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Le CGRP (calcitonin genre-related peptide) et ses récepteurs : des cibles d'avenir dans le traitement de la migraine ?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Bruxelles: UCL. Faculté de pharmacie et des sciences biomédicales,

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Migraine is a chronic neurovascular disease that affects about 15% of the population and is characterized by recurrent episodes of unilateral throbbing headaches with associated symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, photophobia and phonophobia. For many patients, available pharmacological options do not meet their expectations, because of lake of efficacy, side effects for because they have contraindications. Lately, proof-of-concept clinical trials show that the blockade of CGRP receptors, a neuropeptide that is found in 50% of trigeminovascular neurones, can significantly decrease many migraine symptoms without inducing any vasoconstriction and that these molcules are beeing very well tolerated, even in patients with cardiovascular dieases. This leads to the development of many other molecules. None of them did pass the phase 2 of clinical trials but the Telcagepant. This molecule has been shown to be very efficient and well tolerated in the acute treatment of migraine. However, its development has been stopped because of hepatotoxicity concerns have been found out in trials about prophylactic use, but not in its acute use, maintaining absence of pharmacological options for the acute treatment of migraine for migrainers who also suffer from cardiovascular diseases. More recently, antibodies against CGRP or its receptors have been developped for the prophylactic management of migraine and seem to be very promising. The promising nature of all these molecules in the treatment of acute migraine attacks or in its prophylaxis will be discussed. La migraine est un désordre neuro-vasculaire présent chez environ 15% de la population et se manifeste par des épisodes récurrents de céphalées lancinantes hémilatérales associées à de nombreux autres symptômes, tels que nausées, vomissements, photophobie et/ou phonophobie. Pour de nombreux patients, les options pharmacologiques disponibles actuellement sur le marché pour le traitement de leurs crises de migraine ne répondent pas à leurs attentes, par manque d’efficacité, à cause d’effets secondaires mal supportés, ou car ceux-ci leur sont contre-indiqués. Dernièrement, des études « preuve de concept » ont montré que le blocage des récepteurs du CGRP, un neuropeptide présent dans 50% des neurones du système trigémino-vasculaire, diminuait significativement de nombreux symptômes de la crise de migraine sans induire de vasoconstriction et était très bien toléré, y compris chez les patients présentant des pathologies cardiovasculaires, ce qui a mené au développement de plusieurs petites molécules. De ces nombreuses petites molécules étant allées jusqu’en phase II, seul le Telcagepant a été testé en étude clinique de phase III. Celui-ci s’est avéré efficace et très bien toléré dans le traitement de crise de la migraine. Son développement a malheureusement été interrompu par la firme à cause de la détection d’une hépatotoxicité en usage quotidien dans un but prophylactique, maintenant l’absence d’options pharmacologiques de traitement de la migraine aiguë pour les patients migraineux et souffrant de pathologies cardiovasculaires. Plus récemment, des anticorps ciblant le CGRP ou les récepteurs du CGRP sont entrés en développement dans le traitement prophylactique de la migraine et s’avèrent très prometteurs. L’intérêt de toutes ces molécules et leur potentiel dans la prise en charge aiguë ou prophylactique de la migraine sera discuté dans ce mémoire.

Conception, synthèse et évaluation pharmacologique d'inhibiteurs de DD-ligases
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Bruxelles: UCL. Faculté de pharmacie et des sciences biomédicales,

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La résistance bactérienne aux antibiotiques constitue une menace croissante pour la santé publique. La découverte de nouvelles molécules à action antibactérienne s’impose désormais comme une nécessité. Parmi les cibles potentielles dans le cadre du développement de nouveaux antibiotiques, les DD-ligases sont tout particulièrement intéressantes. Ces enzymes bactériennes agissent au niveau de la synthèse cytoplasmique du peptidoglycane. Elles sont de ce fait essentielles à la formation de la paroi cellulaire et par extension à la croissance bactérienne. Le développement d’inhibiteurs de DD-ligases est donc d’un intérêt certain dans l’optique de recherche de nouveaux antibiotiques. Un inhibiteur original de ces DD-ligases, au motif thiosemicarbazide central, a été identifié lors de précédents recherches au sein du département de chimie médicinale de la Louvain Drug Research institute. Le travail présenté ici s’est attelé à approfondir l’étude de ce motif. Pour ce faire, une chimiothèque d’une vingtaine d’analogues au motif thiosemicarbazide a tout d’abord été synthétisée, analysée et purifiée. La puissance ainsi que le mode d’inhibition de ces composés ont ensuite été évalués sur une DD-ligase, la D-Ala-D-Ala ligase. L’évaluation pharmacologique de ces molécules a été réalisée grâce à un test enzymatique lui-même développé dans le cadre de cette étude. Enfin, à la lumière des résultats obtenus, une nouvelle série d’inhibiteurs originaux a été synthétisée et testée sur la Ddl. As antimicrobial resistance is becoming an uprising public health issue, the development of new antibiotics appears to be increasingly urgent. Among potential targets for new antimicrobial agents, the DD-ligases constitute a promising one. These enzymes act in an early step of peptidoglycan synthesis and are therefore essential for bacterial growth. The past few years have allowed the medicinal chemistry department of the Louvain Drug Research lnstitute to develop its expertise in the research of new pharmacological tools able to successfully inhibit the DD-ligases. More recently, a promising molecule bearing a thiosemicarbazide scaffold has emerged from the screening of an in-house library. This inhibitor exhibits a good potency against DD-ligases as well as a promising antimicrobial activity. The work herein focused on studying the thiosemicarbazide moiety as an interesting scaffold in targeting DD-ligases. To do so, a set of 20 thiosemicarbazides analogues were first successfully synthetized and analyzed for both their structures and purities. These molecules were then tested for their activities on one DD­ ligase, the D-Ala-D-Ala ligase. The pharmacological evaluation of the thiosemicarbazides analogues was made possible by an enzymatic assay able to measure the ligase activity, also developed within this project. Finally, the results previously obtained allowed us to synthetize and evaluate a new set of originals inhibitors of DD-ligases.

