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This title shows how medicine, science, and society jointly - though not intentionally-stigmatize ADHD - diagnosed people while offering them few options. It also explores ways we can change our concepts and practices to improve factual understanding of ADHD, open alternatives to affected people, and reduce intolerance.
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. --- Behavior disorders in children. --- Behavior problems in children --- Behavioral disorders in children --- Behavioral problems in children --- Child behavior disorders --- Disruptive behavior disorders in children --- Child psychopathology --- Problem children --- ADD (Child behavior disorder) --- ADHD (Child behavior disorder) --- Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity --- Attention deficit disorders --- Hyperactive child syndrome --- Hyperkinesia in children --- Hyperkinetic syndrome --- Behavior disorders in children --- Minimal brain dysfunction in children
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Dit boek biedt leerkrachten een praktisch overzicht van gedragsproblemen en gedrags- en ontwikkelingsstoornissen die je bij kinderen in de klas kunt tegenkomen en hoe je hiermee kunt omgaan. Het is helder geschreven en direct toepasbaar in de dagelijkse klassenpraktijk. Dit boek laat zien dat het vaak verrassend kleine dingen zijn die kinderen met grote problemen goed kunnen ondersteunen! Zorgplicht en passend onderwijs zijn goede concepten, maar brengen nogal wat te weeg op school. Steeds vaker komen er kinderen met forse gedragsproblemen of gedrags- en ontwikkelingsstoornissen in het regulier basisonderwijs en van leerkrachten wordt verwacht dat ze hier adequaat mee kunnen omgaan. Om les te kunnen blijven geven in een klas waarin steeds meer zorgkinderen zitten die de nodige ondersteuning behoeven, is dit boek geschreven. Gedragsproblemen in de klas begint met het onderscheid tussen gedragsproblemen en gedragsstoornissen. Hierna beschrijft ieder hoofdstuk een gedragsprobleem of gedrags- of ontwikkelingsstoornis die je in de klas kunt tegenkomen, zoals AD(H)D, ASS, depressie, faalangst en pestgedrag. Het beantwoordt vragen als: hoe kun je kinderen ondersteunen die ondanks hun beperkingen moeten functioneren op de gewone basisschool? Wat kun je doen? Wat kun je beter niet doen? Het boek eindigt met een hoofdstuk over executieve functies en hun invloed op gedrags- en ontwikkelingsstoornissen.
Orthopedagogics --- gedragsstoornissen --- leerlingenbegeleiding --- kinderen met een beperking --- Behavior disorders in children --- Behavior problems in children --- Behavioral problems in children --- Child behavior disorders --- Comportement chez l'enfant [Troubles du ] --- Comportement chez les enfants [Troubles du ] --- Disruptive behavior disorders in children --- Enfant -- Troubles du comportement --- Enfant [Troubles du comportement chez l' ] --- Enfants -- Troubles du comportement --- Enfants [Troubles du comportement chez les ] --- Gedragsproblemen bij kinderen --- Gedragsstoornissen bij de kinderen --- Kinderen [Gedragstoornissen bij de ] --- Stoornissen [Gedrag] bij de kinderen --- Troubles comportementaux infantiles --- Troubles de comportement infantiles --- Troubles du comportement chez l'enfant --- Troubles du comportement chez les enfants --- Gedragsstoornissen ; basisonderwijs --- Classroom management --- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- Problem children --- Education --- PXL-Education 2015 --- basisonderwijs --- gedragsproblemen --- leerproblemen --- Didactics --- Primary education --- Secondary education
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Empirical research has clearly demonstrated that animal abuse in childhood is associated with family violence and violent behavior towards humans in general. Such abuse is accordingly of increasing interest within human services and the criminal justice system. This handbook will serve as an ideal resource for therapists in social work, psychology, psychiatry, and allied fields who work with children who have abused animals. It provides step-by-step guidance on how to assess, develop appropriate treatment plans for, and treat children who commit animal abuse, based on the AniCare model developed by the Animals and Society Institute. Exercises cover the identification and expression of feelings, the development of empathy, self-management skills, and working with parents. Careful consideration is also paid to the effects of witnessing animal abuse. The theoretical framework is eclectic, encompassing cognitive behavioral, psychodynamic, and attachment theories. A number of illustrative case studies are included, along with excerpts from treatment sessions. Accompanying electronic supplementary material demonstrates role-played assessment and treatment and includes workshop presentations of pedagogic material.
