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Electrons in molecules : from basic principles to molecular electronics.
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ISBN: 9780199297788 Year: 2014 Publisher: Oxford Oxford university press

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Planetologie extrasolarer Planeten
ISBN: 3642417493 Year: 2014 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer Spektrum,

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Als im Jahre 1995 die Schweizer Astronomen Michel Mayor und Didier Queloz die Entdeckung des ersten extrasolaren Planeten um einen sonnenähnlichen Stern bekanntgaben, konnte noch niemand ahnen, daß sich daraus in den folgenden knapp zwei Jahrzehnten eine neue, nicht nur in ihrer Entwicklung atemberaubende neue Disziplin der Astronomie entwickeln würde. Zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt (2013) findet man in den Katalogen der Astronomen mittlerweile fast 1000 bestätigte und über 3500 „Exoplanetenkandidaten“ – insbesondere Dank der unerwartet erfolgreichen Mission des leider im Frühjahr 2013 ausgefallenen Kepler-Weltraumteleskops.  Es zeigt sich immer mehr, daß Planetensysteme im Kosmos etwas ganz normales sind, die ihrer Natur gemäß eine riesige Formenvielfalt aufweisen. „Heiße Jupiter“, Super-Erden und Pulsarplaneten benennen Objekte, die in unserem Sonnensystem völlig unbekannt sind. Diese exotischen Welten, von denen man meist nur ein paar wenige Parameter kennt, regen nicht nur die Phantasie an, sondern sie befeuern auch die Hoffnung, über kurz oder lang in den Weiten der Milchstraße auch einmal einen Pendanten unseres blauen Planeten zu finden… In diesem Buch werden die wichtigsten Methoden und Erkenntnisse der Exoplanetenforschung so vorgestellt, daß der Leser einen profunden Überblick über diesen neuen Zweig der astronomischen Forschung erhält und in die Lage versetzt wird, die entsprechende Fachliteratur  mit Gewinn zu verfolgen.  Themen sind die verschiedenen Nachweis- und Beobachtungsmethoden von Exoplaneten, ihre Statistik und Klassifizierung, ihr physischer Aufbau sowie ihre Entstehung, wie er sich den Astronomen aus Beobachtungen und theoretischen Überlegungen erschließt.  Das Buch wendet sich an interessierte Studenten der Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften, an Abiturienten, Dozenten, Lehrer und nicht zuletzt an Amateurastronomen, die das Wissen über diesen faszinierenden Gegenstand der Forschung mit großer Begeisterung vielen Menschen nahebringen…     Mathias Scholz, 1981-1986 Studium der Physik an der Universität Rostock, danach Berechnungsingenieur und ab 1990 freiberuflich auf dem Gebiet der Umweltsimulation sowie im IT-Bereich tätig; Amateurastronom.

Consumption in China : how China's new consumer ideology is shaping the nation
ISBN: 9780745669717 9780745669700 Year: 2014 Publisher: Cambridge Polity

Multiferroic and magnetoelectric properties of Co-implanted ZnO thin films
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ISBN: 9789086497393 Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

