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Haiti--Let's Talk Competition : A Brief Review of Market Conditions.
Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This report presents an analysis of competition conditions and market concentration in Haiti. Based on available import data and available information on economic group connections, it also presents a limited analysis of the economic groups and companies that operate in Haiti, with a focus on highly concentrated markets. This analysis found that Haitian markets are constrained by a mix of factors, including operational business risks related to weak competitive conditions; highly concentrated markets which likely result in higher consumer prices; and a concentration of ownership in the most powerful firms, which seem to benefit from preferential treatment such as reduced customs duties.

Haiti--Let's Talk Competition : A Brief Review of Market Conditions.
Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This report presents an analysis of competition conditions and market concentration in Haiti. Based on available import data and available information on economic group connections, it also presents a limited analysis of the economic groups and companies that operate in Haiti, with a focus on highly concentrated markets. This analysis found that Haitian markets are constrained by a mix of factors, including operational business risks related to weak competitive conditions; highly concentrated markets which likely result in higher consumer prices; and a concentration of ownership in the most powerful firms, which seem to benefit from preferential treatment such as reduced customs duties.

An Assessment of the Short Term Impact of the ECOWAS-CET and EU-EPA in Senegal
Authors: ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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In recent years, there have been major changes in the trade policy landscape in West Africa that will affect Senegal. The Common External Tariff (CET) for (ECOWAS) and European Union-Economic Partnership Agreement (EU-EPA) have generated an intense debate among policy makers, interest groups and the general population. The CET aims at the establishment of a customs union for ECOWAS countries through the adoption of a common external tariff and a common trade policy vis-A-vis third countries.' It was adopted at a Heads of State Summit in October 2013 in Dakar and is to be implemented from 2015. When initially designed in the mid-2000s, the CET was organized in four tariff bands: 0 percent for essential social goods, 5 percent for goods of primary necessity, raw materials and specific inputs, 10 percent for intermediate goods and 20 percent for final consumption goods. Since then, Nigeria has obtained the introduction of a fifth band at 35 percent for specific goods for economic development' (essentially agricultural goods and some consumer goods). The first section of the paper presents an analysis of the impact of the CET and EU-EPA on protection levels, trade flows and state revenues, changes in the price of the consumption bundles for households and impact on firm's profits. The second section underlines some key elements of an accompanying policy agenda and a third section concludes.

Enhancing Competitiveness in Sri Lanka
Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Sri Lanka needs to address new challenges if it is to sustain its strong record of economic growth and poverty reduction. The country has in many respects been a development success story, with average growth exceeding 6 percent and a threefold decline in poverty using the national poverty line over the past 10 years. However, low productivity, high reliance on non-tradable sectors and a stale export basket highlight the need to enhance private sector competitiveness as a way to create one million new jobs. The Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) has recognized the need to adopt a policy agenda that strengthens the competitiveness of the country's private sector in order to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth. The new Government has emphasized the need to realize Sri Lanka's trade potential as a way to accelerate the transformation of the economy and generate new and more attractive opportunities for Sri Lanka's labor force.Unleashing the competitiveness potential of Sri Lankan enterprises will require addressing a wide range of factors. this note focuses on opportunities to improve areas directly impacting the competitiveness of the private sector, including streamlining the regulations governing the activities of the private sector to reduce the cost of doing business; strengthening trade policies to eliminate biases against exports; enhancing trade facilitation to reduce the costs and time it takes to export; enhancing the ability of the country to attract, retain and integrate FDI; enhancing innovation and entrepreneurship and strengthening accessibility to financial services. It is important to note, that there are small islands of Research and Development (R&D) progress in Sri Lanka. Going forward, as Sri Lanka aspires to become a higher middle income economy driven by higher addedvalue exports, major reforms will be required in its investment climate; investment, innovation andtrade policies and the efficiency of the institutions governing the activities of domestic and foreign firms.This note summarizes the main findings of this work and outlines options forimplementation of reforms needed.

Agribusiness in South Asia
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Agribusiness (including agriculture) accounts for almost one third of South Asia's GDP and has the potential to almost double over the next fifteen years (reaching 1.5 trillion US dollars by 2030). This increase will be driven by rapid growth in population, incomes and urbanization, as well as accelerated transformation of the sector towards higher value products and downstream activities. The highest growth will come from processed food and related services, such as food retail and restaurants which will create millions of productive jobs outside agriculture and positive backward linkages for farmers. Removing restrictions on trade, markets and prices would support this transformation; reforms in these areas are already showing promising effects. In addition, governments should continue to support smaller and poorer farmers, who may not benefit from this transformation. More targeted and pro-active support should be provided to raise productivity, rather than blanket subsidies and price controls that encourage the status quo and threaten the sustainability of the sector in the face of climate change (for example, large untargeted water subsidies).

