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The Canadian media system, which in many respects is this society's "meeting ground"-its public square-is in the midst of a profound shift away from the foundations on which it has rested comfortably for decades. The publicly financed Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, long the backbone of the broadcasting system, is threatened by budget cuts and by technological change. The newspaper industry has fallen into the hands of a few powerful individuals. Huge global corporations and a vast communications revolution are dramatically altering the nature of news and entertainment. This book argues that unless action is taken these changes will narrow our access to the information we need as citizens and damage our capacity to communicate with each other and reflect on ourselves as a community. Power and Betrayal in the Canadian Media is a sweeping exploration of the Canadian media system and the impact it has on Canadian society, politics, and culture.
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What is "digital rhetoric"? This book aims to answer that question by looking at a number of interrelated histories, as well as evaluating a wide range of methods and practices from fields in the humanities, social sciences, and information sciences to determine what might constitute the work and the world of digital rhetoric. The advent of digital and networked communication technologies prompts renewed interest in basic questions such as What counts as a text? and Can traditional rhetoric operate in digital spheres or will it need to be revised? Or will we need to invent new rhetorical practices altogether? Through examples and consideration of digital rhetoric theories, methods for both researching and making in digital rhetoric fields, and examples of digital rhetoric pedagogy, scholarship, and public performance, this book delivers a broad overview of digital rhetoric. In addition, Douglas Eyman provides historical context by investigating the histories and boundaries that arise from mapping this emerging field and by focusing on the theories that have been taken up and revised by digital rhetoric scholars and practitioners. Both traditional and new methods are examined for the tools they provide that can be used to both study digital rhetoric and to potentially make new forms that draw on digital rhetoric for their persuasive power.
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What is "digital rhetoric"? This book aims to answer that question by looking at a number of interrelated histories, as well as evaluating a wide range of methods and practices from fields in the humanities, social sciences, and information sciences to determine what might constitute the work and the world of digital rhetoric. The advent of digital and networked communication technologies prompts renewed interest in basic questions such as What counts as a text? and Can traditional rhetoric operate in digital spheres or will it need to be revised? Or will we need to invent new rhetorical practices altogether? Through examples and consideration of digital rhetoric theories, methods for both researching and making in digital rhetoric fields, and examples of digital rhetoric pedagogy, scholarship, and public performance, this book delivers a broad overview of digital rhetoric. In addition, Douglas Eyman provides historical context by investigating the histories and boundaries that arise from mapping this emerging field and by focusing on the theories that have been taken up and revised by digital rhetoric scholars and practitioners. Both traditional and new methods are examined for the tools they provide that can be used to both study digital rhetoric and to potentially make new forms that draw on digital rhetoric for their persuasive power.
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What is "digital rhetoric"? This book aims to answer that question by looking at a number of interrelated histories, as well as evaluating a wide range of methods and practices from fields in the humanities, social sciences, and information sciences to determine what might constitute the work and the world of digital rhetoric. The advent of digital and networked communication technologies prompts renewed interest in basic questions such as What counts as a text? and Can traditional rhetoric operate in digital spheres or will it need to be revised? Or will we need to invent new rhetorical practices altogether? Through examples and consideration of digital rhetoric theories, methods for both researching and making in digital rhetoric fields, and examples of digital rhetoric pedagogy, scholarship, and public performance, this book delivers a broad overview of digital rhetoric. In addition, Douglas Eyman provides historical context by investigating the histories and boundaries that arise from mapping this emerging field and by focusing on the theories that have been taken up and revised by digital rhetoric scholars and practitioners. Both traditional and new methods are examined for the tools they provide that can be used to both study digital rhetoric and to potentially make new forms that draw on digital rhetoric for their persuasive power.
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Mass media --- Communication --- Communication. --- Mass media. --- Mass Media
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"The Watson and Hill Dictionary of Media and Communication Studies has served as a gateway into the study of intercultural communication, public relations and marketing communications since 1984. While this 9th edition explores the profound shifts that have taken place in the world of communication in recent years, the purpose of the new edition is not necessarily to keep abreast of every new media event but to make its twenty-first century readers more media literate, as well as more critical consumers of modern news."
Communication --- Communication. --- Mass media --- Mass media.
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Allen Todesbekundungen des Menschen zum Trotz, so zeigt dieser Band, vollzieht sich das Menschsein variantenreich im Verbund mit Techniken, Medien, Diskursen und materiellen Umwelten, in die es als variable Teilgröße immer schon eingefügt ist. Mit dem Anliegen, das Menschsein produzierende Potenzial technischer, ästhetischer und allgemein medialer Projektionen und Praktiken zu beleuchten, zielt der Band auf eine innovative Auslotung der Möglichkeiten einer Medialen Anthropologie. In den Beiträgen werden die wechselseitigen Durchdringungen, Projektionen und Spiegelungen von Mensch und Medien/Techniken theoretisch und an Fallbeispielen interdisziplinär untersucht. Mit der Umstellung der Frage nach »dem« Menschen auf die nach der irreduziblen Anthropomedialität, in der »Mensch« stets als Teilgröße einer umfassenderen medialen Einheit oder Prozesshaftigkeit gedacht wird, vermeidet der Band die traditionellen anthropologischen Sackgassen. Traditionelle Unterscheidungen von Tier und Mensch, Engel und Mensch, Maschine und Mensch, Gott und Mensch sowie die Abgrenzung von Natur, Kultur und Technik werden dabei neuen Perspektivierungen zugeführt.
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Mass media --- Communication --- Communication. --- Mass media.
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