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Global trends in land tenure reform : gender impacts
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781138787940 9780815394068 Year: 2015 Publisher: London Routledge

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Cambodia Rice : Export Potential and Strategies.
Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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In 2010, Cambodia exported 40,000 metric tons of rice. In 2013, Cambodia exported nearly 400,000 metric tons ofrice to 66 countries. A ten-fold increase in just three years. Moreover, in only five years, Cambodia moved from apaddy to a milled rice exporter, and is now well on the way to evolving from a commodity trader to a demand driven export marketer. The evolution is evident in both the product and the process, with the sector now equipped with modern milling capacities, both in terms of volumeand quality management. This includes the introduction of Food Safety certification programs vital for penetrating international markets. Such progress will contribute substantially to the government's rice sector policy of exporting one million tons of rice in 2015. This publication will present strategies and opportunities for Cambodian rice as an export product. It will illustrate how the Cambodia rice sector can improve its product image and how and where it can better place its rice in international markets given a more detailed analysis of its current and potential customers.

Rapid Assessment of the Horticulture Industry in Moldova
Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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The Rapid Assessment of the Horticulture Sector in Moldova was conducted as part of the Moldova Food Security Technical Assistance (TA), financed from the Global Food Crisis Response Program (GFRP) trust fund (TF). The original aim of the TA was to inform the formulation of the government's food security strategy and the reform of related policies, with a view towards a paradigm shift from a self-sufficiency and production volume oriented to a competitiveness-based agricultural policy framework. Agri-food trade vulnerabilities were most recently exposed in the current regional geopolitical context, which led the Russian Federation impose an import ban on key Moldovan agricultural products (wines, meat products, fruit and vegetables) through 2013 and 2014. More than half of Moldova's agri-food exports go to CIS countries (predominantly Russia)1, and another third to the EU. Much higher levels of agricultural subsidies in other markets, particularly in the EU, undermine the competitiveness of Moldova's agri-food products on both foreign and domestic markets. Furthermore, despite the recently adopted Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) with the EU and despite an increase of the European import tariff rate quotas, the Moldovan products were not able to find immediate outlets on the EU market. The main reasons stemmed from a lack of adaptation to or compliance with European market quality and phytosanitary standards. The Rapid Assessment of the Horticulture Sector in Moldova, carried out between September 2014 and March 2015, serves a dual purpose: (i) provide an overview of the strengths as well as weaknesses of the Moldovan horticulture sector, which constitutes a vital component of the country's agricultural economy and rural society, and (ii) explore opportunities for fruit and vegetables market and product diversification, which could reduce some of the observed sector vulnerabilities.

Big Data Solutions : Innovative Approaches to Overcoming Agricultural Challenges in Developing Nations by Harnessing the Power of Analytics.
Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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The food system is fundamental for human life. It provides energy, nutrition, an income source for billions of people, and is the largest user of the world's natural resources. In response, improvements in agriculture operations have to be made at both the policy and individual farmer level in order to realize gains in efficiency and productivity. The recent worldwide diffusion of new technologies, combined with big data and analytics, is providing the opportunity for developing countries to leap frog some of the intermediate development phases providing farmer's in the developing world with greater access to timely, cost effective, and personally relevant information on best practices, markets, prices, inputs, weather, and news of impending disaster. In particular, the penetration of mobile phones, and the innovative applications of geospatial and sensing technologies are providing opportunities to use big data in support of agriculture initiatives, including the ones funded by the World Bank. This solution brief defines what big data is in the context of the developing world, presents a series of case studies on how big data has already been used to date, and identifies some lessons learned and potential opportunities for the use of big data in supporting the achievement of agricultural outcomes in the developing world.

Why women will save the planet : a collection of articles for Friends of the Earth
ISBN: 9781783605804 9781783605798 9781783605811 9781783605828 9781783605835 Year: 2015 Publisher: London Zed Books

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Gendergelijkheid en duurzame ontwikkeling gaan hand in hand. Verandering is nodig in 4 kerngebieden: (1) de belangrijke rol van vrouwen moet erkend worden ; (2) gender-vooroordelen in cultuur & samenleving moeten blootgelegd worden ; (3) ons economisch systeem dient te worden getransformeerd en moet rekening houden met vrouwen én milieu ; (4) via empowerment werken aan gelijke verdeling van macht.&#13;Vrouwen spelen een belangrijke rol in het management van natuurlijke grondstoffen en zijn over het algemeen ook meer begaan met de zorg voor een gezond milieu. Echter beweren dat vrouwen sterker verbonden zouden zijn met de Natuur, impliceert dat mannelijke controle rationeler, logischer zou zijn. Genderstereotiepen moeten dus doorbroken worden, ook al is dat in sommige culturen nog te confronterend. Economie, maatschappij en milieu zijn in het discours vaak aparte entiteiten, maar zijn juist erg met elkaar verbonden. De focus op economische groei is verkeerd en nieuwe definities van wat vooruitgang eigenlijk inhoudt zijn nodig. Het feit dat vrouwen nog vaak uitgesloten worden van leidinggevende posities geldt ook voor milieubewegingen. Ook zij moeten werken aan diversiteit en gelijke kansen. De media moet laten zien dat empowerment van vrouwen en van de wijdere samenleving een belangrijke rol spelen in de strijd voor een beter milieu.

