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National socialism. --- Fascism --- Nazism --- Authoritarianism --- Nazis --- Neo-Nazism --- Totalitarianism --- World War, 1939-1945 --- Neo-fascism --- Collectivism --- Corporate state --- National socialism --- Synarchism --- History --- Causes --- United States --- Politics and government
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Evropské neonacistické hnutí se ze své ideologické podstaty staví negativně vůči globalizaci a mezinárodní migraci. Přesto samo těchto fenoménů využívá k sjednocování se na evropské a celosvětové úrovni ve snaze vytvořit jednotné hnutí, které bude schopné prosadit vlastní ideologii. V Evropě pozorujeme výrazné posilování mezinárodních vazeb mezi neonacisty z jednotlivých zemí, posilování vzájemných kontaktů a narůstající počet aktivit s mezinárodní účastí. Viditelné je rychlé šíření se jednotlivých konceptů a strategií a upevňování společné ideologie nacionálního socialismu s velmi jasnou vizí bílé Evropy. Cílem této publikace je analyzovat transnacionalizaci neonacistického hnutí, a to z perspektivy českých neonacistů. Publikace nabízí vhled do představy neonacistického hnutí o Evropě, představuje ideologii sjednocující jednotlivá národní neonacistická hnutí. Také představuje neonacistické koncepty a strategie jako příklady transnacionalizace. Dále identifikuje formy konkrétních aktivit mezinárodní spolupráce.
Neo-Nazism. --- Right-wing extremists --- Néonazisme --- Extrémistes de droite --- Fascism. --- Neo-fascism --- Authoritarianism --- Collectivism --- Corporate state --- National socialism --- Synarchism --- Totalitarianism --- Neo-Nazi groups --- Neo-Nazi movements --- Neo-Nazi parties --- Fascism
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During the interwar years France experienced severe political polarization. At the time many observers, particularly on the left, feared that the French right had embraced fascism, generating a fierce debate that has engaged scholars for decades, but has also obscured critical changes in French society and culture during the 1920s and 1930s. This collection of essays shifts the focus away from long-standing controversies in order to examine various elements of the French right, from writers to politicians, social workers to street fighters, in their broader social, cultural, and political c
Fascism --- Conservatism --- Right and left (Political science) --- Right-wing extremists --- Far-right extremists --- Radicals --- Left (Political science) --- Left and right (Political science) --- Right (Political science) --- Political science --- Neo-fascism --- Authoritarianism --- Collectivism --- Corporate state --- National socialism --- Synarchism --- Totalitarianism --- History --- Parti social français. --- P.S.F. --- PSF --- Croix de feu (Organization : France) --- Progrès social français (Political party) --- France --- Politics and government --- Intellectual life
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This book provides a view of literary life under the Nazis, highlighting the ambiguities, rivalries and conflicts that determined the cultural climate of that period and beyond. Focusing on a group of writers – in particular, Hans Grimm, Erwin Guido Kolbenheyer, Wilhelm Schäfer, Emil Strauß, Börries Freiherr von Münchhausen and Rudolf Binding – it examines the continuities in völkisch-nationalist thought in Germany from c. 1890 into the post-war period and the ways in which völkisch-nationalists identified themselves in opposition to four successive German regimes: the Kaiserreich, the Weimar Republic, the Third Reich and the Federal Republic.
Germany -- Politics and government. --- Germany -- Social conditions. --- Germany -- Social life and customs. --- German literature --- Politics and literature --- National socialism in literature --- Fascism in literature --- Nationalism in literature --- National socialism --- Fascism --- Nationalism --- Political Science --- Law, Politics & Government --- Political Theory of the State --- Consciousness, National --- Identity, National --- National consciousness --- National identity --- Neo-fascism --- Nazism --- History and criticism --- History --- Germany --- Politics and government. --- Social conditions. --- Social life and customs. --- International relations --- Patriotism --- Political science --- Autonomy and independence movements --- Internationalism --- Political messianism --- Authoritarianism --- Collectivism --- Corporate state --- Synarchism --- Totalitarianism --- Nazis --- Neo-Nazism --- World War, 1939-1945 --- Causes --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- 1900 - 1999 --- Political science.
