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This book offers a systematic study of the interpretation of investment-related treaties - primarily bilateral investment treaties, the Energy Charter Treaty, Chapter XI NAFTA as well as relevant parts of Free Trade Agreements.The importance of interpretation in international law cannot be overstated and foreign investment law is no exception. Indeed, most treaty claims adjudicated before investment arbitral tribunals have raised and continue to raise crucial and often complex issues of interpretation.The interpretation of investment treaties is governed by the relevant rules of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT), which reflect customary international law. The disputes related to these treaties, however, are very peculiar as they oppose a multinational company (or a natural person) to a sovereign government.The parties to the treaty and those to the dispute, therefore, do not coincide. This calls for a balanced interpretation that takes into account both the prerogatives of the sovereign State and the legally protected interests of the foreign investor.Fundamental questions dealt with in the study include the following: are investment treaties a special category of treaties for the purpose of interpretation? How have the rules on interpretation contained in the VCLT been applied in investment disputes? What are the main problems encountered in investment-related disputes and are these problems peculiar to this type of dispute?To what extent are the VCLT rules suited to the interpretation of investment treaties? Have investment tribunals developed new techniques concerning treaty interpretation? Are these techniques consistent with the VCLT? How can the problems related to interpretation be solved or minimised? How creative have arbitral tribunals been in interpreting investment treaties? Are States capable of keeping effective control over interpretation?The book takes a practical and problem-solving approach firmly based on arbitral awards and State practice and follows, to a large extent, the structure of the articles on treaty interpretation contained in the VCLT.
Skiljedom. --- Utlandsinvesteringar --- Handelsavtal. --- Arbitration and award. --- Commercial treaties. --- juridik och lagstiftning. --- Juridik och lagstiftning.
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Peace-building --- International economic relations. --- Regional economics --- Commercial treaties --- Economic sanctions --- Economic aspects. --- Political aspects.
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The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) is a potential reciprocal free trade agreement (FTA) that the United States and the European Union (EU) are negotiating with each other. T-TIP raises a range of issues of congressional interest: Will the United States and EU be able to successfully conclude a comprehensive and high-standard FTA through the T-TIP negotiations? What are the economic and broader strategic implications of a potential T-TIP? How does the T-TIP address U.S. trade negotiating objectives? What is T-TIP's relationship to the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), other potential trade agreements, and the multilateral trading system more generally? How do the T-TIP negotiations balance confidentiality and transparency? Should other countries be allowed to join the T-TIP negotiations or a completed agreement, and what are the implications?
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"Judgment recognition and enforcement (JRE) between US sister states, between EU member states, and between Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macao, are in the category of "interregional JRE." This article focuses on what lessons China may draw from the US and the EU to develop its interregional JRE laws. It first discusses the status quo of the interregional JRE in China. Then it explores how the interregional economic integration demands the establishment of a multilateral interregional JRE arrangement in China. Finally it points out the four most crucial challenges in developing this arrangement: the challenge relating to the socialist characters of Mainland law, conflicts between civil and common laws, weak mutual trust, and the lack of a court of final review for cases from all the three regions. It proposes solutions to each challenge by comparative studies with the US and the EU interregional JRE laws"--Bloomsbury Publishing. "This extensive comparative study of the three most important judgment recognition and enforcement (JRE) regimes focuses on what lessons China can draw from the US and the EU in developing a multilateral JRE arrangement for mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macao."--Jacket.
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Commercial law --- Law --- International unification --- Organisation pour l'harmonisation en Afrique du droit des affaires --- Traité relatif à l'harmonisation du droit des affaires en Afrique(1993 October 17) --- Africa --- Droit commercial --- Droit --- Unification internationale --- Traité relatif à l'harmonisation du droit des affaires en Afrique --- Afrique --- Commercial treaties. --- Accords commerciaux
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The widely accepted need to reduce the world's dependence on fossil fuels and move instead to low-carbon, renewable alternatives faces a host of challenges. Whilst the greatest challenges remain in engineering, political and public policy issues continue to play a very important role. This volume, which consists of contributions from leading figures in the field, presents the case for a Sustainable Energy Trade Agreement (SETA). It shows that by addressing barriers to trade in goods and services relevant for the supply of clean energy, such an agreement would foster the crucial scaling-up of clean energy supply and promote a shift away from fossil fuels. In doing so it illustrates how the agreement would help to address a number of overarching sustainable development priorities, including the urgent threat of climate change, enhanced energy access and improved energy security. The book will appeal to academics and policymakers working on the interface of trade and energy policy.
