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Casa Bloc dwelling 1/11 : a symbol of rationalist architecture in Barcelona
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Year: 2014 Publisher: Barcelona : Museu del Disseny,

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Constructed during the Second Republic in Barcelona by architects Josep Lluís Sert, Josep Torres Clavé and Joan Baptista Subirana, the Casa Bloc was built using the ideologies of the GATCPAC (Grup d'Artistes i Tècnics Catalans pel Progrés de l'Arquitectura Contemporània, Group of Artists and Technicians for the progress of Catalan Contemporary Architecture). One of these apartments has now been restored to its original state. The guided tour of Apartment 1/11 gives visitors a real perspective the innovation the Casa Bloc project represents in regards to the architecture and the society of its time.

Nuevos dibujos y dos lienzos inéditos de Claudio Coello

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Casa Grande Ruins National Monument : acoustical monitoring 2010
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Fort Collins, Colorado : U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Natural Resource Stewardship and Science,

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The Casa Del Deán : New World Imagery in a Sixteenth-Century Mexican Mural Cycle
ISBN: 147732934X Year: 2014 Publisher: Austin, TX : University of Texas Press,

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The Casa del Deán in Puebla, Mexico, is one of few surviving sixteenth-century residences in the Americas. Built in 1580 by Tomás de la Plaza, the Dean of the Cathedral, the house was decorated with at least three magnificent murals, two of which survive. Their rediscovery in the 1950s and restoration in 2010 revealed works of art that rival European masterpieces of the early Renaissance, while incorporating indigenous elements that identify them with Amerindian visual traditions. Extensively illustrated with new color photographs of the murals, The Casa del Deán presents a thorough iconographic analysis of the paintings and an enlightening discussion of the relationship between Tomás de la Plaza and the indigenous artists whom he commissioned. Penny Morrill skillfully traces how native painters, trained by the Franciscans, used images from Classical mythology found in Flemish and Italian prints and illustrated books from France-as well as animal images and glyphic traditions with pre-Columbian origins-to create murals that are reflective of Don Tomás's erudition and his role in evangelizing among the Amerindians. She demonstrates how the importance given to rhetoric by both the Spaniards and the Nahuas became a bridge of communication between these two distinct and highly evolved cultures. This pioneering study of the Casa del Deán mural cycle adds an important new chapter to the study of colonial Latin American art, as it increases our understanding of the process by which imagery in the New World took on Christian meaning.

De ridder die niet slapen wilde : (en zijn paardje Parcifal)
ISBN: 9789058389336 Year: 2014 Publisher: Wielsbeke De Eenhoorn

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Er was eens een ridder. Hij had een heel groot zwaard en een flappermantel. Hij had ook een puntige dolk, om boterhammen mee te smeren, en een krukje met drie poten. Wanneer de maan door het venster scheen en het knuffelkonijn klaarstond, was het bedtijd. Maar de ridder had geen zin om naar bed te gaan. Hij moest eerst nog een paar dingen doen : hij nam zijn degen en zijn knots en zijn piratensabel en ...

Introduction to audio analysis : a MATLAB approach
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0080993893 0080993885 9780080993881 9780080993898 Year: 2014 Publisher: Oxford : Academic Press,

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Introduction to Audio Analysis serves as a standalone introduction to audio analysis, providing theoretical background to many state-of-the-art techniques. It covers the essential theory necessary to develop audio engineering applications, but also uses programming techniques, notably MATLAB®, to take a more applied approach to the topic. Basic theory and reproducible experiments are combined to demonstrate theoretical concepts from a practical point of view and provide a solid foundation in the field of audio analysis. Audio feature extraction, audio classification, audio se

Daylighting Design
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3038214787 9783038214786 Year: 2014 Publisher: Basel