Sustainability of Public-Private Dialogue Initiatives : Practical Note to Ensure the Sustainability of Dialogue Partnerships
Authors: ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This practical notes series is devised as a how-to guide that captures the evolution of Public Private Dialogues (PPD) and the challenges faced by practitioners since the first PPD handbook was published in 2006. It considers the varied and evolving forms of PPD, the contexts in which PPD is most effective, and its processes of implementation and sustainability. The design, implementation, and challenges associated with investment climate, competitiveness, and sector-specific PPDs are discussed, as well as an updated methodology for the monitoring and evaluation of PPDs. The series further provides an updated "PPD Charter of Good Practice" in Annex I that reflects practice modifications and improvements since being first elaborated at the 2006 Paris Global PPD Workshop. The series takes the Charter's principles as its base, and expands on them with practical advice and recommendations. It comprises five practical notes: PPD Practical Note 1 - Sustainability of PPDs: This note focuses on the life span of PPDs and the challenge of sustainability. This note considers how PPDs can achieve long-term operational, financial and mandate sustainability.

Enterprise Surveys : El Salvador Country Profile 2016.
Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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The Enterprise Surveys (ES) focus on many aspects of the business environment. These factors can be accommodating or constraining for firms and play an important role in whether an economy's private sector will thrive or not. An accommodating business environment is one that encourages firms to operate efficiently. Such conditions strengthen incentives for firms to innovate and to increase productivity, key factors for sustainable development. A more productive private sector, in turn, expands employment and contributes taxes necessary for public investment in health, education, and other services. Questions contained in the ES aim at covering most of the topics mentioned above. The topics include infrastructure, trade, finance, regulations, taxes and business licensing, corruption, crime and informality, access to finance, innovation, labor, and perceptions about obstacles to doing business. This document summarizes the results of the Enterprise Survey for El Salvador. Business owners and top managers in 719 firms were interviewed March 2016 to August 2016.

Enterprise Surveys : Lao PDR Country Profile 2016.
Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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The Enterprise Surveys (ES) focus on many aspects of the business environment. These factors can be accommodating or constraining for firms and play an important role in whether an economy's private sector will thrive or not. An accommodating business environment is one that encourages firms to operate efficiently. Such conditions strengthen incentives for firms to innovate and to increase productivity - key factors for sustainable development. A more productive private sector, in turn, expands employment and contributes taxes necessary for public investment in health, education, and other services. Questions contained in the ES aim at covering most of the topics mentioned above. The topics include infrastructure, trade, finance, regulations, taxes and business licensing, corruption, crime and informality, access to finance, innovation, labor, and perceptions about obstacles to doing business. This document summarizes the results of the Enterprise Survey for Lao PDR. Business owners and top managers in 368 firms were interviewed from January 2016 to June 2016.

Role of the Coordination Unit in a Public-Private Dialogue : Practical Note on Design, Implementation, and Management
Authors: ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This practical notes series is devised as a how-to guide that captures the evolution of Public Private Dialogues (PPD) and the challenges faced by practitioners since the first PPD handbook was published in 2006. It considers the varied and evolving forms of PPD, the contexts in which PPD is most effective, and its processes of implementation and sustainability. The design, implementation, and challenges associated with investment climate, competitiveness, and sector-specific PPDs are discussed, as well as an updated methodology for the monitoring and evaluation of PPDs. The series further provides an updated "PPD Charter of Good Practice" in Annex I that reflects practice modifications and improvements since being first elaborated at the 2006 Paris Global PPD Workshop. The series takes the Charter's principles as its base, and expands on them with practical advice and recommendations. This note on implementation processes examines the practical elements that go into the design, implementation and management of a PPD.

Enterprise Surveys : Swaziland Country Profile 2016.
Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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The Enterprise Surveys (ES) focus on many aspects of the business environment. These factors can be accommodating or constraining for firms and play an important role in whether an economy's private sector will thrive or not. An accommodating business environment is one that encourages firms to operate efficiently. Such conditions strengthen incentives for firms to innovate and to increase productivity, key factors for sustainable development. A more productive private sector, in turn, expands employment and contributes taxes necessary for public investment in health, education, and other services. Questions contained in the ES aim at covering most of the topics mentioned above. The topics include infrastructure, trade, finance, regulations, taxes and business licensing, corruption, crime and informality, access to finance, innovation, labor, and perceptions about obstacles to doing business. This document summarizes the results of the Enterprise Survey for Swaziland. Business owners and top managers in 150 firms were interviewed August 2016 and November 2016.

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