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"Surprise: Embrace the Unpredictable and Engineer the Unexpected is a fascinating look at how we can handle and harness surprise in our work, relationships, and everyday lives. Pop Quiz! Do you prefer when: A) Things go according to plan? B) When the unexpected happens? Most of us pick control and predictability. Yet research reveals a counterintuitive truth: surprise is the key that unlocks growth, innovation, and connection. It is also the secret ingredient in our best memories. Through colorful narratives and compelling scientific findings, authors Tania Luna and Dr. LeeAnn Renninger shine a light on the world's least understood and most intriguing emotion. They reveal how shifting our perception of surprise lets us thrive in the face of uncertainty. And they show us how surprise acts as a shortcut that turns a typical product into a meaningful experience, a good idea into a viral one, awkward small talk into engaging conversation, and daily life into an adventure. "-- "Surprise: Embrace the Unpredictable and Engineer the Unexpected is a fascinating look at how we can handle and harness surprise in our work, relationships, and everyday lives"--
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Approaching "work" as at heart a practice of exchange, this volume explores sociality in work environments marked by the kind of structural changes that have come to define contemporary "flexible" capitalism. It introduces anthropological exchange theory to a wider readership, and shows how the perspective offers new ways to enquire about the flexible capitalism's social dimensions. The essays contribute to a trans-disciplinary scholarship on contemporary economic practice and change by documenting how, across diverse settings, "gift-like" socialities proliferate, and even sustain the intensified flexible commoditization that more commonly is touted as tearing social relations apart. By interrogating a keenly debated contemporary work regime through an approach to sociality rooted in a rich and distinct anthropological legacy, the volume also makes a novel contribution to the anthropological literature on work and on exchange.
Economics --- Work environment --- Adaptability (Psychology) --- Interpersonal relations. --- Capitalism --- Social aspects.
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Pourquoi faut-il se préoccuper de ceux qui sont trop sensibles et trop doués ? Tout simplement parce que, dans un parcours professionnel, on gagne toujours à mieux se connaître. Le fonctionnement de la personne sensible et douée la conduit souvent à se sentir décalée et à en souffrir. Intuition, intelligence, sensibilité sont pourtant de vrais atouts. Quelles difficultés l'adulte doué rencontre-t-il au travail et pourquoi ? Quelles sont ses forces, ses fragilités ? Comment trouver sa voie, être accepté et réaliser son potentiel ? Ce livre en forme de portrait sensible donne des clés de compréhension précieuses destinées à tous ceux qui se sentent différents, en situation de mal-être, pour qu'ils reprennent confiance, qu'ils soient mieux compris et retrouvent une perspective professionnelle épanouissante. De nombreux témoignages et des conseils pour tracer sa route, trouver sa place et réussir, tout en étant en cohérence avec ce que l'on est. Arielle Adda est l'une des premières psychologues à s'être intéressées en France aux problématiques des enfants doués. Elle travaille depuis plus de quarante ans avec des enfants comme avec des adultes dans divers centres de consultation, elle a également été la psychologue nationale de Mensa France pendant dix ans. Elle donne de nombreuses conférences et a notamment publié L'Enfant doué. L'intelligence réconciliée. Thierry Brunel est bénévole d'associations depuis trente ans. Diplômé de l'ESSEC, d'un MBA de l'INSEAD et d'une licence de mandarin, il a été pendant vingt ans cadre financier de sociétés cotées en Bourse puis a créé sa propre structure de conseil en investissement. D'abord secrétaire général de Mensa Île-de-France, il a été le premier Français sélectionné pour le Leadership Exchange Ambassador Program (LEAP) de Mensa International, et donne régulièrement depuis des conférences à l'étranger et en France, notamment sur le sujet des adultes doués au travail.