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For thousands of years people have aligned their homes with the sun. This tendency decreased with the availability of artificial light. Yet, due to the health effects of artificial light as well as rising energy costs, the issue of designing with daylight is of great importance again today. The primary objective of daylight systems is to make maximum use of daylight for certain building types and climates. The book documents the various dimensions of the optimum use of daylight with particular reference to window orientation, light distribution, and prism technology, and discusses the health and economic related aspects. In the final chapter, existing design concepts are documented in detail, including the expansion of the Art Institute of Chicago Museum in the United States by Renzo Piano Building Workshop,Terminal 3 of the Changi Airport in Singapore by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, and the Clever House in Germany by Behnisch Architekten. Über Jahrtausende hinweg haben Menschen ihre Häuser nach der Sonne ausgerichtet. Mit der Verfügbarkeit von künstlichem Licht geriet dies zunehmend aus dem Blick. Angesichts der gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen des Kunstlichts einerseits, steigender Energiekosten andererseits ist das Thema der Tageslichtplanung heute jedoch wieder von großer Bedeutung. Das vorrangige Ziel von Tageslichtsystemen besteht darin, für bestimmte Gebäudetypen und Klimaverhältnisse Tageslicht maximal zu nutzen. Das Buch dokumentiert mit besonderem Bezug auf Fensterorientierung, Lichtverteilung und Prismentechnik die verschiedenen Dimensionen der optimalen Tageslichtnutzung und geht dabei auch auf die gesundheitlichen und ökonomischen Aspekte ein. In einem abschließenden Kapitel werden konkrete Gestaltungskonzepte detailliert dokumentiert, u.a. die Erweiterung des Art Institute of Chicago Museum, USA, von Renzo Piano Building Workshop und der Terminal 3 des Changi Airport, Singapore, von Skidmore, Owings & Merrill.


Daylighting. --- Light in architecture. --- lighting --- building --- architecture --- solar architecture --- toepassing van zonneënergie in de architectuur --- helioarchitektūra --- arquitectura solar --- impianto termico solare --- construcție pentru captarea energiei solare --- arquitetura solar --- solární architektura --- aurinkoenergia-arkkitehtuuri --- slnečná architektúra --- arkitekturë diellore --- соларна архитектура --- solenergiarkitektur --- architektura słoneczna --- päikesearhitektuur --- solarna arhitektura --- grianailtireacht --- architettura solare --- solārarhitektūra --- toepassing van zonne-energie in de architectuur --- architecture solaire --- arkitettura solari --- saulės architektūra --- szoláris építészet --- solbyggnadsteknik --- ηλιακή αρχιτεκτονική --- слънчева архитектура --- Solararchitektur --- architettura civile --- Baukunst --- építőművészet --- ehituskunst --- arquitectura --- disegno architettonico --- architettura militare --- architectuur --- архитектура --- architektura --- arkitektur --- architettura --- architektūra --- Architektur --- architektúra --- αρχιτεκτονική --- arquitetura --- arkitektura --- arkitettura --- építészet --- arhitektuur --- arhitectură --- ailtireacht --- arhitektūra --- arhitektura --- arkkitehtuuri --- зграда --- οικοδομή --- hus --- κτήριο --- οικοδόμημα --- fabbricato --- casa --- local --- építmény --- construcción --- edificiu --- изградба --- zgrada --- stabile --- immeuble --- immobile --- Bau --- byggeri --- construction --- statinys --- celtniecība --- građevina --- bouw --- fastighet --- конструкција --- imobil --- κτίριο --- објект --- budova --- здание --- edificio --- épület --- zgradba --- ndërtesë --- gebouw --- Gebäude --- gradnja --- būvniecība --- ehitis --- byggnad --- bygning --- bini --- foirgneamh --- clădire --- stavba --- pastatas --- bâtiment --- budowla --- rakennus --- edifício --- ЛЕД осветлување --- osvětlení --- illuminazzjoni --- impianto d'illuminazione --- soilsiú --- осветлување --- Beleuchtung --- éclairage --- tidwil --- ndriçim --- osvetlenie --- осветљење --- valgustus --- осветление --- valaistus --- iluminat --- világítás --- svítidla --- rasvjeta --- apgaisme --- oświetlenie --- verlichting --- illuminazione --- apšvietimas --- iluminação --- alumbrado --- razsvetljava --- belysning --- φωτισμός --- Architecture --- Lighting, Architectural and decorative --- Lighting --- Daylight

Disadvantaged Workers : Empirical Evidence and Labour Policies
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3319043765 3319043757 Year: 2014 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book includes empirical contributions focusing on disadvantaged workers. According to the European Commission’s definition, disadvantaged workers include categories of workers with difficulties entering the labour market without assistance and, hence, requiring the application of public measures aimed at improving their employment opportunities. In addition to the labour market perspective, this is also relevant in terms of social cohesion, which is one of the central objectives of the European Union and of its Member States. This work deals with the most relevant groups of disadvantaged workers, namely disabled workers, young workers, women living in depressed areas, migrants in the labour market and the long-term unemployed, and analyses the situation in the Italian, Spanish and some African labour markets. The determinants of disadvantage in the labour market are investigated, highlighting both the role of supply variables, including structural factors, and the weakness on the demand side, the role of the economic crisis, and the ineffectiveness of some labour policies. A complex framework emerges in which disadvantaged groups may share common problems, both in terms of integration into the labour market and in terms of working conditions, but often require group-specific policies, taking into account their intergroup heterogeneity.


