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První česká učebnice zaměřená na oblast aplikované lingvistiky, z jejíhož širokého záběru si vybírá několik klíčových témat: osvojování prvního a druhého jazyka, učení se cizímu jazyku, problematiku chybové analýzy, forenzní lingvistiku a analýzu diskurzu. Publikace čtenáře uvádí do dynamicky se rozvíjející problematiky výstavby akvizičních korpusů a představuje akviziční korpusy, které jsou dostupné pro češtinu. Učebnice je určena pregraduálním studentům lingvistických, filologických a učitelských studijních oborů se zájmem zejména o osvojování jazyka a učení se jazyku a o analýzu diskurzu.
Language and Literature Studies --- analýza diskurzu --- akviziční korpus --- lingvistika --- chybová analýza --- příručka --- forenzní lingvistika
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Die Autoren widmen sich drei unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten der Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung: den historischen Aspekten, der kinder- und jugendliterarischen Bildforschung sowie in thematischen und narratologischen Einzelstudien Aspekten aktueller und historischer Kinder- und Jugendliteratur und ihrer Didaktik. Diese Schwerpunkte stecken zugleich die Arbeits- und Forschungsbereiche Otto Brunkens ab, dem dieser Band gewidmet ist. Otto Brunkens Lehr- und Forschungstätigkeit liegt seit rund drei Jahrzehnten maßgeblich auf der gesamten Bandbreite der (historischen) Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung sowie der Literaturkritik und den Bildmedien.
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Die Studie befasst sich mit dem Erzählen vom Tod im Bilderbuch in historischer und gattungstheoretischer Perspektive und bildet anhand eines Textkorpus’ von 287 deutschen bzw. ins Deutsche übersetzten Titeln die Entwicklung von 1945 bis 2011 ab. Entwickelt wird ein narratologisches Modell der Bilderbuchanalyse, das unter Berücksichtigung von Erfahrungswerten der Sterbeforschung in den Einzelanalysen zur Anwendung kommt. Die Untersuchung fächert ein breites Spektrum von Motiven, von realistischen und phantastischen, religiösen und philosophischen Darstellungskonzepten auf. Eine besondere Rolle spielen Bilderbücher über das Sterben und den Tod von Kindern und die daran nachgewiesene Subgattung des psychologischen Bilderbuchs.
Death. --- Death --- Dying --- End of life --- Life --- Terminal care --- Terminally ill --- Thanatology --- Philosophy --- Literature: history and criticism --- Children’s and teenage literature studies: general --- Psychology --- Religion and beliefs
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The insight that "the implications of textuality as such" can and must underlie our interpretations of literary works remains one of A.C. Spearing's greatest contributions to medieval studies. It is a tribute to the breadth and significance of his scholarship that the twelve essays gathered in his honour move beyond his own methods and interests to engage variously with "textuality as such," presenting a substantial and expansive view of current thinking on form in late medieval literary studies. Covering a range of topics, including the meaning of words, "experientiality", poetic form and its cultural contexts, revisions, rereadings, subjectivity, formalism and historicism, failures of form, the dit, problems of editing lyrics, and collective subjectivity in lyric, they offer a spectrum of the best sort of work blossoming forth from close reading of the kind Spearing was such an early advocate for, continues to press, and which is now so central to medieval studies. Authors and works addressed include Chaucer (The Canterbury Tales, Troilus and Criseyde, The Legend of Good Women, "Adam Scriveyn", "To Rosemounde", "The Complaint Unto Pity"), Langland (Piers Plowman), the Gawain-poet (Cleanness), Charles d'Orléans, Gower (Confessio Amantis), and anonymous lyrics.
Cristina Maria Cervone teaches English literature and medieval studies at the University of Memphis; D. Vance Smith is Professor of English at Princeton University.
