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Tri godine je prošlo od objavljivanja prvog izdanja Čitanke lezbejskih i gej ljudskih prava i dvije od drugog izdanja Čitanke LGBT ljudskih prava 2, koja je u odnosu na prvo izdanje bila dopunjena novim temama koje su pisali autori i autorice iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Pred vama se nalazi treće izdanje LGBT čitanke, čija je ideja da sažme i predstavi lokalno znanje koje se posljednjih godina proizvodilo za aktiviste i aktivistkinje, LGBT osobe i njihove prijateljice, prijatelje i rodbinu, za osobe koje rade u raznim institucijama, te za sve one ljude koje zanimaju ove teme. Struktura LGBT čitanke 3 pojednostavljena je i sadrži tri poglavlja. Prvo poglavlje obrađuje široke teme identiteta, seksualnosti i coming outa, a autorica poglavlja Jasmina Hasanagić objedinila je i predstavila najvažnija znanja o ovim temama, referirajući na savremenu domaću i stranu literaturu, te dajući preporuke za dalje čitanje o pitanjima kojima se bavila. Po istom principu su urađena i ostala dva dijela. Drugi dio donosi pregled historije LGBT aktivizma koji je, prema istom metodološkom principu sažimanja i objedinjavanja postojećeg znanja, uradila Slobodanka Dekić, dok je Vladana Vasić u trećem dijelu dala pregled pravne regulacije homoseksualnosti kroz zapadnu historiju, preko osvrta na situaciju u Socijalističkoj Federativnoj Republici Jugoslaviji, sve do danas aktuelnih pravnih pitanja kada je riječ o LGBT osobama, njihovim pravnim problemima i potrebama.
Human rights. --- LGBTQIA rights activists. --- Sexual minority activists.
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Sexual minority youth --- Juvenile delinquency --- Juvenile justice, Administration of --- United States.
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Sexual minorities' families. --- Sexual minority youth. --- Bisexual youth. --- Transsexual youth. --- Transgender youth. --- Homosexuality. --- Transsexualism. --- Gender nonconformity.
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Sexual minority youth --- Juvenile justice, Administration of --- Juvenile delinquency --- Prevention. --- United States.
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When “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the official U.S. policy on gays serving in the military, was repealed in September 2011, soldier Stephen Snyder-Hill (then Captain Hill) was serving in Iraq. Having endured years of this policy, which passively encouraged a culture of fear and secrecy for gay soldiers, Snyder-Hill submitted a video to a Republican primary debate held two days after the repeal. In the video he asked for the Republicans’ thoughts regarding the repeal and their plans, if any, to extend spousal benefits to legally married gay and lesbian soldiers. His video was booed by the audience on national television.Soldier of Change captures not only the media frenzy that followed that moment, placing Snyder-Hill at the forefront of this modern civil rights movement, but also his twenty-year journey as a gay man in the army: from self-loathing to self-acceptance to the most important battle of his life—protecting the disenfranchised. Since that time, Snyder-Hill has traveled the country with his husband, giving interviews on major news networks and speaking at universities, community centers, and pride parades, a champion of LGBT equality.
Columbus (Ohio) --- Gay activists --- Gay men --- Gay military personnel --- Don't ask, don't tell (Military personnel policy) --- Political activists --- United States. --- U.S. Army --- US Army --- Officers --- City of Columbus (Ohio) --- Activists, Gay --- Gay rights activists --- Rights activists, Gay --- Sexual minority activists
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Gays --- Gay activists --- Gay rights --- Gay liberation movement --- Political activists --- Gay and lesbian rights --- Gay men --- Lesbian rights --- Lesbians --- Rights of gays --- Rights of lesbians --- Civil rights --- Social conditions. --- History. --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Activists, Gay --- Gay rights activists --- Rights activists, Gay --- Sexual minority activists --- Gay people
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