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Biopolitics --- Eugenics
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Eugenics --- History, 20th Century --- Eugenics --- Eugenics --- Eugénisme --- Eugénisme --- History --- History --- History --- Histoire --- Histoire
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The emerging development of genetic enhancement technologies has recently become the focus of a public and philosophical debate between proponents and opponents of a liberal eugenics - that is, the use of these technologies without any overall direction or governmental control. Inspired by Foucault's, Agamben's and Esposito's writings about biopower and biopolitics, the author sees both positions as equally problematic, as both presuppose the existence of a stable, autonomous subject capable of making decisions concerning the future of human nature, while in the age of genetic technology the nature of this subjectivity shall be less an origin than an effect of such decisions. Bringing together a biopolitical critique of the way this controversial issue has been dealt with in liberal moral and political philosophy with a philosophical analysis of the nature of and the relation between life, politics, and technology, the author sets out to outline the contours of a more responsible engagement with genetic technologies based on the idea that technology is an intrinsic condition of humanity.
Eugenics --- Homiculture --- Race improvement --- Euthenics --- Heredity --- Involuntary sterilization --- Political aspects. --- Social aspects.
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History of civilization --- Eugenics --- History, 20th Century --- Eugénisme --- History --- Histoire
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Disabled Persons --- Eugenics --- Human Rights Abuses. --- Institutionalization --- People with mental disabilities --- Sterilization (Birth control) --- Sterilization, Involuntary --- History. --- Abuse of --- History --- Education --- Institutional care --- Michener Centre --- Alberta --- Social policy.
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Les pays développés se sont engagés à mobiliser ensemble 100 milliards USD par an d’ici à 2020 afin de financer les efforts de lutte contre le changement climatique dans les pays en développement. Cinq ans après l’annonce de cet engagement, qui a été faite à Copenhague en 2009 lors de la COP15, et six ans avant la date butoir de 2020, ce rapport présente un état des lieux du financement climatique mobilisé à cette fin par les pays développés en 2013 et 2014. Des avancées non négligeables ont été réalisées vers cet objectif. Selon les estimations préliminaires que présente ce rapport, le financement climatique a atteint 62 milliards USD en 2014 et 52 milliards USD en 2013, ce qui équivaut à une moyenne de 57 milliards USD par an pour ces deux années. Le rapport s‘attache à faire preuve de transparence et de rigueur dans l’analyse des données disponibles et le choix des hypothèses et des méthodes sous-jacente, malgré les limites que peut imposer un exercice de notification globale. Les approches méthodologiques et les activités de collecte de données nécessaires pour étayer l’élaboration d’estimations de cette nature vont en s’améliorant. Comme le souligne le rapport, il reste néanmoins des efforts importants à faire pour parvenir à établir des estimations plus complètes et plus justes à l’avenir. L’OCDE et CPI sont prêts à appuyer cet effort.
Nature and nurture. --- Euthenics. --- Environment --- Human beings --- Eugenics --- Genetics and environment --- Heredity and environment --- Nature --- Nature versus nurture --- Nurture and nature --- Genetics --- Heredity --- Effect of environment on --- Nurture --- Environmental effects on human beings --- Environment and genetics --- Environment and heredity
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Los países desarrollados tienen el compromiso de movilizar, para el año 2020, la cantidad anual de 100.000 millones de dólares para la financiación de la lucha contra el cambio climático en los países en desarrollo. Transcurridos cinco años desde que se formulase ese compromiso en la COP15 de Copenhague de 2009, y cuando faltan seis para el año 2020, este documento da cuenta de los avances logrados y del nivel de financiación para el clima conseguido por los países desarrollados en el bienio 2013-14. Sin duda se han logrado importantes avances de cara a este objetivo. De acuerdo con las estimaciones preliminares de este informe, la financiación relacionada con el cambio climático alcanzó la cifra de 62.000 millones de dólares en 2014, frente a 52.000 millones en 2013, con lo que el promedio anual fue de 57.000 millones de dólares en el bienio de referencia. Este informe pretende ser transparente y riguroso en la evaluación de los datos disponibles, así como en la elección de los supuestos de que partir y en las metodologías utilizadas, dentro siempre de las limitaciones que supone todo informe sobre datos agregados. Los enfoques metodológicos y la recopilación de datos que avalan las presentes estimaciones evolucionan sin cesar. Pese a ello, y como se apunta en el propio informe, todavía queda bastante por hacer para poder contar en el futuro con unas estimaciones más exhaustivas y precisas. La OCDE y la Iniciativa de Política Climática (CPI) están dispuestas a apoyar en la realización de esos esfuerzos.
