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Writing, Medium, Machine: Modern Technographies is a collection of thirteen essays by leading scholars which explores the mutual determination of forms of writing and forms of technology in modern literature. The essays unfold from a variety of historical and theoretical perspectives the proposition that literature is not less but more mechanical than other forms of writing: a transfigurative ideal machine. The collection breaks new ground archaeologically, unearthing representations in literature and film of a whole range of decisive technologies from the stereopticon through census-and slot-machines to the stock ticker, and from the Telex to the manipulation of genetic code and the screens which increasingly mediate our access to the world and to each other. It also contributes significantly to critical and cultural theory by investigating key concepts which articulate the relation between writing and technology: number, measure, encoding, encryption, the archive, the interface. Technography is not just a modern matter, a feature of texts that happen to arise in a world full of machinery and pay attention to that machinery in various ways. But the mediation of other machines has beyond doubt assisted literature to imagine and start to become the ideal machine it is always aspiring to be. Contributors: Ruth Abbott, John Attridge, Kasia Boddy, Mark Byron, Beci Carver, Steven Connor, Esther Leslie, Robbie Moore, Julian Murphet, James Purdon, Sean Pryor, Paul Sheehan, Kristen Treen.
Literature & literary studies --- literature --- encoding --- technology --- number --- the archive --- the interface --- technology in modern literature --- encryption --- measure --- modern literature --- Stereopticon
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Ist die Rede von ›Realismus‹ nichts anderes als ein »unendlich dehnbarer Sack, in dem man alles, was man will, verstauen kann« (Roman Jakobson)? Was das Label ›Realismus‹ angeht, herrscht auf dem Terrain der Gegenwartsliteratur Gedrängel. Selbst für kaum miteinander vergleichbare Texte ist von ›realistischem Schreiben‹ die Rede: mal in Form von ähnlichen, mal aber auch höchst unterschiedlichen poetologischen Selbst- und Fremdbeschreibungen. Offensichtlich ist es nicht so einfach zu sagen, worin der spezifisch ›realistische‹ Zug eines Textes oder einer Schreibweise jeweils genau besteht und auf welche Weise welche Texte welche Realismuseffekte hervorbringen. Wie diese in der Gegenwartsliteratur konzipiert, praktiziert und reflektiert werden, zeigen die Beiträge dieses Bandes für die Zeit von 1960 bis heute, indem sie neue Zugriffe auf ›realistische‹ Texturen erproben.
Literature, Modern --- Realism in literature --- History and criticism --- Literature, Modern. --- Modern literature --- Arts, Modern
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"Reading a wide range of novels from post-war Germany to Israeli, Palestinian and postcolonial writers, The Politics of Jewishness in Contemporary World Literature is a comprehensive exploration of changing cultural perceptions of Jewishness in contemporary writing. Examining how representations of Jewishness in contemporary fiction have wrestled with such topics as the Holocaust, Israeli-Palestinian relations and Jewish diaspora experiences, Isabelle Hesse demonstrates the 'colonial' turn taken by these representations since the founding of the Jewish state. Following the dynamics of this turn, the book demonstrates new ways of questioning received ideas about victimhood and power in contemporary discussions of postcolonialism and world literature."--Bloomsbury Publishing.
Jews in literature. --- Fiction --- History and criticism. --- Literature, Modern. --- Modern literature --- Arts, Modern
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The Columbia Companion to Modern Chinese Literature features more than fifty short essays on specific writers and literary trends from the Qing period (1895–1911) to the present. The volume opens with thematic essays on the politics and ethics of writing literary history, the formation of the canon, the relationship between language and form, the role of literary institutions and communities, the effects of censorship, the representation of the Chinese diaspora, the rise and meaning of Sinophone literature, and the role of different media in the development of literature. Subsequent essays focus on authors, their works, and the schools with which they were aligned, featuring key names, titles, and terms in English and in Chinese characters. Woven throughout are pieces on late Qing fiction, popular entertainment fiction, martial arts fiction, experimental theater, post-Mao avant-garde poetry, post–martial law fiction from Taiwan, contemporary genre fiction from China, and recent Internet literature. The volume includes essays on such authors as Liang Qichao, Lu Xun, Shen Congwen, Eileen Chang, Jin Yong, Mo Yan, Wang Anyi, Gao Xingjian, and Yan Lianke. Both a teaching tool and a go-to research companion, this volume is a one-of-a-kind resource for mastering modern literature in the Chinese-speaking world.