Behavior disorders in children. --- Child psychopathology. --- Children --- Mental illness in children --- Psychopathology, Child --- Psychopathology in children --- Behavior problems in children --- Behavioral disorders in children --- Behavioral problems in children --- Child behavior disorders --- Disruptive behavior disorders in children --- Mental disorders --- Medicine. --- Psychiatry. --- Psychotherapy. --- Psychology. --- Child psychology. --- School psychology. --- Medicine & Public Health. --- Child and School Psychology. --- Psychology, general. --- Child psychopathology --- Problem children --- Child mental health --- Psychology, Pathological --- Child psychiatry --- Developmental psychology. --- Philosophy (General). --- Psychagogy --- Therapy (Psychotherapy) --- Mental illness --- Clinical sociology --- Mental health counseling --- Development (Psychology) --- Developmental psychobiology --- Psychology --- Life cycle, Human --- Medicine and psychology --- Mental health --- Treatment --- Psychotherapy . --- Behavioral sciences --- Mental philosophy --- Mind --- Science, Mental --- Human biology --- Philosophy --- Soul --- Psychology, School --- Psychology, Applied --- Behavior, Child --- Child behavior --- Child study --- Pediatric psychology --- Child development --- Developmental psychology
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When a child has difficulties eating or sleeping, or throws frequent tantrums, many parents cross their fingers and hope it's a phase to be outgrown soon. But when they persist, challenging behaviors can follow children to school, contributing to academic problems, social difficulties, and further problems in adolescence and adulthood. The authors of Evidence-Based Interventions for Children with Challenging Behavior take a preventive approach in this concise, well-detailed guide. Offering best practices from an extensive Response to Intervention (RTI) evidence base, the book provides guidelines for recognizing the extent of feeding, sleeping, toileting, aggression, and other issues, and supplies successful primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions with rationales. Case examples integrate developmental theories and behavior principles into practice, illustrate how strategies work, and show how to ensure that parents and caregivers can implement them consistently for maximum effect. Progress charts, content questions, and other helpful features make this an invaluable resource for students and professionals alike. Included in the coverage: The prevention model and problem solving. Screening techniques. Evidence-based practices with children and their caregivers. Behavior principles and their application. Monitoring progress and evaluating outcomes. Plus helpful appendices, resource links, and other learning tools. Evidence-Based Interventions for Children with Challenging Behavior is an essential text for graduate students, scientist-practitioners/professionals, and researchers in child and school psychology; assessment, testing and evaluation; occupational therapy; family; educational psychology; and speech pathology.
Philosophy (General). --- Occupational Therapy. --- Speech pathology. --- Educational tests and measurements. --- Educational psychology. --- Developmental psychology. --- Psychology. --- Child and School Psychology. --- Assessment, Testing and Evaluation. --- Family. --- Educational Psychology. --- Speech Pathology. --- Behavior disorders in children --- Social Sciences --- Psychology --- Treatment --- Education --- Psychology, Educational --- Educational assessment --- Educational measurements --- Mental tests --- Tests and measurements in education --- Behavior problems in children --- Behavioral disorders in children --- Behavioral problems in children --- Child behavior disorders --- Disruptive behavior disorders in children --- Development (Psychology) --- Defective speech --- Disorders of speech --- Speech, Disorders of --- Speech defects --- Speech pathology --- Activity programs, Therapeutic effect of --- Occupation therapy --- Work, Therapeutic effect of --- Occupational therapy. --- Assessment. --- Families. --- Families --- Child psychology. --- School psychology. --- Social aspects. --- Educational tests and measuremen. --- Child psychology --- Communicative disorders --- Medical rehabilitation --- Physical therapy --- Psychotherapy --- Therapeutics, Physiological --- Developmental psychobiology --- Life cycle, Human --- Philosophy (General) --- Speech disorders. --- Families—Social aspects. --- Education—Psychology. --- Family --- Family life --- Family relationships --- Family structure --- Relationships, Family --- Structure, Family --- Social institutions --- Birth order --- Domestic relations --- Home --- Households --- Kinship --- Marriage --- Matriarchy --- Parenthood --- Patriarchy --- Psychology, School --- Psychology, Applied --- Behavior, Child --- Child behavior --- Child study --- Children --- Pediatric psychology --- Child development --- Developmental psychology --- Social aspects --- Social conditions --- Evaluation. --- Assessment --- Research
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