Surdoués --- Satisfaction au travail --- Adaptation (Psychologie) --- Sensibilité (Trait de personnalité) --- Gifted persons --- Job satisfaction --- Adaptability (Psychology)
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La Thérapie d'Acceptation et d'Engagement (ACT) est issue de la « troisième vague » des thérapies comportementales et cognitives, aujourd'hui en plein essor partout dans le monde. Basée sur des recherches novatrices en psychologie expérimentale et clinique, l'ACT suggère que lutter contre sa propre souffrance a souvent comme effet paradoxal d'en augmenter l'intensité et l'importance. Ce combat nous empêche également de mener les actions qui conduiraient à une vie riche de sens.L'ACT promeut l'acceptation des pensées et ressentis difficiles, le contact avec ses valeurs de vie et les actions engagées au service de ces valeurs. L'addition des outils de la Thérapie basée sur l'Analyse Fonctionnelle (FAP) facilite la création de relations thérapeutiques profondes et authentiques. L'ACT a prouvé son efficacité dans la prise en charge de différents troubles mentaux, du stress professionnel ainsi que dans l'optimisation de la performance sportive.Cet ouvrage novateur présente l'ACT et la FAP à travers le modèle simple et intuitif de la matrice ACT. Pratique, il contient plus de 75 exercices et métaphores, de nombreux exemples et dialogues cliniques tirés de la pratique des auteurs, ainsi que des éclairages sur les recherches les plus récentes. Il met à la disposition de cliniciens venus d'horizons différents des outils thérapeutiques pratiques faciles à comprendre et à mettre en action.
Acceptance and commitment therapy --- Therapie acceptatie en commitment --- Thérapie d'acceptation et d'engagement --- Adaptability (Psychology) --- Adaptation (Psychologie) --- Thérapie d'acceptation et d'engagement --- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- Thérapie d'acceptation et d'engagement. --- Acceptance and commitment therapy.
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Approaching "work" as at heart a practice of exchange, this volume explores sociality in work environments marked by the kind of structural changes that have come to define contemporary "flexible" capitalism. It introduces anthropological exchange theory to a wider readership, and shows how the perspective offers new ways to enquire about the flexible capitalism's social dimensions. The essays contribute to a trans-disciplinary scholarship on contemporary economic practice and change by documenting how, across diverse settings, "gift-like" socialities proliferate, and even sustain the intensified flexible commoditization that more commonly is touted as tearing social relations apart. By interrogating a keenly debated contemporary work regime through an approach to sociality rooted in a rich and distinct anthropological legacy, the volume also makes a novel contribution to the anthropological literature on work and on exchange.
Work environment --- Adaptability (Psychology) --- Interpersonal relations. --- Capitalism --- Human relations --- Interpersonal relationships --- Personal relations --- Relations, Interpersonal --- Relationships, Interpersonal --- Social behavior --- Social psychology --- Object relations (Psychoanalysis) --- Adaptation (Psychology) --- Adaptive behavior --- Flexibility (Psychology) --- Malleability (Psychology) --- Personality --- Adjustment (Psychology) --- Climate, Workplace --- Environment, Work --- Places of work --- Work places --- Working conditions, Physical --- Working environment --- Workplace --- Workplace climate --- Workplace environment --- Worksite environment --- Environmental engineering --- Industrial engineering --- Social aspects. --- Social aspects.. --- #SBIB:39A4 --- #SBIB:316.334.2A60 --- Toegepaste antropologie --- Economische sociologie --- Adaptability (Psychology). --- Interpersonal relations --- Social aspects --- Capitalism. --- Economic Anthropology. --- Employment. --- Flexible Capitalism. --- Labor. --- Neoliberalism.
