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Présentation des rites liés à la maternité et à la petite enfance dans l'Egypte antique. Le rôle d'une femme était celui de mère principalement, l'absence d'héritier étant susceptible d'entraîner une déconsidération et d'aboutir à une répudiation. L'enfant, lui, n'obtenait un vrai statut social que lorsqu'il sortait de la petite enfance, source de risques et d'inquiétude. ©Electre 2016
Motherhood --- Infants --- Maternité --- Première enfance --- History --- Histoire --- Maternité --- Première enfance
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Beobachtung. --- Classroom environment --- Day care centers --- Early childhood education --- Garderies --- Kind. --- Kindergarten. --- Kinderkrippe. --- Messgerät. --- Methode. --- Play schools --- Protokoll. --- Salles de classe --- Umwelt. --- Écoles de jeux --- Éducation de la première enfance --- Evaluation --- Evaluation. --- Évaluation --- Environnement --- United States.
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En tant qu'acteur pédagogique et éducatif, vous travaillez avec les enfants et côtoyez les parents au quotidien. Il est donc essentiel de promouvoir un espace de dialogue et de concertation sur l'éducation et les soins à donner à l'enfant. Cet ouvrage propose des outils pratiques pour améliorer l'accueil, la communication et la collaboration avec les parents. Il aborde toutes les circonstances possibles de ce dialogue : l'arrivée de l'enfant, l'échange journalier d'informations, l'annonce d'une mauvaise nouvelle, une conversation délicate, la diversité multiculturelle, les réunions de parents... En outre, le souci de développer chez les professionnels une attitude ouverte, la confiance en soi et une vision claire y occupe une place importante. Par ailleurs, les responsables et directeurs y trouveront également de nombreux conseils pour l'encadrement de leurs équipes et pour le développement d'une véritable politique parentale. La communication et les échanges entre parents et professionnels sont essentiels pour bien accueillir un enfant. La relation de confiance entre les deux parties, la continuité dans les soins prodigués et dans l'éducation proposée contribueront au bien-être de l'enfant et l'aideront à grandir et à se construire.
Enfance [Petite ] --- Enfants en bas âge --- Famille et école --- Gezin en school --- Home and school --- Jonge kinderen --- Kleine kinderen --- Kleuters --- Petite enfance --- Peuters --- Première enfance --- Prime enfance --- Toddlers --- Tout-petits --- Young children --- Education, Preschool --- Infants --- Education préscolaire --- Nourrissons --- Parent participation --- Participation des parents --- Education préscolaire --- Famille et école --- Education [Preschool ]
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Ce livre a pour objectif d'aider les professionnels à accompagner les jeunes enfants de façon structurante et non violente au quotidien. Sont abordés : •la façon d'intervenir concrètement auprès des enfants en vue d'établir une relation d'attachement sécurisante et ce y compris quand l'enfant grandit ; •un rappel des caractéristiques des enfants qu'il convient d'accepter et d'accompagner (par ex. l'immaturité cérébrale induisant une difficulté à inhiber ou activer certains comportements sur demande); •deux propositions de schémas d'aide à la bientraitance éducative : la communication non violente et la discipline positive. L'auteur en appelle à la prise de conscience des dommages de la violence éducative ordinaire, qui ne consiste pas uniquement en la maltraitance physique. Il propose une alternative à la répression émotionnelle et aux punitions.
