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The Distinction of Human Being
ISBN: 162273050X 9781622730506 1622730224 9781622730223 Year: 2015 Publisher: Wilmington, Delaware Vernon Press

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Perhaps we are never done with thought, nor should be. If this is indeed the case, then Kant may have been right after all in supposing that folks will never lose interest in metaphysics, in thought thinking thought. But what of academics? Where would we find these days a comprehensive treatment of pure reason, of the epochs of its origins and accomplishments, that is not just another collection of interpretations of "source" texts in translation?This study introduces philosophy students and professionals to the "logotectonic" method of conception as developed by Heribert Boeder, a pupil of Ma

Parerga and paralipomena : short philosophical essays.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1316354792 1139016881 1316348792 0521871859 1108436528 Year: 2015 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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With the publication of Parerga and Paralipomena in 1851, there finally came some measure of the fame that Schopenhauer thought was his due. Described by Schopenhauer himself as 'incomparably more popular than everything up till now', Parerga is a miscellany of essays addressing themes that complement his work The World as Will and Representation, along with more divergent, speculative pieces. It includes essays on method, logic, the intellect, Kant, pantheism, natural science, religion, education, and language. The present volume offers a new translation, a substantial introduction explaining the context of the essays, and extensive editorial notes on the different published versions of the work. This readable and scholarly edition will be an essential reference for those studying Schopenhauer, the history of philosophy, and nineteenth-century German philosophy.

ISBN: 1634820304 9781634820301 9781634820158 Year: 2015 Publisher: New York

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The chapters of this book discuss in differing ways the transition in the second millennium of the Common Era from the Renaissance, through Enlightenment and subsequently, Romanticism, with a focus in Europe and the Pacific from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries. The book highlights salient features of each movement, using examples from the lives and works of critical exponents of each - artists, poets, playwrights, philosophers, engineers, navigators, and explorers. The aim has been to impart knowledge of each period, describe characteristics of the way in which the three movements tr

Works of Thomas Hill Green.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1139095048 1108036821 Year: 2015 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Thomas Hill Green (1836-82) was one of the most influential English thinkers of his time, and he made significant contributions to the development of political liberalism. Much of his career was spent at Balliol College, Oxford: having begun as a student of Benjamin Jowett, he later acted effectively as his second-in-command at the college. Interested for his whole career in social questions, Green supported the temperance movement, the extension of the franchise, and the admission of women to university education. He became Whyte's professor of moral philosophy at Oxford in 1878, and his lectures had a lasting influence on a generation of students. Volume 3, published in 1888, contains a memoir by Nettleship, Green's pupil and editor, drawing on Green's recollections, as well as the memories of friends and family. The rest of the volume consists of essays on topics ranging from Aristotle to Christian dogma.

La filosofia e le sue storie : : l'età moderna
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ISBN: 9788858117422 8858117425 Year: 2015 Publisher: Roma: GLF editori Laterza,

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L'Umanesimo non è una rottura brusca, non è un totale cambio di paradigma tra Medioevo e Rinascimento. Piuttosto una nuova concezione del rapporto uomo-Dio-mondo, con l'uomo centro attivo, protagonista e misura di tutte le cose. Tra Quattrocento e Cinquecento inizia una nuova era, un'epoca di rinnovamento nella quale prende forma la convinzione che l'ordine del mondo non sia immutabile e che tocchi all'uomo trasformarlo. Il Seicento, secolo di disordine e di instabilità, di inquietudine e di spaesamento, secolo della scienza e delle grandi utopie, guida gli uomini negli anni d'oro della cultura europea. Ed è nel Settecento che la luce della ragione, il filtro spietato dell'investigazione critica si impone a ogni livello di indagine. A cerniera tra due secoli, il pensiero di Kant: non tanto nel senso che propone "una nuova visione rispetto ai problemi discussi dalla filosofia che lo ha preceduto, ma perché influenza radicalmente il corso della filosofia successiva. I grandi dibattiti filosofici del XIX secolo potranno essere intesi solo come risposta a Kant". Ci accompagnano in questo viaggio veri e propri giganti del pensiero filosofico, delle scienze e delle arti.

La filosofia e le sue storie : l'età contemporanea
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8858117417 9788858117415 Year: 2015 Publisher: Roma: GLF editori Laterza,

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Fichte, Schelling e soprattutto Hegel disegnano, agli inizi dell’Ottocento, i grandi sistemi del pensiero idealista che culminerà con la rivoluzione materialista di Marx, con il positivismo e le filosofie che, come quella di Schopenhauer e Nietzsche, metteranno in crisi le grandi visioni unitarie del pensiero. L’Ottocento è anche l’età della scienza, con Darwin, la logica formale, la rivoluzione della termodinamica e le geometrie non euclidee e il secolo in cui si sviluppano le scienze umane: linguistica, antropologia, psicologia, sociologia. La filosofia novecentesca, segnata dalle riflessioni sul linguaggio, si articola nella pluralità delle grandi tradizioni, dal neokantismo alla fenomenologia, dallo storicismo alla filosofia analitica, dal neoidealismo all’esistenzialismo, dalla psicoanalisi ai marxismi, dalla semiotica allo strutturalismo, dalle teorie sull’intelligenza artificiale alle riflessioni contemporanee su etica e giustizia, sino alle neuroscienze cognitive e alla bioetica.