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The study of multiferroics and in particular the magnetoelectric couplin g is nowadays a new focus among the many hot topics in physics. The prom ising future of multiferroic materials lies in the coexistence of tradit ionally uncorrelated properties and the existence of a sizable coupling between them. Multiferroics provide a possibility to control one primary order by means of another primary order and create devices that are sui table for special conditions or can create multifunctionality. However, it is difficult to find multiferroicity due to the incompatiblity of fer romagnetism and ferroelectricity. The mechanism to establish magnetoelec tric coupling is always exotic and varying. Although there have been imp ortant research findings in multiferroics, such as lone-pair based multi ferroics, spin-driven ferroelectricity and multiferroic composites, etc, the field is far from mature yet, and the limitations lie both in the f abrication process as well as the complex measurement methods for charac terizing the magnetoelectrical properties. In this thesis, we achieved a structure consisting of Co atoms and Co na noparticles embedded in a crystalline ZnO thin film, aiming at finding m ultiferroicity and novel magnetotransport in such a nanocomposite system . We fabricated the system by pulsed laser deposition of ZnO followed by high-fluence Co ion implantation. The structural properties were charac terized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray absorption fine structure measurements. The majority of Co exists in th e matrix in an oxidized state (i.e. can be treated as a so-called (Zn,Co )O matrix). On the other hand, crystallized nanosize Co particles were f ound to be embedded in the (Zn,Co)O thin films, in which the thin film s till keeps good crystallinity. In such a complex nanocomposite system, t he electrical properties were studied by means of a helium-4 flow cryost at with a superconducting magnet down to 2.5 K. The low-temperature resi stance of the films followed the Efros-Shklovskii type variable-range-ho pping. Magnetoresistance revealed a spin-dependent signature that surviv es up to 250 K. Negative magnetoresistance exceeding 10% was observed at a magnetic field of 1 T. The magnetic properties were characterized by superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry. The composite reveals a characteristic superparamagnetic behavior, which is consistent with the presence of metallic Co nanoparticles. In addition, in some ca ses we observed exchange bias in the ZnO-Co system. This exchange bias e ffect constitutes, to the best of our knowledge, the first time observat ion of this effect in the ZnO-Co system. Temperature dependent dielectric constant measurements revealed relaxor ferroelectricity, which was further confirmed by polarization measuremen ts. The combination of the polarization measurement with a cryomagnetic system allowed us to determine the magnetoelectric coupling properties. A remarkable magnetoelectric coupling showed up when measuring the polar ization curve under an applied magnetic field. The unexpected relaxor fe rroelectricty is believed to be the result of the local lattice distorti on induced by the incorporation of the Co nanoparticles.

Ionic liquid technology in metal refining : dissolution of metal oxides and separation by solvent extraction
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789086496884 Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

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It goes without saying that point defects play a crucial role in semiconductors, either benificial or detrimental. Introduced as dopants, they ‘define’ one of the most typical electrical characteristics of semiconductors. But often, point defects - mostly intrinsic ones -may play a most detrimental role such as encountered at semiconductor/insulator interfaces where they may be at the origin of an untolerable amount of interface traps and/or recombination centers. As stated, it points to inadequate interface passivation. This makes the study of point defects an indispensible part of bulk semiconductor andsemiconductor/interface science. The current work fits within the latter prospect, where in a fundamental approach, the conventional electron spin resonance (ESR) technique is applied to attempt atomic identification of crucial device-impacting point defects. By means of multi-frequency ESR study, this work is concerned with point defects in ZnS:Mn nanowires, IIIV semiconductor GaAs/oxide entities, and (100)Si/oxide structures with oxides of low dielectric constant . In the first part, multi-frequency ESR and electron spectroscopy techniques were combined to study the symmetry and electronic structures of Mn2+ dopants in solvothermally synthesized c-ZnS nanowires (average diameter 5 nm and 10 nm) with mixed hexagonal and cubic stacking structures. Three different symmetry sites for incorporation of Mn2+ in ZnS have been identified, i.e., substitutional, interstitial/surface sites, and Mn clusters at the surface. Quantum confinement effects are observed, the data indicating a drastically higher efficiency of Mn2+ substitution in large diameter nanowires. The major part of this work has focused on the study of inherently generated interface defects during thermal oxidation of GaAs aiming to assess the atomic-structural identity. The study has been carried out on (100)GaAs/native oxide structures thermally grown in the range Tox = 350-615 oC on both powders and slices of semi-insulating (100)GaAs. Generally, four types of ESR signals (defects) are observed.The first major one is undubiously identified as the As antisite defect which upon oxidation is seen, from Tox = 350 °C onward to be generated in densities increasing with Tox reaching alarmingly high levels (~ 1013 cm-2). This compellingly reveals substantial generation of interfacial 75As+Ga antisites in registry with the GaAs substrate layer, thus providing solid independent evidence of substantial interfacial As enrichment, appearing as endemic to oxidation of GaAs, and at the same time providing an answerof how a major part of excess As gets interfacially incorporated. Given the known electrical deep double donor attribute of As+Ga, direct identification is thus established of a major system of detrimental interface traps, well fit to cause Fermi level pinning. As to technological relevance, it indicates thatoxidation of the GaAs substrate should be efficiently avoided, or if occurred, the impact of it should be strictly removed when aiming realization of device-grade semiconductor/insulator interfaces.A second spectrum, observed in oxidized c-GaAs slices after additional VUV irradiation, is composed of a quartet, centered at gc 2.268 for the applied field direction in the (100)GaAs sample plane, and shows distinct anisotropic behavior; this newly observed spectrum is suggested to concern a VGa in GaAs. Two more isotropic signals are observed at g 2.06 and 1.937. However, in absence of any attendant resolved hyperfine structure, no atomic model can be proposed. Finally, also observed is the spectrum from substitutional Fe3+ ions introduced as compensation dopants (deep acceptors) in the semi-insulating parent GaAs substrate, of which the inferred crystal field data are found to comply will with previous results. The next part of the work deals with the study of CZ-(100)Si/insulator structures with organosilicate films of low dielectric constant grown at 300 oC. This deals with the observation of the NL8 ESR spectrum of C2v symmetry defect &#8722;a thermal double donor, which is found to be introduced in the c-Si substrate during a short UV-assisted thermal curing treatment at 430 oC. A remarkable non-uniform (in depth) generation profile is observed which is concluded as being associated with interface stress. Theresults provide a different and affirmative illustration of the influence of in situ strain during the formation of thermal donors during thermal treatment. The result points to the presence of substantial interface stress.