Preschool children --- Child care workers --- Infant psychology --- Early childhood education --- Enfants d'âge préscolaire --- Travailleurs spécialisés dans le soin des enfants --- Nourrissons --- Education de la première enfance --- Psychologie --- Enfants d'âge préscolaire --- Travailleurs spécialisés dans le soin des enfants --- Education de la première enfance
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Le terme “renforcement des capacités” est entré dans le langage courant durant le développement international du vingt-et-unième siècle. Alors que ce terme a une signification différente pour différentes personnes, il est souvent utilisé pour décrire une infusion de connaissances ou de compétences pour contribuer à la création d’un gouvernement ou institution capable de répondre aux défis majeurs liés au développement. Toutefois, comme d’autres interventions bien intentionnées de l’Ouest industrialisé, un tel “renforcement des capacités” peut avoir un effet autant destructeur que productif. Ce volume problématise de telles activités et présente une autre façon de promouvoir la construction de capacité dans le cadre du développement. Le volume commence par une exploration du concept de renforcement des capacités et se concentre ensuite sur deux exemples de promotion de capacités pour l’éducation, les soins et le développement de la petite enfance (DPE). Le Programme de Partenariats des Premières Nations (PPPN), un programme d’éducation postsecondaire innovateur et efficace lancé en 1989 à la demande d’un grand conseil tribal dans le nord du Canada, a mené à 10 apports éducatifs dans diverses communautés autochtones au cours des vingt ans qui ont suivis. Le deuxième programme, lancé en 1994 à la demande du siège de l’UNICEF, met l’accent sur l’Afrique subsaharienne. Alors que le programme inclut toute une gamme d’activités qui concernent la promotion de capacités, le vecteur central pour ce travail de développement est l’Université Virtuelle pour le Développement de la Petite-Enfance (UVDPE), un programme créé en 2001 et maintenant en phase de transition vers les universités africaines. Ce livre décrit des approches pour la promotion de capacité qui répondent aux complexités et aux possibilités des communautés – au niveau local ainsi que national. Ces initiatives défient le discours actuel en ce qui concerne le développent dans le cadre du DPE et du développement international et, ce faisant, fournit d’autres moyens de renforcer les capacités pour les chercheurs et les professionnels dans le DPE, l’éducation, et le vaste domaine du développement international.
Child care. --- Early childhood education. --- Child development. --- Puericulture. --- Éducation de la premiere enfance. --- Enfants --- Developpement. --- Child health --- Children --- Health of children --- Puericulture --- Pediatrics --- Child study --- Development, Child --- Developmental biology --- Education --- Care of children --- Childcare --- Care and hygiene --- Health --- Hygiene --- Development --- Care --- Pre-school & kindergarten --- Health and hygiene.
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The volume starts with an exploration of the concept of capacity building and goes on to focus on two examples of capacity promotion for early childhood education, care and development (ECD). The First Nations Partnerships Program (FNPP), an innovative and successful post-secondary education program initiated in 1989 at the request of a large tribal council in northern Canada, led to 10 educational deliveries with diverse Indigenous communities over the subsequent two decades. The second program, launched in 1994 at the request of UNICEF headquarters, focuses on sub-Saharan Africa. While the program encompasses a range of capacity-promoting activities, the central vehicle for this ECD development work is the Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU), a program created in 2001 and now in transition to African universities. This book describes approaches to capacity promotion that respond to the complexities and possibilities of communities—at local and country levels. These initiatives challenge established developmental narratives in ECD and international development, and in so doing provide alternative ways for scholars and practitioners in ECD, education, and the broad international development field to enhance capacities.
Puericulture. --- Éducation de la premiere enfance. --- Enfants --- Child care. --- Early childhood education. --- Child development. --- Developpement. --- Child study --- Children --- Development, Child --- Developmental biology --- Education --- Care of children --- Childcare --- Child health --- Health of children --- Puericulture --- Pediatrics --- Development --- Care --- Care and hygiene --- Health --- Hygiene --- Pre-school & kindergarten
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This book provides an account of children’s science learning beyond the traditional constructivist and social-constructivist view. It conceptualises science as a body of knowledge that humans have constructed (historically) and reconstructed (contemporary) to meet human needs. As such, this human invention acts as an evolving cultural tool for supporting and helping to understand everyday life. Drawing upon cultural-historical theory, the book theorises early childhood science education in relation to current globalised education contexts. Its aim is to advance the understanding of the many ways that science concepts are learned by very young children. The book presents a theoretical discussion of the cultural-historical foundation for early childhood science education. It examines contemporary theories of learning and development within the general field of early childhood education. This theoretical examination allows for the foundational pedagogical context of young learners to be interrogated. This kind of analysis makes it possible to examine play-based contexts in relation to opportunities for scientific conceptual development of young children. From a cultural-historical point of view, and taking into account relevant empirical literature, the book introduces and promotes a more relevant approach to the teaching of science and for the development of young children’s scientific thinking. The book ends with presenting a pedagogical model for introducing scientific concepts to young children in play-based settings.