Nature and nurture. --- Euthenics. --- Environment --- Human beings --- Eugenics --- Genetics and environment --- Heredity and environment --- Nature --- Nature versus nurture --- Nurture and nature --- Genetics --- Heredity --- Effect of environment on --- Nurture --- Environmental effects on human beings --- Environment and genetics --- Environment and heredity
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For some legal philosophers, if a law is procedurally correct, enacted in ways constitutionally recognised and agreed upon, then the content is of no significance. It is a "good" law, no matter what it does or justifies. The question of one's consent or opposition to any particular law is extraneous to the legality and is regarded merely as a political matter. The assumption is that a certain procedure and logic in law creation has taken place, and the law can be altered by a change in political leaders in a subsequent political election. However, this view and assumption obscure an uncomfortable fact. Some laws can be "bad" or "immoral." Critical legal theory suggests that there are often two (or more) sets of laws, and it makes no difference if Lady Justice is blindfolded or not. Laws change in the process of history, in part, because societal norms change. As common understandings of morality evolve, law adapts itself to the new moral environment. Norms can change slowly or rapidly, even within a lifetime. This book examines both social and legal norms and theories of how they are both created. Christine M. Hassenstab investigates how laws on sterilization, birth control and abortion were created, by focusing on the act of legislation; how the law was driven by scientific and social norms during the first and closing decades of the 20th century in the USA (especially in the state of Indiana) and Norway. The primary focus of Body Law and the Body of Law is the sociology of law and how and why the law changes. The author develops the notion "body law" for reproductive policies and uses sociological theories to untie the various strands of social history and legal history and looks at two cases of legislation. The book is divided in to two main sections. The first examines eugenic laws in the USA state of Indiana and Norway during the first decades of 20th century. The second part is about the birth control and abortion debate in both countries throughout the late 1960's and 1970's.Christine M. Hassenstab is a lawyer and sociologist. She served as a criminal defense attorney for 15 years (1987-2001) in Seattle, Washington. Currently, she is an adviser in the EU Grants Office at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway.
Law, Politics & Government --- Law, General & Comparative --- Human body --- Abortion --- Eugenics --- Social norms. --- Sterilization --- Law and legislation --- Birth control. --- Bacteriology --- Contamination (Technology) --- Disinfection and disinfectants --- Surgery, Aseptic and antiseptic --- Folkways --- Norms, Social --- Rules, Social --- Social rules --- Manners and customs --- Social control --- Homiculture --- Race improvement --- Euthenics --- Heredity --- Involuntary sterilization --- Abortion, Induced --- Feticide --- Foeticide --- Induced abortion --- Pregnancy termination --- Termination of pregnancy --- Birth control --- Fetal death --- Obstetrics --- Reproductive rights --- Body, Human --- Human beings --- Body image --- Human anatomy --- Human physiology --- Mind and body --- Technique --- Surgery --- Law. --- Law --- Anglo-American law --- Law, Anglo-American --- Acts, Legislative --- Enactments, Legislative --- Laws (Statutes) --- Legislative acts --- Legislative enactments --- Jurisprudence --- Legislation --- abortion politics, birth control, eugenics, Indiana, Norway, sociology of law, social norms, sterilization.
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"In Degeneration and Revolution : Radical Cultural Politics and the Body in Weimar Germany Robert Heynen explores the impact of conceptions of degeneration, exemplified by eugenics and social hygiene, on the social, cultural, and political history of the left in Germany, 1914-33. Hygienic practices of bodily regulation were integral to the extension of modern capitalist social relations, and profoundly shaped Weimar culture. Heynen's innovative interdisciplinary approach draws on Marxist and other critical traditions to examine the politics of degeneration and socialist, communist, and anarchist responses. Drawing on key Weimar theorists and addressing artistic and cultural movements ranging from Dada to worker-produced media, this book challenges us to rethink conventional understandings of left culture and politics, and of Weimar culture more generally"--
Politics and culture --- Degeneration --- Radicalism --- Right and left (Political science) --- Human body --- Eugenics --- Public health --- Politique et culture --- Dégénérescence --- Radicalisme --- Droite et gauche (Science politique) --- Corps humain --- Eugénisme --- Santé publique --- History --- Political aspects --- Histoire --- Aspect politique --- Germany --- Allemagne --- Social conditions --- Politics and government --- Conditions sociales --- Politique et gouvernement --- Dégénérescence --- Eugénisme --- Santé publique
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L'essai in vitro de mutation génique sur des cellules de mammifères peut être employé pour détecter des mutations induites par les substances chimiques. Cette Ligne directrice comprend deux essais de mutation génique, avec deux lignées cellulaires spécifiques tk hétérozygotes : les cellules L5178Y tk+/-3.7.2C pour le test du lymphome de souris (mouse lymphoma essai) (MLA), et les cellules TK6 tk+/- pour l’essai TK6. Les types d’événements génétiques détectés en utilisant le locus tk comprennent soit les mutations géniques que les changements chromosomiques. Des cellules en suspension ou en culture monocouche sont exposées à quatre concentrations analysables de la substance d'essai au moins, avec et sans activation métabolique, pendant une période appropriée. Elles sont repiquées pour déterminer la cytotoxicité et pour permettre l'expression phénotypique avant la sélection. La cytotoxicité est habituellement déterminée en mesurant l'efficacité de clonage relative (survie) ou la croissance totale relative des cultures après la période de traitement. Les cultures traitées sont maintenues dans le milieu de croissance pendant une période suffisante, caractéristique de chaque locus et de chaque type cellulaire, afin de permettre l'expression phénotypique presque optimale des mutations induites. La fréquence de mutant est déterminée par l’ensemencement d’un nombre connu de cellules dans le milieu contenant l'agent sélectif pour détecter des cellules mutantes, et dans le milieu sans agent sélectif pour déterminer l'efficacité de clonage (viabilité). Après un temps approprié d'incubation, des colonies sont comptées.
Nature and nurture. --- Euthenics. --- Adaptation (Biology) --- Environment --- Biology --- Self-organizing systems --- Variation (Biology) --- Biological fitness --- Genetics --- Human beings --- Eugenics --- Genetics and environment --- Heredity and environment --- Nature --- Nature versus nurture --- Nurture and nature --- Heredity --- Effect of environment on --- Nurture --- Environmental adaptation --- Adaptation, Environmental --- Environmental effects on human beings --- Environment and genetics --- Environment and heredity
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