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Human remains in society : Curation and exhibition in the aftermath of genocide and mass-violence
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781526129338 1526129337 9781526108180 1526108186 9781526120694 1526120690 1526107384 9781526107381 9781526108197 1526108194 Year: 2016 Publisher: Manchester Manchester University Press

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Whether reburied, concealed, stored, abandoned or publicly displayed, human remains raise a vast number of questions regarding social, legal and ethical uses by communities, public institutions and civil society organisations. This work presents a ground-breaking account of the treatment and commemoration of dead bodies resulting from incidents of genocide and mass violence. Through a range of international case studies across multiple continents, it explores the effect of dead bodies or body parts on various political, cultural and religious practices. Multidisciplinary in scope, it will appeal to readers interested in this crucial phase of post-conflict reconciliation, including students and researchers of history, anthropology, sociology, archaeology, law, politics and modern warfare.

Deuil en maternité : professionnels et parents témoignent
Authors: ---
ISSN: 16241797 ISBN: 9782749250663 2749250668 Year: 2016 Publisher: Toulouse: Érès,

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Quatrième de couverture : "Soignants et parents se questionnent : mettre au monde un enfant dont la vie s'est arrêtée ou va s'arrêter précocement, être impliqué dans la décision d’interrompre son existence in utero, vivre un arrêt de grossesse quels que soient le terme et le contexte, accueillir l'enfant suivant, vivre le décès d'un proche alors qu'une naissance s'annonce… À partir de situations concrètes sont retracées les trente années de réflexion pluridisciplinaire depuis l’avènement du diagnostic anténatal au cœur des maternités. De la sage-femme au fœtopathologiste, les professionnels impliqués dans cette aventure humaine, de la salle de naissance jusqu'au retour à domicile, prennent la parole. Des témoignages de parents enrichissent la réflexion à chaque étape : expériences partagées, rencontres inattendues, stratégies humaines s'entremêlent pour dépasser l'épreuve. Au fil des chapitres, des outils se dessinent pour oser la rencontre avec les parents afin de briser la spirale des non-dits si préjudiciables dans la construction des liens familiaux. Ensemble, professionnels et parents ne cessent d’inventer de nouvelles pratiques face à l’imprévu pour que malgré tout, malgré l’absence, la vie puisse continuer. Côte à côte, ils font avancer le lecteur dans cet espace-temps de la naissance où vie et mort se confondent sur fond d’espoir et d’avenir."