Education. --- Science Education. --- Childhood Education. --- Learning & Instruction. --- Science --- Early childhood education. --- Education --- Sciences --- Education de la première enfance --- Study and teaching. --- Etude et enseignement --- Education, Preschool. --- Education, Primary. --- Science -- Study and teaching. --- Social Sciences --- Education, Special Topics --- Affective education. --- Study and teaching (Early childhood) --- Affective domain --- Affective learning --- Science education. --- Child development. --- Early Childhood Education. --- Science education --- Scientific education --- Learning. --- Instruction. --- Learning process --- Comprehension --- Child study --- Children --- Development, Child --- Developmental biology --- Development
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This book emphasizes the significance of teaching science in early childhood classrooms, reviews the research on what young children are likely to know about science, and provides key points on effectively teaching science to young children. Science education, an integral part of national and state standards for early childhood classrooms, encompasses not only content-based instruction but also process skills, creativity, experimentation, and problem-solving. By introducing science in developmentally appropriate ways, we can support young children’s sensory explorations of their world and provide them with foundational knowledge and skills for lifelong science learning, as well as an appreciation of nature. This book emphasizes the significance of teaching science in early childhood classrooms, reviews the research on what young children are likely to know about science, and provides key points on effectively teaching young children science. Common research methods used in the reviewed studies are identified, methodological concerns are discussed, and methodological and theoretical advances are suggested.
Education. --- Science Education. --- Teaching and Teacher Education. --- Childhood Education. --- Learning & Instruction. --- Science --- Early childhood education. --- Education --- Sciences --- Education de la première enfance --- Study and teaching. --- Etude et enseignement --- Science_xStudy and teaching. --- Social Sciences --- Education, Special Topics --- Science education. --- Teaching. --- Child development. --- Early Childhood Education. --- Science education --- Scientific education --- Learning. --- Instruction. --- Learning process --- Comprehension --- Child study --- Children --- Development, Child --- Developmental biology --- Didactics --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- School teaching --- Schoolteaching --- Instructional systems --- Pedagogical content knowledge --- Training --- Development
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This edited book brings together for the first time an international collection of work focused on two important aspects of any young child’s life – learning mathematics and starting primary or elementary school. The chapters take a variety of perspectives, and integrate these two components in sometimes explicit and sometimes more subtle ways. The key issues and themes explored in this book are: the mathematical and other strengths that all participants in the transition to school bring to this period of a child’s life; the opportunities provided by transition to school for young children’s mathematics learning; the importance of partnerships among adults, and among adults and children, for effective school transitions and mathematics learning and teaching; the critical impact of expectations on their mathematics learning as children start school; the importance of providing children with meaningful, challenging and relevant mathematical experiences throughout transition to school; the entitlement of children and educators to experience assessment and instructional pedagogies that match the strengths of the learners and the teachers; the importance for the aspirations of children, families, communities, educators and educational organisations to be recognised as legitimate and key determinants of actions, experiences and successes in both transition to school and mathematics learning; and the belief that young children are powerful mathematics learners who can demonstrate this power as they start school. In each chapter, authors reflect on their work in the area of mathematics and transition to school, place that work within the overall context of research in these fields, predict the trajectory of this work in the future, and consider the implications of the work both theoretically and practically.
Education. --- Mathematics Education. --- Childhood Education. --- Learning & Instruction. --- Mathematics. --- Early childhood education. --- Education --- Mathématiques --- Education de la première enfance --- Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Preschool). --- Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Primary). --- Social Sciences --- Education, Special Topics --- Mathematics --- Study and teaching (Preschool) --- Study and teaching (Primary) --- Child development. --- Study and teaching. --- Early Childhood Education. --- Math --- Science --- Mathematics—Study and teaching . --- Learning. --- Instruction. --- Learning process --- Comprehension --- Child study --- Children --- Development, Child --- Developmental biology --- Development
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