Renewable energy sources --- Commercial treaties. --- Sustainable development --- Law and economic development --- Environmental law --- Trade agreements (Commerce) --- Competition, International --- Foreign trade regulation --- Treaties --- Reciprocity (Commerce) --- Law and legislation. --- International cooperation. --- Law and economic development. --- Economic aspects. --- Economic development and law --- Law and development --- Economic development --- Environment law --- Environmental control --- Environmental protection --- Environmental quality --- Environmental policy --- Law --- Law and legislation
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The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has reinvigorated research on the ex-ante impact of trade agreements. The results from these ex-ante models are subject to considerable uncertainties, and needs to be complimented by ex-post studies. The paper fills this gap in recent literature by employing synthetic control methods (SCM) – currently extremely popular in micro and macro studies – to understand the impact of trade agreements in the period 1983–1995 for 104 country pairs. The key advantage of using SCM to address selection bias – one of the persisting issues in trade literature – is that it allows the effect of unobserved confounder to vary with time, as opposed to traditional econometric methods that can deal with time-invariant unobserved country characteristics. Using SCM approach, the paper finds that trade agreements can generate substantial gains, on average an increase of exports by 80 percentage points over ten years. The export gains are higher when emerging markets have trade agreements with advanced markets. The paper shows that all the countries in NAFTA have substantially gained due to NAFTA. Finally, there is some evidence that trade agreements can potentially lead to slight import diversion, but not export diversion.
International trade. --- Commercial treaties. --- North American Free Trade Agreement --- Trade agreements (Commerce) --- Competition, International --- Foreign trade regulation --- Treaties --- Reciprocity (Commerce) --- External trade --- Foreign commerce --- Foreign trade --- Global commerce --- Global trade --- Trade, International --- World trade --- Commerce --- International economic relations --- Non-traded goods --- NAFTA --- Tratado Trilateral de Libre Comercio --- TTLC --- Tratado de Libre Comercio en América del Norte --- TLCAN --- Tratado de Libre Comercio de Norteamérica --- Hokubei Jiyū Bōeki Kyōtei --- Acordo Norte-Americano de Livre Comércio --- T.L.C. --- TLC --- Accord de libre-échange nord-américain --- ALENA --- Tratado de Libre Comercio --- Agreement between Canada, the United States of America, and the United Mexican States --- Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte --- United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement --- Commercial treaties --- Empirical Studies of Trade --- Export performance --- Exports and Imports --- Exports --- Imports --- International economics --- International Trade Organizations --- International trade --- Trade agreements --- Trade Policy --- Trade: General --- Mexico
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This paper examines the extent to which World Trade Organization (WTO) rules impinge on policymakers’ freedom to formulate tax policies. It provides an overview of both the economic rationale for WTO rules concerning taxation and the provisions of the main WTO agreements concerning border taxes and internal taxes (direct as well as indirect). It also points out some tax anomalies and inconsistencies in these rules, and how the rules have evolved as a consequence of the interpretation of the WTO agreements by its Dispute Settlement Body and the latter’s rulings in connection with several disputes over taxes affecting trade. As WTO Members will undoubtedly want to avoid having their tax policies successfully challenged in the WTO, the paper provides some guidance concerning the design of tax policy.
Fiscal policy. --- Balance of payments. --- Business Taxes and Subsidies --- Commercial treaties --- Consumption taxes --- Efficiency --- Exports and Imports --- Exports --- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade --- Income and capital gains taxes --- Income tax --- International Agreements and Observance --- International economics --- International Organizations --- International Trade Organizations --- International trade --- Optimal Taxation --- Personal Income and Other Nonbusiness Taxes and Subsidies --- Public finance & taxation --- Spendings tax --- Tariff --- Tariffs --- Taxation --- Taxes --- Trade Policy --- Trade: General --- United States
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The resurgence of regionalism is borne out of the current political logjams that have characterized the governance and operations of multilateral trading system over the past one decade and a half. Oloruntoba critically examines Euro-Nigeria relations within the context of the Economic Partnership Agreements in terms of the political and economic implications of the agreements on Nigeria’s non-oil exports sub-sectors. Set within one of the main objectives of the Economic Partnership Agreements, he also interrogates the prospects and challenges of regional integration in Africa under the regime of transnational accumulation, which the Economic Partnership Agreements represents.