Contributors: Derek Pearsall, Elizabeth Fowler, Claire M. Waters, Kevin Gustafson, Michael Calabrese, David Aers, Nicolette Zeeman, Jill Mann, D. Vance Smith, J.A. Burrow, Ardis Butterfield, Cristina Maria Cervone, Peter Baker.
Literature, Medieval --- History and criticism. --- A.C. Spearing. --- English literature studies. --- English literature. --- classics. --- history of language. --- linguistics. --- medieval manuscripts studies. --- medieval studies. --- methodology. --- research.
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The publication is the result of the research project APPROVAL (Adaptation, Perception and Reception of Verbal Loans) on the adaptation of foreign words in Polish and Czech. It analyses loanwords proving that cultural contacts across the borders and languages existed and the languages took over words during their historical development and did not inherit them from their protolanguage. The book combines a linguistics and psycholinguistics approach and has two versions: Polish and Czech.
Language and languages --- Polish language --- Czech language --- Foreign words and phrases. --- Grammar, Comparative --- Czech. --- Polish. --- Language and Literature Studies --- Theoretical Linguistics --- Studies of Literature --- Semantics --- Czech Literature --- Philology
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The charge of »Ressentiment« can in today's world - less from traditionally conservative quarters than from the neo-positivist discourses of particular forms of liberalism - be used to undermine the argumentative credibility of political opponents, dissidents and those who call for greater »justice«. The essays in this volume draw on the broad spectrum of cultural discourse on »Ressentiment«, both in historical and contemporary contexts. Starting with its conceptual genesis, the essays also show contemporary nuances of »Ressentiment« as well as its influence on literary and philosophical discourse in the 20th century.
Resentment. --- Scheler, Max, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Emotions --- Ethics. --- Literatur. --- Ressentiment. --- Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, --- Ressentiment im Aufbau der Moralen (Scheler, Max). --- Ressentiment; Envy; Power; Dissent; Criticism; Culture; Literature; Cultural Theory; General Literature Studies; Cultural History; Cultural Studies --- Nietzsche, Friedrich --- Nietzsche, Friederich --- Criticism. --- Cultural History. --- Cultural Studies. --- Cultural Theory. --- Culture. --- Dissent. --- Envy. --- General Literature Studies. --- Literature. --- Power.
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Das Erzählwerk der Schriftstellerin Felicitas Hoppe ist bestimmt durch die Spannung zwischen literarischem Traditionsbezug und werkgenetischem Autonomieanspruch. Von den Prosaminiaturen »Picknick der Friseure« (1996) bis hin zur Autofiktion »Hoppe« (2012) kennzeichnen dabei Transgression, Dekontextualisierung sowie semantische Pluralisierung das inter- und autointertextuelle Rezeptionsverhalten - ein poetologisches Prinzip, das Hoppes Schreiben in der transmodernen Ästhetik verortet und von der Autorin selbst als »ehrliche Erfindung« bezeichnet wird. Die daraus entstehende eigengesetzliche Prosa, ihre komplexen Referenz- und Assoziationsräume sowie ihre erzähltechnische Vermittlung analysiert der Band u.a. aus narratologischer, gattungstheoretischer und diskursanalytischer Perspektive. »Viele der Beiträge [zeichnen sich] durch die gewinnbringende Verbindung von genauer Testlektüre mit theoretischen Ansätzen aus.« Friederike Eigler, Jahrbuch Gegenwartsliteratur, 17 (2018) »Der Band von Ilgner und Frank besticht [...] durch seine scharfen Analysen und vor allem die pointierte und überzeugende Thesenbildung, die über Einzelaspekte hinausgeht, und an die bisherige Forschung anknüpfend Hoppes Texte und Aussagen als Gesamtwerk interpretiert.« Annika Bartsch, PhiN, 82 (2017)
Transnationalism in literature. --- Hoppe, Felicitas, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Felicitas Hoppe; Gegenwartsliteratur; Transmoderne; Intertextualität; Autorschaft; Literatur; Germanistik; Allgemeine Literaturwissenschaft; Literaturwissenschaft; Contemporary Literature; Transmodernism; Intertextuality; Authorship; Literature; German Literature; General Literature Studies; Literary Studies --- Criticism and interpretation --- Sources --- Authorship. --- Contemporary Literature. --- General Literature Studies. --- German Literature. --- Intertextuality. --- Literary Studies. --- Literature. --- Transmodernism.
