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Year: 2015 Publisher: Antwerpen Staf Geers

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Een jeugdhuis voor, door en met jongeren : leeservaringen van jongeren in de CDA Estelí in beeld gebracht
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Year: 2015 Publisher: Heverlee Sociale School Heverlee

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Architecture without content
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781907414411 9781907414428 9781907414435 9781907414442 9781907414459 9781907414466 9783960987598 3960987595 1907414460 1907414444 1907414428 190741441X 1907414452 1907414436 Year: 2015 Publisher: London: Bedford Press,

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L'architecture sans contenu est une architecture réduite à son périmètre où seule l'économie de l'enveloppe détermine le succès du bâtiment. Sa frugalité radicale ne le rend pas moins critique. L'économie de moyens est l'arme de choix pour exprimer son idéologie.

Onze steunende en beschermende leden 2015.

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Het oorlogsmonument 1914-1918 te Oostakker.
Authors: ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Sint-Amandsberg : Heemkundig documentatiecentrum,

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Wondelgemse kost
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Wondelgem Landelijke Gilde 'Samen beleef je meer'

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Housekeeping --- Wondelgem

The Ca2+-binding protein, ALG-2, and its role in autophagy

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Short distance transport of fattening pigs. Influences and influencing : welfare and meat quality
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculty of bioscience engineering

