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Après avoir fait le point sur les connaissances en matière de « néonaticide », « filicide » et « infanticide », cet ouvrage se propose une analyse de situations infanticides à partir de dizaines de cas, depuis la mort du nouveau-né, parfois répétée plusieurs fois, jusqu’au meurtre de masse (plusieurs enfants). Ces mères qui ont tué leur(s) bébé(s) ou leurs enfants sont habitées par une mélancolie particulière qui est au centre de ces histoires dramatiques, mais cependant toutes singulières. Cette mélancolie n’est pas une maladie mentale et se doit d’être expliquée, car incomprise, par le clinicien lors de procès souvent fort médiatisés. L’ouvrage, issu de l’expérience clinique de l’auteur, tente de décrypter et de répondre à une interrogation essentielle qui fait aujourd’hui débat : Comment certaines femmes se retrouvent-elles face à un besoin de « néantisation » qui les fait se supprimer en tant que mères ou conserver comme témoins de leur « maternalité » les corps de leurs nourrissons décédés ?
Criminology. Victimology --- Infanticide --- Enfants --- Homicide --- Crimes contre --- Psychological aspects --- Parent and child --- Parents et enfants --- Aspect psychologique --- EPUB-ALPHA-A EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- E-books
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Women --- Victims --- Human trafficking --- Feminism. --- Crimes contre les femmes --- Violence envers les femmes --- Traite des êtres humains --- Féminisme --- Crimes against. --- Violence against. --- Political aspects --- Political aspects. --- Traite des êtres humains --- Féminisme
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Children are the most criminally victimized segment of the population, and a substantial number face multiple, serious "poly-victimizations" during a single year. And despite the fact that the priority emphasis in academic research and government policy has traditionally gone to studying juvenile delinquents, children actually appear before authorities more frequently as victims than as offenders. But at the same time, the media and many advocates have failed to note the good news: rates of sexual abuse, child homicide, and many other forms of victimization declined dramatically after the mid-1990s, and some terribly feared forms of child victimization, like stereotypical stranger abduction, are remarkably uncommon. The considerable ignorance about the realities of child victimization can be chalked up to a field that is fragmented, understudied, and subjected to political demagoguery. In this persuasive book, David Finkelhor presents a comprehensive new vision to encompass the prevention, treatment, and study of juvenile victims, unifying conventional subdivisions like child molestation, child abuse, bullying, and exposure to community violence. Developmental victimology, his term for this integrated perspective, looks at child victimization across childhood's span and yields fascinating insights about how to categorize juvenile victimizations, how to think about risk and impact, and how victimization patterns change over the course of development. The book also provides a valuable new model of society's response to child victimization - what Finkelhor calls the Juvenile Victim Justice System - and a fresh way of thinking about barriers that victims and their families encounter when seeking help. These models will be very useful to anyone seeking to improve the way we try to help child victims. Crimes against children still happen far too often, but by proposing a new framework for thinking about the issue, Childhood Victimization opens a promising door to reducing its frequency and improving the response. Professionals, policymakers, and child advocates will find this paradigm-shifting book to be a valuable addition to their shelves.
Child Abuse --- United States --- Legislation --- Child Care --- HV 8079.C46 Child Abuse --- Abused children --- Children --- Child abuse --- Enfants maltraités --- Enfants --- Services for --- Crimes against --- Services aux --- Crimes contre --- Violence envers --- Enfants maltraités
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Armenian Genocide, 1915-1923. --- Armenians --- Genocide --- Tutsi (African people) --- Génocide arménien, 1915-1923 --- Arméniens --- Génocide --- Tutsi (Peuple d'Afrique) --- Crimes against --- History --- Crimes contre --- Histoire --- Turkey --- Rwanda --- Turquie --- Ethnic relations --- Atrocities. --- Relations interethniques --- Atrocités
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Crimes against humanity (International law) --- War crimes (International law) --- Transitional justice --- Intervention (International law) --- International criminal law --- Crimes contre l'humanité (Droit international) --- Crimes de guerre (Droit international) --- Justice transitionnelle --- Intervention (Droit international) --- Droit international pénal --- Africa. --- Developing countries.