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Starting from an analysis of practices of participation in contemporary print and other media, the volume opens up a historical perspective, probing the potential of the concept of participatory cultures for the exploration of past forms of collaboration between individual and collective actors (i.e. authors, editors, publishers, fans, critics etc.). In doing so, the volume sheds new light on the historically, culturally, and medially specific forms and functions as well as on the economic, political and institutional parameters that contributed to the emergence and transformation of what turn out to be precarious alliances. »The individual articles offer a rich variety of subjects, and many of them are rewarding in their own right or will be helpful for readers interested in specific subjects.« Sebastian Domsch, Anglistik, 29/1 (2018) Besprochen in: GMK-Newsletter, 4 (2016)
Mass media --- History. --- Participation; Print Culture; Media Cultures; Book Market; Authorship; Media; Civil Society; Media Aesthetics; Media History; Media Theory; General Literature Studies; Media Studies --- Authorship. --- Book Market. --- Civil Society. --- General Literature Studies. --- Media Aesthetics. --- Media Cultures. --- Media History. --- Media Studies. --- Media Theory. --- Media. --- Print Culture.
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This collection consists of eight essays that examine the way narratives determine our understanding of old age and condition how the experience is lived. Contributors to this volume have based their analysis on the concept of »narrative identity« developed by Paul Ricoeur, built upon the idea that fiction makes life, and on his definition of »trace« as the mark of time. By investigating the traces of aging imprinted in a series of literary and filmic works they dismantle the narrative of old age as decline and foreclosure to assemble one of transformation and growth.
Old age in literature. --- Aging in literature. --- Memory in literature. --- Memory as a theme in literature --- Older people in literature --- Old Age; Aging; Experience; Memory; Trace; Narrative; Time; Narrative Identity; Paul Ricoeur; Aging Studies; Cultural Studies; General Literature Studies; Sociology of Culture --- Aging Studies. --- Aging. --- Cultural Studies. --- Experience. --- General Literature Studies. --- Memory. --- Narrative Identity. --- Narrative. --- Paul Ricoeur. --- Sociology of Culture. --- Time. --- Trace.
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Thomas Traherne has all too often been defined and studied as a solitary thinker, "out of his time", and not as a participant in the complex intellectual currents of the period. The essays collected here take issue with this reading of him, placing Traherne firmly in his historical context and situating his work within broader issues in seventeenth-century studies and the history of ideas; they draw on recently published textual discoveries alongside manuscripts which still have yet to be published. They address major themes in Traherne studies, including Traherne's interpretation of spirit and his understanding of matter, his attitude towards happiness and holiness, his response to solitude and society, and his Anglican identity. As a wholle, the volume aims to re-ignite discussion on settled readings of Traherne's work, reconsider issues in Traherne scholarship which have long lain dormant, and supplement our picture of the man and his writings through new discoveries and insights.
Elizabeth S. Dodd lectures in theology, ministry, imagination and culture at Sarum College in Salisbury; Cassandra Gorman is lecturer in English at Trinity College, Cambridge.
Contributors: Jacob Blevins, Warren Chernaik, Phoebe Dickerson, Elizabeth S. Dodd, Ana Elena González-Trevino, Cassandra Gorman, Carol Ann Johnston, Alison Kershaw, Kathryn Murphy
Traherne, Thomas, --- Faithful son of the Church of England, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Authors, English --- English authors --- Thomas Traherne. --- Traherne studies. --- author studies. --- famous philosophers. --- literary analysis. --- literature studies. --- philosophy. --- refutation. --- religion and classics. --- theology.
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