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The privatized art of war : private military and security companies and state responsibility for their unlawful conduct in conflict areas
ISBN: 9781780682815 9781780685632 1780682816 1780685637 Year: 2015 Volume: 67 Publisher: Cambridge Intersentia

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In the modern globalized world, so-called private military and security companies (PMSCs) are employed by a variety of actors in times of both war and peace. They are employed by, and perform a plethora of services for, not only international organizations, NGOs, and multinationals, but also States. It goes without saying that, especially in areas torn apart by armed conflicts, these corporations and their personnel can and sometimes do engage in different types of misconduct that may constitute violations of international law. While there are still regulatory gaps in the national and international legal frameworks applicable to PMSCs and self-regulatory schemes of the industry generally appear to be lacking effectiveness, the lines of responsibility often remain unclear. In light of this, State responsibility becomes an important instrument for attaining justice and ensuring respect for international law by private contractors.The use of PMSCs by States in conflict zones may, in certain instances, be considered morally problematic and might enable States to outsource fundamental governmental tasks to essentially private actors without necessarily being held responsible for instances of misconduct. This book investigates the possibility of applying the doctrine of State responsibility to the employment of PMSCs in areas affected by conflicts and to breaches of international law committed by these companies and their personnel. It examines an array of circumstances in which the unlawful conduct of PMSCs and their staff may be attributed to States under international law and the extent of such attribution. The study further analyzes the application of positive obligations imposed by international law on States and the scope of this application. It is illustrated that not only States hiring PMSCs, but also States where these companies are active, and States where they are registered or incorporated, are to be held responsible when violations of international law are attributed to these States in accordance with certain modes of attribution. In addition, the States in question also bear international responsibility when they fail to comply with their positive duties of result and diligent conduct stemming from the fields of international humanitarian and human rights law.


Public economics --- Law of armed conflicts. Humanitarian law --- Tort and negligence --- Guerre (droit international) --- Services privés de sécurité --- Sociétés militaires privées --- Contrats de la défense --- Mercenaires --- Forces armées --- Acteurs non étatiques (relations internationales) --- État --- Privatisations --- Responsabilité (droit international) --- PrivatisationsResponsabilité (droit international) --- BPB1507 --- Mercenaire --- Guerre --- Droit de la guerre --- Force paramilitaire --- Sécurité et gardiennage --- Armée --- Huurling --- Oorlog --- Oorlogsrecht --- Paramilitaire troepen --- Beveiliging en bewaking --- Krijgsmacht --- Private military companies --- Law and legislation --- Forces armées. --- Services privés de sécurité. --- Sociétés militaires privées. --- Contrats de la défense. --- Mercenaires. --- Privatisations. --- algotņi --- mercenário --- palkkasotilas --- μισθοφόρος --- wojsko najemne --- palgasõdur --- плаћеник --- наемник --- žoldnier --- mercenario --- Söldner --- plaćenik --- zsoldos --- žoldnéř --- samdinys --- mercenari --- mercenary --- huurling --- платеник --- lejesoldat --- plačanec --- merċenarju --- mercenar --- legosoldat --- námezdný voják --- žoldák --- leģionāri --- легионер --- svetimšalis samdomasis karys --- algotņu armija --- forțe armate --- Armee --- ginkluotosios pajėgos --- wojsko --- στρατός --- оружане снаге --- försvarsmakt --- forca të armatosura --- krijgsmacht --- вооружени сили --- армия --- armed forces --- ozbrojené sily --- forzi armati --- esercito --- forças armadas --- armeija --- ejército --- militær --- relvajõud --- fegyveres erők --- oružane snage --- armáda --- bruņotie spēki --- oborožene sile --- Militär --- војска --- Lietuvos kariuomenė --- légie --- milizia --- ozbrojené síly --- strijdkrachten --- kaitsejõud --- milici --- legion --- kaitsevägi --- Legion --- militari --- väeliigid --- armádny zbor --- krigsmakt --- legjion --- φρουρά --- vojska --- sõjavägi --- armată --- armádní sbor --- bevæbnede styrker --- militar --- militära styrkor --- legionas --- militia --- Soldat --- legión --- ushtri --- organização do exército --- légió --- Miliz --- domobrana --- vojsko --- voják --- militærkvarter --- воени структури --- στρατιωτικός --- legioona --- milícia --- militare --- kariškiai --- Nacionālie bruņotie spēki --- forze armate --- haderő --- milits --- gendarmerikår --- армија --- hadsereg --- sotavoimat --- ένοπλες δυνάμεις --- λεγεώνα --- väpnade styrkor --- militär --- fegyveres szolgálat --- vojne snage --- Streitkräfte --- kariai --- võõrleegion --- milis --- puolustusvoimat --- military --- fuerzas armadas --- légion --- armed services --- tropa --- miliisi --- Streitmacht --- milicija --- militaire --- militarizētie dienesti --- milicia --- forces armées --- legião --- kariuomenė --- legija --- militair --- shërbim i armatosur --- ασφάλεια και φύλαξη --- servizzi tas-sigurtà --- seguridad y vigilancia --- usługi ochrony osób i mienia --- zaštitarstvo --- безбедносни услуги --- sikkerheds- og vagtservice --- shërbime sigurie --- bezpečnostné služby --- bezpečnostní služby --- turvateenused --- biztonsági szolgáltatások --- varovanje in nadzor --- segurança e vigilância --- turvallisuus ja vartiointi --- sicurezza e sorveglianza --- Sicherheit und Bewachung --- apsaugos paslaugos --- безбедносне услуге --- servicii private de pază --- служби сигурност и охрана --- apsardzes dienesti --- beveiliging en bewaking --- säkerhets- och bevakningstjänst --- security services --- privatna zaštita --- услуги поврзани со безбедноста --- ιδιωτική επιχείρηση παροχής υπηρεσιών ασφάλειας --- приватен детектив --- private Sicherheit --- yksityiset turvallisuuspalvelut --- privat säkerhetstjänst --- vagyonvédelem --- usluge zaštite --- услуги за заштита --- лично обезбедување --- privat sikkerhed --- zaštitarska djelatnost --- segurança privada --- guarda jurado --- empresa de seguridad --- sicurezza privata --- testőr --- őrző-védő szolgálat --- particuliere beveiliging --- физичко обезбедување --- személyvédelem --- лична заштита --- sécurité privée --- eraturvateenus --- osobná bezpečnosť --- обезбедување --- private security --- seguridad privada --- privatni detektiv --- privati apsauga --- servicio de seguridad --- fuerza de naturaleza militar --- forza paramilitari --- paramilitaire troepen --- παραστρατιωτικό σώμα --- paravojaška enota --- paramilitärische Einheit --- snage sigurnosti --- forze paramilitari --- puolisotilaalliset joukot --- sukarintosios pajėgos --- polovojenské sily --- paramilitārie formējumi --- jednostki paramilitarne --- sõjaväestatud jõud --- forcë paraushtarake --- félkatonai erők --- паравоени сили --- forțe paramilitare --- paramilitär styrka --- паравоенна единица --- paramilitary force --- polovojenské síly --- paramilitær styrke --- паравојне снаге --- força paramilitar --- Īpašie valsts drošības spēki --- gendarmeri --- instituto armado de naturaleza militar --- saugumo pajėgos --- bezpečnostní síly --- sotapoliisi --- Guardia Civil --- bezpečnostné sily --- pasienio policija --- гранична полиција --- rajavartiolaitos --- rijkswacht --- paramilitaarsed jõud --- marechaussee --- polici kufitare --- határőrség --- garde républicaine --- snage unutarnje sigurnosti --- Sicherheitskräfte --- sukarintos pajėgos --- police militaire --- grenspolitie --- fuerza de seguridad --- säkerhetsstyrka --- Militärpolizei --- Arma dei Carabinieri --- força de segurança --- koninklijke marechaussee --- biztonsági erők --- police des frontières --- poliție de frontieră --- sotilaspoliisi --- četnictvo --- gendarmería --- border police --- military police --- vojenská policie --- karinė policija --- turvajoukot --- határrendészet --- militaire politie --- polizia di frontiera --- pohraniční policie --- forțe de securitate --- veiligheidstroepen --- Polícia Militar --- forca sigurimi --- воена полиција --- julgeolekujõud --- vojna policija --- безбедносни сили --- militärpolis --- BGS --- poliție militară --- robežpolicija --- forze di