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Biographical note: Dr. Gerhard Köpernik, 1944 in Iglau/Mähren geboren, hat Rechtswissenschaft und Politik studiert und im Bundeswirtschaftsministerium gearbeitet. Von 1979 bis 1983 war er an der deutschen Botschaft in Bukarest als Handelsattaché, 2008/09 im Auftrag der EU-Kommission in der Bukarester Umweltagentur tätig. Seit 2005 ist er Präsident der Deutsch-Rumänischen Gesellschaft. Long description: Faschisten im KZ? Das gab es, auch wenn sie „Ehrenhäftlinge“ waren, die lediglich mundtot gemacht werden sollten. Die Eiserne Garde, auch Legion genannt, eine nach dem 1. Weltkrieg in Rumänien gegründete faschistische Bewegung, kam im September 1940 an der Seite General Antonescus an die Macht. Sie putschte erfolglos im Januar 1941 gegen den rumänischen Staatsführer, der das volle Vertrauen Hitlers genoss. Führende Persönlichkeiten der Garde flohen nach Deutschland, wurden interniert und im Januar 1943 in Konzentrationslager gebracht, nachdem ihr Anführer, Horia Sima, versucht hatte, nach Italien zu fliehen. Nach dem Sturz Antonescus im August 1944 wurden die Legionäre zu Bundesgenossen der Nazis. Anhand von amtlichen Dokumenten aus deutschen Archiven und mit einem Blick auf Autobiographien von Legionären zeichnet der Autor diese Geschichte detailgetreu nach.
Fascism. --- National socialism. --- Nazism --- Authoritarianism --- Fascism --- Nazis --- Neo-Nazism --- Totalitarianism --- World War, 1939-1945 --- Neo-fascism --- Collectivism --- Corporate state --- National socialism --- Synarchism --- Causes --- Romania --- Government of Romania --- Lo-ma-ni-ya --- Luomaniya --- R.N.R. --- R.P.R. --- R.P. Romînă --- R.S.R. --- Republica Populară Romînă --- Republica Socialistă România --- Rhowmenia --- RNR --- Román Szocialista Köztársaság --- Romāniyā --- Romanyah --- Roumania --- Roumanie --- RP Romînă --- RPR --- RSR --- Rumania --- Rumänien --- Rumenyah --- Rumenye --- Rumunia --- Rumŭnii︠a︡ --- Rumunsko --- Rumynii︠a︡ --- Rumynskai︠a︡ Narodnai︠a︡ Respublika --- Румыния --- ルーマニア --- 羅馬尼亞 --- 루마니아 --- Moldavia --- Wallachia --- Foreign relations --- Codreanu, Corneliu Zelea, --- Garda de Fier. --- Legiunea Arhanghelul Mihail. --- Codreanu, C. Z. --- Codreanu, Corneliu Z. --- Zelea-Codreanu, Corneliu, --- Zelinschi, Corneliu, --- Zelinski, Corneliu, --- Legion "Erzengel Michael" --- Legión de San Miguel Arcángel --- Legion of the "Archangel Michael" --- Legiunea "Arhanghelul Mihail" pentru Apărarea Pământului Strămoșesc --- Mihály Arkangyal Légió --- Legion “Archangel Michael” --- Mișcarea Legionară --- Garda de Fier --- Liga Naționalistă Garda de Fier (Romania) --- Iron Guard (Romania) --- Garde de fer (Romania) --- Eiserne Garde (Romania) --- Guardia di ferro (Romania) --- Guardia de Hierro (Romania) --- Vasgárda (Romania) --- Legiunea Arhanghelul Mihail --- Partidul Totul pentru Țară
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