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Wirnts von Grafenberg Wigalois gehört zu den wichtigsten Artusromanen des hohen Mittelalters. Der um 1210/20 entstandene Roman greift auf Motive aus den ,klassischen' mittelhochdeutschen Romanen, z. B. aus Wolframs Parzival und Hartmanns Erec, zurück. Er erzählt die âventiure des Gawein-Sohnes Wigalois, der bei der Suche nach seinem Vater an den Artushof gelangt und dort in die Tafelrunde aufgenommen wird. Als Artusritter besteht er zahlreiche Bewährungsproben, die schließlich in eine ideale Herrschaft im Königreich Korntin münden. Die reiche Überlieferung des Romans (41 Handschriften) zeugt von seiner Beliebtheit vom frühen 13. bis ins späte 15. Jahrhundert. Diese neue Ausgabe enthält nicht nur den mittelhochdeutschen Text (nach Kapteyn), sondern zugleich eine Übersetzung in modernes Deutsch. Darüber hinaus bietet sie einen Stellenkommentar, ein ausführliches Nachwort mit Hinweisen zur Gattungsfrage und Motivik, zum 'Sitz im Leben' und zur Interpretation, Register zu den Namen und zum Kommentar sowie eine Bibliographie zum Wigalois .
Arthurian romances. --- Guinglain (Legendary character) --- Arthurian romances --- Romances --- Guinglain --- Bel Inconnu --- Fair Unknown --- Gingalain --- Gingalin --- Gliglois --- Libeaus --- Viduvilt --- Wieduwilt --- Wigalois --- Arthurian literature. --- Wirnt (von Grafenberg).
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"The author explores the question of King Arthur's existence in several original approaches to the subject. Examining the extant literature and other evidence, the author searches for the truth of the who, when and where of King Arthur, concluding that Arthur was an historical entity, placing him in a specific area, narrowing his period of activity"--
Britons --- Arthurian romances --- Kings and rulers --- Historiography. --- Arthur, --- Great Britain --- History
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Composé au début du XIIIe siècle, Merlin est une œuvre pionnière. Premier roman en prose de la littérature française, il est aussi le premier à rapprocher le héros de la figure de l’auteur et à concevoir le récit à la fois comme une entité autonome et comme le point central de cycles romanesques plus vastes consacrés au Graal. Il donne à la chevalerie bretonne une mission nouvelle, la quête de ce vase sacré, symbole de rédemption. Il innove également en proposant une lecture cohérente du personnage de Merlin, fils du diable sauvé par Dieu, puissant devin et magicien, conseiller des princes et prophète du Graal. Parmi la cinquantaine de manuscrits conservant ce texte, le ms. A’-BnF 24394 était resté inédit jusqu’à présent. Éditée et traduite ici pour la premi ère fois, cette copie remarquable permet de mieux mesurer les multiples richesses recélées par ce roman fondateur.
Old French literature --- Merlin (Legendary character) --- Arthurian romances. --- Merlin (Personnage légendaire) --- Cycle d'Arthur --- Romances. --- Romans --- Merlin, --- Dans la littérature --- Arthurian romances --- Romances --- Merlin (Personnage légendaire) --- Merlin --- Merlin (Legendary character) - Romances
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The late-medieval adaptions and compiliations of the Arthurian story are a European phenomenon that has sparked both mystification and controversy. Often dismissed as nostalgic recreations that attempt to halt the literary tide, these ambitious projects saw adaptors from across Western Europe combining a vast array of prose and verse sources from different languages into encyclopedic narrative chronologies of King Arthur and his court. Ranging from ornate verse adaptations to heavily condensed prose works, the resulting texts reflect a process of translating, cutting and arranging Arthurian material into new literary incarnations, which nonetheless retain recognisable versions of the Arthurian story. This study re-evaluates Malory's 'Morte Darthur' and four broadly contemporary European romance collections, including Jean Gonnot's French manuscript, Ulrich Fuetrer's German 'Buch der Abenteuer', the Dutch 'Lancelot' Compilation, and the Italian 'Tavola Ritonda', in the context of this adaptative process. In doing so, it investigates how the adaptors respond to the shared structural and stylistic challenges of incorporating new material into the well-known story of King Arthur and comes to intriguing conclusions about the ways in which the narrative demands of late Arthurian adaptations invited authors to populate the Arthurian court with new and more complex protagonists. Miriam Edlich-Muth currently teaches Old and Middle English language and literature at the University of Cambridge.