Economic policy. --- Social policy. --- Labor economics. --- Economics. --- Labor Economics. --- Economic Policy. --- Social Policy. --- Economics --- National planning --- State planning --- Economic policy --- Family policy --- Social history --- Economic nationalism --- Economic planning --- Planning --- National security --- Social policy --- People with disabilities --- Youth --- Women --- Employment. --- Employment of women --- Equal pay for equal work --- Sex discrimination in employment --- Working women in motion pictures --- Unemployed youth --- Supported employment --- Occupations --- Mercat de treball --- Política laboral --- Persones amb discapacitat --- Joves --- Dones --- Migrants --- Aturats --- Atur --- Treballadors migratoris --- Dret al treball --- Grups d'edat --- Adolescents --- Joves internautes --- Treball social amb els joves --- Serveis socials per als joves --- Emigrants --- Immigrants --- Població d'origen estrangera --- Població estrangera --- Estrangers --- Dones immigrants --- Famílies immigrants --- Fills d'immigrants --- Infants immigrants --- Migrants adolescents --- Migrants en situació irregular --- Migració (Població) --- Serveis socials per als immigrants --- Treball social amb els immigrants --- Dona --- Dones joves --- Home --- Araboamericanes --- Àvies --- Discapacitades --- Dones aborígens --- Dones ameríndies --- Dones artistes --- Dones casades --- Dones de mitjana edat --- Dones en la publicitat --- Dones en la religió --- Dones grans --- Dones maltractades --- Dones maltractadores --- Dones sindicalistes --- Dones soles --- Dones solteres --- Embarassades --- Feminisme --- Filles --- Filòsofes --- Fotografia de dones --- Germans (Antropologia) --- Jueves --- Heroïnes --- Mares --- Matriarcat --- Mestresses de casa --- Mullers --- Musulmanes --- Pageses --- Prostitutes --- Reines --- Treball de les dones --- Educació de la dona --- Misogínia --- Qüestió de la dona --- Serveis socials per a les dones --- Sida en les dones --- Treball social amb les dones --- Deficients --- Deficients físics --- Discapacitats --- Discapacitats físics --- Disminuïts --- Disminuïts físics --- Minusvàlids --- Persones amb deficiències --- Persones amb discapacitats --- Persones amb diversitat funcional --- Persones amb minusvalidesa --- Persones discapacitades --- Persones excepcionals --- Accessibilitat web --- Alumnes amb discapacitat --- Amputats --- Artistes amb discapacitat --- Esportistes amb discapacitat --- Infants amb discapacitat --- Joves amb discapacitat --- Laringectomitzats --- Malalts --- Ostomitzats --- Paralítics --- Persones amb discapacitat mental --- Persones amb discapacitat visual --- Persones grans amb discapacitat --- Persones amb pluridiscapacitat --- Serveis bibliotecaris per a persones amb discapacitat --- Serveis socials per a les persones amb discapacitat --- Sords --- Tecnologia de suport per a persones amb discapacitat --- Treball social amb les persones amb discapacitat --- Accidents --- Discapacitat física --- Invàlids --- Persones dependents --- Sociologia de la discapacitat --- Política del treball --- Política econòmica --- Política d'ocupació --- Política de plena ocupació --- Borsa de treball --- Demanda de mà d'obra --- Demanda de treball --- Mercat laboral --- Oferta de mà d'obra --- Oferta de treball --- Oferta laboral --- Població activa --- Treball --- Absentisme laboral --- Creació d'ocupació --- Empreses de treball temporal --- Oficines de col·locació --- Previsió de l'ocupació --- Recol·locació laboral --- Mobilitat laboral --- Oferta i demanda --- Orientació professional --- Recursos humans --- Dones indígenes