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This practical text offers students, consultants, and training specialists proven strategies for launching successful training initiatives in developing nations. While there are many resources available for trainers, no other book takes the expatriate perspective - to prepare international trainers for the unique challenges they face when conducting training in underdeveloped regions. Truly global in scope, the book features examples and experiences from a variety of third world settings, including sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern Europe, and Central and South America. The contributors provide esse
Training --- Teachers --- Expatriation --- Cultural awareness. --- Adaptability (Psychology) --- Adaptation (Psychology) --- Adaptive behavior --- Flexibility (Psychology) --- Malleability (Psychology) --- Personality --- Adjustment (Psychology) --- Culture awareness --- Awareness --- Cultural intelligence --- Ethnic attitudes --- Citizenship, Loss of --- International law --- Statelessness --- Teacher education --- Teacher training --- Teachers, Training of --- Skills training --- Education --- Teaching --- Training of. --- Psychological aspects. --- Law and legislation --- Cultural awareness --- Training of --- Psychological aspects --- E-books
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Most individuals who move into leadership positions experience the modern day version of trial by ordeal. It's sink or swim. To reduce the learning curve and create a more effective process, Leader Evolution describes a road map for leadership development, a series of four stages that expand personal competence as well as create a broader impact on the organization or business. Each stage requires unique changes in thinking, perspective taking, and behavior, both those needed to acquire as well as those needed to jettison. The book is a pragmatic approach for self-motived individuals to take control of their professional development by giving them the concepts, tools, techniques, and assignments to develop their leadership effectiveness where it counts the most--on the job. In addition to new and existing managers, the book is ideally suited for technical professionals and leaders in technical organizations looking to develop critical leadership behaviors distinct from technical expertise. These include individuals who are moving on a technical rather than managerial track. The broad application of concepts and techniques also makes this book appealing to organizations developing their leaders as part of broad change initiatives. While the concepts and principles are directed toward the individual for on-the-job application, the book serves as an organizational and leadership development resource for Executive MBA programs as well as a blueprint for in-house leadership development programs.
Leadership. --- adaptability --- alignment --- analytical thinking --- authentic leadership --- change management --- coaching --- competency-based --- credibility --- culture --- emotional intelligence --- high performance organization --- leadership --- leadership development --- leadership style --- leadership training --- management --- mentor --- metacognition --- motivation --- partnership --- professional development --- strategic --- strategy --- strategic thinking --- succession planning --- talent development --- talent management --- teamwork --- technical leadership --- training
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Avez-vous déjà été « coincé » en pratiquant la Thérapie d'Acceptation et d'Engagement (ACT) avec vos patients ? Bien sûr que vous l'avez été ! Tous les professionnels de santé mentale l'ont été, et de façon réitérée. Pourquoi ? Parce que l'ACT est un modèle riche, de sources multiples et d'évolution continuelle. Elle nécessite un investissement considérable en temps et en effort pour pouvoir la pratiquer de manière fluide et souple. Se libérer avec l'ACT propose des stratégies pratiques et progressives pour dépasser la plupart des obstacles et des pièges courants de l'ACT. Chapitre après chapitre, l'ouvrage vous apprendra comment motiver les patients, saper les comportements provocateurs au sein des séances et initier la défusion, sans même que le patient ne le perçoive. Il vous apprendra également comment simplifier les concepts clés de l'ACT pour les gens qui « ne pigent rien », comment rester sur la bonne voie avec les patients fortement distraits ou encore comment dépasser vos propres barrières psychologiques quand elles apparaissent en utilisant l'ACT en séance.
ACT --- Acceptance and commitment therapy --- Acceptation de soi (Psychologie) --- Behavior therapy --- Behavioral therapy --- Clinical competence --- Comportement [Thérapie de ] --- Gedragstherapie --- Klinische prestatie --- Patient and psychotherapist --- Patient et psychothérapeute --- Patients et psychothérapeutes --- Prestation clinique --- Psychanalystes et patients --- Psychoanalyst and patient --- Psychotherapeut en patiënt --- Psychotherapist and patient --- Psychothérapeute et patient --- Psychothérapeutes et patients --- Relations patient-psychothérapeute --- Relations psychothérapeute-patient --- Self-acceptance (Psychology) --- Self-love (Psychology) --- Therapie [Gedrags] --- Therapie acceptatie en commitment --- Thérapie comportementale --- Thérapie d'acceptation et d'engagement --- Thérapie de comportement --- Zelfaanvaarding (Psychologie) --- Adaptability (Psychology) --- Adaptation (Psychologie) --- Thérapie d'acceptation et d'engagement
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This volume offers radically new ways of thinking about precarious life in the city of Johannesburg. Using case studies as varied as Pentecostal and Zionist churches, brothels, shelters, political movements for change in Zimbabwe, ex-soldiers groups, counseling services and art projects, this volume grapples with the way its predominantly migrant residents navigate the opportunities, challenges, moral orders and relationships in this iconic and complex city. Taking seriously how context shapes meaning the authors use participatory and ethnographic techniques to understand people’s everyday responses to the violence, insecurity and possibilities for change that they face in contemporary Johannesburg. Read together, the case studies give us new insights into what it means to seek support, to cope and to heal, going beyond what mental health professionals traditionally consider support mechanisms or interventions for those in distress. They develop a notion of healing that sees it as a process and an outcome that is rooted in the world-view of those who live in the city. Throughout the chapters in this book is a sense of everyday insecurity alongside an equally strong sense of optimism, care and a striving for change. It is perhaps not surprising, then, that this book deals very centrally with themes of the struggle for progress, mobility (geographic, material and spiritual), and the sense of possibility and change associated with the City of Gold. Ultimately, the volume demonstrates that coping and healing are both a collective and individual achievement, as well as a economic, psychological, spiritual and material phenomenon shaped by context.