Sciences - General --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Commercial treaties --- Commerce --- Business & Economics --- International Commerce --- Trade agreements (Commerce) --- Ethnology-Africa. --- International economics. --- Africa-History. --- Africa, North-History. --- Africa, Sub-Saharan-History. --- African Culture. --- International Economics. --- African History. --- World Regional Geography (Continents, Countries, Regions). --- History of North Africa. --- History of Sub-Saharan Africa. --- Economic policy, Foreign --- Economic relations, Foreign --- Economics, International --- Foreign economic policy --- Foreign economic relations --- Interdependence of nations --- International economic policy --- International economics --- New international economic order --- Economic policy --- International relations --- Economic sanctions --- Ethnology—Africa. --- Africa—History. --- Physical geography. --- Africa, North—History. --- Africa, Sub-Saharan—History. --- Geography --- Nigeria --- European Union countries --- Africa --- Commercial policy. --- Economic integration. --- Bundesrepublik Nigeria --- Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria --- Federal Military Government (Nigeria) --- Federal Republic of Nigeria --- Federation of Nigeria --- Jamhuriyar Taraiyar Nijeriya --- Nai-chi-li-ya --- Naijeria --- Nigeria (Federation) --- Nigerii︠a︡ --- Nigerija --- Nigeryah --- Ọ̀hàńjíkọ̀ Ọ̀hànézè Naìjíríyà --- Orílẹ̀-èdè Olómìniira Àpapọ̀ Nàìjíríà --- Republic of Nigeria --- ניגריה --- ナイジェリア --- EU countries --- Euroland --- Europe --- International economic relations.
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Dit boek biedt de praktijkjurist een duidelijke leidraad om het WER op de meest efficiënte manier te gebruiken in de dagelijkse juridische praktijk
Economic law --- economisch recht --- Belgium --- geschillen --- consumentenrecht --- mededingingsrecht --- BPB1701 --- U23 - Droit de la consommation - Consumentenrecht --- Protection du consommateur --- Droit économique --- Belgique --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- fogyasztóvédelem --- заштита на потрошувачите --- ochrona konsumenta --- mbrojtja e konsumatorit --- protezzjoni tal-konsumatur --- consumer protection --- ochrana spotřebitele --- vartotojų apsauga --- varstvo potrošnikov --- zaštita potrošača --- kuluttajansuoja --- ochrana spotrebiteľa --- защита на потребителя --- Verbraucherschutz --- bescherming van de consument --- konsumentskydd --- tarbijakaitse --- protezione del consumatore --- patērētāju tiesību aizsardzība --- forbrugerbeskyttelse --- protecția consumatorului --- protección del consumidor --- proteção do consumidor --- προστασία του καταναλωτή --- заштита потрошача --- konzumerizmus --- tutela del consumatore --- consommatisme --- consumerism --- EBCU --- vartotojų interesų gynimas --- kuluttajan oikeudet --- consumatorismo --- Maßnahmen zugunsten der Verbraucher --- consumentisme --- plan veprimi i politikave për konsumatorin --- défense du consommateur --- konsumerismi --- prava potrošača --- δικαιώματα του καταναλωτή --- diritti del consumatore --- derechos del consumidor --- defesa do consumidor --- consumismo --- tarbijapoliitika tegevuskava --- права на потрошувачите --- forbrugerrettigheder --- consumentenbescherming --- recht van de consument --- plan d'action en faveur des consommateurs --- Handlingsplan för främjande av konsumenternas intressen --- práva spotřebitele --- fogyasztók joga --- plan de acțiune în favoarea consumatorului --- difesa del consumatore --- plan de acción en favor de los consumidores --- consumer policy action plan --- vartotojų teisės --- práva spotrebiteľov --- handlingsplan på forbrugerområdet --- forbrugerinteresser --- fogyasztóvédelmi cselekvési terv --- konsumentens rättigheter --- patērētāju aizsardzības politikas rīcības plāns --- droits du consommateur --- drepturile consumatorului --- φορέας προστασίας του καταναλωτή --- kuluttajien etua ajava toimintasuunnitelma --- plano de ação a favor dos consumidores --- piano d'azione a favore dei consumatori --- protecção do consumidor --- defensa del consumidor --- konsumerism --- consumerismo --- konzumerizam --- konsumerizëm --- actieplan ten behoeve van de consumenten --- të drejtat e konsumatorëve --- vartojimo politikos veiksmų planas --- σχέδιο δράσης υπέρ των καταναλωτών --- consumeurisme --- direitos do consumidor --- tarbija õigused --- consumers' rights --- tillvaratagande av konsumenternas intressen --- conflits --- droit des consommateurs --- droit de la concurrence --- droit economique --- Economisch recht --- Geschillen --- Consumentenrecht --- Mededingingsrecht --- Conflits. --- Droit des consommateurs. --- Droit de la concurrence. --- Droit economique. --- Droit public économique --- Transaction (droit) --- Règlement de conflits --- Codification --- E-books --- Antitrust law --- Concurrence --- Electronic commerce --- Commerce électronique --- Consumer protection --- Consommateurs --- Commercial treaties --- Accords commerciaux --- Droit --- Law and legislation --- Protection --- cosaint tomhaltóirí --- Droit public économique --- Règlement de conflits
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