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Transport, marked by intensive handling of live animals, is a crucial step in the animal production process, involving many different operators (farmers, transporters and slaughterhouses), possibly affecting the environment, animal health, animal welfare, product (meat) quality and the spread of animal diseases. During the past decades consumers have become more and more concerned about factors such as ethical animal production and animal welfare. This does not only include animal housing aspects but also,nbsp;even more, the transport of animals. Because more consumers are faced with road transport. So, there is a social demand to monitor and improve animal welfare during the transportnbsp;In addition, consumers are interested in high quality meat which is influenced by stress and welfare during the last day before slaughter. The aim of this thesis was to study the influences of housing, transport and slaughterhouse aspects on skin lesions and meat quality. Furthermore, some possible aspects to optimise welfare and meat quality were investigated.The purpose of the study in chapter 2 was to determine (the variation of) effects of farm management, climate parameters, transport and lairage conditions on meat quality of fattening pigs, heterozygous for the halothane gene. A total of 4,763 fattening pigs were transported from the Zootechnical Centre (Belgium) to a commercial slaughterhouse (distance 110 km) in 121 transports through 5 years. From 2,404 carcasses, carcass temperature and pH were measured 45 min post-mortem; 48 h post-mortem pH, electrical conductivity, drip loss and meat colour were registered. During the raising period gender, conditions at weaning (purchased or not as piglet, vaccination against Mycoplasma) and (type of) room during fattening (i.e. from about 22 kg to 105 kg) were registered to relate with pork quality. Transport season, weather parameters, regrouping or not during loading, transport combination (truck, trailer and driver), transport compartment and transport conditions (loading density, transport duration and unloading time)nbsp;monitored. At the slaughterhouse, duration of lairage and carcass conformation were followed up to examine correlations with meat quality parameters. In conclusion, effects of farm management, climate parameters during transport, transport and slaughterhouse conditions on pork quality were demonstrated.In the next chapter, the effects of transport and lairage conditions on skin lesions of carcasses of fattening pigs, heterozygous for the halothane gene, were studied. A total of 4,507 fattening pigs were transported from a farm to a commercial slaughterhouse (distance 110 km) in 111 transports spread over 5 years. Skin lesions were visually assessed in the slaughter line in different parts of the carcass, i.e. shoulder, middle and ham, using a 4-point scale. The incidence of skin lesions was most prevalent (31%) in the shoulder region of the pig carcass. Gender, wind velocity, regrouping, transport combination, transport compartment, lairage time and ham angle affected the skin lesion incidence. In conclusion, scoring the incidence of skin lesions is an indicator of the level of welfare exercised during transport and the slaughterhouse conditions. Furthermore, skin lesion monitoring can be used to determine critical control points in the transport procedure. Given the importance from both a commercial and welfare perspective, it should be a powerful incentive to handle fattening pigs with care duringnbsp;transport process and the lairage period.In chapter 4 the effect of olfactory substances on the heart rate and lying behaviour of pigs during transport simulation is investigated. Five treatments were tested in which a substance was applied to pigs’ snouts with a paintbrush. These consisted of: 1) control treatment (wiping without product); 2) 2 ml of a synthetic, maternal-like pheromone; 3) 5 ml of a synthetic, maternal-like pheromone; 4) a commercial, non-relevant odour and 5) 2 ml of a placebo (solvent of the synthetic pheromone without active ingredients). In total, 90 pigs took part in this study and each treatment was tested on a group of three pigs with six replicates per treatment. Pigs were vibrated in the vertical direction in a transport simulator with a frequency of 8 Hz and an acceleration of 3 m s–2. Cardiac activity and lying behaviour during vibration were quantified. The effect of vibration was found to be statistically significant, i.e. causing an increase in heart rate and numbers of ventricular ectopic beats (VEB). Both 2 and 5 ml of synthetic pheromone were found to decrease minimum heart rate significantly. However, the number of VEB was highest for these two synthetic pheromone groups during vibration. No dose-dependent synthetic pheromone effects were found and there were no differences in the amount of time pigs spent lying.In practice, unfamiliar pigs are frequently mixed prior to loading in order to obtain groups of uniform weight and to adjust the group size to the dimensions of the trailer compartments. Mixings pigs induces aggressive interactions to establish a new social rank. Fighting results innbsp;lesions and pre-slaughter stress and on his turn reduced meat quality. A three-year study was performed to compare the effect ofnbsp;and regrouping at fattening, loading and lairage. A total of 1,332 pigs were included over 30 transports from one pig farm to one slaughterhouse (110 km). Skin lesions were determined on 1,314 carcasses. Meat quality was measured on 620 pigs. The temperature and pH in the longissimus dorsi muscle were measured 45 min post-mortem. Forty-eight hours later pH, electrical conductivity, drip loss and the colour of the longissimus dorsi muscle were measured. The non-regrouped treatment showed less skin lesions and better meat quality than the groups regrouped at loading or in lairage. Pigs mixed at 80 kg at the farm have in general a comparable amount of skin lesions and comparable meat quality as the non-mixed group. If mixing is unavoidable, due to large within-group weight variations, mixing at 80 kg can be an alternative to reduce skin lesions at slaughter and to optimise meat quality.Finally, from previous studies, it appears that the transport of fattening pigs is characterized by a strong human-animal interaction. Consequent handling is important because of animal welfare, meat quality and matching economic consequences. Therefore, chapter 6 presents practical information to ease the handling of fattening pigs. During road transport, human impact can be divided in different steps: 1) driving pigs from the pens via an alley to the trailer, 2) loading, 3) actual transport, 4) unloading to the lairage, and 5) driving pigs in the final stage to the stunning. Inadequate design and poor condition of the facilities will negatively affect the ease of handling. Because of the consequences, acute stress during transport and slaughter should be minimized by improving education of people, equipment and preparation of animals for the journey. Education programmes have to be repeated regularly so that knowledge can be refreshed.In general, it can be concluded that there are some main effects (see chapter 2 and 3) affecting welfare and meat quality. Initially, animal welfare and meat quality can be optimised by focusing on thesenbsp;effects. Preparing animals with olfactory substances, odours or feed additives has minor effects. After more than 30 years, there is still research going on about the impact of transport on welfare of animals and meat quality. Thereby, the optimization of welfare monitoring and training programmes are important study aspects.


Extended insight in effects of exogenous factors before and at slaughter on pork quality
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculty of bioscience engineering

