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Mit einer ausgewogenen Stoffauswahl wird der Leser an das Studium der Physikalischen Chemie herangeführt. Das Verständnis der Theorie wird durch zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben und die Angabe ihrer Lösungswege erleichtert. Das vorliegende Buch gibt dem Studenten darüber hinaus Anregungen für ausgewählte Experimente zu den behandelten Teilgebieten. In der Durchführung und Auswertung der Experimente kann der Student erneut überprüfen, wie gut es ihm gelungen ist, ein Grundverständnis für physikalisch-chemische Zusammenhänge zu entwickeln. Das Buch wurde vollständig aktualisiert und, wo nötig, erweitert. In der fünften Auflage wurde z.B. das Kapitel über heterogene Gleichgewichte in das Kapitel zur chemischen Thermodynamik integriert. Zusätzlich wurden zahlreiche weitere Beispiele, vor allem aus dem Bereich der Physikalischen Biochemie, aufgenommen. Der Inhalt Chemische Thermodynamik - Reaktionskinetik - Elektrochemie - Lösungen zu den Übungsaufgaben Die Zielgruppe Studierende der Fachgebiete Biochemie, Biologie, Ernährungswissenschaft, Geoökologie, Geologie/Mineralogie, Lehramt Chemie Die Autoren Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bechmann, Universität Potsdam Prof. Dr. Ilko Bald, Universität Potsdam & Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM).
Physical chemistry. --- Science education. --- Physical Chemistry. --- Science Education.
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Der Band erschließt erstmals systematisch die schreibtechnischen Anforderungen an Qualifikationsschriften in den natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Fächergruppen. Dabei werden nahezu alle relevanten Themen und Debatten der aktuellen Forschung zum Wissenschaftlichen Schreiben aufgegriffen und zugleich auf ihre Praxistauglichkeit hin diskutiert. Die beitragenden Autoren dokumentieren so erstmals den aktuellen Forschungsstand der überfachlichen Schreibforschung und geben einen grundlegenden Einblick in die Praxis der gegenwärtigen Schreibdidaktik. Auch im Blick auf alternative Schreibformen außerhalb des Studiums formulieren sie Perspektiven für eine zukünftige Entwicklung der Forschung und Lehre des Wissenschaftlichen Schreibens in den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften. Inhalt Schreibforschung und Schreibzentrumsarbeit Schreiben unterrichten in den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften Schreiben im Studium Jenseits des Studiums: Alternatives Schreiben über Wissenschaft Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende der Natur-, Technik- und Ingenieurwissenschaften Mitarbeiter von Schreibzentren (auch außerhalb der Universität), Schreibtrainer Die Herausgeber Prof. Dr. Stefan Scherer ist Professor für Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft, Geschäftsführer des Instituts für Germanistik und Wissenschaftlicher Leiter des Schreiblabors am KIT, Karlsruhe. Andreas Hirsch-Weber M.A. ist Leiter und Koordinator dieses Schreiblabors, angesiedelt am House of Competence des KIT. .
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Anja Gottwald zeigt anschaulich, wie naturwissenschaftliches Experimentieren im Sachunterricht auch der Sprachförderung dienen kann. Damit greift die Autorin zwei pädagogisch und bildungspolitisch aktuelle Themen auf: Die Sprachförderung sowie die (Wieder-)Entdeckung der Naturwissenschaften in den Grundschulen. Sie beschreibt das Experimentieren und die Sprachentwicklung theoretisch fundiert und mit Blick auf die praxisrelevanten Fragen der Auswahl, Planung und Durchführung des sprachförderlichen Experimentierens. Der Inhalt Wie geht das - Experimentieren mit zwei Zielen (Naturwissenschaften und Sprachförderung)? Welche Experimente eignen sich für das Experimentieren im Unterricht? Die Praxis des „Experimentierens und Diskutierens“, theoretisch fundiert: Planung der Experimentierschritte und Sprechanlässe Der Wert von Wiederholungen: Vier Perspektiven Der Rahmen: Einzel- oder Doppelstunde? Einzel- oder Teamarbeit? Die Rollen der Lehrperson beim Experimentieren mit Kindern Die Zielgruppen Lehrpersonen der Primarstufe (Grundschule) mit Interesse am Experimentieren im Unterricht Studierende und Dozierende des Lehramtes für Primar-/Grundschulen Die Autorin Dr. Anja Gottwald hat bei Prof. Dr. Gisela Lück an der Universität Bielefeld promoviert und war danach als Dozentin der Pädagogischen Hochschule der Fachhochschule Nordwes tschweiz tätig. Sie ist heute Schulleiterin in Zürich.
Science education. --- Language and education. --- Educational psychology. --- Education—Psychology. --- Science Education. --- Language Education. --- Educational Psychology.
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This book discusses the scope of science education research and practice in Asia. It is divided into five sections: the first consists of nine chapters providing overviews of science education in Asia (China, Lebanon, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, Oman, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand). The second section offers chapters on content analysis of research articles, while the third includes three chapters on assessment and curriculum. The fourth section includes four chapters on innovative technology in science education; and the fifth section consists of four chapters on professional development, and informal learning. Each section also has additional chapters providing specific comments on the content. This collection of works provides readers with a starting point to better understand the current state of science education in Asia.
Education. --- Science education. --- Science Education. --- Science --- Study and teaching --- Research. --- Research --- History. --- Natural science --- Science of science --- Sciences --- Study and teaching. --- Science education --- Scientific education
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Comprehensive Prep for ACT Science. Every year, students pay 1,000 and more to test prep companies to prepare for the science section of the ACT. Now you can get the same preparation in a book. Although the ACT science section is difficult, it is very learnable. ACT Science Prep Course presents a thorough analysis of ACT science and introduces numerous analytic techniques that will help you immensely, not only on the ACT but in college as well. Features: * Comprehensive Review: Fifteen chapters provide complete review of basics of ACT science. * Practice: Includes 75 examples, 280 problems, a
Science --- Science education --- Scientific education --- Study and teaching.