Arthurian romances --- History and criticism. --- Malory, Thomas, --- Literature, Medieval --- Adaptations. --- Füetrer, Ulrich, --- Tavola rotunda. --- Arthurian compilations. --- European romance. --- King Arthur. --- Miriam Edlich-Muth. --- Old English literature. --- court protagonists. --- late medieval Europe. --- literary adaptations. --- narrative chronologies.
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Erec is the earliest extant German Arthurian romance, freely adapted and translated into Middle High German by the Swabian knight, Hartmann von Aue, from the first Old French Arthurian romance, Chrétien de Troyes' Erec et Enide. Hartmann's work dates from c. 1180, but the only (almost) complete manuscript dates from the early sixteenth century, copied into the huge two-volume Ambraser Heldenbuch, now housed in Vienna - the most comprehensive extant compilation of medieval German romances and epics, commissioned by Emperor Maximilian I. Otherwise, only a few earlier medieval fragments survive. Erec tells the story of a young knight at King Arthur's court, whose early prowess wins him high repute, and a beautiful wife, Enite. He falls into disrepute because of his excessively zealous devotion of his time to her. Alerted to his notoriety, he embarks on a series of symbolic adventures, which eventually lead to his achieving a new balance between the claims of love and those of society. Far more than a simple translation, Hartmann's first attempt at an Arthurian romance is notable for its zest and gusto. This is the first edition with a parallel text translation into English; it is presented with explanatory notes and variant readings. Cyril Edwards is a Senior Research Fellow of Oxford University's Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, and an Honorary Research Fellow of University College London.
Erec (Legendary character) --- Romances, English. --- Romances, German --- German romances --- German literature --- English romances --- English literature --- German poetry --- Arthurian romances. --- Translations into English. --- Romances --- Arthur's court. --- Chrétien de Troyes' Erec et Enide. --- German Arthurian romance. --- Middle High German. --- Swabian knight. --- explanatory notes. --- gusto. --- love. --- parallel text translation. --- society. --- variant readings. --- zest.
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L'Estoire de Brutus (xiiie siècle), ici éditée pour la première fois, est le plus ancien Brut en prose française. Elle se singularise de son illustre prédécesseur, le Roman de Brut de Wace en vers (xiie siècle), par les liens génériques, esthétiques et matériels qui l'unissent à l'Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César.
Literature, Medieval --- Legends --- Arthurian romances --- Britons --- Littérature médiévale --- Légendes --- Cycle d'Arthur --- Bretons de Grande-Bretagne --- History and criticism --- Early works to 1800. --- Sources --- History --- Histoire et critique --- Ouvrages avant 1800 --- Histoire --- Geoffroy, --- Great Britain --- Grande-Bretagne --- Kings and rulers --- Rois et souverains --- Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des manuscrits --- Manuscrit. Français 17177 --- Littérature médiévale --- Légendes --- Britons - History - Early works to 1800 --- Arthurian romances - Sources - Early works to 1800. --- Great Britain - Kings and rulers - Early works to 1800 --- Great Britain - History - To 1066 - Early works to 1800 --- Arthurian romances - Sources - Early works to 1800 --- Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des manuscrits --- Manuscrit. Français 17177
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"Explores the blurring of boundaries between genres (skaldic and eddic), periods (Viking Age, medieval, early modern) and cultures (Icelandic, Scandinavian, English, continental) in Old Norse-Icelandic poetry"-- "Eddic, Skaldic, and Beyond shines light on traditional divisions of Old Norse-Icelandic poetry and awakens the reader to work that blurs these boundaries. Many of the texts and topics taken up in these enlightening essays have been difficult to categorize and have consequently been overlooked or undervalued. The boundaries between genres (Eddic and Skaldic), periods (Viking Age, medieval, early modern), or cultures (Icelandic, Scandinavian, English, Continental) may not have been as sharp in the eyes and ears of contemporary authors and audiences as they are in our own. When questions of classification are allowed to fade into the background, at least temporarily, the poetry can be appreciated on its own terms. Some of the essays in this collection present new material, while others challenge long-held assumptions. They reflect the idea that poetry with "medieval" characteristics continued to be produced in Iceland well past the fifteenth century, and even beyond the Protestant Reformation in Iceland (1550). This superb volume, rich in up-to-date scholarship, makes little-known material accessible to a wide audience"--
Scalds and scaldic poetry --- Eddas --- Old Norse poetry --- History and criticism. --- Chase, Martin, --- Arthurian Studies. --- Eddic Poetry. --- Medieval Romance. --- Norse Mythology. --- Old Norse. --- Rímur. --- Skaldic Poetry. --- Snorri Sturluson. --- Strengleikar.