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Nowadays the pork industry is facing an intensified export competition, pushing the industry to look for procedures which improve the production efficiency as well as the product quality. Furthermore, consumers’ choices are more often driven by the pork quality and the way food is produced, taking into account sustainability aspects, such as animal welfare, health and the ecological footprint. This manuscript conducts analyses of certain aspects of the pork production, aiming to propose procedures to achieve higher pork quality, which is the common interest of industry and consumers.This study presents that almost 20% of the pork produced in Belgium, has an inferior pork quality resulting in significant production losses. The most prevalent defect in pork that strikes the pork industry in Belgium, is Pale, Soft and Exudative meat (PSE meat). This pork quality condition is known to be caused by acute stress prior to slaughter. Piétrain-sired pigs, the most popular pig breed in Belgium for its high lean meat percentage, are genetically susceptible to stress due to a gene mutation and thus have a higher likelihood of developing PSE meat. Acute stress accelerates the glycolysis in the muscles. This metabolism operates anaerobically whereby more H+ protons and heat, originating from ATP hydrolysis, are produced, which in turn results in a faster drop of the meat pH leading to PSE meat. This defect can be detected by measuring the meat pH 30 minutes post-mortem. The recommended muscle to detect PSE meat, is the Musculus Longissimus thoracis, a glycolytic muscle, which is more sensitive to develop a fast pH drop 30 minutes after sticking (pH30LT).In this dissertation, it was investigated whether a sound level above 85 dB(A), determined in scientific literature as the critical sound level inducing stress in pigs, has also an effect on the prevalence of PSE meat. Sound levels were recorded during four pre-slaughter phases: firstly after arrival of the truck at the slaughterhouse, just before unloading, secondly during unloading, thirdly in lairage and finally while moving to the stunner. The pH30LT of the observed carcasses was measured. The results determine that maintaining the mean sound level below the cut-off value of 85 dB(A) during the pre-slaughter phases, not only controls the pigs’ stress level, as indicated in literature, but can be associated with a slower drop of the pH30LT. Furthermore, a sound level model indicates that sound levels during lairage and prior to stunning have statistically a higher impact on pH30LT of pork compared to sound levels during the other phases.Along with sound levels, various pre-slaughter environmental and handling variables were recorded during each pre-slaughter phase. Based on statistical analysis of the collected data, variables which significantly influence the pH30LT could be determined. The results were used to infer a checklist with critical control points to represent and predict PSE traits of pork for all kind of pre-slaughter situations. The checklist presents that the pork quality is influenced by factors of each pre-slaughter phase, but the impact is more decisive for variables measured closer to the stunning phase.In a later stage of this research, the scope was extended to investigate handling procedures during loading prior to transport to the slaughterhouse. The environmental and handling variables, as in the study of previous phases, were monitored. Likewise, the pH30LT was measured from the examined pigs. The data from the loading phase was used to complete the sound level model and the checklist for the entire pre-slaughter process. This research determines that sound level fluctuations during loading, the difference in environmental temperature during loading and lairage, and the feed withdrawal period also influence the risk of developing PSE meat.The efficiency of high quality pork production could benefit from a methodology prior to stunning that assesses the risk of developing pork with PSE characteristics. Therefore, a new methodology which can give an indication about the pork quality prior to slaughter, is proposed in this thesis. Since body temperature is related to the stress status of the pigs, it was investigated if rectal temperature of pigs before stunning (TempRLairage) and the core temperature of the ham, measured 30 minutes after slaughter (Temp30Ham), were correlated with the pH30LT. The results present a significant positive linear correlation between TempRLairage and Temp30Ham. Furthermore, pH30LT was negatively related to Temp30Ham and TempRLairage. Based on the conducted analysis, it can be concluded that the risk to develop PSE meat can be estimated by the pig’s rectal temperature just before stunning. This research is a very important first step towards the development of an online non-invasive method, e.g. an infrared camera, as measuring rectal temperature may also induce stress.The cooked ham production struggles with the presence of destructured zones, resulting in high slicing losses. Scientific literature describes that these destructured zones are strongly associated with PSE meat. As this research established a negative linear correlation between Temp30Ham and pH30LT, it was further investigated whether it was possible to select fresh ham based on Temp30Ham, to produce cooked ham with a minimum percentage of slicing losses. Results present that hams, suitable for the production of cooked hams, can be selected by measuring Temp30Ham.In summary, this thesis provides slaughterhouses and stakeholders with essential information and practical guidelines on minimizing the incidence of PSE traits and thus on working towards high pork quality.


Go Hasegawa : conversations with European architects
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9784864800167 4864800162 Year: 2015 Publisher: Tokyo : LIXIL Publishing,

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Japanese architect Go Hasegawa engages some of todays most relevant European architects in a series of conversations that touch upon the current and topical issues at play in architecture on the continent and globally. From asking Peter Märkli about the sense of history in his works, or illuminating the methods of economy used by Lacaton & Vassal, to discussing multiplicity in architecture with Álvaro Siza, the book brims with insightful questions and answers from the fields leading practitioners. Featuring interviews with Álvaro Siza, Valerio Olgiati, Peter Märkli, Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal, Pascal Flammer, and Kersten Geers and David Van Severen.

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