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Příběhy (ne) obyčejných profesí
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8024628287 9788024628288 9788024628134 Year: 2014 Publisher: [Prague, Czech Republic]

A history of the Czech Lands
ISBN: 8024631350 9788024631356 9788024622279 Year: 2014 Publisher: Praha 1 Nakladatelství Karolinum

Kultura a totalita.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788073085506 807308550X 9788073086329 8073086328 Year: 2014 Publisher: Praha

Ignaz Moscheles and the changing world of musical Europe
ISBN: 178204390X 1322326037 1843839350 Year: 2014 Publisher: Woodbridge, Suffolk : Boydell Press,

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This book, the first full-length study devoted to Ignaz Moscheles (1794-1870), explores how the son of middle-class Jewish parents in Prague became one of the most important musicians of his era, achieving recognition and world-wide admiration as a virtuoso pianist, conductor and composer, a sought-after piano teacher, and a pioneer in the historical performance of early music. Placing Moscheles' career within the context of the social, political and economic milieu in which he lived, the book offers new insights into the business of music and music making; the lives and works of his contemporaries, such as Schumann, Meyerbeer, Chopin, Hummel, Rossini, Liszt, Berlioz and others; the transformation of piano playing from the classical to romantic periods; and the challenges faced by Jewish artists during a dynamic period in European history. A section devoted to Moscheles' engagement as both a performer and editor with the music of J. S. Bach and Handel enhances our understanding of nineteenth-century approaches to early music, and the separate chapters that detail Moscheles' interactions with Beethoven and his extraordinarily close relationship with Mendelssohn adds considerably to the existing literature on these two masters.

Acta Musei Silesiae.
ISSN: 23363207 Year: 2014 Publisher: [Warsaw, Poland] : De Gruyter Open,

Las relaciones checo-argentinas
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 8024628368 9788024628363 9788024625690 Year: 2014 Publisher: [Prague, Czech Republic] : Karolinum,

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Sedmatricátý svazek Supplement Ibero-Americana Pragensia obsahuje príspevky ceských a argentinských autoru k problematice cesko-argentinských vztahu a predstavuje první obsáhlejší pokus o mapování techto kontaktu od koloniální doby po soucasnost. Pozornost je venována predevším cinnosti jezuitu z Ceské provincie v regionu La Platy, z následujících období pak problematice ceské emigrace v Argentine. Další texty podrobne registrují ceskoskovensko-argentinské kulturní vztahy a prinášejí pohled ceských badatelu na argentinskou literaturu. Svazek uzavírá prehled archivních fondu, které obsahují dokumenty pro studium dané problematiky.

In the maelstrom of secularization collaboration and persecution : roman catholicism in modern czech society and the state
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788386869404 8386869402 Year: 2014 Publisher: Lublin EL-PRESS

Role policie a armády v Evropské unii
ISBN: 9788024623887 8024623889 9788024623818 Year: 2014 Publisher: Prague, [Czech Republic]

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Kniha se zabývá bezpecnostní politikou Evropské unie a podrobneji také jednoho z jejích clenských státu, Ceské republiky. Hledá odpoved na otázku, jestli v Evropské unii dochází ke splývání vnitrní a vnejší bezpecnosti a zejména ke stírání rozdílu mezi dvema nejduležitejšími bezpecnostními institucemi - policií a armádou. Zda splývá role policie a armády na úrovni Evropské unie, zda evropská integrace takový proces povzbuzuje, nebo mu spíše brání, a konecne zda dochází ke stírání rozdílu mezi policií a armádou na úrovni clenského státu.Autor dochází na základe prípadových studií evropské a národní úrovne k záveru, že ackoli je možné na papíre pozorovat celou radu zmen, v praxi je jejich dopad jen velmi omezený. Viditelné zmeny jsou zpusobeny zejména durazem na otázky vnitrní bezpecnosti, kdy se predcházení vnitrním hrozbám podrizují i aktivity doposud považované za soucást vnejší bezpecnosti. V podstate všechny viditelné zmeny lze ovšem velmi jednoduše zvrátit v okamžiku, kdy by se zmenil bezpecnostní diskurs nebo politické preference. Policie a armáda stále zustávají dvema odlišnými složkami s ruznými úkoly a rozdílným zpusobem práce.

Vanished history : the Holocaust in Czech and Slovak historical culture
ISBN: 9781782382942 9781782382959 1782382941 178238295X 1785335073 Year: 2014 Publisher: New York, N.Y. Berghahn

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Bohemia and Moravia, today part of the Czech Republic, was the first territory with a majority of non-German speakers occupied by Hitler's Third Reich on the eve of the World War II. Tens of thousands of Jewish inhabitants in the so called Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia soon felt the tragic consequences of Nazi racial politics. Not all Czechs, however, remained passive bystanders during the genocide. After the destruction of Czechoslovakia in 1938-39, Slovakia became a formally independent but fully subordinate satellite of Germany. Despite the fact it was not occupied