Philosophy (General). --- Psychology, clinical. --- Applied psychology. --- Psychology. --- Community and Environmental Psychology. --- Clinical Psychology. --- Political Science, general. --- Public Health --- Social Sciences --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Psychology --- Mental Illness Prevention --- Adjustment (Psychology) --- Accommodation (Psychology) --- Adaptation (Psychology) --- Adapting behavior --- Adaptive behavior --- Coping behavior --- Maladjustment (Psychology) --- Political science. --- Clinical psychology. --- Community psychology. --- Environmental psychology. --- Political Science. --- Personality --- Adaptability (Psychology) --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- Applied psychology --- Psychagogy --- Psychology, Practical --- Social psychotechnics --- Psychiatry --- Psychology, Applied --- Psychological tests --- Cognitive ergonomics --- Ecological psychology --- Ecopsychology --- Ecotherapy --- Environmental quality --- Environmental social sciences --- Human factors science --- Psychoeology --- Psychotherapy --- Ecological Systems Theory --- Social psychology --- Psychological aspects
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"In The Ecology of Pastoralism, a diverse group of contributions from archaeologists and ethnographers address pastoralism's significant impact on humanity's basic subsistence and survival, focusing on the network of social, political, and religious institutions existing within various societies dependent on animal husbandry. Pastoral peoples, both past and present, have organized their relationship with certain animals to maximize their ability to survive and adapt to a wide range of conditions over time. Despite differences in landscape, environment, and administrative and political structures, contributors show these societies share a major similar characteristic--high flexibility. Based partially on the adaptability of various domestic animals to difficult environments and partially on the ability of people to establish networks allowing them to accommodate political, social, and economic needs, this flexibility is key to survival of complex pastoral systems and serves as the connection among the varied cultures in the volume. Using archaeological and contemporary data, the wide variety of cases from a broad geographic sampling in The Ecology of Pastoralism offer a new perspective on the study of pastoralism that makes this volume a valuable contribution to current research in the area"--
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Anthropology / General. --- Landscape archaeology. --- Social archaeology. --- Ethnoarchaeology. --- Ethnology. --- Human ecology. --- Adaptability (Psychology) --- Adaptation (Biology) --- Pastoral systems --- Herding systems --- Pastoralism --- Animal culture --- Livestock systems --- Herders --- Herding --- Environment --- Biology --- Self-organizing systems --- Variation (Biology) --- Biological fitness --- Genetics --- Adaptation (Psychology) --- Adaptive behavior --- Flexibility (Psychology) --- Malleability (Psychology) --- Personality --- Adjustment (Psychology) --- Ecology --- Environment, Human --- Human beings --- Human environment --- Ecological engineering --- Human geography --- Nature --- Cultural anthropology --- Ethnography --- Races of man --- Social anthropology --- Anthropology --- Ethnic archaeology --- Ethnicity in archaeology --- Ethnology in archaeology --- Archaeology --- Ethnology --- Social archaeology --- Cultural landscapes --- History. --- Environmental aspects. --- Social aspects --- Effect of environment on --- Effect of human beings on --- Methodology --- Environmental adaptation --- Adaptation, Environmental
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