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ISBN: 9789090297644 9090297642 Year: 2016 Publisher: Amsterdam : XML

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Parliament is the space where politics literally takes shape. Here, collective decisions take form in a specific setting where relationships between political actors are organized through architecture. The architecture of spaces of political congregation is not only an expression of a political culture, it also shapes this culture. Since 2010, architecture office XML has researched the architecture of spaces of political congregation. The book 'Parliament' explores the double-sided relationship between space and politics by documenting and comparing the plenary halls of the parliaments of all 193 United Nations member states. Almost like a manual archive, the book documents the rooms in the same style and scale and also provides key data and the assembly hall's location within the larger parliament building. Organized as a lexicon, the book allows comparison of all 193 national parliaments in the world.

De architect in de 21ste eeuw
ISBN: 9789400005853 Year: 2016 Publisher: Intersentia

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In 2014 vierde de Wet van 20 februari 1939 op de bescherming van de titel en van het beroep van architect haar 75ste verjaardag. In verschillende bijdragen belichten juristen en architecten de activiteit van de architect als ondernemer: taken en erelonen, bescherming van de beroepstitel, aansprakelijkheid en verzekering en deontologie en tuchtrecht. Met bijdragen van Benoît Kohl, Dirk Lindemans, Béatrice Ponet, Sarah Schoenmaekers, Thyphaine Mooghin, Judith Lemaire en Jean-Louis Genard en Kristof Uytterhoeven.


Professional ethics. Deontology --- Law of obligations. Law of contract --- professional ethics --- architects --- Architects. Urbanists --- Belgium --- Architectes --- Construction --- Statut juridique --- Droit --- Responsabilités professionnelles --- Architects --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Malpractice --- Responsabilité professionnelle --- BPB1802 --- vrije beroepen --- Architecte --- professions liberales --- Architect --- Belgique --- Architecture --- Profession de l'urbanisme --- Stadtplaner --- kaavoitusalan ammatti --- gairm na pleanála baile --- linnaplaneerija --- profesión del urbanismo --- miestų planavimo profesija --- town-planning profession --- stedenbouwkundig beroep --- pilsētplānotāja profesija --- várostervezési szakma --- πολεοδόμος --- profesii în planificarea urbană --- urbanist --- městský architekt --- урбанистичка струка --- byplanlægningserhverv --- урбанист --- urbanističko zvanje --- professioni urbanistiche --- profesion i urbanistit --- stadsplanerare --- professjoni urbanistika --- povolanie v urbanizme --- urbanista --- градоустройствено планиране --- arquiteto --- Architekt --- architecte --- arhitect --- architektas --- arkkitehti --- stedebouwkundig beroep --- αρχιτέκτονας --- hlavní architekt --- építész --- várostervező mérnök --- arhitekt --- architect --- arquitecto --- главен градски архитект --- architetto --- aparejador --- architekt --- arkitekt --- архитект --- arhitekts --- architectuur --- архитектура --- architektura --- arkitektur --- architettura --- architektūra --- Architektur --- architektúra --- αρχιτεκτονική --- arquitetura --- arkitektura --- arkitettura --- építészet --- arhitektuur --- architecture --- arhitectură --- ailtireacht --- arhitektūra --- arhitektura --- arquitectura --- arkkitehtuuri --- architettura civile --- Baukunst --- építőművészet --- ehituskunst --- disegno architettonico --- architettura militare --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio

Smart cities : hoe technologie onze steden leefbaar houdt en slimmer maakt
ISBN: 9789401429382 9401429383 Year: 2016 Publisher: Leuven LannooCampus

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Hoe ziet de ideale stad eruit binnen tien jaar?Hoe slim zijn onze Vlaamse en Nederlandse steden vandaag al?Moeten we bang zijn voor de stad van de toekomst?Wat enkele decennia geleden nog sciencefiction leek, is vandaag werkelijkheid. Slimme horloges en camera's, sensornetwerken en drones vinden stilaan hun plaats in het alledaagse leven. Ze gebruiken de kracht van ICT om onze mobiliteit, energievoorziening, stadsbeleving en veiligheid grondig te verbeteren.Maar zijn die vernieuwingen alleen maar positief? Hoe kunnen we steden leefbaar houden nu ze groter en moeilijker te beheersen worden dan ooit tevoren? Hoe weeg je pakweg de nood aan veiligheid af tegenover die aan privacy? Dit boek beschrijft hoe technologie ingrijpt in ons stadsbeeld, wat daarbij verkeerd kan gaan, en wat we kunnen doen om horrorscenario's te voorkomen.Smart cities toont aan dat we een balans moeten vinden tussen de mogelijkheden en valkuilen die technologie met zich meebrengt, en welke modellen we het best volgen. Daarbij biedt het een multidisciplinaire insiderskijk op de ontwikkelingen die op ons afkomen, van architectuur tot dagelijks leven, mobiele applicaties en slim stadsbeleid.