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Self-study research is making an impact on the field of science education. University researchers employ these methods to improve their instruction, develop as instructors, and ultimately, impact their students’ learning. This volume provides an introduction to self-study research in science education, followed by manuscripts of self-studies undertaken by university faculty and those becoming university faculty members in science teacher education. Chapter authors range from those new to the field to established researchers, highlighting the value of self-study research in science teacher education for every career rank. The fifteen self-studies provided in this book support and extend this contemporary work in science teacher education. They, and the subsequent reflections on professional knowledge, are organized into four sections: content courses for preservice teachers, elementary methods courses, secondary methods courses, and preparation of future teacher educators. Respondents from various locations around the globe share their reflections on these sections. A culminating reflection of the findings of these studies is provided at the end of the book that provides an overview of what we have learned from these chapters, as well as a reflection on the role of self-study research in the future of science teacher education. .
Education. --- Science education. --- Teaching. --- Science Education. --- Teaching and Teacher Education. --- Science --- Study and teaching. --- Science education --- Scientific education --- Didactics --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- School teaching --- Schoolteaching --- Education --- Instructional systems --- Pedagogical content knowledge --- Training
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The need for a scientifically literate citizenry, one that is able to think critically and engage productively in the engineering design process, has never been greater. By raising engineering design to the same level as scientific inquiry the Next Generation Science Standards’ (NGSS) have signaled their commitment to the integration of engineering design into the fabric of science education. This call has raised many critical questions...How well do these new standards represent what actually engineers do? Where do the deep connections among science and engineering practices lie? To what extent can (or even should) science and engineering practices co-exist in formal and informal educational spaces? Which of the core science concepts are best to leverage in the pursuit of coherent and compelling integration of engineering practices? What science important content may be pushed aside? This book, tackles many of these tough questions head on. All of the contributing authors consider the same core question: Given the rapidly changing landscape of science education, including the elevated status of engineering design, what are the best approaches to the effective integration of the science and engineering practices? They answered with rich descriptions of pioneering approaches, critical insights, and useful practical examples of how embodying a culture of interdisciplinarity and innovation can fuel the development of a scientifically li terate citizenry. This collection of work builds traversable bridges across diverse research communities and begins to break down long standing disciplinary silos that have historically often hamstrung well-meaning efforts to bring research and practice from science and engineering together in meaningful and lasting ways.
Education. --- Science education. --- Technical education. --- Science Education. --- Engineering/Technology Education. --- Learning & Instruction. --- Science --- Study and teaching. --- Education, Technical --- Science education --- Scientific education --- Education --- Professional education --- Vocational education --- Learning. --- Instruction. --- Learning process --- Comprehension
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This book argues that modelling should be a component of all school curricula that aspire to provide ‘authentic science education for all’. The literature on modelling is reviewed and a ‘model of modelling’ is proposed. The conditions for the successful implementation of the ‘model of modelling’ in classrooms are explored and illustrated from practical experience. The roles of argumentation, visualisation, and analogical reasoning, in successful modelling-based teaching are reviewed. The contribution of such teaching to both the learning of key scientific concepts and an understanding of the nature of science are established. Approaches to the design of curricula that facilitate the progressive grasp of the knowledge and skills entailed in modelling are outlined. Recognising that the approach will both represent a substantial change from the ‘content-transmission’ approach to science teaching and be in accordance with current best-practice in science education, the design of suitable approaches to teacher education are discussed. Finally, the challenges that modelling-based education pose to science education researchers, advanced students of science education and curriculum design, teacher educators, public examiners, and textbook designers, are all outlined.
Education. --- Science education. --- Teaching. --- Science Education. --- Teaching and Teacher Education. --- Science --- Study and teaching. --- Science education --- Scientific education --- Didactics --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- School teaching --- Schoolteaching --- Education --- Instructional systems --- Pedagogical content knowledge --- Training
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This book highlights the development and outcomes of research on and practical experience in science education in Taiwan. As the outcomes of the scholarship on science education in Taiwan have garnered attention in science education communities around the world, this book gathers the most relevant research on Taiwan, presenting it in a cohesive overview that will move science education forward in terms of policy, research and practice.
Science -- Study and teaching -- Taiwan. --- Education, Special Topics --- Education --- Social Sciences --- Science --- Study and teaching --- Natural science --- Science of science --- Sciences --- Science Education. --- Study and teaching. --- Science education --- Scientific education --- Science education.
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This book provides an international perspective of current work aimed at both clarifying the theoretical foundations for the use of multimodal representations as a part of effective science education pedagogy and the pragmatic application of research findings to actual classroom settings. Intended for a wide ranging audience from science education faculty members and researchers to classroom teachers, school administrators, and curriculum developers, the studies reported in this book can inform best practices in K – 12 classrooms of all science disciplines and provide models of how to improve science literacy for all students. Specific descriptions of classroom activities aimed at helping infuses the use of multimodal representations in classrooms are combined with discussion of the impact on student learning. Overarching findings from a synthesis of the various studies are presented to help assert appropriate pedagogical and instructional implications as well as to suggest further avenues of research.
Education. --- Science education. --- Teaching. --- Science Education. --- Learning & Instruction. --- Teaching and Teacher Education. --- Science --- Study and teaching. --- Science education --- Scientific education --- Learning. --- Instruction. --- Didactics --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- School teaching --- Schoolteaching --- Education --- Instructional systems --- Pedagogical content knowledge --- Training --- Learning process --- Comprehension
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