Chinese comfort women : testimonies from imperial Japan's sex slaves
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780199373895 Year: 2014 Publisher: New York Oxford university press

Why be moral? : Learning from the neo-Confucian Cheng Brothers
ISBN: 9781438452913 Year: 2014 Publisher: Albany State University of New York Press

Health at a glance : Europe 2014
ISBN: 9789264223271 Year: 2014 Publisher: Paris Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE)

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This third edition of Health at a Glance: Europe presents a set of key indicators related to health status, determinants of health, health care resources and activities, quality of care, access to care, and health expenditure and financing in 35 European countries.Cette édition contient aussi de nouveaux chapitres sur le personnel de santé et sur l’accès aux soins, qui est un important objectif des politiques de santé dans tous les pays de l’OCDE. Le chapitre sur la qualité des soins a été augmenté d’un ensemble d’indicateurs sur la qualité des soins pour les affections chroniques.Chaque indicateur est présenté dans un format qui se veut le plus clair possible : des graphiques illustrent les variations entre pays et dans le temps, un commentaire succinct tire les principales conclusions des données présentées, et un encadré méthodologique rappelle la définition de l’indicateur et les limitations éventuelles de la comparabilité des données. Une annexe statistique fournit des précisions supplémentaires sur le contexte démographique et économique dans lequel opèrent les systèmes de santé et décrit brièvement les caractéristiques clés du financement du système de santé et de la prestation des services dans les pays de l’OCDE.

Economic Impact of Selected Conflicts in the Middle East : What Can We Learn from the Past?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1498351859 1498311938 1498390307 Year: 2014 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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Using narrative-based country-case studies, war episodes in the Middle East were examined to assess their economic impact on conflict and neighboring economies. The paper found that conflicts led to a contraction in growth, higher inflation, large fiscal and current account deficits, loss of reserves, and a weakened financial system. Post-conflict recovery depended on the economic and institutional development of the country, economic structure, duration of the war, international engagement, and prevailing security conditions. The net economic impact on neighboring countries varied according to their initial economic conditions, number and income level of refugees they hosted, economic integration, and external assistance.

Coronal Magnetometry
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1493920383 1493920375 Year: 2014 Publisher: New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer,

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This volume is a collection of research articles on the subject of the solar corona, and particularly, coronal magnetism. The book was motivated by the Workshop on Coronal Magnetism: Connecting Models to Data and the Corona to the Earth, which was held 21 - 23 May 2012 in Boulder, Colorado, USA. This workshop was attended by approximately 60 researchers. Articles from this meeting are contained in this topical issue, but the topical issue also contains contributions from researchers not present at the workshop. This volume is aimed at researchers and graduate students active in solar physics. Originally published in Solar Physics, Vol. 288, Issue 2, 2013 and Vol. 289, Issue 8, 2014.

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