Test de capacité de raisonnement abstrait : Une méthodologie et des tests avec correction détaillée pour les examens SELOR de niveaux A, B, C et D
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782918796138 2918796131 Year: 2014 Publisher: Lille ORSEU

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Cet ouvrage, publié par l’ORSEU, est destiné à la préparation des candidats au test de capacité de raisonnement abstrait des examens organisés par le SELOR ®. L’ORSEU et les auteurs n’ont aucun lien avec le SELOR ®. Le SELOR ® n’a, en aucune façon, contribué à la rédaction de cet ouvrage.Ce livre a été écrit pour tous les candidats aux examens du SELOR ® (niveaux A, B, C et D). Il est destiné aux personnes qui veulent s’exercer dans les meilleures conditions à la pratique du test de raisonnement abstrait.Ce test évalue le raisonnement logique des candidats. Chaque exercice est composé de 2 sortes des figures appelées « figures de base » et « figures finales ». Entre ces 2 ensembles, se trouvent un ou plusieurs symboles qui représentent une consigne. Ces symboles sont soit des boutons, soit des dés, soit des dominos. Afin d’en découvrir le sens, le candidat devra comparer les figures de base aux figures finales. Puis il devra mettre en application ces instructions pour trouver les figures finales qui concorderont avec les figures de base données.Le test de raisonnement abstrait est complexe. Il est nécessaire, pour le réussir, que le candidat connaisse l’agencement des écrans de base et les différentes sortes de modifications que peuvent subir les figures de base. Il doit pouvoir déceler les similarités et les différences entre les formes et les combinaisons de forme afin de déterminer la signification des symboles. Parallèlement, il doit structurer de la meilleure des façons son travail pour répondre à un nombre maximal de question dans la durée de temps donnée.Pour réussir le test de raisonnement abstrait, méthode et entraînement priment. Ce livre vous donnera les clés du succès à ce concours. Il comprend :&#8210; Une méthodologie détaillée enrichie par de nombreux exemples,&#8210; Plus de 120 questions (boutons, dés et dominos),&#8210; Un corrigé détaillé de chaque question.