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"Women, Crime and Criminal Justice speaks to the need for a new book that offers a global and diverse approach to the study of women and criminology. Despite an explosion of interest in international women's issues such as femicide and trafficking in women, criminological books in the area have previously focused predominantly on domestic issues. This is the first fully internationalized book to focus on women as offenders, victims and justice professionals. It provides background, as well as specialized information that allows readers to comprehend the global forces that shape women and crime; analyze different types of violence against women (in peacetime and in armed conflict); and grasp the challenges faced by women in justice professions such as the police, the judiciary and international peacekeeping.Provocative, highly topical, engaging and written by an expert in the field, this book examines the role of women in crime and criminal justice internationally. Topics covered include: the role of globalization and development in patterns of female offending and victimization, how a human rights framework can help explain women's crime, victimization and the criminal justice response, global women's activism, international perspectives on violence against women, including femicide, violence in conflict and post conflict settings, sex work and sex trafficking, women's access to justice, as well as the increased role of women in international criminal justice settings. This book is perfect reading for students taking courses on gender, crime and criminal justice, violence against women, international criminal justice and gender studies. It will also be interesting to those involved in the study of development, human rights, governance, security sector reform, international relations and public health, as debates about these subjects are intrinsically linked to the issues surrounding women, crime and justice".
Female offenders. --- Women --- Criminal justice, Administration of. --- Feminist criminology. --- Sex discrimination in criminal justice administration. --- Criminelles. --- Crimes contre les femmes. --- Justice pénale --- Criminologie féministe. --- Discrimination sexuelle dans l'administration de la justice pénale --- Crimes against. --- Administration
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De la structure au fonctionnement et au sens du droit international pénal, l'auteur développe trois pistes de théorisation, dans une tension entre la doctrine initialement très enthousiaste et les critiques de plus en plus marquées à l'égard de la "justice pour les crimes les plus graves". Sa conception plurielle du monde (juridique) mène à questionner tant la pratique que les discours dominant la matière, esquissant une conceptualisation de cette branche de droit in situ nascendi.
Crimes d'État --- Crimes internationaux --- Criminal law [International ] --- Droit international pénal --- Droit pénal (Droit international) --- Délits internationaux --- Infractions internationales --- Internationaal strafrecht --- International crime --- International crimes --- International criminal law --- International offenses --- Internationale misdaden --- Internationale misdrijven --- Misdaden [Internationaal ] --- International criminal law. --- Crimes against humanity. --- Atrocities --- Criminal liability (International law) --- Crimes contre l'humanité --- Atrocités --- Responsabilité pénale (Droit international) --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Criminal jurisdiction --- --Droit international pénal --- Philosophie --- --Criminal jurisdiction --- Droit international pénal --- Crimes contre l'humanité --- Atrocités --- Responsabilité pénale (Droit international) --- Law --- Philosophy --- Droit international pénal. --- Philosophie. --- --Droit international pénal. --- --International crimes
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En 1994, le Rwanda devient tristement célèbre : un génocide d'une intensité inouïe fauche près d'un million de vies en cent jours. Le groupe minoritaire identifié comme Tutsi est la principale cible des massacres. Les femmes, quant à elles, connaissent un sort particulier.Violées et tuées, violées et réduites en esclavage sexuel par les soldats, les miliciens, les politiciens ou par de simples quidams.En adoptant une perspective féministe, l'auteure prend la mesure des soubassements culturels, sociaux et politiques sur lesquels repose la systématisation du viol en temps de guerre. Elle nous permet de comprendre comment ces hommes et cesfemmes du Rwanda, minuscule territoire culturellement et linguistiquement homogène, ont pu en arriver à commettre des actes si monstrueux.Au Rwanda, l'endoctrinement des foules a encouragé la stigmatisation de l'« Autre », les médias de la haine propageant la représentation des femmes tutsi comme des êtres dotés d'un charme maléfique et d'une sexualité dévorante au service de leur « race ».L'ennemi « femme » apparaît toujours différent de l'ennemi-tout-court.
Génocide --- Femmes --- Relations entre hommes et femmes --- Survivants de génocides --- Violence envers --- Viol comme arme de guerre --- Génocide des Tutsi (1994) --- Crimes contre --- Rwanda --- Rape as a weapon of war --- Genocide --- Women --- Tutsi (African people) --- History --- Violence against --- Crimes against --- Rwandan Genocide, Rwanda, 1994 --- Génocide - Rwanda --- Femmes - Violence envers - Rwanda --- Relations entre hommes et femmes - Rwanda --- Survivants de génocides - Rwanda
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Crimes against humanity (International law) --- War crimes (International law) --- Transitional justice --- Intervention (International law) --- International criminal law --- Crimes contre l'humanité (Droit international) --- Crimes de guerre (Droit international) --- Justice transitionnelle --- Intervention (Droit international) --- Droit international pénal --- International criminal law. --- Transitional justice. --- Africa. --- Developing countries.
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