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This symposium focuses on research topics related to efficient algorithms and data structures for discrete problems. In addition to the design of such methods and structures, the scope also includes their use, performance analysis, and the mathematical problems related to their development or limitations. Performance analyses may be analytical or experimental and may address worst-case or expected-case performance. Studies can be theoretical or based on data sets that have arisen in practice and may address methodological issues involved in performance analysis.
Computer algorithms --- Discrete mathematics and graph theory
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Dieses Buch wendet sich an Leser ohne Studienvorkenntnisse, gibt eine elementare Einführung in die Diskrete Mathematik und die Welt des mathematischen Denkens und führt den Leser auf ein solides Hochschulniveau. Im Einzelnen werden elementare Logik, Mengenlehre, Beweiskonzepte und die mathematische Terminologie dafür ausführlich erklärt und durch Anwendungsbeispiele motiviert. Darauf aufbauend werden die wichtigsten Disziplinen der Diskreten Mathematik behandelt in einem Umfang, der für jedes MINT-Studium außer der Mathematik selbst ausreicht. Besonderer Fokus wird auf die Anforderungen IT-relevanter Studiengänge gelegt. Im Einzelnen werden die Gebiete Zahlentheorie, Diskrete Algebraische Strukturen, Kombinatorik und Graphentheorie behandelt, wobei auch Querverweise zu nichtdiskreten Gebieten gegeben werden, um das Verständnis für die Zusammenhänge zu erhöhen. Das Buch ist zum Selbststudium, als Vorlesungsbegleitung und zum Nachschlagen geeignet. Der Inhalt Grundlagen der Mathematik - Mengenlehre - Beweisverfahren - Zahlentheorie - Algebraische Strukturen - Kombinatorik - Graphentheorie Die Zielgruppen - Bachelor-Studierende von IT-Fächern - Schüler(innen), die sich für das Studium eines MINT-Fachs interessieren - Studierende höherer Semester, die den Stoff für weitergehende Vorlesungen oder Projekte benötigen Die Autoren Prof. Dr. Sebastian Iwanowski und Prof. Dr. Rainer Lang lehren in mehreren IT-Studiengängen an der FH Wedel.
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This book is intended to serve as a textbook for a course in Representation Theory of Algebras at the beginning graduate level. The text has two parts. In Part I, the theory is studied in an elementary way using quivers and their representations. This is a very hands-on approach and requires only basic knowledge of linear algebra. The main tool for describing the representation theory of a finite-dimensional algebra is its Auslander-Reiten quiver, and the text introduces these quivers as early as possible. Part II then uses the language of algebras and modules to build on the material developed before. The equivalence of the two approaches is proved in the text. The last chapter gives a proof of Gabriel’s Theorem. The language of category theory is developed along the way as needed.
Mathematics --- Algebra --- Discrete mathematics --- algebra --- discrete wiskunde --- wiskunde
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Lernen Sie gerne etwas Langweiliges, von dem Sie nicht wissen, wozu es gut ist? Nein? Wir auch nicht! Deshalb war unser Leitsatz: "Mathematik ist praxisrelevant und interessant". In diesem Lehrbuch werden die mathematischen Grundlagen exakt und dennoch anschaulich und gut nachvollziehbar vermittelt. Sie werden durchgehend anhand zahlreicher Musterbeispiele illustriert, durch Anwendungen in der Informatik motiviert und durch historische Hintergründe oder Ausblicke in angrenzende Themengebiete aufgelockert. Am Ende jedes Kapitels befinden sich Kontrollfragen, die das Verständnis testen und typische Fehler bzw. Missverständnisse ausräumen. Zusätzlich helfen zahlreiche Aufwärmübungen (mit vollständigem Lösungsweg) und weiterführende Übungsaufgaben das Erlernte zu festigen und praxisrelevant umzusetzen. Dieses Lehrbuch ist daher auch sehr gut zum Selbststudium geeignet. Ergänzend wird in eigenen Abschnitten das Computeralgebrasystem Mathematica vorgestellt und eingesetzt, wodurch der Lehrstoff visualisiert und somit das Verständnis erleichtert werden kann.
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Die Autoren führen in die Kryptographie aus Sicht der Informatik und Mathematik ein. Kryptographie wird als wichtiger Schutzmechanismus zur Gewährleistung von Vertraulichkeit und Integrität im elektronischen Datenverkehr vorgestellt. Wesentliche Themen sind Bedrohungen, korrespondierende Schutzziele und Angreifermodelle. Die grundlegenden Typen kryptographischer Systeme zur Durchsetzung der Schutzziele werden eingeführt und konkrete Verfahren beschrieben. Dabei werden relevante Angriffe, Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten und Grenzen kryptographischer Systeme aufgezeigt. Zahlreiche Beispiele veranschaulichen die dargestellten Sachverhalte und erleichtern das Verständnis. Die Übungsaufgaben ermöglichen die tiefe Auseinandersetzung mit dem Stoff.