History as a science --- History of Eastern Europe --- anno 1940-1949 --- anno 1930-1939 --- Czech Republic --- Slovakia --- Jews --- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) --- Juifs --- Holocauste, 1939-1945 --- History --- Influence --- History. --- Histoire --- Czechoslovakia --- République tchèque --- Slovaquie --- Tchécoslovaquie --- Ethnic relations. --- Ethnic relations --- Relations interethniques --- République tchèque --- Tchécoslovaquie --- Influence. --- Catastrophe, Jewish (1939-1945) --- Destruction of the Jews (1939-1945) --- Extermination, Jewish (1939-1945) --- Holocaust, Nazi --- Ḥurban (1939-1945) --- Ḥurbn (1939-1945) --- Jewish Catastrophe (1939-1945) --- Jewish Holocaust (1939-1945) --- Nazi Holocaust --- Nazi persecution of Jews --- Shoʾah (1939-1945) --- Genocide --- World War, 1939-1945 --- Kindertransports (Rescue operations) --- Hebrews --- Israelites --- Jewish people --- Jewry --- Judaic people --- Judaists --- Ethnology --- Religious adherents --- Semites --- Judaism --- Nazi persecution --- Persecutions --- Atrocities --- Jewish resistance --- Česká republika --- ČR --- Tschechische Republik --- Česko --- Czechia --- チェコ --- Cheko --- チェコ共和国 --- Cheko Kyōwakoku --- Tschechien --- Tschechenland --- Tschechei --- República Checa --- Chequia --- Txèquia‏ --- Txeca --- República Txeca --- Češka --- Czech Socialist Republic (Czechoslovakia) --- Holocaust, Nazi (Jewish Holocaust) --- Nazi Holocaust (Jewish Holocaust) --- Nazi persecution (1939-1945)

Grenzen der Grenzüberschreitung : Zur »Übersetzungsleistung« deutsch-tschechischer Grenzorganisationen
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 3839423961 3837623963 1306996473 Year: 2014 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Europa wächst zusammen - so ein gängiger politischer Slogan. Diese Studie zeigt: In vielen Fällen sind es Organisationen, die in innereuropäischen Grenzregionen die konkrete internationale Zusammenarbeit vorantreiben. In diesem Buch untersucht ein Forschungsteam aus Linguisten, Pädagogen und Soziologen, auf welche Weise den Bildungs-, Kultur-, Sozial- und Verwaltungseinrichtungen im bayerisch-böhmischen Grenzraum die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit gelingt. Die Forscher zeichnen nach, wie Organisationen geisteswissenschaftliche Expertise einsetzen, um zwischen den Kulturen, Sprachen und Rechtsräumen zu »übersetzen«. Besprochen in: Forum Politikunterricht, 1 (2014)


Regions & Countries - Europe --- History & Archaeology --- Germany --- Czech Republic --- Bavaria (Germany) --- Relations --- Boundaries --- Bagoaria (Germany) --- Baiern (Germany) --- Bayern (Germany : Land) --- Beieren (Germany) --- Land Bayern (Germany) --- Freistaat Bayern (Germany) --- Baviera (Germany) --- Bavarska (Germany) --- Free State of Bavaria (Germany) --- Česká republika --- ČR --- Tschechische Republik --- Česko --- Czechia --- チェコ --- Cheko --- チェコ共和国 --- Cheko Kyōwakoku --- Tschechien --- Tschechenland --- Tschechei --- République tchèque --- República Checa --- Chequia --- Txèquia‏ --- Txeca --- República Txeca --- Češka --- Bavaria (Kingdom) --- Czech Socialist Republic (Czechoslovakia) --- Czechoslovakia --- Administration. --- Ethnographie. --- European Politics. --- Europäische Politik. --- Grenzen. --- Interculturalism. --- Interkulturalität. --- Interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit. --- Language. --- Organisationales Lernen. --- Organisationsforschung. --- Organisationssoziologie. --- Qualitative Forschung. --- Sociology of Organizations. --- Sociology. --- Soziologie. --- Sprache. --- Tschechien. --- Verwaltung. --- Übersetzung. --- Internationale Kooperation --- Interkulturelles Lernen --- Bildungseinrichtung --- Kulturelle Einrichtung --- Organisationskultur --- Sozialeinrichtung --- Kulturelle Identität --- Grenzgebiet --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / General. --- Identität --- Kulturelles Bewusstsein --- Kultur --- Ethnizität --- Ethnische Identität --- Kultureinrichtung --- Kulturelle Institution --- Kulturelle Infrastruktur --- Kultureinrichtungen --- Kulturelle Einrichtungen --- Einrichtung --- Internationale Beziehungen --- Internationale Zusammenarbeit --- Kooperation --- Grenzland --- Grenzregion --- Grenzraum --- Grenzbezirk --- Staatsgrenze --- Soziale Einrichtung --- Soziale Institution --- Soziale Organisation --- Sozialwirtschaftliche Organisation --- Sozialbetrieb --- Bildungsinstitution --- Bildungsstätte --- Bildungszentrum --- Pädagogische Einrichtung --- Interkulturalität --- Multikulturelles Lernen --- Transkulturelles Lernen --- Lernen --- Interkulturelle Erziehung --- Interreligiöses Lernen --- Frontier --- Europa; Grenzen; Übersetzung; Organisationsforschung; Interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit; Organisationales Lernen; Qualitative Forschung; Ethnographie; Tschechien; Sprache; Organisationssoziologie; Interkulturalität; Europäische Politik; Verwaltung; Soziologie; Europe; Language; Sociology of Organizations; Interculturalism; European Politics; Administration; Sociology

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