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The book of Esther was a conscious reaction to much of the conventional wisdom of its day, challenging beliefs regarding the Jerusalem Temple, the land of Israel, Jewish law, and even God. Aaron Koller identifies Esther as primarily a political work, and shows that early reactions ranged from ignoring the book to 'rewriting' Esther in order to correct its perceived flaws. But few biblical books have been read in such different ways, and the vast quantity of Esther-interpretation in rabbinic literature indicates a conscious effort by the Rabbis to present Esther as a story of faith and traditionalism, and bring it into the fold of the grand biblical narrative. Koller situates Esther, and its many interpretations, within the intellectual and political contexts of Ancient Judaism, and discusses its controversial themes. His innovative line of enquiry will be of great interest to students and scholars of Bible and Jewish studies.
Rabbinical literature --- History and criticism. --- Esther, --- Ester, --- Esther --- Hadassah, --- אסתר --- אסתר, --- Istir, --- Bible. --- Ester (Book of the Old Testament) --- Esther (Book of the Old Testament) --- Megilat Aḥashṿerosh --- Megilat Ester --- מגילת אסתר --- Criticism, interpretation, etc., Jewish. --- Arts and Humanities --- Religion --- Rabbinical literature - History and criticism. --- Esther, - Queen of Persia.
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Der Band enthält zwei Studien zu Eheschließungen im frühen Judentum.„Die Rezeption der Leviratstora Dtn 25,5-10 im frühen Judentum“ geht dem Thema bis zur Zeit des Abschlusses der Mischna nach. Sie beschäftigt sich mit den einschlägigen Texten des Alten Testaments, des Frühjudentums und der Mischna, besonders im Mischnatraktat Jebamot. Sie zeigt den Abbau der Leviratsehe als Institution bei gleichzeitiger Favorisierung der Chalitza als gesetzeskonformer Auflösung der Leviratsbindung. „Der Beitrag des Tobitbuchs zum Bild der Eheschließung im Frühjudentum und in der rabbinischen Zeit“ versucht, die entsprechenden Texte der griechischen Versionen des Tobitbuchs in die Vielfalt der Formen und Traditionen der Eheschließung vom Alten Testament bis in die rabbinische Zeit einzuordnen. Die Übereinstimmung vieler Details der im Tobitbuch sich spiegelnden Riten der Eheschließung mit entsprechenden Angaben in Mischna und Talmud machen wahrscheinlich, dass manches erst bei den Rabbinen bezeugte Brauchtums viel älter ist als bisher angenommen. Beide Studien bieten dem Theologen, Religionspädagogen und Judaisten Details über die Formen jüdischer Eheschließungen und führen damit zum Verständnis der entsprechenden biblischen und außerbiblischen Texte. These studies provide an overview of rituals of marriage in Early Judaism. The first deals with the reception of Levirate law in Deut. 25:5-10 and the curtailment of Levirate marriage in favor of Halitza. The second shows, on the basis of the Book of Tobit, how aspects of marriage rituals can be traced into rabbinic times. Finally, an analysis of the marriage of the Samaritan woman in John 4:16-18 completes the volume.
22.08*3 --- 222.4 --- 222.8 --- 226.5 --- 22.08*3 Bijbelse theologie: themata --- Bijbelse theologie: themata --- Deuteronomium --- Tobit. Judit. Ester. Esther --- Evangelie volgens Johannes --- Marriage (Jewish law) --- Jewish marriage customs and rites. --- Judaism --- Samaritan women. --- Customs and practices. --- Women, Samaritan --- Women --- Jewish life --- Jews --- Minhagim --- Commandments (Judaism) --- Marriage customs and rites, Jewish --- Jewish law --- Rites and ceremonies --- Marriage customs and rites --- Customs and practices --- Bible --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Tobias (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Tobit (Book of the Apocrypha)
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Hebrew Esther tells the story of a woman who assumes responsibility to save her people from attempted genocide. Old Greek and Alpha Text Esther are examples of Jewish apologetic and polemic literature that addressed Greek and Latin perceptions of Jewish xenophobia and misanthropy. However, in spite of the fact that Hebrew Esther gives an account of a woman’s leading role in the prevention of the genocide of the Jews of Persia, and the fact that the authors of the Greek versions reinterpreted the Hebrew for the purpose of addressing anti-Semitic sentiment in the Greco-Roman world, the story of Esther is the object of significant anti-Semitic and feminist critique. In contrast to most past and current scholarship, this work uses a combination of critical methods to question both forms of critique, and contrasts Hebrew Esther’s character and actions with her character and actions portrayed in the two Greek versions.
Antisemitism and feminism --- Antisemitisme en feminisme --- Antisémitisme et féminisme --- Bible--Femmes --- Bible--Women --- Bijbel--Vrouwen --- Christendom en antisemitisme --- Christianisme et antisémitisme --- Christianity and antisemitism --- Esther (Bijbelse figuur) --- Esther (Personnage de la bible) --- Esther Biblical character) --- Feminism and antisemitism --- Feminisme en antisemitisme --- Femmes dans la Bible --- Femmes et antisémitisme --- Féminisme et antisémitisme --- Moeders--Bijbelleer --- Mothers--Biblical teaching --- Mères--Enseignement biblique --- Vrouwen en antisemitisme --- Vrouwen in de Bijbel --- Women and antisemitism --- Women in the Bible --- 222.8 --- Tobit. Judit. Ester. Esther --- Feminism and antisemitism. --- Esther, --- Bible. --- Bible --- Criticism, interpretation, etc., Jewish. --- History of Biblical events. --- Feminist criticism. --- Bible. O.T. Esther --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- Bible. Old Testament --- History of Biblical events --- Feminist criticism --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. [Jewish ] --- Judaism --- Apologetic works --- History and criticism --- Esther, - Queen of Persia.
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Art --- prints [visual works] --- drawing [image-making] --- painting [image-making] --- photography [process] --- trees [woody plants] --- sculpting --- Rosenzweig, Tal --- Horn, Rebecca --- Baselitz, Georg --- Bohrmann, Karl --- Nuur, Navid --- Almond, Darren --- Brandl, Herbert --- Kippenberger, Martin --- Brech, Christoph --- Dzama, Marcel --- Ford, Laura --- Gerrard, John --- Hopp, Vollrath --- Kaoru, Izima --- Kolehmainen, Ola --- Polke, Sigmar --- Kürten, Stefan --- Beuys, Joseph --- Wesselmann, Tom --- Paine, Roxy --- Partegàs, Ester --- Schomaker, Iris --- Nash, David --- Sehler, Stefan --- Starn, Douglas --- Tobias, Gert & Uwe --- Richter, Gerhard --- Waldach, Brigitte --- Krans, Kim --- Kiefer, Anselm --- Wall, Jeff --- Basquiat, Jean-Michel --- Beeck, Op de, Hans --- Mapplethorpe, Robert --- Holzer, Jenny --- Tillmans, Wolfgang --- Baechler, Donald --- Balkenhol, Stephan --- Graham, Rodney --- Wachter, Rudolf --- Erben, Ulrich --- Gillen, Tina --- Neumann, Max --- Rehberger, Tobias --- Ruff, Thomas --- Whiteread, Rachel --- Kolář, Jiří --- Weischer, Matthias
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