au Ier siècle après J.-C. Ces documents de la pratique, relativement peu exploités jusqu’ici en histoire financière romaine, sont des sources exceptionnelles puisqu’ils permettent d’écrire une véritable histoire du développement du marché du crédit dans la longue durée, depuis la conquête de l’Égypte en 30 avant J.-C. qui transforme l’économie monétaire égyptienne, en passant par la mise en place progressive d’un système de rédaction et d’enregistrement des contrats privés particulièrement sophistiqué, jusqu’au grand bouleversement inflationniste qui frappe l’Empire à partir de 275 après J.-C. et qui ouvre une nouvelle ère dans l’histoire de l’économie monétaire de la province.


Credit --- Interest rates --- Crédit --- Taux d'intérêt --- History --- Histoire --- Egypt --- Campania (Italy) --- Rome --- Egypte --- Campanie (Italie) --- Economic conditions --- Economic conditions. --- Conditions économiques --- Credit. --- Economic history. --- Interest rates. --- History. --- 332 B.C.-640 A.D. --- Egypt. --- Italy --- Rome (Empire) --- Rome (Empire). --- Débiteur et créancier --- Égypte --- Crédit --- Taux d'intérêt --- Conditions économiques --- Economic history --- Kreditmarkt --- Wirtschaft --- Wirtschaftsleben --- Ökonomie --- Economy --- Finanzmarkt --- Money market rates --- Rate of interest --- Rates, Interest --- Interest --- History, Economic --- Economics --- Borrowing --- Finance --- Money --- Loans --- Histoire. --- Greco-Roman Period (Egypt) --- Égypte --- Römisches Reich --- Imperium Romanum --- Reich Rom --- Italien --- Antike --- Römerzeit --- Römer --- v753-500 --- Rim --- Roman Empire --- Roman Republic --- Romi (Empire) --- Byzantine Empire --- A.R.E. --- Ägypten --- Ancient Egypt --- Arab Republic of Egypt --- ARE --- Egipat --- Egipet --- Egipt --- Egiptos --- Egitto --- Egypten --- Egypti --- Ejiputo --- Gouvernement royal égyptien --- Ijiptʻ --- Jumhūrīyat Miṣr al-ʻArabīyah --- Khēmi --- Maṣr --- Miṣr --- Misri --- Mitsrayim --- United Arab Republic --- Conditions économiques. --- Geschichte 753 v. Chr.-500 --- History of Rome and Lazio Region --- Regione Campania (Italy) --- Campanie (Italy) --- Kampania (Italy) --- Campanien (Italy) --- Ökonomie --- Débiteur et créancier

Visualizing the afterlife in the tombs of Graeco-Roman Egypt
ISBN: 9781107048089 9781107256576 9781107626669 1316465608 1316464431 1316466388 1107256577 1316463656 1316464040 1107048087 1107626668 1316461319 9781316466384 9781316465608 Year: 2016 Publisher: Cambridge: Cambridge university press,

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Lost in Egypt's honeycombed hills, distanced by its western desert, or rendered inaccessible by subsequent urban occupation, the monumental decorated tombs of the Graeco-Roman period have received little scholarly attention. This volume serves to redress this deficiency. It explores the narrative pictorial programs of a group of decorated tombs from Ptolemaic and Roman-period Egypt (ca.300 BCE-250 CE). Its aim is to recognize the tombs' commonalities and differences across ethnic divides and to determine the rationale that lies behind these connections and dissonances. This book sets the tomb programs within their social, political, and religious context and analyzes the manner in which the multicultural population of Graeco-Roman Egypt chose to negotiate death and the afterlife.


Narrative art --- Tombs --- Death --- Decoration and ornament --- Cultural pluralism --- Tombeaux --- Mort --- Décoration et ornement --- Art narratif --- Diversité culturelle --- Social aspects --- History --- Aspect social --- Histoire --- Egypt --- Egypte --- Antiquities. --- Ethnic relations --- Religious life and customs. --- Antiquités --- Relations interethniques --- Vie religieuse --- Art, Decorative --- Decorative art --- Decorative design --- Design, Decorative --- Nature in ornament --- Ornament --- Painting, Decorative --- Art --- Decorative arts --- Arts and crafts movement --- Dying --- End of life --- Life --- Terminal care --- Terminally ill --- Thanatology --- Mastabas --- Philosophy --- Égypte --- Ägypten --- Egitto --- Egipet --- Egiptos --- Miṣr --- Southern Region (United Arab Republic) --- Egyptian Region (United Arab Republic) --- Iqlīm al-Janūbī (United Arab Republic) --- Egyptian Territory (United Arab Republic) --- Egipat --- Arab Republic of Egypt --- A.R.E. --- ARE (Arab Republic of Egypt) --- Jumhūrīyat Miṣr al-ʻArabīyah --- Mitsrayim --- Egipt --- Ijiptʻŭ --- Misri --- Ancient Egypt --- Gouvernement royal égyptien --- جمهورية مصر العربية --- مِصر‎ --- مَصر‎ --- Maṣr --- Khēmi --- エジプト --- Ejiputo --- Egypti --- Egypten --- מצרים --- United Arab Republic --- Antiquities --- Religious life and customs --- Cultural diversity --- Diversity, Cultural --- Diversity, Religious --- Ethnic diversity --- Pluralism (Social sciences) --- Pluralism, Cultural --- Religious diversity --- Culture --- Cultural fusion --- Ethnicity --- Multiculturalism --- Art, Narrative --- Narrative art (Visual arts) --- Art genres --- Decoration and ornament, Primitive --- Tombs - Egypt --- Death - Social aspects - Egypt - History - To 1500 --- Decoration and ornament - Egypt - History - To 1500 --- Narrative art - Egypt - History - To 1500 --- Cultural pluralism - Egypt - History - To 1500 --- Egypt - Antiquities --- Egypt - History - Greco-Roman period, 332 B.C.-640 A.D. --- Egypt - Ethnic relations - History - To 1500 --- Egypt - Religious life and customs

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