Évaluation à moyen et long terme des effets métaboliques et anthropométriques des analogues du GLP-1 des diabétiques de type 2 : étude rétrospective
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Bruxelles: UCL. Faculté de pharmacie et des sciences biomédicales,

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Le diabète de type 2 est une maladie non auto-immune d'évolution progressive. Bien qu'il existe une prédisposition génétique, de nombreux facteurs environnementaux (excès pondéral, ...) sont incriminés dans son développement.La prévalence du diabète de type 2, étroitement corrélée à celle de !'obésité, est en constante augmentation à un point tel que !'OMS la qualifie de pandémie.Caractérisée par une hyperglycémie chronique, cette pathologie engendre à terme de nombreuses complications micro et macro-vasculaires., Au vu de ces conséquences chroniques et des prévisions inquiétantes des sociétés scientifiques, ce type de diabète représente un problème majeur de santé publique.Le GLP-1, hormone sécrétée par l'intestin en réponse à un repas, agit principalement en stimulant l'insulinosécrétion, ralentissant la vitesse de vidange gastrique et augmentant la sensation de satiété. Cette hormone est déficitaire chez le patient diabétique et constitue, de ce fait, une stratégie thérapeutique intéressante. En Belgique, l'adjonction d'analogues du GLP-1 se situe après échec du traitement en bithérapie, en association avec de la metformine et des sulfamidés ou des glitazones.Les études s'accordent pour dire que les analogues du GLP-1 contribuent à l'amélioration du contrôle glycémique, de la tension artérielle et du profil lipidique donnant tout son sens à ce mémoire.Ce travail consiste à évaluer les effets à moyen et long terme des analogues du GLP-1 sur le diabète de type 2. L'analyse rétrospective des dossiers des patients mis sous ces molécules entre 2008 et 2016, permettra de déterminer les facteurs prédictifs de réponse au traitement et la durée de contrôle de la maladie.

Antimicrobial Peptides : Role in Human Health and Disease
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3319241974 3319241990 Year: 2016 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book focuses on the importance of human antimicrobial peptides (AMP) in keeping the host healthy and preventing infectious diseases. The first chapters deal with several examples of the role of AMP in different epithelial organs (skin and wound healing, eye, lung, genito-urinary tract, gut), which are exposed to different kinds of infectious microorganisms and as a result produce different patterns of AMP. Examples of the dysregulation of AMP expression and function promoting infections are discussed. The capacity of AMP to restrict the availability of essential metals to bacteria as an efficient antibacterial strategy in nutritional immunity is discussed in the next chapter. Our current understanding of how vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, influences AMP-expression and how this can affect our health is also addressed. Last but not least, the role of AMP in HIV infection and the immunomodulatory properties of AMP highlight the diverse facets of AMP in host immunity. AMP’s specific functions, including in fighting multi-resistant bacteria, suggest that they may offer therapeutic benefits – a question that is discussed in the final chapter.

Interleukin-27: Biological Properties and Clinical Application
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3319396625 3319396641 Year: 2016 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This volume focuses on various aspects of interleukin-27 (IL-27), especially its potential for clinical applications. The authors discuss the downstream signaling from the IL-27 receptor and its molecular targets in immune cells including Th1, Th2, Th17, Treg, Tr1, Tfh, B cells, DCs and macrophages. The inhibition of Th17 cells by IL-27 is vital for the maintenance of the feto-maternal tolerance and the prevention of lupus, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune uveitis, immune thrombocytopenia and atherosclerosis. However, the same inhibitory capabilities compromise the immune response to bacterial pathogens, and IL-27 is a pathogenic factor in sepsis and tuberculosis. Also covered are the conflicting reports on the role of IL-27 in rheumatoid arthritis, the effect of IL-27 on epithelia, which seems to play a role in asthma, psoriasis and inflammatory bowel diseases, and the direct cytotoxic and anti-vascular effects of IL-27, which make it a promising agent for the treatment of cancer. Accordingly, this volume will be of interest to researchers and clinicians alike.

