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Marc Ruhlandt untersucht die organisationalen Voraussetzungen von Volkshochschulen zur Gestaltung migrationsbedingter Vielfalt. Der Autor zeigt, wie sich die Sozialstruktur der Bundesrepublik bereits seit Mitte der 1950er Jahre verändert hat, und rekonstruiert organisationale Gestaltungsmodi auf den migrationsbedingten sozialstrukturellen Wandel in der erwachsenenbildnerischen Praxis. In drei Fallbeispielen beschreibt er Herangehensweisen zur Gestaltung von Zugangsmöglichkeiten und ihre Empirie in Strukturen und Prozessen der Einrichtungen und identifiziert einrichtungsübergreifende Bezugspunkte. Der Inhalt Erwachsenenbildung im Spiegel von Einwanderung und Migrationspolitik Interkulturelle Öffnung von Weiterbildungsorganisationen Organisationaler Wandel und Migration Bedingungen zur Gestaltung Interkultureller Offenheit von Volkshochschulen Die Zielgruppen ForscherInnen, Dozierende und Studierende der Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaften PraktikerInnen in der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung mit organisations- und kooperationsbezogenen Tätigkeiten Der Autor Marc Ruhlandt ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft der Philipps-Universität Marburg.
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The European arena of lifelong learning offers rich country-specific portfolios of historical trajectories, policy frameworks and practical evidence of adult and continuing education. This book provides an introduction to the case of Norway and outlines the key features of the Norwegian system alongside issues such as political and legal agendas, schemes of participation, provision and financing or trends in professionalization, research areas and transnational linkages. Through the lens of adult and continuing education, the author invites researchers, practitioners, students and persons interested in international-comparative perspectives to a tour d'horizon of the Norwegian lifelong learning landscape.
Education / Adult & Continuing Education --- Education --- Education.
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Adult education --- University extension --- Continuing education
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The European arena of lifelong learning offers rich country-specific portfolios of historical trajectories, policy frameworks and practical evidence of adult and continuing education. This book provides an introduction to the case of Norway and outlines the key features of the Norwegian system alongside issues such as political and legal agendas, schemes of participation, provision and financing or trends in professionalization, research areas and transnational linkages. Through the lens of adult and continuing education, the author invites researchers, practitioners, students and persons interested in international-comparative perspectives to a tour d'horizon of the Norwegian lifelong learning landscape.
Education / Adult & Continuing Education --- Education --- Education.
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Adult education --- University extension --- Continuing education --- Adult education. --- Continuing education. --- University extension.
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Adult education --- University extension --- Continuing education --- Adult education. --- Continuing education. --- University extension.
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Creating and Promoting Lifelong Learning in Public Libraries describes specific ways that public librarians and other professionals can promote lifelong learning by planning and implementing Information Literacy Instruction (ILI). This book includes chapters on planning for instruction, using teaching methods, teaching with and about technology, and combining elements of ILI with more traditional public library programs, services, and activities. It is the sequel to Lifelong Learning in Public Libraries: Principles, Programs, and People.
Libraries and continuing education --- Information literacy --- Public libraries --- Libraries and education. --- Study and teaching --- Aims and objectives. --- Education and libraries --- Education --- Literacy, Information --- Information science --- Continuing education and libraries --- Continuing education
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La révolution technologique amorcée au cours des dernières décennies du XXe siècle a modifié les besoins en compétences sur le marché du travail. De nos jours, les compétences en traitement de l’information, les compétences interpersonnelles et d’autres aptitudes cognitives de haut niveau sont de plus en plus prisées. L’Évaluation des compétences des adultes, lancée dans le cadre du Programme de l'OCDE pour l’évaluation internationale des compétences des adultes (PIAAC), vise à fournir un nouvel éclairage sur le rôle de ces compétences dans la société d’aujourd’hui et sur leur utilisation dans le cadre privé et professionnel. Première évaluation de cette nature, elle mesure directement la maîtrise de plusieurs compétences en traitement de l’information : la littératie, la numératie et la résolution de problèmes dans des environnements à forte composante technologique. Ce volume présente les résultats des 24 pays et régions qui ont participé à la première vague de l'évaluation en 2011-2012 (publiés pour la première fois dans Perspectives de l’OCDE sur les compétences 2013 : Premiers résultats de l’Évaluation des compétences des adultes) et des neuf pays supplémentaires qui ont participé à la deuxième vague en 2014-2015 (Chili, Grèce, Indonésie [Jakarta], Israël, Lituanie, Nouvelle-Zélande, Singapour, Slovénie et Turquie). Il décrit les compétences des adultes dans les trois domaines de compétences en traitement de l’information évalués et analyse le lien entre les compétences et les résultats sur le marché du travail ainsi que les résultats sociaux. Un rapport connexe, le second volume de L’Évaluation des compétences des adultes : Manuel à l’usage des lecteurs, décrit la conception et la méthodologie de l’évaluation, et les corrélations à établir avec d’autres évaluations internationales portant sur les compétences des jeunes étudiants et des adultes. Un rapport connexe, le second volume de L’Évaluation des compétences des adultes : Manuel à l’usage des lecteurs, décrit la conception et la méthodologie de l’évaluation, et ses relations avec d’autres évaluations internationales des compétences des jeunes encore scolarisés et des adultes.
Adult education. --- Continuing education. --- Lifelong education --- Lifelong learning --- Permanent education --- Recurrent education --- Education --- Adult education --- Adults, Education of --- Education of adults --- Continuing education --- Open learning
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Teachers --- Education (Continuing education) --- Faculty (Education) --- Instructors --- School teachers --- Schoolteachers --- School employees
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This book addresses a broad array of pressing challenges of longitudinal surveys and provides innovative solutions to methodological problems based on the example of the NEPS. It covers longitudinal issues such as sampling, weighting, recruiting and fieldwork management, the design of longitudinal surveys and the implementation of constructs, conducting competence tests over the life course, effective methods to improve and to maintain the highest level of data quality, data management tools for large-scale longitudinal surveys, the dissemination of research data to heterogeneous scientific communities, as well as establishing a long-term public relations and communications unit integrating a study’s stakeholder community over time. Content · Sampling, Recruiting and Fieldwork Management · Longitudinal Measurement of Educational Processes: Surveys andConstructs · Longitudinal Measurement of Skills: Competence Testing · Assessing Data Quality · Data Management, Coding, Dissemination and User Support Target Groups · Sociologists, Psychologists, Demographers, Economists · Experts in Longitudinal Research, Research Methods, Survey Research and Statistics · Educational Researchers The Editors Hans-Peter Blossfeld is on leave from his Chair in Sociology at Bamberg University since 2012 and holds a Chair in Sociology at the European University Institute in Florence. Jutta von Maurice is the executive director of research of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories at the University of Bamberg. Michael Bayer is operational manager of the operational unit ‘Motivational Variables and Personality Aspects Across the Life Course’ at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories at the University of Bamberg. Jan Skopek is senior research scientist at the Comparative Life Course & Inequality Research Center of the European University Institute in Florence and is conducting cross-national comparisons in the eduLIFE project, which is supported by an advanced grant from the ERC. .
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