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Les cycles arthuriens du XIIIe siècle sont des ensembles au statut singulier, composés de romans autonomes mais pourtant interconnectés, construisant ensemble des univers de fiction cohérents. Ils produisent un réseau que le lecteur peut explorer à sa guise, de manière partielle ou complète, ordonnée ou désordonnée, en un parcours sans cesse renouvelé. C'est ce réseau inter-romanesque, dans les textes et leurs manuscrits, qui est l'objet de la présente étude : les romans cycliques, loin de développer leur sens en autarcie, vivent de la mise en lien de leurs récits et construisent ensemble, par le biais de la lecture organisatrice, des mondes narratifs multipolaires.
Fiction --- Old French literature --- anno 1200-1299 --- Altfranzösisch --- Romans de la table ronde --- Geschichte 1200-1300 --- Romans de la table ronde. --- Altfranzösisch. --- œaRoman médiévalœx12e siècle --- œaCycles (littérature) --- Arthurian romances --- Cycles (Literature) --- Cycles (littérature) --- Grail --- Roman médiéval --- History and criticism --- Legends --- 12e siècle --- Lancelot --- Romances --- Lancelot (Prose cycle)
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"Iwein" de Hartmann von Aue, adaptation du "Chevalier au Lion" de Chrétien de Troyes. A la fin du XIIe siècle, Hartmann von Aue, un clerc allemand originaire de Souabe, adapte Yvain ou le Chevalier au Lion de Chrétien de Troyes. Iwein constitue sans nul doute l'œuvre la plus aboutie et la plus fascinante de Hartmann. L'adaptateur y reprend les aventures autour desquelles s'organise le roman français : la fontaine merveilleuse, la conquête d'une reine et d'un pays, la folie d'Iwein, l'aide apportée aux chevaliers prisonniers du géant Harpin ou aux trois cents captives d'un château, le combat contre Gawein. Toutefois, Hartmann ne se contente pas d'adapter le roman de Chrétien à la langue allemande, il réinterprète sa source et transforme en profondeur les motivations des personnages et le sens des aventures. Ce qui prime chez Hartmann n'est plus le rapport entre fin' amor et prouesse mais le rôle de la chevalerie et l'idéal du miles christianus. Pour la première fois, ce roman allemand est traduit en français moderne.
Arthur [Cycle d' ] --- Arthurian romances --- Arthurromans --- Cycle arthurien --- Cycle d'Arthur --- Cycle de la Table ronde --- Hoofse roman [Duitse ] --- Ivain (Legendary character) --- Ivain (Personnage de légende) --- Iwein (Sagenfiguur) --- Roman courtois allemand --- Romances [German ] --- Romans arthuriens --- Romans bretons --- Romans de la Table ronde --- Table ronde [Romans de la ] --- Ywain (Legendary character) --- Chrétien de Troyes --- German poetry --- Middle High German, 1050-1500
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"Arthurian romance in Renaissance France has long been treated by modern critics as marginal - although manuscripts and printed volumes, adaptations and rewritings, show just how much writers, and especially publishers, saw its potential attractions for readers. This book is the first full-length study of what happens to Arthur at the beginning of the age of print. It explores the fascinations of Arthurian romance in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, from the magnificent presentation volumes offered by Antoine Verard or Galliot du Pre in the early years of the century to the perfunctory abbreviated Lancelot published by Benoit Rigaud in Lyon in 1591; from Pierre Sala's dutiful "translation" of Yvain to Jean Maugin's exuberant rewriting of the prose Tristan; from attempts at "new" romance like the little-known Giglan to the runaway best-seller Amadis de Gaule."-- Publisher description.
Arthurian romances --- French literature --- Renaissance --- Cycle d'Arthur --- Littérature française --- History and criticism. --- Histoire et critique --- Sala, Pierre, --- Amadís de Gaula (Spanish romance) --- Translations into French --- Book history --- Sociology of literature --- Old French literature --- Appreciation --- Littérature française --- Amadís de Gaula (Spanish romance) --- History and criticism --- Amadís (Spanish romance) --- Amadis of Gaul (Spanish romance) --- Amadigi di Gaula (Spanish romance) --- Amadís de Gaula --- 094:82-31 --- 82.085.43 --- 82.085.43 Literaire receptie --- Literaire receptie --- Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Roman --- 094:82-31 Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Roman --- Romances --- Amadis de Gaule. --- Antoine Vérard. --- Arthurian romance. --- Benoît Rigaud. --- Galliot du Pré. --- Giglan. --- Jean Maugin. --- Renaissance France. --- Yvain. --- cultural contexts. --- ideological attitudes. --- socio-cultural.
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