SELOR SELOR --- Public Sector --- BF443.4-BF443.5 Testing of abstraction or conceptualization --- Tests Tests --- Examens Examens --- Evaluation Evaluatie --- Raisonnement --- Logique --- Belgium --- Qualitative reasoning --- Educational tests and measurements --- Raisonnement. --- Logique. --- HRM : Werving --- GRH : Recrutement --- fonction publique. --- questionnaires. --- recrutement. --- tests. --- civil service. --- recruitment. --- Civil service --- Employment tests --- Test-taking skills --- Fonction publique --- Personnel --- Habilité au test --- Recruiting --- Recrutement --- Sélection --- Tests --- compétences cognitives --- promotion professionnelle --- szakmai előmenetel --- befordran --- унапредување --- paaukštinimas --- ngritje në detyrë --- професионална промоция --- bevordering in een loopbaan --- paaugstinājums --- επαγγελματική εξέλιξη --- ylennys --- promoción profesional --- edutamine --- forfremmelse --- napredovanje --- promozione professionale --- Beförderung --- promotion --- ardú céime --- povýšenie --- promovarea în muncă --- awans --- povýšení --- promozzjoni --- unapređenje --- promoção profissional --- унапређење --- loopbaanontwikkeling --- szakmai előrejutás --- υπηρεσιακή εξέλιξη --- promozione --- karjeras virzība --- εξέλιξη σταδιοδρομίας --- desenvolvimento de carreira --- προαγωγή --- développement de carrière --- scatto di carriera --- napredovanje u karijeri --- avancemang --- avansare --- ascenso --- career development --- zhvillim karriere --- beruflicher Aufstieg --- karriärmöjligheter --- avanzamento --- dezvoltare în carieră --- ustanovení do vyšší funkce --- karrier --- ametialane edutamine --- tarnybinis paaukštinimas --- pracovní postup --- tarnybinis kilimas --- kariérny rozvoj --- напредување во служба --- систем на кариера според заслуги --- ordinamento di carriera --- kariérismus --- avancement --- karrier fejlődése --- karriereudvikling --- кариера --- kognitiivsed oskused --- kognityviniai įgūdžiai --- когнитивни умения --- cognitive skills --- aptitudini cognitive --- kognitīvās prasmes --- cognitieve vaardigheden --- kognitivní dovednosti --- competências cognitivas --- kognitivne vještine --- abilità cognitive --- kognitívne zručnosti --- kognitive færdigheder --- kognitive Fähigkeiten --- kognitivne spretnosti --- γνωστικές δεξιότητες --- umiejętności poznawcze --- kognitiiviset taidot --- ħiliet konjittivi --- capacidades cognitivas --- kognitiva färdigheter --- kognitív készségek --- gestão do tempo --- immaniġġjar tal-ħin --- ajaplaneerimine --- spreekvaardigheid --- slušne spretnosti --- skills development --- skaitymo įgūdžiai --- läsförmåga --- įgūdžių ugdymas --- Hören --- Zeitmanagement --- развитие на умения --- zručnosti v čítaní --- abilità di lettura --- tidshantering --- δεξιότητες ανάγνωσης --- luistervaardigheid --- ontwikkeling van vaardigheden --- capacidades de escucha --- čitanje --- gestionarea timpului --- listening skills --- puhetaito --- slušanje --- gestion du temps --- organizacija vremena --- tidsforvaltning --- sviluppo delle abilità --- ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων --- gestione del tempo --- bralne spretnosti --- poslechové dovednosti --- tidsstyring --- govor --- rozwój umiejętności --- Sprechen --- talförmåga --- govorne spretnosti --- умения за говорене --- time-management --- lukutaito --- gestión del tiempo --- умения за слушане --- διαχείριση χρόνου --- capacidade para ouvir --- capacité à s’exprimer --- zarządzanie czasem --- čtenářské dovednosti --- leesvaardigheid --- prasmju attīstīšana --- rozvoj dovedností --- olvasott szöveg értése --- δεξιότητες ομιλίας --- beszédkészség --- δεξιότητες ακρόασης --- készségfejlesztés --- prasme klausīties --- lasītprasme --- taitojen kehittäminen --- rozvoj zručností --- lugemisoskus --- umiejętność słuchania --- tidsplanlægning --- časový manažment --- oskuste arendamine --- capacidades de expresión oral --- dezvoltarea competențelor --- väljendusoskus --- abilități de ascultare --- competências comunicativas --- organizace času --- abilități de vorbire --- umiejętność czytania --- ħiliet tas-smigħ --- desenvolvimento de competências --- abilità di produzione orale --- språklig förmåga --- razvoj spretnosti --- desarrollo de capacidades --- læsefærdigheder --- ħiliet tat-taħdit --- kuuntelutaidot --- abilități de citire --- zručnosti v počúvaní --- Lesen --- capacité à écouter --- zručnosti v rozprávaní --- kuulamisoskused --- competências de leitura --- ħiliet tal-qari --- laika plānošana --- żvilupp tal-ħiliet --- færdighedsudvikling --- hallott szöveg értése --- ajanhallinta --- razvoj vještina --- talefærdigheder --- compétences en lecture --- reading skills --- умения за четене --- upravljanje časa --- abilità di ascolto --- klausymo įgūdžiai --- kalbėjimo įgūdžiai --- lyttefærdigheder --- développement des compétences --- speaking skills --- intellektuell förmåga --- laiko valdymas --- runātprasme --- capacidades lectoras --- időgazdálkodás --- Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten --- vyjadřovací dovednosti --- recrutement --- aanwerving --- установяване на нови дейности --- придобијање нових радника --- earcaíocht --- recrutarea forței de muncă --- pridobivanje novih delavcev --- įdarbinimas --- assunzione --- henkilöstön hankinta --- vervēšana --- ansættelse --- recruitment --- reklutaġġ --- przyjęcie do pracy --- Personaleinstellung --- pronalaženje osoblja --- recrutamento --- rekrytering --- töölevõtmine --- πρόσληψη --- rekrutim --- nábor --- contratación de personal --- személyzetfelvétel --- вработување --- избор на вработени --- ingaggio --- embauche --- оглас за вработување --- rekrutering --- sistema di reclutamento --- πλήρωση θέσης εργασίας --- selección de personal en empresas --- Einstellung --- aanstelling --- chiamata nominativa --- výběrové řízení --- libertà di assunzione --- chiamata collettiva --- admissão de pessoal --- konkurzní řízení --- anställande --- rekruttering --- reclutamento --- přijímání nových pracovníků --- náborové oddělení --- in dienst nemen --- přijímací řízení --- compétences cognitives