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Covering Walks in Graphs is aimed at researchers and graduate students in the graph theory community and provides a comprehensive treatment on measures of two well studied graphical properties, namely Hamiltonicity and traversability in graphs. This text looks into the famous Kӧnigsberg Bridge Problem, the Chinese Postman Problem, the Icosian Game and the Traveling Salesman Problem as well as well-known mathematicians who were involved in these problems. The concepts of different spanning walks with examples and present classical results on Hamiltonian numbers and upper Hamiltonian numbers of graphs are described; in some cases, the authors provide proofs of these results to illustrate the beauty and complexity of this area of research. Two new concepts of traceable numbers of graphs and traceable numbers of vertices of a graph which were inspired by and closely related to Hamiltonian numbers are introduced. Results are illustrated on these two concepts and the relationship between traceable concepts and Hamiltonian concepts are examined. Describes several variations of traceable numbers, which provide new frame works for several well-known Hamiltonian concepts and produce interesting new results.
Statistical science --- Mathematics --- Discrete mathematics --- Mathematical statistics --- grafieken --- toegepaste wiskunde --- discrete wiskunde --- statistiek --- wiskunde
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This book gives an introduction to the very active field of combinatorics of affine Schubert calculus, explains the current state of the art, and states the current open problems. Affine Schubert calculus lies at the crossroads of combinatorics, geometry, and representation theory. Its modern development is motivated by two seemingly unrelated directions. One is the introduction of k-Schur functions in the study of Macdonald polynomial positivity, a mostly combinatorial branch of symmetric function theory. The other direction is the study of the Schubert bases of the (co)homology of the affine Grassmannian, an algebro-topological formulation of a problem in enumerative geometry. This is the first introductory text on this subject. It contains many examples in Sage, a free open source general purpose mathematical software system, to entice the reader to investigate the open problems. This book is written for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, as well as researchers, who want to become familiar with this fascinating new field.
Mathematics --- Algebraic geometry --- Algebraic topology --- Geometry --- Discrete mathematics --- landmeetkunde --- topologie (wiskunde) --- discrete wiskunde --- wiskunde --- geometrie
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This text serves as a thorough introduction to the rapidly developing field of positional games. This area constitutes an important branch of combinatorics, whose aim it is to systematically develop an extensive mathematical basis for a variety of two-player perfect information games. These range from such popular games as Tic-Tac-Toe and Hex to purely abstract games played on graphs and hypergraphs. The subject of positional games is strongly related to several other branches of combinatorics such as Ramsey theory, extremal graph and set theory, and the probabilistic method. These notes cover a variety of topics in positional games, including both classical results and recent important developments. They are presented in an accessible way and are accompanied by exercises of varying difficulty, helping the reader to better understand the theory. The text will benefit both researchers and graduate students in combinatorics and adjacent fields.
Mathematics --- Operational research. Game theory --- Discrete mathematics --- discrete wiskunde --- speltheorie --- wiskunde
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Combinatorics and Algebraic Geometry have enjoyed a fruitful interplay since the nineteenth century. Classical interactions include invariant theory, theta functions, and enumerative geometry. The aim of this volume is to introduce recent developments in combinatorial algebraic geometry and to approach algebraic geometry with a view towards applications, such as tensor calculus and algebraic statistics. A common theme is the study of algebraic varieties endowed with a rich combinatorial structure. Relevant techniques include polyhedral geometry, free resolutions, multilinear algebra, projective duality and compactifications.
Mathematics --- Ordered algebraic structures --- Algebra --- Algebraic geometry --- Geometry --- Discrete mathematics --- algebra --- landmeetkunde --- discrete wiskunde --- wiskunde --- geometrie
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Combinatorial Algebra: Syntax and Semantics provides a comprehensive account of many areas of combinatorial algebra. It contains self-contained proofs of more than 20 fundamental results, both classical and modern. This includes Golod–Shafarevich and Olshanskii's solutions of Burnside problems, Shirshov's solution of Kurosh's problem for PI rings, Belov's solution of Specht's problem for varieties of rings, Grigorchuk's solution of Milnor's problem, Bass–Guivarc'h theorem about the growth of nilpotent groups, Kleiman's solution of Hanna Neumann's problem for varieties of groups, Adian's solution of von Neumann-Day's problem, Trahtman's solution of the road coloring problem of Adler, Goodwyn and Weiss. The book emphasize several ``universal" tools, such as trees, subshifts, uniformly recurrent words, diagrams and automata. With over 350 exercises at various levels of difficulty and with hints for the more difficult problems, this book can be used as a textbook, and aims to reach a wide and diversified audience. No prerequisites beyond standard courses in linear and abstract algebra are required. The broad appeal of this book extends to a variety of student levels: from advanced high-schoolers to undergraduates and graduate students, including those in search of a Ph.D. thesis who will benefit from the “Further reading and open problems” sections at the end of Chapters 2 –5. The book can be used in a classroom and for self-study, engagin g anyone who wishes to learn and better understand this important area of mathematics.
Mathematical logic --- Group theory --- Discrete mathematics --- Mathematics --- discrete wiskunde --- wiskunde --- logica
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