Agricultural Lending : A How-To Guide.
Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This toolkit introduces and explains step by step the key elements of success for FIs to expand financial services to farmers. The content was developed around IFC's global experience in assisting FIs with the development and implementation of agricultural finance products. The benefits of this work are synthesized in this guide, along with knowledge and expertise of best practices among both IFC clients and others. The guide includes advice on each step involved and tips on how to address the complex challenges that might arise during product development process. The guide has seven chief components: introduction to agricultural finance, the product development process, product development phase one - preparation, product development phase two - market research, product development phase three - pilot design, product development phase four - pilot testing and monitoring, and product development phase five - product launch and rollout.

Commemorating End Poverty Day
Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank, discusses the goals of the World Bank Group, aligned to support the poor and the vulnerable, and to preserve our planet for future generations. He talks about the report "Poverty in a Rising Africa" that traces two decades of unprecedented economic growth on the continent with messages that are both encouraging and sobering. He speaks about how economic growth coupled with specific health and education interventions have contributed to improving people's lives, and contributed in many countries, such as Ghana, to major reductions in poverty. He talks about the structural transformation, a shift out of agriculture that led to an increase in non-agricultural self-employment and, to a lesser degree, wage jobs in Ghana. He speaks about how improving the agricultural sector will be critical to further reduce extreme poverty in the country. He commends Ghana that has invested in its people, specifically in education in most parts of the country. He appreciated the country's urban areas that have grown quickly, creating more and higher-paying jobs.

Sudan Country Economic Memorandum : Realizing the Potential for Diversified Development.
Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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From 1999 to 2011 Sudan had a period where it benefited from extensive discoveries of natural wealth through oil. But the oil economy had also clear symptoms of Dutch disease. Agriculture suffered from neglect, and there were urgent calls to invest natural resource rents into economic diversification efforts. Relief to Sudan's external debt crisis will be critical. The country economic memorandum (CEM) starts out with a series of simulations and a review of recent key literature on growth and diversification with the aim of defining a suitable approach for growth and diversification for Sudan. The sectoral structure of Sudan's economy shows the growing importance of agriculture, less importance of extractives, and relative stability of other sectors (manufacturing, services) by 2030. Looking at other economies that were successful in their diversification efforts shows that they were able to broaden their endowments base by maximizing a triad of institutions to deliver services that ultimately increase productivity. The CEM finds that there is a case for Sudan to approach growth through diversification from two angles: the production and the endowment base, both of which rely on the effective utilization of key institutions. This analysis therefore uses a sectoral focus and looks at agriculture as sources for diversification, but also makes the case that trading of goods and services - especially of the higher value-added kind - can be a means to grow the endowment base of the country.

Kenya Toward a National Crop and Livestock Insurance Program : Summary of Policy Suggestions.
Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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At the request of the government of Kenya and under its guidance, a team of national and international experts conducted an appraisal of different agricultural insurance options for Kenya.This appraisal, as set out in this document and the accompanying technical analysis, lays out the costs and benefits of developing large-scale agricultural insurance that involves both the public and private spheres.The analysis considers potential structures for large-scale agricultural insurance in Kenya, the fiscal cost to the government of Kenya, and the economic benefits for farmers and pastoralists. In order for it to partner with the private sector to prepare and implement a large scale agricultural insurance program, the government should consider taking the following next steps.The government of Kenya may build on there commendations by the Program Steering Committee to take the lead in formulating a national policy on agriculture insurance, in cooperation with county administrations and private insurance companies. The government of Kenya may develop a road map for establishing the institutions required for large-scale agricultural insurance programs, with the goal of covering at least a fifth of Kenya's agricultural producers. As next steps for establishing livestock insurance, the government of Kenya may decide how to integrate the proposed insurance product with other existing protection mechanisms. As next steps for crop insurance, the government of Kenya may seek consultations with agricultural banks and work with private sector insurers to develop a data audit system acceptable to international reinsurers.

Moldova Public Expenditure Review : Agriculture.
Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Agriculture is vital to Moldova's economy. It accounts for 14 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and employs 25 percent of the labor force; together with agro-processing, it generates more than 20 percent of GDP. While the size of the agriculture sector is one of the largest in Europe, it is comparable to other countries at similar income levels. The sector is also a major foreign exchange earner, with agro-food products comprising about 60 percent of merchandise exports. The Government of Moldova (GoM) identifies agriculture as one of the main drivers of growth in its 2020 national development strategy. Agriculture in Moldova faces both short-and-long term challenges. Increasing public spending on agriculture is not an optimal response to these challenges. Instead, to make the sector more competitive and resilient to shocks, direct budget spending should be reduced in some areas and redesigned or increased in others. Tax expenditures can be streamlined to make them more efficient, cost effective, and equitable.

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