Penitentiair tuchtrecht
ISBN: 9789048601202 9048601207 Year: 2014 Publisher: die Keure / la Charte

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Het voorbije anderhalve decennium werd duidelijk gekenmerkt door een versterking van de interne rechtspositie van de gedetineerde binnen het penitentiair tuchtrecht. Zo werden in 2011, na meerdere wetswijzigingen, de bepalingen met betrekking tot het penitentiair tuchtrecht uit de basiswet0grotendeels van kracht. Dit leidde onder andere tot de invoering van een limitatieve lijst van tuchtinbreuken en tuchtsancties en het uitwerken van een formele tuchtprocedure waarbij de gedetineerde een steeds actievere rol speelt. Deze ontwikkelingen hebben echter ook geleid tot een complexer tuchtregime waarbij een toenemend aantal actoren betrokken zijn en waarbij de initiële voorschriften verder werden ontwikkeld via wetgeving, beleidsdocumenten en jurisprudentie.0Dit boek wenst daarom duiding te bieden bij het huidig penitentiair tuchtrecht. Binnen welk rechtskader kan elk van de actoren manoeuvreren en van welke rechten en plichten genieten de gedetineerden? Er wordt veelvuldig verwezen naar de verschillende bronnen van het penitentiair tuchtrecht (de basiswet en de relevante koninklijke besluiten, het algemeen reglement van de strafinrichtingen, de algemene rechtsbeginselen, de collectieve brieven en andere beleidsdocumenten) en de recente nationale en internationale jurisprudentie omtrent het onderwerp. Deze uitgave richt zich tot advocaten, medewerkers binnen de penitentiaire administratie, gedetineerden, beleidsmedewerkers en bij uitbreiding al diegenen die een bijzondere interesse betonen voor het gevangeniswezen en de rechtspositie van gedetineerden.