Foetus -- Mort --- Deuil périnatal --- Maternité --- Mort --- Aspect psychologique --- Fetal Death --- Perinatal Death --- psychology --- BPB1608 --- Petite enfance --- Dood --- Vroegste kinderjaren --- Sudden infant death syndrome --- Abortion, Therapeutic --- Fetal death --- Motherhood --- Mort subite chez le nourrisson --- Avortement thérapeutique --- Foetus --- Psychological aspects --- Avortement thérapeutique --- Maternité --- Bereavement --- útle detstvo --- varhaislapsuus --- agrīnā bērnība --- early childhood --- prima copilărie --- рано детство --- rano djetinjstvo --- ранно детство --- рано детињство --- ankstyvoji vaikystė --- spædbørn --- prima infanzia --- fëmijëri e hershme --- varajane lapsepõlv --- korai gyermekkor --- παιδιά βρεφικής και νηπιακής ηλικίας --- frühe Kindheit --- zgodnje otroštvo --- primera infancia --- niemowlę --- spädbarn --- il-bidu tat-tfulija --- útlé dětství --- vroegste kinderjaren --- primeira infância --- nyfödd --- fanciullezza --- bebé --- Neugeborenes --- nourrisson --- naujagimis --- pasgeborene --- sylilapsi --- novorodenec --- jaundzimušais --- première enfance --- dojča --- foshnje --- μωρό --- доенче --- dojenče --- infant --- dibarn --- βρέφος --- bébi --- csecsemő --- nou născut --- diende barn --- lactante --- recém-nascido --- väikelaps --- mimino --- kojenec --- Säugling --- niño de corta edad --- newborn --- imik --- bábätko --- Kleinkind --- новороденче --- zuigeling --- bebeluș --- Baby --- puerizia --- pienokainen --- bébé --- baby --- batole --- beba --- neonato --- vastasyntynyt --- infante --- novorođenče --- újszülött --- nouveau-né --- vauva --- νεογέννητο --- sülelaps --- novorozenec --- kisgyermek --- zīdainis --- бебе --- kūdikis --- criança de peito --- recién nacido --- nyfødt --- fëmijë i sapolindur --- poppante --- rané dětství --- sugar --- bebe --- vastsündinu --- nejútlejší dětství --- första barndomen --- smrt --- Tod --- death --- mewt --- смрт --- смърт --- smrť --- död --- halál --- død --- vdekje --- dood --- muerte --- kuolema --- morte --- mirtis --- śmierć --- moarte --- θάνατος --- nāve --- surm --- surnukstunnistamine --- crematorio --- неизлечливо болен --- dichiarazione di scomparsa --- természetes halál --- umierający --- incinération --- halálos kimenetelű betegség --- cremazione --- ayuda pasiva a la muerte --- skon --- pohrebný akt --- cremation --- причина за смъртта --- Beerdigung --- laidotuvės --- naturlig bortgång --- Sterbender --- Ableben --- apglabāšana --- pogrebni zavod --- causa del fallecimiento --- upepelitev --- begravelse --- begravelsesvæsen --- i sëmurë pa shërim --- haldokló --- umirajoči --- funérailles --- ετοιμοθάνατος --- defunción --- spopolnenie --- śmierć naturalna --- κρεματόριο --- letāla slimība --- doodsoorzaak --- moarte naturală --- обявяване на смърт при безвестно отсъствие --- døende --- Todeserklärung --- неизлечиво болестан --- crematie --- odumírání --- mourant --- smrteľne chorý človek --- exequias --- mirties priežastis --- przyczyna zgonu --- funeraria --- vdekje natyrore --- nepagydomas ligonis --- kremacija --- végelgyengülés --- laidojimas --- przyczyna śmierci --- узрок смрти --- příčina úmrtí --- laidojimo apeigos --- prirodzená smrť --- pochovanie --- Verschollenheitserklärung --- naturlig død --- dfin --- elhalálozás --- přirozené úmrtí --- vzrok smrti --- погребване --- kuolinsyy --- nebožtík --- uznanie za zaginionego --- pompe funebri --- personas bezvēsts prombūtnes deklarēšana --- cause de décès --- mort naturelle --- erőszakos halál --- kremēšana --- αιτία θανάτου --- begrafenis --- surma põhjus --- dikjarazzjoni ta' assenza --- nāves cēlonis --- Bestattungsinstitut --- hautajaiset --- kremácia --- príčina úmrtia --- bisættelse --- причина за смртта --- muerte violenta --- pohřební obřad --- matused --- funeralii --- tanatorio --- morte natural --- eldbegängelse --- cremación --- pogreb --- Bestattung --- depósito de cadáveres --- incinerazione --- pohřeb --- incineración --- varrim --- inċinerazzjoni --- vyhlásenie za mŕtveho --- óbito --- dødsfald --- enfermo terminal --- kremavimas --- prijava pogrešanosti --- ligbrænding --- hautaustoimisto --- polttohautaus --- declaración de ausencia --- zesnutí --- sepultura --- природна смрт --- verassing --- трупоизгаряне --- vehículo funerario --- natural death --- tuhastamine --- matus --- kawża tal-mewt --- κηδεία --- cauză de deces --- paskelbinas nežinia kur esančiu --- dödsorsak --- décès naturel --- pohreb --- umírající --- a halál oka --- inhumación --- Einäscherung --- Leichenverbrennung --- döende --- úmrtie --- cadáver --- muerte natural --- hautaaminen --- begravning --- kremering --- pokop --- natürlicher Tod --- bolnav în fază terminală --- zgon --- marid terminali --- кремација --- loomulik surm --- ταφή --- přirozená smrt --- mewt naturali --- begravningsbyrå --- décès --- pompes funèbres --- bēres --- dödförklaring --- hamvasztás --- pogrzeb --- prirodna smrt --- φυσικός θάνατος --- cause of death --- естествена смърт --- pohrebná služba --- crémation --- deces --- falecimento natural --- terminally ill --- погреб --- pohřební ústav --- costumbres funerarias --- burial --- muerte senil --- shkak i vdekjes --- vermistverklaring --- temetés --- temetési szertartás --- natuurlijke dood --- spopielanie zwłok --- hautaus --- holttest --- parantumattomasti sairas --- stervende --- umierajúci --- сахрана --- príčina smrti --- sterfgeval --- begrafenisonderneming --- surija --- palenie zwłok --- dabīga nāve --- kremation --- féretro --- кремирање --- dødsformodningsdom --- pompe funebre --- funerale --- sežiganje --- moribundo --- morente --- holtnak nyilvánítás --- naturlig död --- ritos funerarios --- γραφείο τελετών --- kremace --- bijzetting --- declarație de dispariție --- jordfästning --- naravna smrt --- αποτέφρωση --- causa de morte --- morte per cause naturali --- entierro --- умиращ --- zgon naturalny --- Todesursache --- natūrali mirtis --- dödsfall --- погребение --- decesso --- pogibija --- погребално бюро --- kuolemansairas --- úmrtí --- pompas fúnebres --- funeral --- declaração de ausência --- declaración de fallecimiento --- kremacja --- déclaration d'absence --- decesso per cause naturali --- nebožka --- zakład pogrzebowy --- luonnollinen kuolema --- difunto --- fallecimiento --- kuolemansyy --- enterrement --- causa di decesso --- dødsårsag --- incinerare --- δήλωση θανάτου --- prohlášení za mrtvého --- kremazzjoni --- parandamatult haige --- djegie në kremator --- кремиране --- kuolemantapaus --- înmormântare --- умирање --- luath-óige --- bás --- Fetal Death - psychology --- Perinatal Death - psychology

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