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On 18 March 2018 Vladimir Putin was elected President of the Russian Federation for the fourth time, and at the beginning of May he will begin his next term, which, in accordance with Russian law, should last until 2024. During his rule, which started at the beginning of 2000, Putin and his associates have profoundly changed Russia, its economic and political system, and its foreign policy. This report is intended, firstly, to act as a summary of the results of Putin’s rule until now, in the areas of domestic policy, the economy and foreign policy, and the security and defence spheres related to these policies. Secondly, it aims to characterise the main challenges which the Russian authorities face on the threshold of Putin’s fourth term. Thirdly and finally, it will attempt to outline the prospects for the Kremlin’s policy, and offer forecasts of future developments in those areas in Russia.
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The Nordic Economic Policy Review - NEPR - is published by the Nordic Council of Ministers and addresses policy issues in a way that is useful for informed non-specialists as well as for professional economists. All articles are commissioned from leading professional economists and are subject to peer review prior to publication. The review appears twice a year.
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À Lépante, le 7 octobre 1571, trois heures durant, près de 170 000 hommes s'affrontent sur la mer. C'est l'une des plus gigantesques batailles navales de l'histoire. L'immense flotte ottomane – 280 navires, 34 000 combattants – est anéantie, et douze à quinze mille esclaves chrétiens libérés. L'histoire paraît se retourner : victorieuse du Turc, l'Europe chrétienne croit achever la croisade. De cette bataille à la mesure du monde on ne connaissait que la part du vainqueur. Michel Lesure ouvre ici le trésor des archives ottomanes : sous le triomphe chrétien, il montre la crise profonde puis le ressaisissement de l'empire turc. Un ressaisissement qui conduira bientôt l'Espagne, tournée vers l'Atlantique, à faire la paix et à abandonner la Méditerranée aux corsaires. Lépante, dont le mythe éclatant vit encore, est d'abord une hécatombe inutile, où les ennemis s'épuisent dans la bravoure et le sang avant de comprendre que le temps des croisades comme celui de la guerre sainte est passé.
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The purpose of this monograph is to present and analyse as completely as possible and with great level of detail the impact assessment tool and to examine its application in the European Union, including in Bulgaria. To achieve the aforementioned goals, the following research tasks have been completed: 1) An overview of the contemporary foreign and Bulgarian specialized economic literature in the impact assessment field has been conducted; 2) The main theoretical concepts of the impact assessment tool are reviewed and presented in their nature, objectives, scope, impact types and main principles for impact assessment application; 3) The main steps in an impact assessment preparation process are outlined; 4) A SWOT analysis is conducted on the main methods utilized in the impact assessment preparation; 5) The role of the various European institutions related to the impact assessment is analysed – European Commission, European Parliament, Council of the EU; 6) An indicative impact assessment of an EU legal act which will be transposed in Bulgaria has been prepared; 7) Constatations are outlined as well as conclusions and recommendations are formulated about the opportunities to improve the practices of impact assessment implementation in Bulgaria.
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As usual in this series, Chapter 1 reviews the configuration of global risks and assesses the outstanding short term opportunities and challenges facing the LAC region. A special focus is placed this time around on the difference between exposure and vulnerability to exogenous shocks, with the latter assessed by adjusting exposure for a country's shock absorption policy capacity. Given the global context and associated concerns with capital flow volatility, in Chapter 2 we take a look at the comparatively more stable components of international flows: FDI and Remittances. The cyclicality and volatility, as well as the joint determinants of FDI and Remittances are reviewed.
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Plus de 100 indicateurs couvrent un très large éventail de domaines: l'agriculture, la production économique, l'aide au développement, l'éducation, l'énergie, l'environnement, la santé, la richesse des ménages, l'industrie, les technologies de l'information et de la communication, le commerce international, la main-d'œuvre, la population, la fiscalité, les dépenses publiques et la transparence et la R & D. Les données sont fournies pour tous les pays membres de l'OCDE (y compris les totaux des superficies) et pour certaines économies non membres (notamment le Brésil, la Chine, l'Inde, l'Indonésie, la Russie et l'Afrique du Sud). Pour chaque indicateur, il y a une double page: une page de texte comporte une brève introduction, puis une définition détaillée de l'indicateur, des commentaires sur la comparabilité des données, une évaluation des tendances à long terme liées à l'indicateur et une liste de références pour de plus amples informations sur l'indicateur; la page opposée contient un tableau et un graphique qui illustre - d'un coup d'œil - le message clé véhiculé par les données. Pour chaque table est fourni un "StatLink» dynamique où les lecteurs peuvent télécharger les données correspondantes.
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