Criminology. Victimology --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- tuchtrecht --- strafrecht --- criminologie --- strafrechtstoepassingen --- Belgium --- BPB1501 --- 343.8 <493> --- Établissement pénitentiaire --- Droit pénitentiaire --- Strafvollzugsrecht --- vězeňské právo --- пенитенцијарно право --- liġi relatata mal-ħabsijiet --- vankilalainsäädäntö --- diritto penitenziario --- cietumu likums --- bausmių vykdymo teisė --- pravo o izvršavanju kaznenih sankcija --- prawo penitencjarne --- наказателно - изпълнително право --- σωφρονιστικό δίκαιο --- legjislacioni në lidhje me burgjet --- law relating to prisons --- fængselslovgivning --- pravo izvrševanja kazni zapora --- право о извршавању казне --- väzenské právo --- büntetés-végrehajtási jog --- kriminalvårdslagstiftning --- penitentiair recht --- drept penitenciar --- vangistusõigus --- Derecho penitenciario --- direito penitenciário --- kalinimo įstaigų teisė --- Закон за извршување на санкциите --- ordinamento penitenziario --- diritto carcerario --- penitenciární právo --- kalėjimų teisė --- vězeňská legislativa --- vězeňské předpisy --- kriminalvårdsanstalt --- nápravně výchovné zařízení --- σωφρονιστικό ίδρυμα --- Justizvollzugsanstalt --- kriminalanstalt --- príosún --- estabelecimento prisional --- kazenski zavod --- stabilimento penitenziario --- soda izciešanas iestāde --- казнена установа --- nápravno-výchovné zariadenie --- rangaistuslaitos --- karistusasutus --- institucion i vuajtjes së dënimit --- establecimiento penitenciario --- büntetés-végrehajtási intézet --- място за лишаване от свобода --- laisvės atėmimo vieta --- strafgevangenis --- kaznena ustanova --- zakład karny --- unitate penitenciară --- penal institution --- istituzzjoni penitenzjarja --- cárcel --- zapor visoke stopnje varnosti --- reformatory --- casa de reclusão --- kaznionica --- притворско одделение --- qendër paraburgimi --- burg i sigurisë së lartë --- vankilaitos --- sektor so zvýšenou ostrahou --- instytucja karna --- затворска јединица --- maison d'arrêt --- centru de detenție --- затвор --- κρατητήριο --- sluten kriminalvårdsanstalt --- kuritushuone --- închisoare provizorie --- carcere --- ülirange režiimiga vangla --- kalinimo įstaiga --- истражен затвор --- extra beveiligde afdeling --- QHS --- ośrodek penitencjarny --- σωφρονιστήριο --- притворски затвор --- казненопоправна установа --- věznice se zvýšenou ostrahou --- специјални затвор --- burg --- cellenblok --- отворено затворско одделение --- prisão --- penitenciaría --- centro penitenciario --- КПУ --- qendër ndalimi --- shkollë riedukimi --- kazneno-popravna ustanova --- módulo de alta seguridad --- kalėjimas --- ieslodzījuma vieta --- istituto di pena --- remand prison --- nápravně výchovná instituce --- Hochsicherheitstrakt --- cárcel de alta seguridad --- затворническо общежитие --- areštinė --- remand centre --- ústav na výkon trestu odňatia slobody --- fegyház --- ħabs --- zakład penitencjarny --- затворско крило --- burg i hapur --- fogház --- büntetőintézet --- vězeňské zařízení --- bijzondere strafgevangenis --- Gefängnis --- cietums --- cietuma daļa sevišķi bīstamiem noziedzniekiem --- поправни дом --- seksion i sigurisë së lartë --- huipputurvallinen vankila --- предварителен арест --- stabbiliment penitenzjarju --- open prison --- slēgts cietums --- brīvības atņemšanas vieta --- vankila --- kalėjimo griežtojo režimo skyrius --- φυλακή --- maximum security wing --- Strafanstalt --- kinnipidamiskoht --- penitentiary --- istituto penitenziario --- Haftanstalt --- казненопоправен дом --- sezione di massima sicurezza --- huipputurvallinen siipi --- pénitencier --- следствен арест --- stabilimento carcerario --- fængsel --- věznice --- prigione --- prisión --- daļēji slēgts cietums --- carcere di massima sicurezza --- arresthus --- börtön --- unitate de încarcerare --- penal --- penitenziario --- institucion riedukimi --- zatvor --- jail --- więzienie --- atklāts cietums --- gevangenis --- strogo čuvani zatvor --- Vollzugsanstalt --- lukket fængsel --- fogda --- labošana un pāraudzināšana --- vazební věznice --- казнено-поправни завод --- huis van bewaring --- τμήμα υψηλής ασφάλειας --- ħabs miftuħ --- correctional institution --- supercarcere --- centre pénitentiaire --- strukturë riedukimi --- ħabs ta' sigurtà għolja --- maximum security prison --- ustanova, kjer je oseba pridržana do sojenja ali izreka sodbe --- věznice s dohledem --- fängelse --- avovankila --- prisión de alta seguridad --- griežtojo režimo kalėjimas --- полуотворено затворско одделение --- väzenské zariadenie --- věznice s ostrahou --- zatvor otvorenoga tipa --- kinnipidamisasutus --- flugtsikret fængsel --- väznica --- cadeia --- gaol --- pataisos įstaiga --- väzenie --- kaznilnica --- établissement carcéral --- σωφρονιστικό κατάστημα --- correctional facility --- centro penitenciário --- labošanas darbu iestāde --- vangla --- затворено одделение --- închisoare de maximă securitate --- reform school --- vězeňské instituce --- institución penitenciaria --- ječa --- areszt śledczy --- rymningssäker anstalt --- quartier de haute sécurité --- ala de alta segurança --- věznice s dozorem --- prisão de alta segurança --- ústav na výkon väzby --- penitenciar --- prison --- vězení --- Sicherheitstrakt --- пенитенциарен център --- penitenciária --- bausmės atlikimo įstaiga --- пенитенциарно заведение --- zonă de maximă securitate --- 343.8 <493> Gevangenisbeleid. Strafuitvoering. Strafvoltrekking. Commissie van het gevangeniswezen--België --- Gevangenisbeleid. Strafuitvoering. Strafvoltrekking. Commissie van het gevangeniswezen--België --- Prisons --- Pouvoir disciplinaire --- Prisonniers --- Discipline --- Droit --- prisons --- Statut juridique --- E-books --- Organization & administration --- Disciplinary law --- Prisoners --- Prison discipline --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Law and legislation --- foras pionóis --- dlí a bhaineann le príosúin --- Belgique --- Droit pénitentiaire --- Établissement pénitentiaire

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