Le lieu de l'universel : impasses du réalisme dans la philosophie contemporaine
ISBN: 202123259X Year: 2015 Publisher: Paris : Éditions du Seuil,

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"Le territoire de la philosophie serait divisé par une frontière infranchissable entre modèles analytique et continental. S'élevant contre cette idée reçue, cet essai met en lumière le socle commun de la philosophie des trente dernières années : pour sortir du "dispositif de la perspective" où le sujet était spectateur du monde, les philosophes contemporains ont conçu un sujet à ce point immergé dans le monde qu'il n'en est plus que le reflet ou l'effet. Cette solution a un nom : le réalisme, unanimement revendiqué aujourd'hui, de l'actuelle phénoménologie aux disciples de Wittgenstein en passant par les nouvelles métaphysiques. Cette solution ne serait-elle pas devenue un simple lieu commun ? Ce panorama critique de la philosophie contemporaine montre les écueils et l'impossibilité de ce réalisme partagé, dont il soumet les multiples expressions à une analyse serrée et limpide. Comment ensuite dépasser les apories du réalisme sans retomber dans le modèle du face-à-face entre l'homme et le monde ? La réponse suppose une réflexion sur la possibilité même de la philosophie aujourd'hui. Au lieu commun réaliste de la philosophie contemporaine, l'auteur objecte le "lieu de l'universel".

Bergson-Effekte : Aversionen und Attraktionen im französischen soziologischen Denken
ISBN: 3845277521 Year: 2015 Publisher: Weilerswist : Velbrück Wissenschaft,

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Welche Spuren hat Henri Bergson im französischen soziologischen Denken hinterlassen, was sind die sozial- und gesellschaftstheoretischen Effekte jenes Autors, dessen Bedeutung für das französische Denken generell kaum zu überschätzen ist?Die - oft impliziten, zuweilen auch absichtlich verdeckten - Bergson-Effekte im französischen soziologischen Denken werden entlang zweier konträrer Spuren aufgedeckt: Einerseits in den Aversionen gegen das (zunächst schlecht verstandene) bergsonsche Denken.Diese Aversionen waren konstitutiv, in ihnen hat sich thematisch und methodologisch die Bildung der französischen Soziologie ereignet. Andererseits werden die Attraktionen, die produktiven Übernahmen von Bergsons Denken in soziologischen Konzepten verfolgt, bei Autoren wie Gilles Deleuze, Cornelius Castoriadis, Gilbert Simondon oder GeorgesCanguilhem. Dabei erweist sich auch Bergsons Werk selbst als eines, das nicht nur philosophisch, sondern auch soziologisch neue Denkweisen bietet.Dieses Buch öffnet ein bislang ungeschriebenes Kapitel der Soziologiegeschichte - und ein neues Register soziologischer Theorie. Es entfaltet im Durchgang durch die bergsonianischen Werke ein diskretes Paradigma: eine lebenssoziologische Denkweise. Diese verbindet eine singuläre Theorie der Differenz (als Differentiation, permanentes Anders-Werden) mit einer singulären Perspektive der Immanenz (Körper, Artefakte, Materialität, Affekte und Diskurse, Imaginäres und Symbolisches in ihren Verschränkungen und Eigenlogiken denkend). Sichtbar wird ein Neuer Vitalismus, der das Leben als Subjekt und Objekt des Denkens anerkennt. Wie Bergson sagte, liegt 'auf dem Grund des Sozialen' das Vitale; und daher ist es 'stets der Aufenthalt, der eine soziologische Erklärung verlangt, und nicht die Bewegung'.

A companion to Kierkegaard
ISBN: 9781118783818 1118783816 9781119090120 Year: 2015 Publisher: Chichester Wiley Blackwell

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This overview of Kierkegaard includes contributions from an international array of Kierkegaard scholars from across the disciplines. It covers Kierkegaard's studies in philosophy, theology and religion and other subjects. The authors elucidate Kierkegaard's contribution to each of these areas through examining the sources he drew upon. Charting the reception of his ideas, they analyze his unique conceptual insights into each topic. This work demystifies the complex field of Kierkegaard studies creating an accessible entry-point into his thought and writings for readers who are new to his work.

Must we mean what we say? : a book of essays
ISBN: 1316426920 1316286614 131642376X 1107113636 1107534232 Year: 2015 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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In this classic collection of wide-ranging and interdisciplinary essays, Stanley Cavell explores a remarkably broad range of philosophical issues from politics and ethics to the arts and philosophy. The essays explore issues as diverse as the opposing approaches of 'analytic' and 'Continental' philosophy, modernism, Wittgenstein, abstract expressionism and Schoenberg, Shakespeare on human needs, the difficulties of authorship, Kierkegaard and post-Enlightenment religion. Presented in a fresh twenty-first century series livery, and including a specially commissioned preface, written by Stephen Mulhall, illuminating its continuing importance and relevance to philosophical enquiry, this influential work is now available for a new generation of readers.

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