S16/0170 --- S16/0175 --- China: Literature and theatrical art--General works on modern literature --- China: Literature and theatrical art--General anthologies of modern literature --- E-books --- Chinese literature --- History and criticism. --- Littérature chinoise --- Histoire et critique
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Alors que la littérature contemporaine occupe aujourd'hui une place significative dans la recherche et l’enseignement universitaires, il importe de s'interroger sur les effets et les enjeux d’une telle rencontre. Que fait la réception universitaire à la littérature en train de s'écrire ? Que change pour les études littéraires l’analyse sur le vif ? Les études et entretiens réunis dans ce volume dressent un état des lieux de la présence de la littérature contemporaine à l'université en France et au Québec. Ils réfléchissent sur les usages de la notion de « contemporain », les difficultés inhérentes à son emploi et les outils critiques susceptibles d'en favoriser la saisie. L’ouvrage invite ainsi à penser les processus de légitimation et de vieillissement littéraires, tout en donnant à voir une institution universitaire en pleine mutation qui s'interroge sur sa mission, entre patrimonialisation et exploration, médiation et création, ou encore entre éducation culturelle et formation professionnelle.
Literature, Modern --- French literature --- Study and teaching (Higher) --- Research. --- Modern literature --- Arts, Modern --- XXe-XXIe siècle --- université --- édition
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Der österreichische Autor Robert Musil (1880-1942) war Militär, Ingenieur und promovierter Philosoph. Er hat neben seinem fragmentarischen Roman Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften (1930/32) Dramen, Erzählungen, Essays, Rezensionen sowie einen umfangreichen Nachlass hinterlassen. Das Handbuch bietet LiteraturwissenschaftlerInnen wie interessierten Laien eine umfassende Übersicht zu Leben, Werk und Wirkung Musils. Zugleich werden Forschungsperspektiven auf eines der wichtigsten Werke der deutschsprachigen klassischen Moderne eröffnet, das einen diskursiven Querschnitt durch Kultur- und Wissensgeschichte, zeitgenössische Philosophie, Ästhetik, Natur- und Technikwissenschaft präsentiert.
Musil, Robert, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Musil, Robert --- Cultural History (20th Century). --- Klassische Moderne. --- Kulturgeschichte. --- Modern Literature. --- Musil, Robert. --- LITERARY CRITICISM / European / German. --- Musel, Robert, --- Muzilʹ, Robert, --- Музиль, Роберт,
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Ci sono miti culturali che consentono di riflettere sulla modernità a partire dalle sue radici, permettendo di indagarne gli sviluppi e le polarità fondamentali: tra questi, il mito della trasparenza che, nato in ambito architettonico con l’erezione del Crystal Palace di Londra nel 1851, da tempo non riguarda più soltanto la creazione di spazi caratterizzati da una totale reversibilità ottica di interno ed esterno, ma è ormai divenuto un concetto chiave del dibattito politico e sociale di tutto l’Occidente. Con un taglio agile ma teoricamente agguerrito e un linguaggio che unisce rigore e scorrevolezza, Riccardo Donati affronta qui le tappe evolutive di tale fenomeno, seguendone la progressiva trasformazione da sogno a incubo attraverso lo studio di quelle discipline che da sempre hanno il compito di forgiare e diffondere i miti: la letteratura e le arti della visione. Da Thackeray a Dumas, da Dostoevskij a Ruskin, passando per il Novecento modernista di Tzara, Breton, Scheerbart, Benjamin, Joyce, Palazzeschi, Bontempelli, Duchamp, Ejzenštejn, Zamjatin, fino ad autori del Dopoguerra e della contemporaneità (tra gli altri, Nabokov, Calvino, Rodari, Ballard, Romero), il presente saggio mostra come muovendosi costantemente tra i territori dell’immaginario e delle concrete pratiche costruttive, fuori e dentro il perimetro della storia (realmente vissuta o soltanto ipotizzata), intellettuali e artisti di tutto il mondo abbiano attribuito alle costruzioni diafane valori di segno opposto. Di volta in volta palazzi di vetro, case di cristallo, vetrine commerciali e teche trasparenti sono serviti a veicolare utopie libertarie e incubi concentrazionari, previsioni di un luminoso orizzonte egualitario e oscuri scenari di omologazione generalizzata, approdando infine, in questi ultimi anni, a vere e proprie visioni apocalittiche circa il destino della collettività.
Transparency in literature --- Transparency in architecture --- Literature, Modern --- Literature - General --- Languages & Literatures --- History and criticism --- Modern literature --- Transparent architecture --- Arts, Modern --- Architecture --- letteratura --- mito --- critica sociale --- architettura --- arte --- filosofia
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