Protein physics
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0081012365 0128096764 9780081012369 9780128096765 Year: 2016 Publisher: Amsterdam Boston

Growth Factors and Cytokines in Skeletal Muscle Development, Growth, Regeneration and Disease
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3319275097 3319275119 Year: 2016 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book describes the diverse roles that growth factors and cytokines play in skeletal muscle. The extracellular environment has profound effects on the biology of skeletal muscle. The soluble portion of this environment includes a rich milieu of growth factors and cytokines which have been shown to regulate virtually all facets of the response of skeletal muscle to external stimuli, whether it be exercise induced metabolic shifts, remodeling in response to trauma or loading of the ongoing pathology associated with neuromuscular disease. The chapters included in this work illustrate growth factors that directly affect skeletal muscle cells and those which influence non-muscle cells that contribute to the biology of skeletal muscle as a whole tissue. The current state of the art, with the advent of systems biology, allows for the delineation of signaling networks which are regulated by suites of growth factors. This is in stark contrast to early more traditional studies, which only examined the effects of isolated growth factors on the activity of skeletal muscle precursor cells in tissue culture. The work presented in this volume ranges from reviewing and analyzing the roles of individual growth factors in detail, to the complex interplay of multiple soluble factors in the control of muscle functional, and dysfunctional states. The material covered in this volume will particularly suit readers from a range of research fields spanning general muscle biology and physiology, and those working on diseases and conditions affecting skeletal muscle both directly and indirectly.


Microbiology & Immunology --- Biology --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Muscles --- Musculoskeletal system. --- Muscle cells. --- Regeneration. --- Myocytes --- Locomotor system --- Musculo-skeletal system --- Skeletomuscular system --- Cells --- Cytokines. --- Human physiology. --- Biochemistry. --- Cytokines and Growth Factors. --- Human Physiology. --- Medical Biochemistry. --- Human biology --- Medical sciences --- Physiology --- Human body --- Cellular immunity --- Immune response --- Biological chemistry --- Chemical composition of organisms --- Organisms --- Physiological chemistry --- Chemistry --- Regulation --- Composition --- Muscle, Skeletal. --- Intercellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins. --- Growth Factors --- Paracrine Peptide Factors --- Paracrine Protein Factors --- Peptide Factors, Paracrine --- Paracrine Communication --- Peptide Hormones --- Anterior Tibial Muscle --- Gastrocnemius Muscle --- Muscle, Voluntary --- Plantaris Muscle --- Skeletal Muscle --- Soleus Muscle --- Muscle, Anterior Tibial --- Muscle, Gastrocnemius --- Muscle, Plantaris --- Muscle, Soleus --- Muscles, Skeletal --- Muscles, Voluntary --- Skeletal Muscles --- Tibial Muscle, Anterior --- Voluntary Muscle --- Voluntary Muscles --- Growth factors. --- Medical biochemistry. --- Medical biochemistry --- Pathobiochemistry --- Pathological biochemistry --- Biochemistry --- Pathology --- Cell growth factors --- Cellular growth factors --- Growth peptides --- Growth promoting substances --- Growth substances --- Peptide growth factors --- Peptide regulatory factors --- Polypeptide growth factors --- Cytokines --- Peptides

Non-coding RNA research.
ISSN: 24680540 Year: 2016 Publisher: [Amsterdam] : Production and hosting by Elsevier B. V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.,

Principles of Osteoimmunology : Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Applications
ISBN: 3319342363 331934238X Year: 2016 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This fully updated and extended second edition provides a comprehensive overview on the basic concepts of the rapidly developing field of osteoimmunology and also offers in-depth insights into the molecular mechanisms of bone diseases. Clinical data is presented and put into context with the latest research findings. This second edition in addition discusses the latest topics in transplantation immunology. The book addresses scientists and physicians working in immunology, pathophysiology and osteology.

Interleukin 12: Antitumor Activity and Immunotherapeutic Potential in Oncology
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3319469053 3319469061 Year: 2016 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book discusses the immunotherapeutic potential of Interleukin 12 in the context of clinical oncology, as well as antitumor effects confirmed in preclinical studies and clinical trials in cancer immunotherapy. Due to its ability to activate both innate (NK cells) and adaptive (cytotoxic T lymphocytes) immunities, Interleukin 12 (IL-12) has been regarded as a promising candidate for tumor immunotherapy. However, despite the encouraging results in animal models, only very modest antitumor effects have been confirmed in early clinical trials. Recently, several clinical studies have been initiated in which IL-12 was applied as an adjuvant in cancer vaccines, in gene therapy including locoregional injections of IL-12 plasmid, and in the form of tumor-targeting immunocytokines (IL-12 fused to monoclonal antibodies).

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