sicurezza --- force de sécurité --- katonai rendőrség --- polícia das fronteiras --- gendarmeria --- Grenztruppe --- sõjaväepolitsei --- Guarda Fiscal --- gendarmerie --- Zemessardze --- vojenská polícia --- policía militar --- паравоена војска --- militārā policija --- Guarda Nacional Republicana --- drošības spēki --- polici ushtarake --- polizia militare --- security forces --- guardia repubblicana --- hjemmeværn --- Bundesgrenzschutz --- gränspolis --- pogranična policija --- hraničná polícia --- piiripolitsei --- direito da guerra --- δίκαιο του πολέμου --- ratno pravo --- ратно право --- vojno pravo --- vojnové právo --- dreptul războiului --- sotalainsäädäntö --- ligji i luftës --- kara tiesības --- karo įstatymas --- háborús jog --- diritto bellico --- sõjaõigus --- krigslagar --- право на воденето на войни --- liġi tal-gwerra --- law of war --- oorlogsrecht --- Derecho de la guerra --- Kriegsvölkerrecht --- lov om krig --- válečné právo --- воено право --- prawo konfliktów zbrojnych --- Derecho de los conflictos armados --- diritto dei conflitti armati --- krigets lagar --- law on resort to war --- droit des conflits armés --- jus ad bellum --- bruņotu konfliktu tiesības --- a háború joga --- regler for krigsførelse --- droit du recours à la guerre --- nemzetközi jog a háborúban --- Derecho sobre la prevención de la guerra --- dreptul conflictelor armate --- právo ozbrojených konfliktov --- dreptul recurgerii la război --- regler for krig --- меѓународно воено право --- pravo vođenja rata --- direito dos conflitos armados --- válečný stav --- krigsret --- liġi tal-konflitt armat --- Kriegsrecht --- lov om væbnet konflikt --- δίκαιο των ενόπλων συγκρούσεων --- право на въоръжените конфликти --- δίκαιο προσφυγής σε πόλεμο --- kara likums --- sodan säännöt --- právo týkající se vyhlášení války --- право при војување --- law of armed conflict --- relvakonfliktiõigus --- ginkluotų konfliktų teisė --- Derecho del recurso a la guerra --- prawo wojenne --- krigsregler --- ius ad bellum --- právo týkající se ozbrojených konfliktů --- starptautiskās kara tiesības --- právo týkajúce sa vyhlásenia vojny --- pravo oružanog sukoba --- liġi dwar ir-rikors għall-gwerra --- Recht zum Krieg --- право на воденето на бойни действия --- a fegyveres konfliktusra vonatkozó jog --- pravo oboroženih spopadov --- direito do recurso à guerra --- diritto della guerra --- a fegyveres konfliktus joga --- sodan oikeussäännöt --- aseellisen konfliktin oikeusäännöt --- право на война --- háború --- karas --- rat --- karš --- luftë --- válka --- Krieg --- wojna --- војна --- war --- sota --- krig --- рат --- πόλεμος --- vojna --- война --- război --- guerra --- sõda --- oorlog --- gwerra --- ozbrojený konflikt --- relvastatud konflikt --- fegyveres konfliktus --- väpnad konflikt --- aseellinen selkkaus --- conflitto --- oružani sukob --- válečný konflikt --- conflitto armato --- invasione armata --- bewaffneter Konflikt --- konflikt i armatosur --- εμπόλεμη κατάσταση --- armed conflict --- conflit armé --- ginkluotas konfliktas --- σύρραξη --- apertura delle ostilità --- gewapend conflict --- væbnet konflikt --- bewaffnete Auseinandersetzung --- conflict armat --- relvakonflikt --- dichiarazione di guerra --- conflito armado --- conflicto armado --- ozbrojený útočný čin --- ένοπλη σύγκρουση --- вооружен судир --- Private military companies (International law) --- Private military companies. --- Private security services. --- Private security services --- Sociétés militaires privées (Droit international) --- Sociétés militaires privées --- Services privés de sécurité --- Law and legislation. --- Droit --- amhas --- fórsaí armtha --- seirbhísí slándála --- fórsa paraimíleata --- an dlí cogaidh --- cogadh --- Armée --- Sécurité et gardiennage --- Private security companies --- Private security industry --- Protection services, Private --- Security companies, Private --- Security industry, Private --- Security services, Private --- Crime prevention --- Security systems --- Police, Private --- Security consultants --- Military companies, Private --- Military contractors, Private --- Military service providers --- PMCs (Private military companies) --- Private military contractors --- Contractors --- Defense contracts --- Mercenary troops --- International law

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