Cities --- Urbanism --- Technologie --- Steden --- Planning --- Steden. --- Toekomst. --- Engineering sciences. Technology --- Sociology of environment --- Computer. Automation --- Stadsvernieuwing --- Technologie en maatschappij --- Change cultuur verandering innovatie informatie communicatie technologie --- 625.712 --- technologie in de stad --- stadsbeleid --- 587 Stedenbeleid --- stedenbouw --- bouwkunde --- Stedelijkheid --- Sociaal werk --- stedelijke wegen --- Environmental planning --- Stedenbouw 711.6 --- Smart cities --- Technologische innovatie --- Innovation Innovatie --- Technologie Technologie --- PXL-Central Office 2016 --- communicatie --- communicatiemiddelen --- maatschappelijke veranderingen --- technologische innovatie --- technologie --- slimme stad --- Duurzame ontwikkeling --- Stedenbouw --- Bouwkunde --- 316 --- BPB1605 --- 711.4(A) --- Duurzame architectuur en stedenbouw ; 21ste eeuw --- Ecologische stedenbouw --- Développement durable --- Mondiale netwerk stedenbouw --- Slimme steden ; 21ste eeuw --- Smart city --- Stedelijke planning ; gebaseerd op slimme technologiën --- Architecture --- Urbanisme et construction --- Écologie --- Stedenbouw. Ruimtelijke ordening ; denken over de stedenbouw --- Architectuur --- Ecologie --- Maatschappij --- Privacy --- Privacybescherming --- ICT --- Innovatie --- 711.4 --- 007.5 --- 67.002 --- stad --- informatica - cybernetica - Internet - Sociale media (zie ook 681.3) --- nieuwe technologieën - technologische vernieuwing --- ekologji --- екологија --- ekologie --- ekológia --- ekoloġija --- ökológia --- økologi --- ecología --- ekologija --- ökoloogia --- Ökologie --- екология --- ekoloģija --- ecology --- ekologi --- οικολογία --- ecologia --- ekologia --- ecologie --- környezettudomány --- наука за животната средина --- znanost o okolišu --- teorie životního prostředí --- ciencia del medio ambiente --- επιστήμες του περιβάλλοντος --- ympäristötiede --- ηθολογία --- milieuwetenschap --- scienze dell'ambiente --- věda o životním prostředí --- vides zinātne --- environmentální vědy --- ciência do ambiente --- environmental science --- environmentálna veda --- Umweltwissenschaft --- ekologické vědy --- știința mediului înconjurător --- aplinkotyra --- miljøvidenskab --- nauka o životním prostředí --- keskkonnateadus --- shkenca mjedisore --- architectuur --- архитектура --- architektura --- arkitektur --- architettura --- architektūra --- Architektur --- architektúra --- αρχιτεκτονική --- arquitetura --- arkitektura --- arkitettura --- építészet --- arhitektuur --- architecture --- arhitectură --- arhitektūra --- arhitektura --- arquitectura --- arkkitehtuuri --- architettura civile --- Baukunst --- építőművészet --- ehituskunst --- disegno architettonico --- architettura militare --- darnus vystymasis --- fenntartható fejlődés --- održivi razvoj --- дълготрайно развитие --- varig udvikling --- одржлив развој --- żvilupp sostenibbli --- trvalo udržateľný rozvoj --- säästev areng --- hållbar utveckling --- zhvillim i qëndrueshëm --- одрживи развој --- sustainable development --- kestävä kehitys --- desenvolvimento sustentável --- trvale udržitelný rozvoj --- αειφόρος ανάπτυξη --- dauerhafte Entwicklung --- dezvoltare durabilă --- sviluppo sostenibile --- ekorozwój --- ilgtspējīga attīstība --- duurzame ontwikkeling --- desarrollo sostenible --- trajnostni razvoj --- bioekonomie --- bioekonómia --- développement soutenable --- bioenergetyka --- ekorazvoj --- développement viable --- trvalý rozvoj --- tvarioji plėtra --- bæredygtig udvikling --- ekološko utemeljeni razvoj --- økologisk udvikling --- οικοανάπτυξη --- udržateľný rozvoj --- bioøkonomi --- bioeconomía --- sviluppo praticabile --- desenvolvimento sustentado --- desenvolvimento durável --- bioéconomie --- ecodesenvolvimento --- ecodesarrollo --- bioekonomija --- bio-economie --- eco-ontwikkeling --- ökológiai fejlődés --- βιοοικονομία --- биоекономија --- rozvoj udržitelný --- nachhaltige Entwicklung --- eco-development --- umweltgerechte Entwicklung --- βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη --- jätkusuutlik areng --- ekologicky uvědomělý rozvoj --- sviluppo durevole --- ökologische Entwicklung --- ecosviluppo --- bio-ekonomiska attīstība --- ekologinė plėtra --- bio-economy --- bioeconomia --- bioökonoomia --- ekozhvillim --- bioekonomia --- écodéveloppement --- bioekonomi --- bioekonomika --- uthållig utveckling --- Biowirtschaft --- еколошки развој --- zrównoważony rozwój --- biogazdaság --- bioeconomy --- σταθερή και διαρκής ανάπτυξη --- desenvolvimento viável --- zukunftsfähige Entwicklung --- desarrollo duradero --- Stadsleven --- éiceolaíocht --- ailtireacht --- forbairt inbhuanaithe --- 681.3 --- 681.3 Computer science --- 681.3 Computerwetenschap --- Computer science --- Computerwetenschap --- 711.4 Gemeentelijke planologie. Stadsplanning. Stedenbouw --- Gemeentelijke planologie. Stadsplanning. Stedenbouw --- Écologie --- Développement durable

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